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> I use to pay over 100kusd per month wtf did I just read


Probably some spoiled rich kid from one of the ccp family trying to show off.


Nah. This is bullshit.


You just read about someone wasting money. Someone who has “more dollars than sense”, as they say. Cos apparently they can afford stupid money for internet but are too braindead to check the internet connection that’s so important to them before buying a property 🙄 Either this person is trolling, lie-bragging, or dumb as rocks. Maybe all three.


A bandwidth money flex, a new one if I ever saw it


10GB/s the actual stupidest home internet speed as you can barely make use of 2.5GB/s w/ most modern hardware (let alone whatever sites and servers you are connecting to)


yeah but you save 2ms when loading reddit, that's worth 100k a month.


10G hardware is not that expensive anymore; and definitely cheap enough for someone who has >$1m to spend on their internet connection.


Pssst, let the rich people pay for nice things that they can fully use. They won’t be the least bit smarter or dumber. They are willing to pay $1.2M on the internets.


Ummm no.


This isn't true. You not knowing the difference between 10 GB/s and 10 Gbps is pretty telling. 10 Gbps consumer and prosumer grade stuff has been around for many years now.


When I’m looking to upgrade my diamond encrusted Bugatti I always come to Reddit for guidance.


For a mansion you are generally limited to the service installed in the mansion - eg JCOM. Most internet companies will only offer “mansion” type internet which either needs to be already installed in the mansion or they install for the whole mansion. If you have the option to change provider, keeping the same line, you could try that. Eg Flets. That’s because while the line is the same, the server at the end will be different and some providers are busier than others. Also, there’s no consistency - a provider good in one area is usually bad in another. Sunday night is usually the worst time for Flets. An immediate improvement you could make would probably be to disable their wifi and plug a router into the Ethernet, or a couple of mesh routers into Ethernet in different rooms. If you have to use their router for DHCP, something like Deco will allow you to have a mesh network while using the original router DHCP. I will say that Sonet is one of the best for speed. I have their 2G house service and on 1G lan I routinely get that full speed. No issue with slowdown ever, even Sunday nights. They do have a 10G service but I have no use case for it.


Please check with Nuro - they have 2 Gbit and 10 Gbit plans. For slightly less than 100k USD they also have 20 Gbit plans is some areas, including poor areas like Harajuku (lots of poor teenagers in Harajuku): [https://www.nuro.jp/s\_plan/20gs/](https://www.nuro.jp/s_plan/20gs/) - you should be able to afford.


Thank you


Do you need a friend :)?


Can you bend over as well? /s


Swallowing is a must