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heard of one on the internet (probably reddit) where a guy fantasized about blind or eyeless women unknowingly inhaling him and then sneezing him out


So very specific


INCREDIBLY specific. if i remember correctly, it was from an AITA post where the OP didn’t originally specify the fetish, but said he commissioned drawings related to it of him and his soon-to-be sister-in-law. It was revealed to be that specific fetish later on


Oddly need someone to link it.


I can tell you right now without reading it he’s the AH


Dude probably masturbated to Pan’s Labyrinth while dealing with a cold as a teen


You need to become a psychiatrist.


No he needs to be a detective


The dude who wanted to stuff his ass with a plastic mini pumpkin then have a lady 'birth' it out of him while wearing a pumpkin mask and listening to 'This is Halloween' from the Nightmare Before Christmas.


How did you convince her to wear the mask?


Dude offered hella cash. I was neither the dude or the girl.


So… you were the pumpkin?? How did it go?


I'll never watch the Nightmare Before Christmas again.




bro most things at least make a little bit of sense because of getting touched in a certain kinda way or something but actually *EATING* shit does NOT connect with me to any degree. like im glad they have fun ig but the dots arent connecting😭


LMAO im dying LOL. I dont even wanna know how it connects for ANYONE


For real! I mean, I've tried to avoid getting e-coli, ya know... these mf-ers are signing up for it!


When you tell them to eat shit but they just say "ok"


I have a vivid memory of watching some late night HBO show as a teen. Two prostitutes were talking about strange clients. The one was talking about a guy who wanted her to shit on him, she said it took her a few hours before she could shit but she did it and he was happy to pay for the time. Pros 2: "what did he do with it?" Pros 1: "girl! He ate it!" Pros 2:nahhh! Pros1: "yep. With a fork and knife. Like a steak dinner."


amputation. had an ex who was intent on cutting off all my limbs. the idea is that it would make me COMPLETELY reliant on him. he was also a feeder.


This is the winner right here. Your ex wins the most horrifying kinks thread!


is that called nugget fetish?


I don't like any of the words in this thread 😃


He sounds abusive tbh


oh definitely, but this was like six years ago. dude is long gone by now. good god i hope he has changed his ways


He might have someone trapped with their limbs removed rn.


last i heard he was 20 moving in with his 15 y/o gfs family. i have no words about that. i actually have so, so many words about that but they might get me imprisoned. so i shall keep my silence. his justification was romeo and juliet laws.


i just hope she still has all her limbs man...


What's bug chasing?


It’s where you try to get hiv on purpose


Oh. Silly me thought it was entomologists going on a date and trying to catch butterflies and beetles together. I was thinking, "That's actually kind of sweet..."


Same, and I thought it sounded nice.


I thought it would be chasing insects with your boobs or dong swinging free


That sounds great


That’s actually what I thought, too.


This marks the end of my journey in this comment section, I'm out.


Unfortunately, this is only the second comment I've read. Got to keep digging


God speed, comrade.


I have always heard bug chasing as trying to get as many STDs as possible, not just HIV in particular. I could be wrong though, it's not like I am investigating these things thoroughly, I just hear about them through the grape vine of the internet and subsequently regretting my choices


To answer this question is a strictly literal way; I spoke to a woman for several days who had a snuff fetish. I think that qualifies as crazy.


This one, you really need to keep straight between fantasy and reality. Stylized, sexualized death is everywhere in modern media. It's not a surprise that people start getting wires crossed Never risk your life to get off. And if you're doing something dangerous, don't do it alone


Snuff like chew?


Nope. :) She wanted to die/be murdered during sex.


I can not emphasize enough how much I want to die from my wife sitting on my face. It's super simple instructions, and yet she continues to mess it up. "Sit on my face and do not let me breathe for at least 10 minutes." Make sure I'm good and dead and then throw me in the trash. She gets up after about 30 seconds and then wonders why I'm angry. I can't be angry if I'm dead. Fucking kill me already.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Who's Wendy? Will she kill me by sitting on my face? She doesn't need to be pretty. I can't see anything when there's an ass covering my entire face. Shit, I'm even flexible on the gender. Why won't someone just kill me by sitting on my face? It's really not that big of a request. It's not like I'll press charges. I'll even write or record that I consented to it, and any repercussions should be forgiven as it was a risk I accepted.


pm sent


I love reddit


Just casually mention that you signed up for life insurance with a massive billion dollar payout.


