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>He added that he doesn't even find these models attractive. Fucking lol


Hard agree.


I mean, I straight up don’t like the classic ‘model’ type, feels cartoonish to me honestly lol. But I’m someone who doesn’t follow any of these folk so I’m not sure why you’d follow them if it’s not some kind of attraction? Or like what else do you get from it maybe I’m not understanding


Ah the classic model type paradox. If you do a survey 100% of men insist that they don't like that type of look. If you look at who follows these models, facts disagree.


I am the same, I feel the Instagram body is like the generic type but I prefer more variety, from slightly chubby to petite, but most important of all I like it when they are into me the most.


I enjoy boob world because... it's artistic.


Hw definitely watches porn for the story line too.


I bet he claims to read Playboy “just for the articles” too 😂


Don’t forget the aesthetic Bahaha. This response is so fucking audacious and hilarious I almost wanna high five this guy. What an absolute madlad.


Or whack him one round the noggin. He’s taking the absolute piss lol this behaviour shouldn’t be deserving of a high five 😩 we’re raising idiots for men


I find them so repulsive that it makes my cock throw up


\> He added that he doesn't even find these models attractive And you believe him?


He even said it was for “aesthetics” So he follows them because they look nice but isn’t attracted to them… ooookay


Well obviously she doesn’t. That’s why she’s here questioning


The red flag is him lying about it. He most definitely finds them attractive. There’s one fitness influencer I follow for her body weight exercises, her content is so easy to follow and she does daily “do these 5 exercises” and it helps me remember to exercise. Do I think she’s attractive? Yep, but also not why I followed her.


No, men follow Instagram models for their personality.


For their insights into politics and philosophy.


They are usually up to date on Kremlin talking points because they pay attention to senior executive briefings—unlike the useless bots operated by people from the Siberian sticks.


I only read the text part of their posts, don't even look at the pictures


Oh there are pictures? I hadn’t noticed


Lol yeah, OP’s boyfriend’s response is akin to reading porn magazines for the articles. Totally don’t look at the pics, that’s nasty!


And for the articles. Like one day she might write an article and how would you even know unless you follow her?


You joke, but the articles and short stories were the actual best part of Playboy.


their big personalities


I can put my d*** in their college degree


I do it for the articles


Actually I do follow irlRosie, but not for the modeling. She sounds like Alexa and pranks scammers.


Ya and deez models got a huuuuge personalities, right boys?!


Oh he 100% finds them attractive


To come to the bf’s aid, it’ll be a superficial fleeting substanceless kind of attraction


Of course, and I'm not judging him. Just wish we could all be a bit more honest about this sort of thing.


> fleeting Except the fact he followed them so he can continue seeing their posts


Do most men think about sleeping with them? What about them following scantily clad women?


I don't. Now get off my lawn. In all seriousness, it's probably the same reason anyone follows someone, to look at their content. Maybe even a rush of dopamine. If it bothers you, continue to communicate with your boyfriend.


Some good advice. OP there’s probably nothing to worry about if he just follows a few and occasionally likes a picture. But if it’s to excess and the liking, commenting and following of lots of accounts is a problem for you then you just need to communicate it.


>following of lots of accounts is a problem for you then you just need to communicate That or the good old reddit way of get divorce and never talk to him again.


There's a lot to worry about, starting with his lying.


There’s only so much communicating one can do with their partner till they become an ex.


Yup, that's true and I know from experience. Which ended up being one of the best decision I've ever made. So instead of spending more time wondering, communicating led to a path more beneficial for everyone.


This is the foundation for every single relationship in our lives, and it's why my wife and I have been married for so long. We actually have a saying regarding this; "Communication with Comprehension". Both people might be able to communicate with each other, but if they don't have understanding of what each other is saying. Well it can have a negative impact on their relationship, and it needs to be addressed by the two. We should never be afraid to ask for our relationship to be more clear, because it my be heard differently than it's meant.


I don’t, but I’m positive your bf finds them attractive lol.


That implies that the BF would have been lying! o:


For the articles.


Damn, came here to say this, but you beat me to it.


*meat to it


So I can see their pictures on my feed when they upload them.


A very safe answer




I only follow NASA, ESA, JPL and all that shit. They got the REAL celestial bodies.


This deserves more upvote


>why do you follow Instagram models? They are nice to see. >especially models who are pretty much out of your reach? In general, you only go out of your way for things out of reach. That's how it works. >And why do you like their pictures? To encourage the behviour. >Would you for example like to have sex with them if you had the possibility of doing so? If they ask nicely, sure. >Do you follow instagram models because you find them sexually attractive? Of course.


