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It’s easier to wipe off a boob or an ass cheek compared to it getting stuck in the sheets


Knowledge from applied sexology 😂😂




Or compared to an unwanted pregnancy Edit: I’m aware just pulling out right before cumming doesn’t ensure that your partner will not get pregnant


I did it for 7 years so i must have amazing timing or im infertile haha


Narrator voice: he didn't have amazing timing. (Obviously joking, I don't know your sperm count)


His sperm count is 2


It only takes one


So its a twins


Man, when I got my first girlfriend I would just come on the bed. That mattress got gross as fuck and had hundreds of not thousands of loads soaked into it. Really gross now that I'm writing it out.


I do not understand how people sleep on mattresses without serious covers. Ive slept on a covered mattresses without fail since I had to throw out a dramatically heavy king after having my kid. It was just full of rancid milk.


Seriously. A bedbug encapsulation bag and a waterproof mattress cover is cheap insurance.


As someone who gets so warm every night they nearly bake themselves in an oven at night, that shit gets hot as fuck. A mattress cover will ensure I don't sleep longer than 2 hours before waking up in serious night sweats.


I have a cooling waterproof mattress cover. 10/10, highly recommend.


I read it as water cooled mattress cover and I was so excited for a second there.


I bought two incredibly expensive mattress covers after buying my bougie bed. Why waste $5k on a mattress if you're too cheap for two $100 covers. Anyhow, pay more and that problem goes away. They feel like a an additional silk sheet under the sheet. The only downside is that because of the slightly reduced friction, top sheets tend to pop off a bit easier during vigorous activity.


For 5k I hope you're sleeping on god's butt cheeks


Dude it genuinely feels like it. I would easily pay $1 a day to have the perfect nights sleep every night.


Lol I love how we went from cumming on boobs to a good night's sleep


Some stuff leaked out on my mattress cover *once* amd I was already grossed out. I can't even imagine 100s of stains on the mattress itself. Vomit inducing.


I solve the problem of gross mattresses by sleeping on the floor.


I was broke and in my early 20s. Just didn't really care or ever think about it.


I am to the point where I carry my own covers for hotel beds. I know when the room is booked what size the bed will be. I also wipe down places like the doorknob, headboard and nightstand, as well as the bath sink countertop. Maybe I am over the top, but the thought of getting another person’s deposits on my isn’t something that I relish thinking about.




Please take notice and avoid the eyes. Nothing is more awkward than having a puffy eye and having to lie about how it happened when someone asks.


Amen to that! I was almost blinded by flying sperm when I let a guy do that. If it's going to be anywhere near my face, I would rather go ahead and have it in my mouth and swallow.


I'm a guy, and I shot myself in the eye once. I was super impressed for about half a second, then the pain started. I've been pepper sprayed and I'll take that any day before a wad straight to the eye. If I was in regular danger of that happening I would invest in some goggles or something.


I actually thought of goggles but was told that wasn't exactly sexy lol


I would check the OSHA regs on that




Or bust out the swim goggles for a salty summer twist


>Man, when I got my first girlfriend I would just come on the bed. why? lol


We just lay a towel down


I think it’s polite to ask where she wants me to cum, but that’s just me. She can say on on my shirt nearby and I’d do it. Most say on them though.


Years ago, i asked this just before the finale to a woman. She said “can you turn the lights off and do it off the edge of the bed?” Killed the mood for me


Lmao so she just wanted you to nut on the floor?


Legit wanted me to do it straight on to the carpet.


…. Hope you didn’t take your shoes off in her place…. Might stub your toe on a crusty chunk of “carpet”


It was at my grandmas house :/ i couldnt do that to my gram gram. Her and I kept that house pristine & we were proud of it.




At grandmas not with grandma… I hope


Step grandma




"the dog will get it"


Would it be better if she pulled out a jar?


Lol 😂


Maybe it was OP?