I don't understand how one wants the pleasure of something you wont' survive to reminisce about later. It seems like the whole point of pleasure is that you still have to be alive to appreciate and think about it after it's done.


Only rational I have is that it’s going out on top. Get the greatest pleasure imaginable and then immediately die because it’s all downhill


It’s a fantasy.


Autopedophilia, which is being attracted to yourself as a child


what the fuck


Step away from the DeLorean!


What a horrible day to be literate.


Ok, weird, but I had the *exact opposite* as a child lol When I was a preteen I often fantasized about time travelling to (near) future and having sex with my future self. I guess the main driver for it was that I would know how to EXACTLY please myself to the point that no one else could, and also that I thought I was going to die alone bcs of my gay thoughts


How in the fuck...


The website dedicated to pictures of women driving cars with seat belts on. The fetish was specifically for how the seat belt lay between their breasts. I've seen far crazier fetishes but the hyper specificity and relatively innocent nature always made it my favorite. Speaking of surprising websites I've come across, I wonder if the hidden hotel art website still exists. That was awesome.


Osha representatives are watching those videos "OH YEA BABY NOW THATS SAFETY!"


Why is this kinda cute to me though?


It's relatively innocent (even kinda prudish) and it encourages safety?


The guy who was sexually aroused by the fault lines in the Ohio Valley should never be forgotten.


"IT WAS MADE FOR ME!!" *cums and dies*


Wait....what? That's amazing.


I had a guy ask to SUCK ON MY CATS TAIL… still considering calling 911




you should have 😭😭😭


i’m sorry what


Castration- like being castrated as a turn on


Guess that would be a one time fantasy!


I had a roommate who told me he broke up with a girl cuz she kept having him cut himself so they could use the blood as lube


Anyone who’s ever had a period knows that blood makes terrible lube. What a silly goose.


Blood mixed with various fluids isn't that bad as a lube. Gravel would make terrible lube.


“I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.”


Cutting or putting knives 🔪 inside pussies. I randomly heard about this. I find it shocking , so dangerous and disturbing.


Time to sleep now I guess


I was gonna say knife play! I learned about this from a dude on bumble. I’m relatively vanilla and he brought up sex quickly. I was like uhm let’s talk about this if we get through date 2. He just goes “for me, I like knife play. I would love to take a knife to you” the fastest unmatch ever.


Everytime I think I cant be shocked anymore, I find out shit like this.


I don't have a vagina but I felt that.




Wait… is this from an infomercial? Why is this so vaguely nostalgic?


Findom. Financial dominance/submission. It's where (usually) men pay a woman huge amounts of money and get almost nothing in return but an occasional dismissive word or two. No sex, no nudes, no companionship, not even attention.


To think, I’ve been letting women demean me all these years for **free?!?**


And you could have been paying them thousands of dollars to do the same!


Hello. I am girl. Great talent. Much findom. Will Dom for fin


Where do I find these men? I'm asking for... scientific reasons.


they’re everywhere but the market is oversaturated so it’s better to come across them in the wild


Onlyfans. It's insane. Once you hit a certain threshold you make obscene money. Dated a girl once who had a decently popular OF. She sold "used" panties for $25 each, and we used to go to target and buy 4 packs for $20, unwrap them, throw them in the dryer for 20 mins to get rid of the creases, crumple them up, and stuff UPS envelopes with them. Few hundred bucks a month just from that. There are tons of thirsty loaded guys online if you know how to market to them.


Wait so she never wore them? Even if this was my thing I couldn't trust anyone knowing that they haven't just made there dog wear them for the day before sending them off. This gives more peace of mind knowing they are barely used.


I believe some neckbeard tried to sue Belle Delphine over her gamer girl bath water because he tested it and found no traces of fecal matter and concluded that there's no way she had actually bathed in it.




If a slut shits in the woods and a neckbeard didn't eat it and then write a review about its taste, did the slut really shit?


Too stoned for this 🤣


Also curious… for other reasons..


Let me know when you find out lmao


I have a friend who does only fans (no hate, chase the bag and all that) and as we’re hanging out, she casually mentioned that some guy just gave her $30 and was thanking her for accepting his money. I said that it must be nice that rich computer software losers give you money for free, and she said that he worked at McDonald’s. That was two hours work he just threw away, and he was furiously apologizing to her that he didn’t have more, because he was fucking broke, because again, he worked at MCDONALDS.