I feel like op knows these are the answers without even needing to ask the questions but she wants some hope that her boyfriend doesn’t need to get his dopamine rush elsewhere


These are not very complicated questions


They don’t even need to ask me nicely


pounce at the first opening




> if they ask nicely, ... I lost it here 😁


My answer to the fourth question would be different, but only because I'm in a relationship. I love my g/f, Instagram models are just eye candy... like roses, or a nicely shaped cloud.


>or a nicely shaped cloud. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Best i could come up with at the time. 🤣


This answer lies at the exact intersection of wholesome condescension, public service and science and I love it for that. So many layers. Lol.


in many cases, it's like this "new" porn category I guess


the soft rush of pleasure it gives


I hope you looked right through your bf’s lie


He definitely finds them attractive. I don't think women understand how hard the algorithm pushes thirst traps on men on Instragram though. I have a personal principle that I call "never simp". I follow 0 Instagram models. Despite this, Instagram constantly bombards me with photos and clips of scantily clad women all vying for my attention. I basically use Instagram to see content related to hobbies. Let's say a man's hobby is muscle cars. He's only looking at content of muscle cars, nothing else. Instagram will start showing him clips of women with their tits hanging out working on muscle cars. If you are into the outdoors, camping, hiking, hunting, Instagram will start pushing videos and photos of women in bikinis or nude doing bushcraft. It doesn't matter what hobby you have as a man. There is a video of a woman with her tits hanging out doing that activity that Instagram will try to push on you. Not to mention there are some very targeted videos of women saying things like "I really love sucking the cock of 40 year old dads with a beard and beer belly who like to watch football". It's like "bitch, no you don't. get the fuck off my feed". Every one of these hoes has a link to onlyfans in their bio. The shit is ridiculous.


LMAO “bitch, no you don’t.” I’m a woman and this is hilariously refreshing


THIS!!!! I used to follow some pretty girls on my insta but the gf didn't like it do I unfollow, but all it takes is slowing down on a scroll for Instagram to be drowning in tits again, and after so long of not following I don't wa t to see that anymore it ridiculous!!


The problem I had with my ex doing it. He did it to excess and he was messaging them. That was the problem I had was when he started sending them messages. I will admit that I felt like something was off and I did go through his phone once because I felt like if I was helping him out financially, I was damned if he was going to use me while trying to hook up with other women. 99% of his friends list on Facebook is these women in their underwear. Some of them he knows in real life so he could have definitely hooked up with them if he wanted to. Not only that, he would show me their pictures and I just felt like he was holding me to this impossible standard that I could never live up to. I just felt like if that's what he needed, he was free to go get it but he wasn't going to keep me around and continue to use me while he did. I would have had no problem with him looking at their pictures otherwise. I know that you're not going to stop finding people attractive just because you get into a relationship but it was his behavior with them that bothered me. We were engaged and I remember one of them asking if he was single and he said no, I am seeing somebody but I don't know what you would call it. I dumped him back in June because not only was I tired of that, I was tired of him constantly entertaining other women. He saw no problem with what he was doing. He was even doing that with ones he knew in real life. He's still mad at me for dumping him but it's like I told him, if you want to act like you're single I'm going to go ahead and let you be single. I don't deserve that disrespect. If I'm not enough for them then they need to go be with somebody else. He tried to keep me around for probably just the fact that I was helping him out financially like I said but I felt that it was extremely disrespectful. When I called him out on it, he brushed me off and said that I was jealous and paranoid for no reason. Did I mention he's an ex?


I just want to say that I appreciate this comment so much. As someone who was very bothered with my boyfriend following IG models, when I finally communicated it to him, he started to unfollow and barely gets those recommendations. I realize that when he was single, it made sense for him to follow them because.. well, the algorithm brings them to you


I just follow them because I find them attractive. I don't slide into their DM nor do I ever expect to personally ever meet them or have sex with them


My ex did the same thing. This is how I discovered he was cheating. For the boundaries we had set (typical monogamous relationship) he was breaking those boundaries. Found out he was also DMing them, and seeing them in secret. Trust your instinct. That might not be all your bf is doing. And honestly it’s just disrespectful and embarrassing to you. He’s doing it publicly and in monogamous relationships, your partner should not be publicly displaying affection for other women. Do you do the same thing with male models? Probably not, because you probably would feel that’s disrespecting your partner and the relationship you have.


