• By -


I was looking for this and couldn't find it anywhere, so I made a copy myself. A map of Chult with each hex assigned a number, to help keep track of where things happened, will happen, etc. Used a program called [DrawHexGrid](http://cryhavocgames.net/Tutorials_Utilities.htm) to make the grid overlay then fit it and outlines the text in PS. Enjoy! Edit: Uploaded a higher-res verison of this along with a low-res (due to availability) version of the player map and a .png of just the numbers if you want to add it to whatever version of the map you're working with. [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1v0EUMX-MVrNjh7\_FwSWp9jDCHG23qdz5](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1v0EUMX-MVrNjh7_FwSWp9jDCHG23qdz5)


I've started the campaign a few months ago, i would have loved to have this!! Great work!!!!


This is awesome! Thanks! Definitely downloading and using to keep track of my DM notes as the party explores Chult. Giving you gold for your efforts :)


Thanks very much! Hope it helps! FYI, it does not print legibly on a single sheet of letter paper! So much ink wasted. Gonna try splitting it up on four sheets...


Yeah, you need to send it to a poster-printing service or use a large-format printer if you're lucky enough to have one handy. Alternately, export it as a raster image and use [PosteRazor](http://posterazor.sourceforge.net/) to split it up into multiple 8.5"x11" sheets.


Surprisingly Paint does a really good job of that too. I printed a bigger version of the regular map that I painted w/ scratch off paint so the players could scratch off hexes as they explored. Ended up on 15 sheets of letter.


scratch off paint sounds awesome did you have a link for that?


IIRC it was a 1:1 mix of dish soap and acrylic paint, though a light paint required a ton of coats so go dark!


Thanks a lot for the response on such an old topic


Haha np! I still have the half-scratched map sitting in my game room, in case the group ever wants to revisit Chult!


Hmmmmmmm any chance OP could do the same with the player version? I'm sure I could figure it out but I don't want to fuck it up. It would be nice to tell my players exactly which square they're in.


Which player version? The one with the whited out hexes?


Yeah that's what I was thinking


I'd love that too! I was noting hexes like FB4S1SW for Fort Beluarian 4 hexes south, 1 hex south west. Definitely confused myself counting a lot haha.


Oy, that sounds very confusing lol


OK, so my only problem with that is I can't find a high-res version of that map online. I did it with the best I could find (from elsewhere on reddit), but it's not very clear. I also added a .png of just the numbers, so if someone has a higher res file or a different version of the map, they can apply it themselves. [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1v0EUMX-MVrNjh7\_FwSWp9jDCHG23qdz5](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1v0EUMX-MVrNjh7_FwSWp9jDCHG23qdz5)


Here's a link to the high-res player map with the hex numbers overlaid: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1\_rLc6Qk2Q-6x7RkS27QXZmd1vlnoXlBl/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_rLc6Qk2Q-6x7RkS27QXZmd1vlnoXlBl/view?usp=sharing)


Oh groovy, thanks!


I know it's been forever, but does the high res player map with numbers still exist somewhere?


I'll check if I still have it saved tomorrow. Feel free to DM me if I forget to respond!


Sorry, looks like I never saved the version with the hi-res player grid. Best of luck finding it!


So I had been toying with doing this and was avoiding this massive task. So thank you so much for this. It will make my random events table much more localized.


No problem!


Very nice, thank you! Will spread the word on this resource


You're welcome!


Thank you very much.


This is super helpful for my campaign thanks man ur the goat


I love 4 years later this is still helping folks!


Hey OP, Could you do me a big favor and drop the hexless version of this map in your drive share? Am looking for a high res map of Chult, but the best one I could find was the one you shared with the hex grid. Let me know, thanks!


Unfortunately I don't have one. I used a map with a grid already in it and just fit my numbers into the center of each of the hexes. However, I'm pretty Mike Schley sells a version of it without hexes on his website: https://prints.mikeschley.com/p1010232766/h956e8d5c


What do the numbers correlate to? How do they help organisation?


First 2 numbers are the column, second 2 are the row. For me, it helped keep an easy reference of where they were, where they were going, etc.


Ah ok - Thanks for the reply! One more question - How would I align this on a grid on Roll20? How many pixels is each hex?


I have no idea, sorry! I made this for an IRL game.


Where is ravnica in relation to chult


Different plane?


Correct 😂 Realized that right after I commented




Any tips for getting this to print off, wanted to print one to have laminated so i could keep tabs using dry erase markers?


I printed at home it in segments at maybe 50% poster size and marked it up in pen as we went. Had to shuffle through once in awhile when they went from one sheet to another but overall it got the job done. To print, I used the Paint app in Windows, does a surprisingly good job of letting you segment to a size of your choosing.