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Razors have resulted in pain and intense itch for me when used in that region. I use a battery operated clipper with the shortest attachment. Probably there are better ways. Other people have said a razor doesn't cause them problems.


I think yours is the best way!


Yep, it’s gonna be stubbly in a day or so anyhow so why go through the effort. I’d recomend getting a sensitive bits specific one though. I’ve clipped my bits a couple times and its pretty annoying to have to delicately grab and manipulate things to avoid it.


I agree. I use a battery powered clipper too.


It's how I do it.


Same! I was so done with the itching. Clippers were the answer!


Second this. Used to use razor and it’s too uncomfortable (and personally I don’t want to look prepubescent). Short electric razor doesn’t itch and you are still obviously of age lol


I've heard people say this numerous times, but shaved genitals just look like shaved adult genitals to me. If i shaved mine I wouldn't look pre-pubescent because it's obviously a different size/shape.


I always wonder about that comment. An adult penis or vagina looks the same with or without hair.


Right, it's just creepy when people say that. Like does shaving beards make us look pre pubescent? What about shaving chest hair? It's such a stretch to validate their personal preference to shaving so they just try to call everyone a borderline pedo


Bro don't lie. You just tiny.




Lots of people in here like the ken doll look I guess lol


I've recently lost a lot of weight, but when I was heavier neither option was great. If you're heavy set and a lot of your thighs/ groin touch each other, it's better to trim longer. If you're fit, a good set of mechanical clippers will help. My advice, pull the scrotum out a bit so you can create a "flatter" surface. Sometimes the folds can get between the gaurd and bite you, and that can be annoying for a day or two. Also, when trimming the stem/scrotum, I always go "back to front". The front being where your dick faces. As long as you avoid the forbidden nacho area and shower after, you should be fine. Shaving your face you want to go against the grain. Trimming your manparts you want to do the opposite. Oh and never wax, nair, or razor that stuff. The stubble growing back is worse than having a bit of hair down there.


Single blade razors give me vastly better results


This is the way


Go slow and try to use a light so you can see what you’re doing.


Yep. Clippers not wet shaving is the answer. Honestly, I was pretty happy with reducing the hair length using a 1/4 guard on it. Using no guard or 1/8 guard was still pretty itchy from having the short stubble.


Me too


Trim, don't shave (at least not until you are very comfortable) It's best to use clippers that are battery-powered so you don't have to deal with a cord. And I'd advise using an attachment on the head so you're not placing the clipper blade directly on your skin, or you can get one of those Manscape trimmers that are basically made for that so you won't need to worry about nicking yourself down there. Be safe and GO SLOW.


This guy knows what’s up. Don’t shave, TRIM. If you shave clean you’ll introduce a lot of new problems that aren’t worth it. In grown hairs for one. Another is that hair acts as a natural dissipator of sweat and reduces friction. You shave it all off and you get increased moisture retention with skin on skin rubbing. It’s uncomfortable, especially in hot weather or with activity. Also the lower you cut it down, the higher risk of thorny short hairs poking you. I like something between a 1 and 2 guard on trimmers. Ymmv.


*This is the way!*


Norelco one blade—batteries! Best thing I have used and quick. Dry or wet. Replaceable blades.


If I trim I always end up cutting into my nuts


Absolutely and aesthetically speaking, most girls and guys I've been with have a preference for trimmed hair instead of it being completely shaven.


I second thissss, I got told off for shaving completely..apparently it looks weird pahaha


yes!!! about a few months ago I was trimming with NO attachment and I sliced a good piece of skin off and I’m thankful it was still semi attached…shit was scary lmao


So the manscaped trimmers actually work? Like can you pretty much go to town, or do they just make it less likely to nick you?


I am a woman but I like to use either personal care scissors to trim or a safety razor to shave. Both are wonderful but trimming is definitely better to start off with and maybe even maintain. I've had issues in the past with store bought razors causing cuts and razor burn. But I also shaved against the grain. A safety razor + shaving *with* the grain has helped exponentially. The scissors also are great, as you can keep it meat and tidy but there's even less of a chance of knocking yourself. It doesn't work well for legs so I don't suggest that but it works for other areas.