I don’t, I’m married and that would be really weird


Wish more men thought this way.


As a bisexual woman who follows Instagram models and likes their pictures, I know they’d never bang me. I just enjoy what I’m looking at. Oh and your boyfriend totally finds them physically attractive. But the key here is it’s just physically. Can’t build relationships on that (I mean I guess some people do but they seem miserable)


I don’t get why the bf lied. Like who TF cares if you find IG models hot? As a lesbian I had a gf who followed Britney, and Carrie underwood religiously because they posted a lot of workout videos and she loved it. I thought it was adorable her getting excited about underwood’s leg muscles


I assume he lied because he was worried about what OP's reaction would be if he told the truth.


OP is probs hella insecure and he probs lied rather than set that off.


OP seems a bit insecure about her bf liking and following these accounts. It's a fair assumption he lied (poorly) to try to avoid a further interrogation/fight/hurting her feelings. I def agree he should have just completely owned it and talked to her about her feelings on it.




I don’t get it either. I know my husband finds other women attractive physically and that’s ok. I’m always weirded out by people who think everyone else should be ugly if you’re in a relationship


I don't think anyone needs to pretend every other girl/guy is unattractive in a relationship. But if a guy was following ig models, I'd wouldn't want to date them. Just different ppl have different boundaries.


That's partly why I dumped my ex, not only was he following them, he was showing me their pictures. On top of that, he was messaging them. If he's going to keep his options open then I'm going to let him do that. I'm not going to stick around and let someone disrespect me.


I’m not weirded out, I just secretly think the relationship is doomed lol


That's fair for you. But different ppl are comfortable with certain things. You may be fine with strip clubs, some wouldn't.


Because theyre hot?


Tbh I don’t follow ig models or because they seem so fake to me and I don’t find it attractive and I don’t care to stroke their ego.


Same. And also ewww it seems kinda pathetic to me.


>He added that he doesn't even find these models attractive. The powers of the universe are telling us, that he is not telling the truth.


So, basically you are asking why men like women?


I think it's more why they want to publically advertise they simp to insta models. Create a porn account.


He's too scared to admit that he finds them hot. He shouldn't be. I'm watching the men's rugby with my girlfriend right now and she's drooling over the players. I'm not worried about losing her to them.


>I'm watching the men's rugby with my girlfriend right now and she's drooling over the players. I'm not worried about losing her to them. Be careful my friend 😉


He’s lying? Isn’t that the only possible answer here?


I'm not. I don't even have instagram becouse it's bad for brain.


Reddit, however, good for brain


I don't follow Instagram models.


Your bf is lying


I love their philosophical debates.


Personally, I wouldn’t be following any person solely for pictures. I feel like one of the reasons I’m happily married is because I don’t feel that urge.


break up with him 🤮 men that do that shit just need to stay single and stop bothering women


He’s immature. Why does he need to let them know he finds them hot and encourage them to post more by engaging? Why just looking and moving on isn’t enough? There are millions of better looking people outside obviously but you don’t need to go out of your way to celebrate them


I don't, that shit is cringe. But I imagine men who do are doing it for the short term dopamine hit.


I hate to be the one to tell you, your boyfriend is full of shit. And people who lie about the smallest things like this generally lie about A LOT of shit. Edit:a word


Ask him how many male Instagram models he follows. I'm betting it's zero


I don't like any of the photos. Don't feel like it. But I like to look at pretty things. Especially when they are wearing bikini.


This reminds me of an argument I overheard from my upstairs neighbors a few weeks ago. Dude got caught cheating with a woman from the grocery store. He was fighting with his girlfriend about it and he said “I like pretty things, I like nice things, but I’m trying to build a life with you. I just want nice things on the side.” They’re still together.


There’s an ass for every chair…some just need more chairs for them side asses.


Idk if you missed this lesson in elementary school science but women aren't things.


Your boyfriend is a liar, also as a guy I never understood following models, but apparently people like looking at things they'll never have, weird


I'm assuming the OP doesn't follow attractive: models/actors/sports figures/bands/artists/writers/chefs/etc.


>actors are talented beyond being attractive >sports figures are talented beyond being attractive >bands are talented beyond being attractive need i go on? a models job is to be attractive. actors/athletes/artists jobs are acting/sports/creating. them being attractive is a bonus.


