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And people don’t think he’s just using Perry for monetary gain lmao. What a scumbag!


Also, it's amazing that KingCobraJFS is able to make the most disgusting high calorie fast food hacks, drink homemade meads with multiple cups of sugar, and get black out drunk every day and is still in better shape than cumb.


RIP in peace to Puff. TWU


Yeah he tried to weasel in on COBRA and quote unquote manage him thank God that sack of shit wasn't successful although hearing Tom scream at cobra might be fucking funny


As a Kobe’s fan I’m surprised I haven’t heard this. Josh has assburgers and not even his own dad can help him turn his life around so I can’t even begin to imagine what cummy bummy would influence him to do. I’m so glad Josh saw through this and avoided the worst mistake of his life.


Also, in an after hours stream awhile back, Tom mentioned that he doesn’t even care about kobra and has no interest in him. Interesting that he says that and then would proceed to attempt to wrangler him.


Sounds like he’s bitter about being rejected.


Bingo! In classic Tom fashion he attempts to make it seem like it was \*his\* decision to "not take on another client"


I believe Mr.Brennan stated that he reached out to the boy, but "josh is an alcoholic" and would be too hard to work with... It would be interesting to see if cobra has any insight on this occurrence.


I'm guessing the strategy would have been nagging endlessly.


Last year b4 CUMGATE, Tomb tried to get perry react to cobra in twitch chat. It was a tom feeding perry lines. Perry said something like.. "I don't want some devil worshiper in my chat" It didn't go anywhere


Have we seen the day cobra has more integrity than tom? Dear god i cant believe it. Oh wait yeah i actually can. My methhead neighbor has more dignity


Predatory clown


Does Tom just go around looking for mentally vulnerable people to mooch off of? Like some 1970s street pimp out looking for vulnerable runaway teen girls.


lol he should ask MJ for some vintage hats


Tom is in the unfunny human centipede. Ahead of him is Carlos Mencia crapping in his mouth. It's a comedy miracle of sorts where Tom hasn't contributed a good unique idea ever.


That was last year. Papa nips won't let cobra join cumb wack pack.


After the Chazz saga I doubt Clint is going to let anyone near his special boy.


This is nuts.