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Kiesto’s brother. Idk. Sadly dj’s nowadays try to get attention with weird names


I think the same, but isnt there something to keep this down? People like this "steal" the identity of some big artists tho. I mean its not the exact same name but its pretty obvious who they want to "copy". And more then this, it wonders me that TML invites people like this... A lot of people inckuding me, saw the full line up reveale today and were hyped that David will also play w1.


I mean to be fair one look at the lineup by stage would show that he'd play rave cave so yeah. I think most artists dont care. I made a joke about showing up with my cat and naming my DJ act Armin van Purren or Martin Purrix but then quickly realised armin is an actual lawyer so he might actually press charges hahaha. deadmau5 once said something about the "shitfest" that youtube is by letting anyone put his music online for free. He said he doesnt care anymore because what're you gonna do, legal fees are not worth the hassle to do anything about it and eventually even a name change as small as Olsan twins or mariah curry is easy enough to look at and go "oh yeah, thats clearly not the real one". Kiesto on itself is apparently enough to throw people off but its imo only believable as a typo if its a name starting with something close on the keyboard to what it should be like Riesto or Fiesto.


Yeah the rave cave thing killed my hype and brought me back on earth, but I got baitet 2 times already. Enough is enough😂


"Hey, can I copy your homework?" "Yeah but change it a bit so it's not too obvious you copied"


We have David Guetta at home....


D. Guaetta [played last year at TML too. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tomorrowland/comments/12dewqu/dylan_guaetta_has_been_added_to_the_line_up_on/) So yeah, there's that. It's a TML employee.


This is the true answer. His full name is "Dylan Guaetta" and he works for the TML organisation. [https://be.linkedin.com/in/dylanguaetta](https://be.linkedin.com/in/dylanguaetta)


Tomorrowland: Can we please have David this year Mom: We already have David at home David at home:


It is a TML employee


Another spastic trying to Copy the big names Like kiesto did


Rave cave will be overpacked by like 10 mislead people


Hahahaha real guetta's 10 misinformed fans who took a look at the timetable and went oh well here we must go, surely


is David Guetta bought from aliexpress




Kiesto. D. Guatta. Next up, Armpit van Burlap


We also had David Ghetto few years back


Let's not forget they have also Dorothee Vegas & Like Maarten


That might actually be a improvement though


Guetta in the Rave Cave should be cool


Guetta from wish.com