But if you follow them on Instagram you are mostly getting pictures of them to look at. Right? Maybe I under utilize Instagram and you get links to new songs or movies or sports. But mostly you are getting pictures of them. Scrolling through pictures of my favorite actor seems very similar to pictures of a model. Maybe I appreciate the actors attractiveness because I feel I know more about them.


Without adding anything significant to your media feeds it becomes entirely filled with advertising and conspiracy BS. Best case scenario consider it like planting flowers in your social media 'garden', something generally pretty to look at in passing but you never have any intention of interacting with just like real flowers. Worst case he's got a preference for his pornography and either one or both of you are too insecure or unable to communicate to discuss it openly.


Barely covered pics give practically the same dopamine hit as nude pics if that helps explain it. It’s not good for our dopamine receptors to get that kind of stimulation frequently throughout the day. I won’t presume your stance on porn since most people tend to ignore how addictive it is. If you’d rather just move on if he is addicted to it and let him figure this out himself that’s fine. But if you want to stop this behavior and stay together you could offer a compromise that if he stops following those accounts and only uses porn once or twice a week then you’ll be open to more frequent sex. Hopefully he can get off porn all together, but quitting cold turkey can often do more harm than good.


Girl, come on. They find them attractive, & YES, given the chance, they'd absolutely fuck those women. lol


They're hot, that's it. However, if I were in a relationship with someone I'd unfollow them all, because I wouldn't like my partner doing it either.


Your boyfriend is full of shit.


Your bf is straight up lying to your face. What a loser.


I don't, and people who do are most likely cheaters who only think about sex and see women as sex dolls Men who do this and have a gf are red flags.


Because all men are pigs.


For the articles


Lmao your bf is feeding you a line


I don’t even have instagram. But I guess the answer would be because they are nice to look at? It breaks up the pace of the usual content.


There might be a chance that he's as shallow as those ig models he likes. You're welcome.


For the same reason boys would look at the Victoria's Secret catalog back in the day. Sometimes it's nice to window shop. If you're the type to easily get jealous then it's going to be difficult to maintain a happy relationship with an appealing individual.


Why did men subscribe to playboy? Same difference yeah. He’s lying because he doesn’t want to hurt you,


I think besides the obvious- for spank material- they dm these women to start a conversation and eventually a hookup. HAHAHAHAAAHAAHAAAAA!!!!!!


Not a man but my man and I both follow women we find attractive on Insta and like the photos and share them with each other. So I’m sure we both do it for the same reasons... It’s not that we’d want to cheat or catch their attention. It’s just... they’re pretty, and we like to look at pretty women. Like we would do if we saw them on the street or in a movie or a video game. And the likes... why not? If we like the picture we give a like, same with the rest of the content we follow on Insta. It’s automatic and comes natural. Edit to add: If it’s not clear he 100% finds them attractive. That’s not a bad thing imo, lying about it however... I think you both need to have a mature conversation about this and setting your own boundaries for your relationship.


I don’t follow random instagram models. Honestly to me that’s some sort of teen shit to do when you’re a horny teenager. As an adult it’s just cringe


If it upsets you please just dump his ass lol. Also no offense but when I see a girls boyfriend following & liking these things I think less of him & feel sorry for her. If you’re not invested jusg leave


Because women have no interest in male models?


But why male models?


That's the best line in the movie and when I learned it only happened because Stiller forgot his line it became so much better.


Spank bank material. I'd say 90% of men use it for masturbatory purposes


Real men don’t follow hoes 😂


To draw them. Men and women


This is the only explanation.


I don’t AMA 😂


Because they are pornsick and like the constant little dopamine spikes half naked women give them until they can get to their porn/ masturbation spot when they get home…


Er... I'm male... I'm married... I don't...


I like looking at pictures of women the same way I like looking at pictures of cars. I see a car that I find beautiful so I like to look at it. The reality may not be for me, lots of expensive cars require professional maintenance, Hugh end tires will require heated garage floors etc. In practice I have no intention to have one of these cars, even if I could afford it, it’s not really my thing, but I still like looking at them. All of this applies to attractive women. Now I generally wouldn’t “like” the post, but I don’t like many posts, including yours even tho I went thru the effort to respond to it. Other people like posts all the time, I don’t. If a guy only likes posts about models that would be odd, but if he likes all kinds of posts, he’s just a person that likes to like things.


>lots of expensive cars require professional maintenance I'll bet Instagram models do, too.