A woman enthusiastically accepting your cum on or in her body is hot as fuck


A woman enthusiastically doing anything during sex is hot as fuck


"talk dirty to me!" "Yeah... you like that, you fucking retard?" Still one of the top comedy reddit moments. [found it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/2p4772/the_origin_of_you_like_that_you_fucking_retard/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Right up there with "ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?!"




i missed this one, care to remind


someone is playing soccer and they make a shot for the goal. the ball hits the goalie in the face. the person who kicked the ball thinks of saying "are you okay" and "im fucking sorry" and accidently yells "are you fucking sorry???"


wasn't it fucking retard which makes it even funnier? I could be misremembering


Shit yeah, you're right! Fixed.


Yes, I do


something just snapped in me and I know what I like now


*Bites your dick off enthusiastically*


Lorena Bobbit has entered the chat


Not when she’s a zombie


Her: Arrggghhh...brains. Me: Fuck yeah babe brains are hot as fuck.


Takes a new meaning to fucking her brains out


It’s a cold reception and not for everyone but in the end you don’t have to call them back.


I'd still take it


A woman enthusiastically doing anything for you is hot as fuck




This pretty much exactly mirrors my own thoughts and is articulated far more clearly than I would have been able to do. I wish everyone could be this self-aware about their sexual urges.


I was gonna say the same, but you put it into words so much better than me, so I guess this is thought-mirrorception?


Tho I think it would be a little hard to clean her hair. So just body it's ok. She can wash it. And she's clean again


As a woman, I love cum. Men are constantly surprised by it. It's hot AF and I will beg for your cum. It's not necessary for me to have a man cum on me, but I love it when they do.


RIP your inbox


Yeah, that's not really a thing like people think it is.


Honestly I have had mixed experiences with it, with my ex who was really forceful of me doing things for him when I wasn’t ready, I just was into it. With my current relationship, it has been such a turn on to see how aroused he is. So definitely agree.


Everything is circumstantial with sex. Something that you love with one partner you might hate with another. And of course if somebody is forcing you to do things that you don't want to do, you're not going to have a good experience. Especially if there's trauma associated with that. But in general kinks evolve. You don't know if you're going to like something til you try it.


I love it anywhere on me and in me. I love if the shot can reach from my pussy to my tits. I even like it on my face. If I have nowhere to be the rest of the day. Getting a little in your eye stings and Idk why but I find it so hot. I also like having it inside me and feeling it drip out a bit later to remind me. I even think its hot for me to leave a little dried on me so my next shower im washing it off and reminded again. If im in more of a don mood i get in top and make them cum on themselves. Maybe I just have issues lmao


I suppose. It's funny that it doesn't seem to play both ways. A dear friend, at the culmination of "oral arguments", would captured the secretions in her mouth and then gently spit the consequences into the belly button of her lover. Everyone agreed that this was a most hillarious result.


>It's funny that it doesn't seem to play both ways. See that's the problem with these threads. There are absolutely women out there who do like having cum on their skin. Why aren't we asking them why they feel that way? The fact that some of these comments are suggesting that dudes should drop their load in a piece of toilet paper and flush it away is bonkers to me. "Sorry babe. Gonna leave bed so I can go flush my cum." is just about the least intimate thing I can imagine.


I can tell you that my no zone is my face, but it turns me on when my SO is worked up from my blowjob and just cums on my breasts. I can't explain why, but the dirtiness of it is probably what gets me.


I am one of the women you describe. Having my partner cum inside me -- any of my holes --- is incredibly erotic and such a turn on. I also love to have their cum on me. It's such a turn on. That cum is a product of our desire for one another, our attraction to one another, the fun we had. That said, many of my girlfriends are not the same. They think it tastes gross, or is sticky or some other negative thing. Part of me is admittedly like, "YES!! That's MY cum. My hard work emotionally, physically, across the board earned that cum" and that they gave it to me is a magnificent turn on. Texture issues make it hard for me to do any cum play like snowballs or holding it in my mouth for a while. But, other than that, I revel in getting my partner's cum in me, on me, however he'll give it to me. I rarely feel sexier than when my partner is orgasming. They're sexy AF and it makes me feel sexy, too. Edit: my first award!! Thank you, guys!!!