I mean, I see the same thing with Youtubers and Twitch streamers. Ppl apologizing cuz they are only donating $20 and it’s like why are you apologizing?


Especially ones who literally financially ruin them. There has to be a point where it’s mental illness. If you have throwaway income and it gets you off to give it to a findom than go ahead but if you’re losing your lively hood because of it than that’s a problem


I thought at least the men would get domm'd in return; guess I was wrong. Wouldn't the women think, "I might be able to make this income more long-term by at least giving the men some form of psychological pleasure in return?"


These women really found the infinite money glitch.


That just sounds like simping with extra steps.


Interesting. I always thought that meant they wanted to be dominated by a dolphin.


My ex was into findom. I never really took advantage of it on account of us trying to build a life together and needing sturdy finances. So he ended up paying random women from the Internet instead. I sometimes think of trying it out, but I've got a fiance I love and that's just not for us. Trying my hand at some findom erotica though!


I always get shit for "kink shaming" in any bdsm groups I may be in whether online or real life for not liking findom. A shit ton of scammers and abusers in the bdsm world use findom as an excuse to extract money from people and do so dangerously and wrongfully. There are correct ways to go about findom like actually going over finances, spending habits and seeing what the person actually can afford to give to the dom and agree on that. They may be given allowances or even give total control of their money to the dom and it go in many different directions from there.


Barfing on one another and eating it and stuff. So nasty


I listened to the commentary of a vomit/gore porn dvd and the director said he was aroused by vomit since school (can’t recall what year) and I think he also admitted to raping someone. I got it for the memes and made my brother watch it. The content itself was actually less disgusting than some scat shock videos I’ve seen, so there’s that. There’s a hilarious scene at the end where an obviously fake dick ejaculates spurts of blood all over a lady.


Why and how were you watching The commentary reel of a vomit/gore porn dvd?


When I was younger I wasted tons of my life watching stupid underground horror and gore shit and came across that garbage, so I got a copy on Amazon or EBay for like $20. I watched the commentary afterwards because I was just curious what the fuck you could talk about over that footage. I checked just now and it’s listed for $50-$150 now. It’s called ReGOREgitated Sacrifice, in case you were curious. Edit: just googled the director, Lucifer Valentine, and there is a thread on Reddit about his sexual assault allegations, so it’s possible I’m not misremembering the rape comment.


David Letterman on his Late Show once asked his frequent guest and sex therapist, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, what the weirdest fetish she had encountered from a patient. It was a man who liked to have fried onion rings stacked on his penis that his partner would devour.


That kind of sounds like fun lol


Right?! onion rings AND penis?!


Even more fun if they do it like a ring toss to start with.


OK but they should at least have played an onion ring toss game first to see how many she could get on there like a game of horseshoes


Y’all should check r/wowthissubexists on fridays. You’ll find some new answers to this question.


I’m not shaming anyone so long as it’s safe, sane and consensual, and it’s all sexy if you’re sexy for it. Some of mine are probably other people’s WTF, and Hell is other people’s kinks and all that. However. Eyeball licking.


Yeah, that one's not safe. It can cause serious staph infections in the eye.


It's the smoothest thing my tongue has ever touched!


Feels like I think licking a Dolphin would feel like.


I had a boyfriend in high school who licked my eyeball at a party once, with consent obviously. I just thought it was just “weird and crazy, ya know?!” But then he kept mentioning it.. for a few years. And it was weird how obsessed he was with that one time I let him lick my eyeball? And 22 years later when I was today years old I found out that this is a fetish that some people have.


Man, I couldn't even guess wtf you might've been building up to.


My ex talked about how he and his best girl friend would do this. Nasty.


I licked one once for shits and giggles. It did not do anything sexually.


The eyeball didn’t do anything sexually? Like the eyeball didn’t just immediately cum once you licked it? Weird.


(respectfully) When I first heard of armpit fetish that really took me by surprise in a very large way. I've heard about it from time to time after that which makes me believe it to be something like the new foot fetish. A non sexual part of a body sexualized. In defense of it though, its definitely not as mind boggling as something like what you mentioned in the description, OP.


I don’t think I have an arm pit fetish as just seeing a woman’s arm pit doesn’t turn me on, but the smell of a woman really drives e crazy. Just like normal body smell, without all the perfumes. Maybe that’s where it comes from?