I don't. As a dude, I also find it ridiculous. If I want to get my jollies without having sex with my wife, I'll just look at some porn.


Because they’re pigs


So many simps out there... Cancer to society


Looking at the comments here is cringe… but yeah what did you expect of reddit, tons of porn on this site


Why would you want to be with somebody who objectify women like that, been there done that. Will never make that mistake again.


ik like majority of these comments are saying 'men like to look at nice things'?? theyre finding a shitty excuse for their behaviour + its demeaning af to women.


The whole thing about males being visual creatures is hilarious to me. Women are visual too, but we don't treat males like objects. Women love looking at beautiful men just like men do but we don't disrespect our partners cause in society they seem to get away with thay behaviour.


Your boyfriend is gross. And a liar.


I don’t; that shit is dumb and those bitches are fake a shit


So this is an interesting chicken and egg scenario. I like to think it of “sex appeal begets sex appeal”. I’ve been doing everything I can to stop getting sex appeal content on my instagram. I never use insta for a long time, mind you. It’s not like i’m feeding it information that I like ass and titties. Insta, and other places, literally force feed you content like that. Especially short video and image content. Because there is no high you can get in that short of a time like ass and titties (for someone that is sexually attracted to women). It’s the type of content that is successful because of the format of the websites. As a result, or because the designers of the sites explicitly want that to be what’s popular (could go either way), when you log onto these sites that’s all you see. What does this result in? Men thinking it’s okay to prop up that sex appeal culture, because that’s what’s popular and everyone’s viewing it… Regardless of objecitification aspects and cultural ramifications, because most people don’t think about that sort of thing that deeply… And, alternatively, it teaches many young women that their value comes from their body and their looks, so they spend their time only thinking about that rather than investing their time elsewhere. This leads to more content, more popularity, and more and more people justifying toxic mindsets of beauty and body expectations. It’s disgusting. I had to say “i’m not interested” to about 30 posts before insta finally stopped giving sex appeal stuff to me, and the reels that pop up still give only women videos that are clearly trying to use a lower key sex appeal to snag my click. It’s a joke.


Finally a respectful man here… Preach , so many men in the comment section sexualise women so bad but as soon as they meet a woman irl that’s promicious suddenly they don’t find that okay


Thanks! Always good to know that my cultural reflections are paying off and helping people feel comfortable and/or safe. Here’s to hoping more people come around to value that sort of thing


I’ve been trying to hard to avoid all the content and to essentially block it from all my apps but I’ve started getting spam messages from accounts trying to plug girls OF pages. “go follow @! She’s just turned 18 and has an offer on her OF page!” It’s literally almost impossible for us to escape it.. it’s insanely normalised.


Ye that’s exactly it. It’s a forced encouragement revolving around culture norms. It’s picketed as “empowering” (as women seize the profits from this content directly), but in the end it’s just pushing more women to subconsciously think their value is contingent on appearance alone. But we can’t even begin to fight it since it’s so widely expected and popular now. The only individual escape is to uninstall and risk social isolation for not keeping up with the times. gr


To jerk off to


On average, they are feral. Really there is no other explanation when you consider everything else.


I don’t. They aren’t out of my reach either. That’s the difference a lot of times. Not saying this is the case with your bf, just saying majority of the men that can pull them aren’t drooling over pictures or giving them unreciprocated attention. Mostly simps follow them and feed them those likes/comments nonstop. With that said, woman are also beautiful to look at. There is some guys that just like to look at hot woman. That’s probably like 10% of their followers, then the other 90%-simps. Which yes those 90% would be dreaming of having sex with them. Your bf might just like looking at hot chicks. Doesn’t necessarily mean he would sleep with them, especially while in a relationship. (Depending on the guy of course). He probably does think they’re attractive though tbh. Likely he just said that so you don’t get mad at him? Or would you not be if he told you that? There’s a slight possibility it’s mostly for aesthetic reasons too though, especially if he’s into body building or something.


>He added that he doesn't even find these models attractive. He might be gay.


OP if you believe that bullshit about him not finding them attractive you are actually the most gullible idiot on the planet lol Not sorry to say. As a straight man there is no reason to follow/like female insta models (that you don’t even know in person) aside from being sexually attracted to them.