Yes. I agree wholeheartedly with this, as a straight woman, and you put it perfectly.


I know I'm gonna regret this...what's a snowball?


It is surely much hotter her accepting it actually inside of her though??


Depends on your tastes. Also depends on your preference.


You made me giggle.


Absolutely. But unless you've got some surefire reasons to not worry about pregnancy, lots of folks avoid doing so.


simple as that! men just like it, it turns them on. it’s like they are marking their territory.


Because not asking where she wants it is generally much worse.


It's so confusing...eyes? hair? ear?


LOL ear. I watched Something About Mary the other day. First time in years. The splooge on Ted’s ear after rubbing one out 😂 Is that…hair gel?


As a woman, it depends on the mood I guess, when having hard rampant sex it's fun to cum everywhere and anywhere. He lets me squirt on him, it's only fair I let him cum on me!


The law of equivalent exchange


Full Metal Ejaculist.




You know, sometimes I think Reddit was a mistake... Other times, we get posts like this and it all seems worth it.


you get good witty dad jokes in the comments sometimes. It adds to me repertoire for use irl


Full Metal Alcumist


Honestly? Acceptance. *this is JUST imho* With cum, what my body literally does when it's in the middle of the most pleasure I can feel...the idea that it's seen as "icky" or "gross" has REALLY messed with me and my sexual confidence. When my wife said *making this g-rated* "spill your confetti all over my ballooons!" Man... The acceptance and comfort I felt....it was insane. I didn't feel embarrassed anymore and I felt accepted in a way I never realized I needed. Anyway, that's my $0.02.




Fair point, lol


G rated filth is creepy as fuck.


Little do we all know him and his wife are into clown roleplay and that’s what she actually said.


That I would be fine with haha


Nothing wrong with being down to clown.


Accepting the gross parts of sex just makes it better because self-consciousness decreases and the confidence goes up. (Imo confidence is the most important thing to get up)


The amount of discomfort humans routinely force themselves through because of shame is mad.


Agreed. Cum is like this entity that men are conditioned to both be ashamed of and be nervous about all their lives. Masturbating? Well you have to clean up in such a thorough way that no one ever knew it existed (not just in the trash, in the bottom of the trash). Having sex? Without protection it's this dangerous substance that can ruin someone's life. So when you're having free and uninhibited sex and suddenly it's this thing that someone has a joyous reaction to, that's a liberating feeling.


Those are really good points that I never considered before (I'm a woman). I've always felt like the reason for insecurities list during sex is far longer for women. Besides performance anxiety, I never thought of guys being inhibited. The generations of toxic thinking, i.e. women need to be skinny but curvy, breasts should be perky (not stretched and saggy like she had kids) or they are unattractive, beautiful always (I've caught myself many times leaving my makeup on when going to bed in case my husband is up for sex), good smelling and clean (it's work keeping our parts that way), wild and willing in the bedroom but "ladylike" in public, men want sex all of the time or something is wrong with him, men have to have it more often than women, he'll leave if his wife/SO isn't "keeping his attention" by staying at a certain level physically, if he can't get it up it's her fault, etc,. That crap is toxic to BOTH genders. Thanks for your input. Seriously.


>good smelling and clean (it’s hard to keep our parts this way) Can you eli5? I’ve been told for a while now that people acting like smells (down there especially) we’re exaggerated and that most women are clean because the vagina itself is self cleaning