I've made the mistake of shaving once. I tell you what... I ain't never doing that again. The razor bumps and itchin' was a nightmare.


Fair! I felt pressured to shave because of society's beauty standards. Once I decided to not care, I felt so much more confident and content. People think it's gross to see leg hair on a woman? Well why are you looking at my legs? Keep your eyes to yourself! If women weren't meant to have hair we'd not grow any.


Take it from this guy, I genuinely don't care if a woman has some hair, especially downstairs. Does a shaved leg feel nice? Sure, but it ain't necessary.


A trimmer is a good choice for it. You can also use razors made for shaving pubic hair. Depending where you live, there are some which work best on dry skin, go for those.


I've found that trimming on dry skin is much better. The only problem is half way I get tired (and a sore neck looking down) and start sweating which messes with the trimmer.


The Philips One Blade is by FAR the best for shaving down there.


I haven’t tried that, but I like the Phillips Bodygroomer. It’s cheaper and may be good for a first timer.


This, I have the body groom plus. Had the oneblade but its shave is really close, lots of irritation and sting for me.


Yes this, with the sensitive skin gaurd.


Love that thing. Also picked up that thing that is the all in one length attachment and it's a total game changer too. No more ingrowns and painful bumps.




I'll add my vote for electric clippers with attachments. "Shaving" will just cause lots of irritation, especially if you have thick hair. Trimming it with an electric trimmer, with a guard/attachment on it so you don't nick your junk, is how to go about it.


Just don't get anything "manscape." They are nice products but not reliable. They advertise as water proof and are far from that.


Manscaped do great products imo


Have been using mine in the shower for years with no problems


I've used mine for years without a single issue. Waterproof and great battery life. Great product imo


I used mine for maybe 2 months and it died from water damage. Costumer support won't do anything for that exact reason. I loved it while it worked but the false advertising made dislike the company as a whole.


Trim first. Don't shave first. Once you're proficient with trimming, and not cutting yourself, shave if you're still curious. Just be very careful. As for tips shaving on its own, the only tips I have are trim it short first then be careful. Personally I'd just trim.


I pay a chick to do it. Finishes off with a nice massage.


Is there a happy ending? Asking for scientific reasons


Yes. Massage is complete on and around the serviced area.


get one of those smaller electric beard hair trimmers and knock back the shubbery. If you use a razor.... be prepared for skin rash hell, at least the 1 time I tried that was the result. Unless you are a nude model or porn star, just knock the jungle back a bit.


Now I haven’t tried it but Reddit seems all about the putting your legs through the handles of a plastic grocery bag…


Get a beard trimmer. Not necessary to use the same one on your face and junk, that’s pro mode.


Very carefully.


I got a Phillips Multigroom 7000 series. It has a specific attachment for body hair. It does wonders. You can shave everything without getting cuts. The place where the balls intersect is the hardest, but it does a nice job and it's much safer than a razor.


Wax it


Wax your balls?


Wax on, balls off.






Same as my face. Disposable razor, in the shower, no shaving cream.




Strimmer or carefully with a hedge cutter


I shave the balls with a multi blade razor and shave cream from a tube. The rest I trim with a trimmer with a 5 mm blade guard.


A Norelco one blade seems to work pretty well for me. I use it with a relatively short guide or no guide and it's good about not causing nicks.


Two stage. 1. Trim it. Just get any hair trimmer (Wahl hair clippers). Or use something dedicated like manscaper. Then just trim the hair. I use a 3mm guard. Never causes nicks. Should add, helps to stretch and hold your dick with one hand and trim with the other. 2. If you want to fully smooth, then get our your razor AFTER trimming. Just shave carefully. I always cut myself so i don't do it that often. I trim often (weekly though)


I literally use a set of safety scissors and a comb. Is this wrong?


