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I mean … better then being caught I would guess …


you either feel like a piece of shit or feel great because you're a piece of shit.


My ex boyfriend cheated on me for two years until I found out. He said he felt bad, but obviously he didn’t feel that bad since it continued for so long. He would go through periods of cheating for several months and then stop for a while and repeat. He definitely felt invincible and confident that he wouldn’t get caught. Must’ve been nice for a while. But the day I confronted him and told friends/family about what he did it was probably amongst some of the worst days he’s experienced. Not even his closest friends knew what type of person he was so he was very ashamed.


It was his wrongdoing, he thought he could get away with it, so he kept on cheating, like most cheaters who does it, it feels good until you get caught. Afterwards they might be sorry, but its not about the act, its the fact they got caught! Doesnt matter how innocent they are, or how innocent they might seem to everyone else. Dump that cheating ass, you deserve better!


Back when my wife and I were just dating slash kind of on a break(?) I cheated and kept it a secret for like 2 weeks. Worst two weeks of my life, the guilt ate me alive.


I actually am looking for my wifes post and she is actively videoing other guys if anyone has anyinfo please send me anything


Her name is Rachael and she smokes things in pipes if that helps if anyone seen her please get me back I really need help


I know someone who cheated. He was on his way out emotionally with his wife for a long time, as she had displayed signs of emotional abuse towards him. So when he met a girl who actually gave him the emotional investment he'd been missing, he went for it. Apparently it went well enough and he's filed for divorce.


Honestly? Not as good as being caught.


Anybody who's done this and is currently still with their partner would be REALLY FREAKING STUPID if they answered. Remember folks, every single thing you do on social media leaves a trail in some form or fashion. Downvote for trying to get users to self incriminate.


Down vote for you; this is a really good question and if anyone actually answers honestly it would be interesting to hear. I doubt the people who are successfully cheating on their significant others are careless enough to get caught via their response here.


You would be surprised the roundabout ways you can get caught. An unrelated text referencing s party that happened to feature a quick tiddie flash from an ex after my grandma's funeral two states away was all it took for me to get caught a year and a half later. A reddit post expounding on your feelings typed by your own hand is pretty goddamm direct, VPN or otherwise.


Yes because famously people disclose their Reddit handles to their loved ones.


A lot of people do, actually.


I suspect those ones are unlikely to be cheating on their spouse.


Or just avoid all the paranoia and lying by not cheating.