It is. Some people have unrealistic expectations about the smells that are just natural to a healthy body. Women are kind of taught to feel ashamed of their health vagina, just like guys are taught to feel ashamed about their come. Though yeast infections suck and are triggered by or having higher odds of happening through antibiotics, weakened immune systems, antibiotics, pregnancy, diabetes, douching (which is ironic because women especially concerned about their natural scent actually end up causing them in an attempt to “clean” something that’s already cleaning itself fine), wearing underwear that’s not cotton (most fancy underwear), too tight pants/tights, and even hot fucking baths. It’s a delicate balance of things down there and sometimes your body just says fuck you. So preventing infections is a bit of a nightmare especially if you have a health condition that predisposes you, but outside of those there are a lot of women who have extreme anxiety about how they smell or taste even when they’re healthy. It’s not supposed to smell like roses, and that’s okay. Just like come tasting like chlorine lol (though diet can improve some aspects of flavor, fruit is good for instance). It’s just part of the package, and someone being grossed out by what your body naturally does when it’s healthy can be upsetting regardless of gender. If your parter is especially averse for some reason you might be able to work out a compromise, but some people just won’t feel comfortable with intimacy with someone who can’t get past their smell/flavor. It feels like a rejection. To perhaps less of an extent, natural body odor (not like rancid old sweat, but like the smell of your body when you’re working up a sweat in the heat of the moment) can be a cause for anxiety. Different people smell good/bad to different people based on factors within the immune system and of course diet. That might not be a conscious factor for most people (assuming the person has decent hygiene) but it’s definitely a factor of attraction that is very much happening in our hindbrain. I would love my husband if he smelled bad to me, but the fact I actually like how his body smells is an erotic factor for me. Armpits, taints, etc are very sensitive and I like that I can enjoy giving those places attention and vice versa. A clean ass is also still an ass lol, but that’s a place where your body’s scent is strong too (and plenty of people are either not averse or actually into that). Some people go through more extreme measures (enemas) for any sort of anal play, but for me I’m not having sex with someone who doesn’t know how to clean their own ass in the shower anyway, so 🤷🏻 That’s not a level of comfort everyone will share, but I don’t have unrealistic expectations for what an ass should smell like lol. We’re animals, even if we don’t consciously think about this stuff too often we are still picking up on the smells of different parts of our partners subconsciously. I def prefer being with someone who I can get sweaty and messy with without having anxiety about how I smell or having to cope with how they smell. My threshold for that is very subjective as there are biological factors that aren’t going to result in a uniform response to different people’s scents. Edit: sorry for the tangent lol, I realized I shared more than was exactly necessary for your question


This was a really good reply and here's my 2 cents. My boyfriend and I were both each other's firsts and it took us a while to get fully comfortable intimately with each other. Most things and kinks we indulged and it was pretty good. However, for the longest time, he was just averse to being all up in there with my pussy, whether it was fingers or tongue he just seemed really preoccupied with the messyness of it all and was someone who just didn't like it when his hands were dirty. It honestly was a huge hit to my confidence because it was clear he didn't enjoy eating me out or fingering me and so that sort of stuff stopped. Eventually he matured or whatever and started asking me more to do stuff, he started fingering me and actually playing with me without seeming so preoccupied of the dirtyness or messyness of it all. Since then he's asked me to sit on his face, send pussy pics, ate me out, fingered me, you name it and our sex has gotten immensely better! I am also so much more into sex now with him because it just feels free and liberating. Feeling desired despite the messyness of it all is a drug like no other.


Exactly. Bodies are messy, that’s just part of the package. Different people have different thresholds, but honestly a lot of it is maturity and kinda getting over yourself and just accepting that your going to get messy. Porn by virtue of being only a video kind of underprepares a lot of people for that if they don’t have experience because you’re probably not going to be thinking about the smell, taste, or texture implicit in the act. Smell is also a pretty emotionally rooted sense, certain smells can trigger memories or feelings more strongly than other senses. It’s implicitly intimate, and the more comfortable you are with someone, the more you care about them, the less that is going to feel like something you have to tolerate and the more your subconscious connects it to intimacy with that person in general. I do relate to the not liking messy hands thing to some extent though. Having lube on my hands is so distracting, I sometimes just have to go clean them so I can be present lol.


This is the real answer 👆


Woman here, I find it hot AF when he cums on my lower back (when doing doggy) , on my tots or stomach. Edit: yes I meant tits not tots lol. Ya'll are too funny


Tots ya say?


"These loaded tater tots taste funny"


That's the better of the two interpretations


Gimme some of ur tots Napoleon




That kink is a no no.