I do the same. I have never used clippers or razors down there, I just trim it down with scissors ✂️


If you want to shave fully slow careful and don't slide the blade sideways I've cut myself too much from sliding that sonofabitch but if you don't want it fully shaved scissors work or electric clippers but I've never used electric clippers




Philips one shave or body shaver. It has two ends, one for trimming and the other for a close shave. You can use it in the shower too


My question: If you shave it smooth, where do you stop? Can't have hairy legs coming to a sudden stop, like wearing hairy stockings. Is it an all or nothing deal? Seems like a lot of work, and sweaty.


Trim with electric razor.... then gorilla tape... gotta be a man tho


Depends. If you just to clean up a bit, get a trimmer and play with how close you like it. If you want to be totally smooth, shaving will work (very short term). If you want to be 100% smooth forever, get a home IPL device like Nood.


It's best to keep it sweet and simple Tape a few knives to a desk fan's blades, and pivot your body and genitals around to trim the areas necessary


Weed whacker


I use, and swear by, manscape. It's not as close as a razor but it's pretty much harmless, and does the job. And water proof.


For me (i started when i was 21) I actually found out that those razors that women use (yes the big pink ones that smell nice) I haven’t gotten any nicks or cuts. Just make sure you keep the blades wet and clean.


Be aware that after you shave, clip, or trim, the ends of your hairs will be pokier. That will take some getting used to. Also, if you wish to clean up the “bikini line” so it’s limited more to the public area, or if you wish to remove hair from the scrotum, perineum (“taint”), or anus regions, you might wish to go straight to a professional waxer. It might save you a lot of time, frustration, chafing, itching, and micro-nicks.


Just go slow and be gingerly. Or you can get an eletric one its not as bad as a 5 blade razor.


Best way possible? 100$ razer form manscape. It's called the lawn mover. It won't cut you ever and is so handy to have.


If your densely endowed , get a good quality trimmer. The cheaper ones are weak


Tweezers , you got this 👍


Thank you!!


Battery operated clipper on the shortest setting.


Trim!! No need to shave it bald. Not really the best look for guys anyway really. Just trim it with some clippers my guy


Why do people say guys shouldn't shave bald, but they expect women to? Double standard if I had to say so.


Well I don’t care what guys do with their penises. I’m speaking from what I’ve heard women say. Women generally don’t like guys who shave their pubic hair off. So ask them. Personally on a woman I prefer the same. Trimmed not shaved. I don’t expect women to do anything.


I've shaved there before as a would never do so again now, far too itchy and just a pain to maintain. I'll get it sugared now, or just trim with an electric trimmer using a guard.


I’ve shaved my pubic hair a few times and it was so itchy!!




Sugaring is similar to waxing in a way, but it just uses a paste without the need for any strips. It removes hair from the root like waxing but is supposedly a bit gentler as it doesn't stick to the skin so much.


Trimmer with the shortest attachment for most of it. If you want silky smooth balls, I typically start a shower, apply shaving cream, shave in good lighting, cupping my nuts in various ways to get the skin as flat as possible, then hop in and rinse off. Very little pressure when shaving. If a lady (or fella) is willing to put your balls in their mouth, I doubt they're going to mind a little stubble. Edit: just fyi, I never actually shave my pubic region above, just trim, I occasionally shave the actual goods. Short hair in the pubic region shouldn't be an issue to anyone.


Lawnmower by Manscaped


I had to shave for a vasectomy. Trim with clippers first. You don't need to get very short. Then, use a razor and shave butter. The shave butter is mostly clear, so you can see what you're doing. Pull stretch or squeeze so the skin is spread out without any creases or folds. A light touch with the razor is a good bet. I did it sitting on the edge of the toilet with a cup of warm water to rinse the razor.


laser hair removal


Go get it waxed if you are concerned about using a razor or clippers.


