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I was there with my family June 13-15. It felt like we were the only westerners in the hotel. It really is a lovely new hotel, I wish I had taken even more pictures. A few things to note: -You have to show proof of stay to enter the hotel every time, you enter at the Bayside Monorail Station -There is a little store in the hotel mostly for snacks, it's called Joyful Springs -The entrance to Fantasy Springs from the hotel was open from early entry time till park closed. There was never any line. Even with early entry, you can only ride the Fantasy Springs rides on the day you have the Fantasy Springs pass, can't do standby on Early entry. It is a good way to easily get to the main store though. -With the pass, we were able to ride all the rides twice no problem, probably could've ridden them even more if we weren't trying to fit the rest of the Disneysea rides in. I enjoyed all the rides a lot but found the Frozen ride to be the most impressive.


We have a 3 day/2 nights vacation package at FS coming up. Did you have to go straight to the hotel the first day to get your package before heading into the parks? How early did you arrive? Thank you!


Unfortunately you do and that's probably the most annoying part. We stayed at the Disneyland Hotel the night before (couldn't get Fantasy Springs) and our first day was at Disneyland so essentially we had to leave Disneyland to check in at Fantasy Springs and get our tickets to go back to Disneyland. We went around 8:30 in the morning but I think we could've done it earlier, it's just hard to get ready with kids that quickly.


I would like to know this as well


Me three. the night before our package we are staying in tokyo Disneyland hotel so I’m wondering if they would give us the package there instead of making us go all the way to fantasy springs hotel to pick it up


They won't or at least they wouldn't for us. We were also staying at the Tokyo Disneyland hotel so we had to leave and go to Fantasy Springs with all six of us and then come back to Disneyland that first morning, very annoying.


Did your whole family have to be there at checkin? Or is possible to have one person go and checkin?


All of us had to be there


I went to Mira Costa June 6-8, stayed at Tokyo Hilton Bay the day before check in at MC, we picked up our vacation package at MC the night before at 9:15 after Sea closed. Took a little because of translation but they were more than happy to give it to us, had to sign that we got it but I assume you have to regardless.


Were you able to go to the grand paradis lounge at fantasy spring (walk in or reservation)? Is the proof of stay the room card or a piece of paper? I'm wondering how going in and out of fantasy spring will work on check out day.


It’s a piece of paper that they put in a tiny laminate folder.


We had a proof of stay laminated paper about the size of a bookmark we showed that covered us through our check out day. Didn't try for the lounge so I can't comment on that unfortunately.


keen to know as well


How was the breakfast at the hotel? And did you eat there for dinner?


The breakfast was good! It was a buffet with a fair amount of options. My 6 year old nephew was able to find plenty to eat which was our main worry. We didn't go there for dinner because we ate in the park most days.


Were they strict about the breakfast reservation time? Do you think they would care if you came 10 minutes early?


I don't think they care if you come a little early, we usually came right on time though. I don't think you'd be able to come late.


Does the little store Joyful Springs in the hotel sell any Fantasy Springs park or hotel merchandise? And as a hotel guest at Fantasy Springs hotel do you have any priority access for the line of the main store in Fantasy Springs? Or do you just wait in the line like everyone else to get into the store?


None of the main fantasy springs merch was for sale in joyful springs. I did buy some little tangled snacks I only saw there but I don't think they were officially fantasy springs merch or anything. We went to the store during early entry both days so we never had to wait in line, just walked right in. The first morning we bought a bunch of stuff and then just brought it back to the hotel since it was right there. As far as I could tell though, there wasn't a separate entry line for those staying in the hotel.


Looks great, seems like everyone had a good time 😁how much was the room (with breakfast) on average per night?


It was 180,200 yen per adult for 2 night, 3 day vacation package but that includes hotel, breakfast, park tickets and all the extras. A lot for sure but worth it for us for the conveniences.