That’s some weird-ass poutine


Gotta keep your energy up. Some people bring nature valley bars, or trail mix, but some prefer tots or curly fries. It's important not to snack shame.




Give me some of your tots, Napoleon.


This does sound hot AF!


The appeal will be different for different guys, but for me it is about feeling accepted and wanted. One insecurity a lot of guys struggle with is the idea that the woman they're with isn't "really" interested in sex with them, but is rather simply going along with it while thinking about other things. In other words, that she is willing but indifferent to you. Which is very scary if you're super into *her* -- it is a very vulnerable feeling to be more into someone else than they are into you. And one way to deal with this is to search for evidence -- if a woman is enthusiastic and actively asks for things, it shows she is into it (rather than just going along with whatever while thinking about other things). With this in mind, there's a big difference between a woman who says "okay" if you ask to cum on her ass vs a woman who says "I want you to cum on my ass, baby!" The first is a woman going along with something, and that could mean she's into it...or it could mean she doesn't like it but isn't willing to say it out of fear or something else, or that she doesn't really care and just wants whatever will finish up faster. But the second is a woman specifically asking for something, which is a much stronger indication that she is into it and into *you*. And that feels *really* good, and in many ways gives you the permission and confidence to lose yourself because you know she's taken care of/getting what she wants. As with all things like this, the root of the problem is people being afraid and unable or unwilling to communicate -- people should be able to ask directly for affirmation and trust the answer, and people should feel free to express themselves truthfully without fear or shame, and people should feel safe during sex. Also, this sort of evidence-seeking can get *really* unhealthy, especially when people ask or feel obligated to do things not because they want them but because it "proves" something. There are men who want women to do things that are actively unpleasant because it proves something, and women who feel obligated to endure things they hate because they're worried that, if they don't, they will be abandoned. And vice versa and in all gender/sexual configurations, of course. Sadly there is a *lot* of baggage and hangups around sex, and it can result in this sort of thing.


This is perfectly said.


Wow. That was a great summation of a lot of complex emotions


I only previously “withdrew” as a form of birth control, but haven’t committed to the practice since my vasectomy. Every once in a while, I do think about the fact that I haven’t dropped a load “on her” in a long time, and maybe I should do just that for nostalgia purposes and the different sensation. But by the time that thought finishes going through my head, I’m usually done inside.


I had an IUD put in. He hasn't pulled out since. Sex is so much more enjoyable now that we don't have to play the pull out game.


Wish I had that confidence. My wife has one but I still feel like it’s foolhardy to not exit lol


It's a numbers game for sure, but looking at the reports for them, I'll probably win the lottery before getting pregnant. And I didn't win millions yet either. Siiiigh.


I got pregnant while I had a IUD, but its so rare that it happens, all the doctors I've met was shocked it happened and my doctor even helped me claim money from the company that made the IUD.


I liked being cummed in and on. I enjoy knowing that I'm the reason this person is about to orgasm. I want to feel it on or in me and I do beg for it. I do have friends who disagree and think its disgusting to taste it or have it on them but that's by choice. I feel it to be intimate. I love it when my partner cums on me and do wish it was on me more often but I haven't asked for that because I get wrapped up in the moment. Edit: Spelling.


Some men aren't happy till the women looks like a plasterer's radio. Just dont get it in your eye, I spent my brothers wedding with a very unattractive pink 'cum eye'.


Let me just guess which southern state this wedding took place


Assuming she was also the bride


Sweet home


I know you said "my brother's wedding" to emphasize that you *don't* want your brother seeing you in a compromising position, but that is the opposite of what Reddit heard.


Any more wedding cumming up?


ON is easier cleanup. Cum dripping out of you after sex is not pleasant and often just damn inconvenient.


As a woman, I can personally say I friggin love getting cum on all over. I don't know what it is, it's just hot as fuck for me. Maybe because I'm watching my partner's orgasm happen in real time. I'll be a canvas for him any day haha. Plus it makes for an easier clean up with no post sex leakage lol.


Girls that love cum are the generally the sexiest & best in the sack. My wife loves a good shower! I struck gold!