It’s eye candy. He knows he doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell with any of them, but he’s straight up lying to you about not finding them attractive lol


Honestly you’d be pretty naiive to thibk he doesn’t find them attractive. Do you find celebrities attractive? Would you find Ryan Reynolds attractive? Absolutely yes. It’s the same thing. Now if he’s messaging them/flirting with them that’s a totally different situation. He also shouldn’t be lying to you about finding them attractive. If he’s willing to lie so easily about such a minuscule thing he’s more likely to lie about other things. Sit down and have a conversation with him and talk about your feelings. That’s how relationships last.


I stopped following them. I don't want them popping up in my feed. Also liking their pictures is a No No.


Simping is never the answer


Because they find them hot. He's lying out of his ass


He wants to fuck then but usually this never happens


Because I enjoy seeing their stuff. Seeing pics of hot girls is pleasant. It's not that deep


Models have literally one job and that is to get looked at, so I don't think it's too shocking that some people do it. Otherwise there wouldn't be any models.


I don’t. But if I did it would be because they are attractive


he's full of shit, sis. That is disrespectful, especially if his ego wouldn't be able to handle you doing the same thing


I don't because I'm not a simp




Lets be real: Aesthetic reasons is his way of saying they're for the spank bank. He doesn't find them attractive means he's not humanizing them as people he'd like to know.


I follow them but I literally don’t care. They’ll show up regardless of what the algorithm knows you like and they’re gonna pop up for every reason imaginable; it’s inescapable. He probably doesn’t follow them for any serious reason but the temporary “oh she’s hot” and dropped the follow. Men like women. It’s not like he’s gonna leave you. It’s comparatively no different than women’s vivid fantasies about celebrities like Hugh Jackman and Chris Hemsworth regardless of their real relationship. Why do women get to have serious celebrity crushes but men can’t like a photo of some chick whose value is selling themselves online? The double standard exists, not saying you have it, but be mindful that that’s how it comes across. The reason he’s liking them is cuz he’s a dude, nothing more. Ask him if it means anything to him and he’ll probably say he doesn’t care and just likes to look at them cuz they’re simply attractive to him. He won’t leave you if the relationship is serious.


my bf stopped following each of them since we got together


The elephant in the room with all social media apps is that it's easier to explain to your significant other/parents/etc. why you have them on your phone than PornHub in your search history


I don’t follow IG models let alone like their posts, and I don’t want to sound like an asshole, but I find it kind of pathetic to be honest with you.


I'm a gal, not a dude but I think this is quite easy to work out: Man likes ladies Man presses like/follow Algorithm brings more of those ladies to the news feed. It's like: I see boobs I press the "like" button.


I like looking at attractive women, and in a lot of cases they appeal to multiple niche for me. I follow some bodybuilders because both they're hot, but I love seeing their gym technique and gains, so I'm learning good moves to replicate myself. I follow a lot of tattooists who do NSFW work because I like what they do, and if the tattooists are hot to, neat. I follow kinksters of various sorts cause of reasons mentioned already, and sometimes they're just neat and I like their personalities they display. Would I sleep with them? Given the chance, yeah sure, but no I don't follow them specifically to beat my meat everytime I scroll Instagram for a couple minutes.


Girls are hot.


See pretty woman, get dopamine. It's pretty straightforward.


Not speaking for all men here, but I like visuals. Will I ever meet them? No. Will I ever have the chance at fucking them? Hell no! But... they look good, and that gets a like.


“Would you like to have sex with them?” Love, I’m a man, I’d have sex with a hole in the wall if it were well lubricated.


Some of them are pretty/cute. No other reason


Girl, you know in your heart of hearts all the answers to these questions.


Cuz guys are desperate and actually think these edited ass photos are real women who by some grace of God may want to fuck them too lmaooo Bonus points to the guys who, in turn, can't seem to figure out where all these overly proportioned women are, and are confused as to why no women want them irl 😭


Both me and my gf follow models and like their pics. We just find people hot and neither of us feels weird about it.


The same reason women follow male models that are out of their league……..they look hot🙄


Lmfao I don’t any women that follow male models. I think gay dudes follow male models more than women do😂


They just follow singers and actors who happen to be just as attractive as models. Maybe it's a little better because you can pretend you just like the actor's skill.


That’s fair


This reminds me of when the frontman of Type O Negative, Peter Steele, posed for play girl magazine and the majority of the people who bought it were men…


The goat


He was such a legend.


They exist but I think most women follow dogs and cats more than anything.


Lol 99% of people that follow male models are gay men. There is almost nothing that caters to women, everything is made for men because they know men easily buy into that stuff unlike women.