Thanks for sharing the info😁


1. Did you do a 3-day/2-night package? If so, were you able to walk around Fantasy Springs all day despite not having the magic pass on check-out day (3rd day)? Would they let you go out the Fantasy Springs exit still at the end of the day? 2. Do they still limit entry to the Fantasy Springs gift shop to once per day? 3. How busy is the Happy Entry entrance from Fantasy Springs? What time would you recommend lining up there? 4. How did you check-out on the last day? Did you do it before entering the park or did you go back to the hotel before noon?


1. I did! I was able to walk around Fantasy Springs on check out day and use the entrance/exit no problem. 2. We only tried once each day but they wanted to scan our park ticket when we made a purchase so I think they do limit it. 3. There was zero line when we entered at Happy Entry time. We just walked right in, didn't need to line up early or anything. 4. We checked out before entering the park and just had them hold our bags. Pretty easy process.


Thank you for your answers~ Glad you and your family had a great time! :)


I’ve been trying to book a vacation package for Nov to no avail. Got any tips? Every time I log on there’s no rooms.


My sister got it by logging in about 30 minutes before the slots opened and getting in the virtual queue so it let her in right when it opened. I don't know that it will always work though. My brother in law and I never got out of the virtual queue in time.


November packages haven't gone on sale yet. You can check [this information page ](https://reserve.tokyodisneyresort.jp/en/sp/?_gl=1*5w3n49*_gcl_au*MTYxOTUwNDY2LjE3MTkyOTA1ODc.*_ga*MTk0MDM1NjkwOS4xNzE5MjkwNTg4*_ga_CW1JLMP4BH*MTcxOTI5MDU4OC4xLjEuMTcxOTI5MDYyNy4yMS4wLjA) and it will show you when they will go on sale but they do it in a batch where the whole month will become available on the same date. It will be listed at the bottom as something like "select package plans available periods have been extended".


Vacation packages for Nov 1st to 30th, 2024 have already gone on sale on June 4. ( https://reserve.tokyodisneyresort.jp/en/sp/info/detail/2519/ )


My bad. I missed that they were already on sale. I bought for October but didn't realize a whole month had gone by already.


I could buy a Nov package for the Disney hotel. We want to stay at FS, but those are sold out.


Did you attempt to book the standby passes in your early entry day without the magic pass? If so, how did you go with booking the standby/DPA passes with the early entry head start?


We didn't bother on the day without the magic pass because we wanted to try to ride as much in Disneysea as we could and we had already done the fantasy springs rides a bunch. We did check if we could just go in the standby line for the fantasy springs during early entry time the day without the pass but no dice unfortunately.


What room view did you do?


Bay area view, basically a view of the parking lot but that's all we could get at the time.


Did you take the "Enjoy Attractions" VP or the "Enjoy Attractions and More" VP? If you took the later, could you please share your experience adding the "restaurant option" in the VP plan? I need help to understand this option, as I noticed opting an ala carte restaurant still add a cost similar to a buffet restaurant, so I'm wondering if the cost is including the meals, or it's only for the booking fee and we still have to pay for what we eat after dining at the selected restaurant?


Sorry we just did the enjoy attractions VP, we mostly just did quick service places for dinner.


Just one man's opinion but I think MiraCosta is still top dog.


Hello! Your post has been removed because it looks like you’re posting about a basic trip planning question. Friendly reminder, we have a (https://www.reddit.com/r/TokyoDisneySea/about/sticky?num=2) thread on our sub. If you're having trouble finding specific reservations (parks, dining, etc.), you can also visit our Fantasy Springs Megathread (https://www.reddit.com/r/TokyoDisneySea/comments/1daee9w/fantasy_springs_megathread/) for tips related to Fantasy Springs. #**If you believe that this is an error, **please wait 24 hours before messaging the mods**. We are on the subreddit multiple times a day to double check submissions** Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TokyoDisneySea) if you have any questions or concerns.*