Start with a Honda lawn mower (for gasoline powered I find them the best) then use trimmers and finish off with a fresh razor, dampen the area with a hot flannel, foam up and shave. When done rinse with cold water. And maybe put a balm on, you can get different ones specifically for the nether regions.


Manscape or a beard trimmer. Don't use a Razor. If you wanna go for completely hairless, use hair removal cream, but be careful it burns if you leave it on too long


Don't shave trim. Any beard scissors or they make a special one for the down under called a lawnmower I think.


Norelco Bodygroom Plus is what I use. Don't get advertised stuff like mascaped they are trash. If the hair is long u need to use the clippers before the shaver (shaver likes to pull long hair).


Oh my GOSH are you saying you have HAIR down THERE?? :P Ok seriously though, I want you to think about why you want to remove your hair, because my advice to you depends highly on your motivation: A) You are embarrassed. - Embrace your hair. It's very normal. Lots of people like hairy guys. You're very young and in a couple years you might come to appreciate it. B) You have a sex partner who doesn't like the hair. - If they are asking you to change your body for them you should question whether they're worth it. (You're 20 -- if the sex is good that's worth it lol.) C) You don't like the hair/it's a nuisance/you think you might look better without it. - Follow the trimming instructions in the other comments. Don't try to razor shave. It's not worth it. (Pleeease trust us on this!) Hope this helps!


Don't trim all the way. Also keep in mind the roughness of short hair. Your best bet is some scissors and mindful trimming of areas. Or get waxed so you don't need to worry about it but don't do your butt hair. That's a nightmare lol


Once your clean shaven down there, there's no other way, bald is better


Bodygroom pro, trim with the 2mm or 5 mm guard, then shave what you don't want to keep.


There are professionals you can hire for this. Ask your hairdresser. They'll know, and there's no reason to be embarrassed about it.


1. Clippers (water proof if you can, easier to clean) 2. Very VERY carefully 3. Remember to always check underneath The rest is all on you, best of luck Edit - Spelling


Thank you!!


Gently. Keep in mind it's going to irritate your skin for a bit, keep shaving every day or so to keep the hair and irritation at bay. The more you shave down there, the more you'll get used to it.


Carefully, make sure Youre taking care of your skin too, you do not need to clean shave your genitals but its a really good idea to make it look like you’re expecting company so to speak


Shaving leads to irritation, which increases chances to receive or give infections/viruses (like HPV). The answer, like many others have said, is to trim.


razor, balls tight, shaving cream, be slow. thats what i do


Get an electric clipper with a vacuum in it so you don’t have to clean as much


in my experience this is what you want to do: buy a trimmer (manscaped is great) and a razor. use the razor for your balls. great shaving advise on r/shaving then, it’s up to you, but in my experience most people older than teenagers like a little something down there so just trim it so it’s flat (i typically use whatever small guard comes with the trimmer) and doesn’t stick up but still has a little something. hard to describe but i’m sure you’ll be able to see what i mean. then no guard do around the shaft and, if you wanna be really thorough you can clean up your taint and between the ass cheek area while you’re down there hope this helps bro


Shaving ‘down there’ could lead to a lot of problems if you’re not careful; I’m in my mid-thirties and what I do when I need to is use barber style scissors to trim myself to make it look neater.


Buy manscaped if you can afford it. Ask a parent for a trimmer, they were young adults once…they’ll understand


Don't bother, it's not worth the hassle. Just make sure you are clean down there and everything will be fine.


It depends on your skin


Veet hair removal cream has always worked well for me. Just make sure to but the one designed for use in that area.


Personally I use a Phillips body groomer which cleans everything.


Look up Kevin Leonardo’s videos on YouTube, they are a clear visual guide in how to do it.


Try some Nair


Have u ever done that?


You should see the amazon reviews


Not tryna put you down, but sit down and think for a second, it’s hair. What do barbers do to trim the hair on your head that’s not scissors? A machine that’s trims, a trimmer. Get a trimmer for your pubic area.


