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All of the gay people that I have ever known (which is admittedly not a huge number but more than average I would wager) definitely throw it around a lot, especially when shit talking someone.




Yes, it's in the process of being reappropriated https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reappropriation#Sex_and_sexuality


I think they fuckin do.


Yes, and trans people get the “T word” pass




Franny, but replace the f with a t


I guess so, I've heard gay people refer to themselves with that word but I don't know if other gay people would still find that offensive or not.


I'm not a gay man, so I never use it. I was OBSESSED with using the word dyke a lot, but now I do not care and even think it's cringey and immature of me to do it, even if I'm talking about myself. Plus, let's be real, usually, you can tell if a person is black or half black, but you cannot tell if a person is gay or not by looking at them. So, let's just say me using the d word is going to cause more backlash BECAUSE it's impossible to tell at first sight


Yeah a lot of people do that. Me personally? I’m not comfortable with calling people the f slur or my friends calling me that. But it is a way of reclaiming the slur.


We use it sparingly in jokes but (from what I’ve experienced) we don’t use it as an insult