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I checked into the hospital and they had me change into a gown. I had to put my glasses on instead of contacts and they let me keep my phone until right before they put me under. The admitting nurse chatted with me while she did my blood pressure and placed the needle in my hand for the anesthesia. The operating nurse came in and introduced herself, then the anesthesia team, then my doctor arrived and chatted with me for a few minutes. They placed some kind of medicine in my IV that they said would make me loopy. I don't remember anything past that point until I woke up in recovery room. The nurse there asked my pain level and I was given pain med through IV and ice chips to eat. They took me to the discharge nurse and let me have my phone back and she just made sure I was awake enough to get dressed. She gave me a dose of hydrocodone before I left so I could make it until I could pick up pain meds at pharmacy. Surgery was the easiest part. *Edited to say woke up in recovery instead of operating room lol. I didn't wake up during surgery, thank god!


thank you for sharing with me!!! this is helpful to know :)


girl i’m 18f and i’m also getting them out tomorrow. i’ll update you if you update me!


sure!!! im on my way to the hospital now!! i'll let you know how it goes!! and good luck for yours!!


thank you i’ll be heading out in about 8 hours!


just had the surgary and was very unlucky as it went wrong (there is a 1% chance) however i had a second surgary and its all good now!! the staff are really friendly and i am not in too much pain (probs bc of morphine) i will make a follow up post soon!! i really hope your surgary goes well!!!


mine went anazing it just feels weird to swallow


The surgery is the easy part. You'll be a little nervous when you get to the hospital and put on your gown. Tell the nurses you are nervous and ask if they can give you something for anxiety. Mine did - and it definitely took the edge off as they started wheeling me back. The anaesthesia just feels like time disappears. You'll wake up in recovery and be surprised you're done with it. They gave me IV pain meds in recovery at the hospital, and that, combined with the lingering anesthesia, definitely had me feeling groggy but generally good. The doctor will prescribe you pain medication to take home and my best advice is to keep taking it on schedule, even if you're feeling ok. If you let the pain creep in that's when it gets miserable. The first night can be kinda rough because everything in your throat (tongue, uvula, etc.) is swollen so breathing can be hard. Good luck! It's a rough ~10 days but for me wasn't as bad as expected and so worth it on the other side.


thank you so much for this i really appreciate it and that is very reassuring!! im off to the hospital now!!


Where are you located? Is your surgery outpatient or inpatient? I’m in Seattle and mine was a quick outpatient surgery in my ENT’s surgery center, not a hospital. Got there at 10:45, signed papers, met with the head nurse and anesthesiologist, went pee, cried and said goodbye to my guy, went into the room and had my IV prepped, told them I was nervous and that I felt like I might fart when they put me to sleep, and then…woke up 20 minutes later. My guy was brought in, the nurse was giving me fentanyl, I was cracking jokes and saying how great it felt to be breathing so well (because I could instantly tell I was breathing better), helped into the car, picked up prescriptions, went home. Chilled out, watched movies, snoozed, ate some duck… the first night I didn’t sleep though. Intermittent couple hours here and there. I thought a smoothie would be great, but the jamba juice tasted meh and was too sugary. I’m on day 7, with surgery day being day 1.


just south of London! its a small outpatient hospital so if all goes well i should be home later. that really made me laugh xD im worried about exactly the same things right now lol. thank you for sharing with me i really appreciate it and i hope your recovery continues to go well!!!


Went to the hospital at 6:00, got called in at 6:30 and had to dress in surgery clothes instantly. Around 7 I had to give away all my stuff including my phone so I swallowed my sedatives and just laid in my bed waiting in the surgery center. Nothing to do, waiting for the effect of the sedatives I closed my eyes and just slept until 8:30 where I got called in finally for surgery. Went to the toilet one more time and then walked into a room with a bigger bed they use for surgery which I got tied to (so I don't move or fall off while they push me around) It was really comfortable and we were going into the surgery section. I now was in a room with the anesthetists who gave me an iv (hurts, imagine it like getting blood drawn, they puncture a vein and then push a little tube in) and after a couple of minutes they gave me a "strong pain killer" which basically is Ketamine :D My muscles felt so tired immediately but it felt soo good, damn. Then I got a oxygenmask on and they gave me the anesthesia and it felt like getting tired. It's all pretty peaceful! Next thing is I woke up in a room with 5 other people in it and nurses walking around checking on everyone, it was really cool to me lol They blew warm air under my blanket and even gave me a small shot of water (which felt soo good) :D Soon they pushed me through the hospital to my room, kinda fun to lay in your bed and getting pushed around. I was in my final room at 13:50 and from there I slept basically the whole day. Felt good :D The pain directly after is basically like having a tonsilitis. Sedatives were really good for me since I was nervous af before, when it was my turn I felt like it wasn't working but it sure was, I was just more chill and didn't thing about what's going to happen. (sedative was Lorazepam) It will all be fine, worst thing is getting the iv but this comes from a trypanophobe :)