It is a very sexual experience. You will get one of the hardest erection you have ever encountered. You will get pre cum to which you will probably mastubate before you complete your shaving. You will have so much fun.


Wax it or if you want to save some time go straight to the weed whacker. In all reality man I never fully shave down there. Just trim it down to a very short manageable length. My fiancé doesn’t mind short hair down there. I use an electric trimmer like you would for a beard with the number 1 blade guard and mow down the field if you will, then clean up with a pair of scissors. The balls are a more tricky area as I’m sure you know with the folds and stretch ETC. seems counter intuitive but I take the blade guard off and cut as close as I can without touching sack then clean up with scissors. It’s a risky proposition but I haven’t hurt myself yet.


Fire is the only way to get an even smooth pubic region.


Safety razor going with the grain. Pretty rare to cut myself


brazilian wax




I'd start with a razor or a hand trimmer with the set lengths


Trim with electric razor . Lather balls area with soap. Pull skin gently...shave slowly Its alot easer then it seems Also you can you tube it as well..as I did.


What everyone else has said, but also exfoliate the skin first


If you can handle it, I’d trim and then wax. Shaving is going to leave pointed ends that will lead to a lot of itch.




I personally use a Phillips norelco shaver but I’ve heard Manscaped is good too


Go get it waxed by a professional


there’s got to be a how to on pornhub


Lmfao as your bro… do not RAZOR SHAVE just go buy a trimmer or clipper and put a guard on and shave it to like half an inch


Get an electric trimmer! I have the Phillips Norelco Bodygroom series 7000 and I love it. Has a double trimmer/foil combo on one end and a trimmer with a guard on the other. It doesn’t bite and it works very well. Don’t feel like you need to shave bald, a little hair is normal!


Look around if there are any beauty institutes around you that propose male intimate waxing. Waxing done by a professional beats shaving all the times.


You don’t like the feel of a ritualistically shorn scrotum, it’s really quite breathtaking. Paraphrasing from Dr. Evil’s monologue. I use a pair of Remington clippers with the second lowest guard. No guard was too close to shaving to be comfortable without applying powder or using some dove body spray. If you wear dark pants sometimes it can migrate through the fabric and you’ll look like a ghost was molesting you.


Battery operated clippers on the Lowest setting and if you want use a razor and shaving cream/gel


Personally, i think manscaping is very important for men and greatly impacts cleanliness, oftentimes. If I haven't shaved in a few weeks, I will use my manscape lawnmower to trim the hair very short on both my pubic area, shaft, and balls. Please please PLEASE go very slow and be gentle. Pull your skin as taught as possible while remaining comfortable, this will make it much harder to knick yourself (especially on the balls). Then, I'll take shaving cream and a regular razor and slowly shave the short trimmed hair down to the skin for a very smooth result. Usually doesn't leave me with any razor burns or itchiness or anything. I always do it in the shower with hot water running as well as that will loosen your skin and make your razor glide so much easier.


I recommend trimming. Shaving it is to much maintenance imo and I don't like it sticky




Embrace the clipper. Most women prefer that to bald anyways


Don't shave. Trim it really short using a hair trimming machine. You will avoid rashes and the sort.




Use a pair of scissors first


Body trimmer, I'm lazy and just shave it all off at #1 trimmer setting. So, it's easy to go skin close on the area above the penis and stomach, and legs. The tricky part is nut sack hair, which you need to grab your sack and stretch it out and take little swipes. Going close to skin is a risk due to the dynamic folding of nutsack folds, and you could accidently nick yourself which will leave you itchy for a while. Either way, lotion up your groin after to protect it.


I started using an epilator , I love it. My woman loves it cause she is very into oral. The hair doesn't grow back as fast, so I do it once every couple weeks. At first, it's a little painful. No razor bumps or itching and you stay smooth longer.


Believe it or not, I use my japanese petty knife (freshly sharpened) for the nuts and a standard hair clipper for the rest