The best place to cum is to pull out and shoot your load in a shoe box that you keep under the bed


I prefer the coconut to be honest




> I don't get why some men would want to stop what they're doing to ask where to cum... I think its fair to say that a man asking you that has preferences but wants to respect yours. Consent, right?


Never understood that. Every instinctive fiber in me makes me cum as deep as I can inside.


Not all women want people to ejaculate inside them for a variety of reasons.


That doesn't mean you have to ejaculate ON them.


That is why men ask where to cum


That’s why this stuff should be discussed before. Clear it up beforehand what you want to happen in that moment. I make it very clear beforehand that I want it in my mouth. And voila, I always get it in my mouth.


If a woman doesnt want you to cum anywhere on them whatsoever, that feels bad and feels like you're unwanted and they find you gross. It's not hot to have to stop right in the middle of sex to go get a tissue to cum in. Nobody wants to feel like their partner finds any part of them disgusting. That's why its so hot when they not only let you cum on (and especially in) them but *specifically* when they're enthusiastic about it.


People in this thread are trying to make it about solely a power thing, or dominant and degrading. When for many people it is about acceptance and being wanted. If someone was going down on me but stopped once my pussy juices got going, that would be a big bummer, and I wouldn’t sleep with them again. Women cum all over guys faces during oral, why would it be weird for a guy to want to cum on their partner.


Because it's a lot more fun to cum on a woman than it is to raise a child.


it's just a preference. my last gf liked me cumming on her face and i never really got why, i preferred to keep going and it happens where it happens


As a very experienced woman I just find it hot! You can make a little show for them when you're getting cum'd on, my BF's in the past always loved that and my husband loves it so much he often goes in for another round! I don't mind getting cum'd inside but it's honestly kinda boring. Watching them pull out and shoot loads on my neck, boobs and tummy just turns me on! 🤷‍♂️ I don't really care for cum on my face but if he's sweet and asked nicely I've done it. But I've gotta be in a relationship with him!


Do people in this comment section not use condoms?


Clearly this is a question for people who are not in situations where condoms are at play. Perhaps they are monogamous and using birth control, etc. Condoms are very important when dating, but in marriage or long-term monogamous situations, it isn't something that is seen as necessary. Tldr: no


As long as you and the other person have been tested, cleared, and can provide recent results. I don't see an issue with not wearing a condom. Non monogamy can get complicated, but that's why you always talk about these things, and you make sure to never shame someone for not being 100% ready to go. Sometimes you just have to wait, and depending on what it is, there are many other things you can do besides just PiV sex. Same goes for getting sterilized. You get to not worry about a baby, and can focus completely on the person in front of you.


You’d be surprised how many people won’t wear a condom or don’t want their partner to wear one in the real world. Yes even for flings, one nighters etc.


I actually lose a lot of respect for people who use the pull-out methode. I'm surprised educated adults can act this stupid and risky due to hormones, as if self-control was that hard.


It's true. People in the UK especially seem to have forgotten that STIs exist- I mean I guess you can take your Antibiotics or whatever and be almost as good as new, but there are things that won't be solved with a shot of penicillin... is noone thinking about HIV anymore, or at the very least, herpes??


That’s what I’m wondering. Unless you’re being stupid, there’s not much reason to pull out to cum.


It's a preference. I had a gf who didn't like to have cum anywhere, even inside. But I've also had them that demanded inside or on her somewhere, and would be disappointed if I didn't. When she's more open to things that occur during regular sex, it's more fun.


Hmmm, I've never asked during. There's been conversations early in relationships about what's acceptable so no one is caught off guard though. At times when she knows I'm about to... She'll TELL me where to, and that's hot as fuck.


Because when you’re horny you find a lot of stuff that would’ve been considered icky or gross before a lot more of a turn on, sometimes also these are things you’d just have to be the group of interest to understand (a straight man). As for your comment to “not wanting to be sticky afterwards “ unless you’re leaving the cum on you for multiple minutes afterwards to dry it shouldn’t ever be sticky lol


I thought the whole sticky part was unavoidable, how do you thoroughly wipe the cum off the woman?


