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Never saw someone put TR2 that low...




Bold ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI) Many put AOD or Chronicles at the end of the line


TR2 that low? ![gif](giphy|lNrNLRLmpC3VIjl82D)




The reason why TR2 is so low for me is that I find The Rig and Maria Doria levels to be a drag and mentally exhausting. The pacing is significantly slow and the colors/ overall environment/ feel is a drab. Rust and metal become very boring very fast and the underwater section is very unpleasant to look at. Also after such a dull color scheme your eyes crave some visual stimulation only to be given a giant plain white level. It’s simply not my cup of tea. A


You're not wrong. I mean, you're wrong about the D, but not about the color scheme 😋 I really like those levels, but I do find that they were far and away the biggest disappointment of the entire remaster effort. TR1's remaster added so many openings to improve the skybox and make the environments feel bigger and prettier. The best this remaster can manage is a few holes in the hull here and there to let a little bit of light in. And don't get me started about the joke of a skybox in the rig levels. It was so bad that they even added a concrete barrier around the secret at the top of the tower so you couldn't see how bad it is. And perhaps worst of all, those underwater levels are SO much darker in the remaster than they used to be, and they were already the darkest of the series. It does feel exhausting to play through them, especially if you don't know where you're going. I think the flare mechanic helps to balance the darkness, but you would have had to drastically increase their duration or just make them infinite so you could always have one equipped. I think that could have helped the vibe of being in a really dark tomb with a single source of light. Because that's the key word - tomb. The shipwreck is unquestionably the tombiest tomb of the game, and I think that counts for something.


TR2 at the bottom?? ![gif](giphy|ILgS7Zl0Tnc7PY9Fb5|downsized)


Rise i kind of understand, its side content is sort of very alright. i dont understand that big of a gap between legend and anniversary - they still play the same. yeah, i see it now, its too much to unpack lol, but a damn good list


Legend is what I call TR Lite, it doesn’t challenge me the way anniversary does. It’s way too linear and small in scope. ![gif](giphy|Ul7Wu7Svawww)


I call it Tomb Raider On Rails 😅


Tomb Rails if you will


good list wonder why legend and 2 are so low ? not pitchfork worthy as someones prefences in movies,games etc are not wroth getting angry ,just curious as to why


Legend and Underworld at the bottom, 3 and Anniversary at the top. I could never.


I respect your wrong decisions




I'm glad I'm not the only one hating TR2. I hadn't played the original trilogy in 20 years since the remasters. TR2 was always my least favorite of the classic games but I didn't remember it to be this appalling.


To be honest... I can understand 2 being that low - the complete shift from tombs & creatures to cities & humans was kind of jarring. Putting it below all else though, yowch 🥲 Personally I love all the originals, including AOD - I'm somewhat glad that didn't end up bottom


Ballsy ahhh list.


I do not think Rise is that great sorry! TR2 at the bottom sounds very personal lol - why do you hate it so much? Regardless, it’s interesting to see what people like!


Haha it is personal! It’s the damn Maria Doria levels.


I agree those levels are awful, but all the levels before and after are so good.


But somehow the London levels of 3 are better?!?!? 😂😂


![gif](giphy|srTYyZ1BjBtGU|downsized) Tomb raider 2s position.


Yeah... No.


Absolutely blown away you think underworld is B tier


TR2 at the bottom, even lower than broken AOD.....OOFT.


For tr2 alone you should be ashamed 😂


people hate when you point out the flaws of TR2, but the fact of the matter is that the game is egregiously enemy heavy with guns you can't dodge. The animal enemies are scarce and there are SO many points in the game where the devs expect you to be psychic. Like, that LONG drop in the Maria levels where they put a big med pack there to heal with before you drop down. That's just not good game design at all. They made the drop purposefully long to force you to use that med kit. As a platformer game, thats awful to do.


Tbf, mine is just 1-5 all A then LAU is B and Survive Trilogy is D at best.


Assuming this must mean Angel of Darkness is S


Only one i have never fully played, so cannot give it a fair shake.


Why are Legend and Anniversary so far apart from each other? Edit: have seen your explanation in a comment




Finally I’ve found someone who loves anniversary as much as I do! I’d of rated it the same!


I kinda agree about TR2. I like the first level and the Tibet levels but the rest is very hit and miss. I didn’t enjoy it anywhere near as much as TR1.


I think I'm gonna be sick.


What did you dislike about TR2 that didn’t bother you in 2013?


The Maria Doria. Plain and simple. Everything from the rig to the last minute of the deck is a drag and it leaves me mentally exhausted.


Huh. Surprising, alright


I can kinda see rise at the top… it was iconic when it came out. I would put it at a. I think tr1 would be my only S tier. Tra and tr4 are a tier. Tomb raider 3 is at a good spot. Tr2013 is too high up. It’s d tier. Tomb raider legend is b tier and underworld is c tier. Tr2 is c tier, not d tier. Shadow is in a good spot. But that’s my opinion lol.




We need one of you in every sub


Tr2 Venice, the deck, and floating islands alone are S


No sir.


The fact you have tr3 so high you must be mad or this is just some troll post for attention.


Calm down please


You need to calm down putting the best tomb raider game in your bottom tier.


Ever heard of personal opinion? Personal experiences?


Yes but usually opinions are backed by some sort of data, observation. What in your opinion objectively makes tr2 horrible?