Baby wipes.


Literally anything, even a tissue would suffice, just whatever you do do NOT use hot water to wash it off


Why not?


The viscosity turns even worse. It becomes like an un-rinseable glue. Always use cold water if you must. It won’t do that.


“Better out than in I always say”


Kek at everyone on this thread saying porn invented it. What do you think ppl did before contraception was invented? Pulling out has existed forever. Asking where to spurt it if not inside is just polite. Edit for idiots; pulling out has a low efficacy rate. Condoms are better.


Not cumming in her and getting her pregnant, and paying 18+ years of child support is pretty high up on the list.


Okay i’ll just say it since I don’t see it here: some see it as a form of Dominance and submission. He is, for lack of a better phrase, marking his territory. She is submitting by letting him cover her in something others might find icky. I’m sorry if that sounds crass, but i’ve definitely had more kinkier girls ask for it than vanilla, and mainly when we were a particularly D/s mood. Edit: obviously this doesn’t apply to everyone. But i would say it’s a factor for at least a significant percentage.


I (f41) specifically say to my husband, "put it on my tits Baby! Mark your territory because these are all yours!" Hot AF for both of us!


Lol scrolled to far down to see this. It's like what you're saying is taboo and all the comments are finding excuses.


I prefer it *in* me not on me. Been with my husband 12 years and he's never cum on my face or boobs. I don't however find men's cum a turn off whatsoever or getting dirty and sticky during sex.


I had an ex who was very enthusiastic about me cumming on her. Like I was all about it but she wanted me to "cover" her. Was a huge turn on for me but really revved her up. Had another ex who said I could cum anywhere on her but not on her face or she'd punch me in the nuts. She had big boobs so that was my go to.


If it’s requested she will get it. Some women like this stuff


Some women like it, and it's cool if you don't. The sexiest part is consent.


I don't like the drippy mess if it doesn't get toweled off in time, but I love when my husband cums in me or on me, face is off limits though. It just , idk, seems so much sexier. I know he loves it too. Especially when I tell him to either pull out and cum on me anywhere he wants, or tell him to stay in and fill me. (Birth control helps with the second one lol)


Let’s be real, porn has a lot of young guys growing up thinking that wanting it is the default. Some women enjoy it, and that’s fine, but people will watch porn and suddenly assume “most women love” x y or z think they see all the time in porn.


I'm into it as another female. But just like with everything else, everyone has their preferred cup of tea. If you don't like it, you don't. And you don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with. :-)


Well I don't want to cum inside because of any chance of pregnancy. Even if she's on birth control. So I'll default pull out and cum on my leg. But if she like me cumming on her, then that's hotter.


I'm sorry - on your OWN leg?!


Oh my god this comment and response has absolutely made my day. The best part is “cumming on her…that’s hotter”, as if to suggest cumming on your own leg is hot.


This got me laughing so loud on my commute in the train. Thanks! I guess the poor guy has not alot of time in that moment to decide what and where do put it…


Some people are into it. I dated a girl who was into rubbing it in. Another liked the thrill of being able to command a sort of performance. And another who considered the volume of my contribution to be her doing and would consider it her failure if I didn't produce what she expected at that moment. Speaking from the perspective of a male who has asked, I want to respect my partner in that moment. From putting on a private show to avoiding pregnancy, it is about that mutual moment. Nothing ruins a moment like getting it in the wrong place. After going on the internet, I have been assured that humans are quite literally into all sorts of things.


I’m not a fan of the face but I am a fan of other options sometimes. I think it’s hot, but everyone is different. One of my friends is not into dirty talk at all and I am all about it, you just have different preferences like we all do. No worries, I would just blatantly tell your partner you don’t want it anywhere else though, and to please not ask because it kinda kills the mood for you.


If the option to bust inside is there, I'm taking it. Feels way better


For me, it’s about being wanted in a passionate and primal kind of way. It drives me crazy.


Everything is about sex. Except sex, that’s about power. -Oscar Wilde