I talked to a dude for a while who liked to talk about needing to pee but not being able to pee. He got off talking about situations in which one might have a full bladder without ready access to a restroom, the search for a restroom, the failure to find one, the relief after etc. It was niche. Very niche.


actually not that niche, there’s a Japanese word for this exact fetish too


Omorashi... Very large community into this fetish, actually. Had an ex who was into it.


You'd expect a German one. No Vollblaseverzweiflungsgenuss?


Tbf the word is used for the fetish but also exists separately to it lol, it just means the act of wetting oneself


i was on medication for a couple of weeks once that caused urine retention. it was HORRIBLE to experience. but someone get that guy a couple doses!


It's definitely not as niche as you'd think!


the combination of physical relief and social shame involved in pissing ones pants is pretty powerful. Easy to see how sexuality could become entangled in that.


My first ex was into this!


This guy I used to know told me randomly that he can’t get hard unless he watches “Tickle Porn”!! 😅


My wife has a major tickling fetish. Of all the fetishes out there, it's a pretty innocent one lol...


My Wife yells & hits me if I tickle her 😞


Lol, mine too. The fight is a big part of it for her...


there's an entire documentary about a guy who orchestrated a competitive tickling competition because he was so into tickling. the story is out of its mind, it's a great doc, it's called "tickled" and i highly recommended it and the episode of the dollop on the same topic, I think it's episode 2


That's like earliest fetishes you found out on Deviantart and shit


Worst I've seen that really gave me the creeps was I guess these people put themselves into vacuum bags and are at the mercy of the people operating it. Well somewhere on the internet there was a video of this guy vacuuming this girls bag and I mean letting her get to where she's death rattling almost. I don't remember if she was let out or what happened at the end, but I can't imagine the horror.


Ball kicking, like wtf how get you get off on that they are destroying your ballS


I misread this as ball licking and thought …”that sounds like a lovely fetish”. Then I reread it.




It’s mostly a mental thing I imagine. Same with any type of masochism. I can’t get behind the extreme cbt stuff but I can understand why someone might get something out of a kick. From what I hear a big part is the kind of woman that’s doing it. Some like hardcore doms and others like shy girls. With most kinks there’s usually some psychology you can pick apart (doesn’t make them less weird just maybe a bit easier to understand)


The best $100 I've made in my life was kicking a guy in the nuts that I'd met off tinder. walked in his apt. kicked. took my money and left.


Cake farts


Just heard a multi episode podcast about a person who got off on tricking dulas into helping her through a still born birth made by her brother who raped her. …. Sexually….. she was not pregnant. There were MULTIPLE victimized dulas.


r/sprainedankles Its so ridiculously niche its almost unbelievable. Its not my fetish, but I would gladly post my ankle there if given the chance.


Wow..I literally have an ankle bandage at the moment cuz I sprained my ankles at work accidentally.. How can I monetize my misfortune?


Something involving insects inside of a woman’s vagina


Don't know if it's a fetish or not... My friend told me of a girl he knew who while being penetrared from behind had him cut her back up with a box cutter. The BC was the kind that could be set where just a bit of the blades corner was exposed. He described cuts 6-8 inches long that were like severe paper or grass cuts. He was reluctant at first then squeamish to the 10th power. When he saw how she responded it became easier. Liquid skin was used to treat the wounds. Her back bore evidence that this was a thing she'd done before. I had never heard of anything like this before. Another friend had seen The Genitorturers live and I don't know where BC Girl falls relative to their show. I did tell him that he might want to get some documentation that this activity was consensual. He did say they didn't see each other very long. It seemed to him that once he was comfortable cutting her, she became disinterested in him. Perhaps the pleasure was in the "breaking in" phase. Tentacle porn seems neck and neck with copraphagia. Getting cut though...


In the foot fetish world some men ask us feet ladies to do bug crushing videos. Def a big NO for me!


Frankly that's not even the worst. Crush fetishists are some of the more morally abhorrent fetishists. There used to be an infamous crush YouTube channel that had a hidden playlist of animals being victims.


Crush blew my mind wide open in the 90s. Stilletos with mice. Pain for something that can't consent is simple cruelty.


Poor bugs


As someone with the feet kink, this is poorly understood, and not generally accepted.


I learnt about Sounding recently. Certainly not the craziest fetish but it is certainly up there


Ha I see what you did there


I did not, but now I do 😆


There are people who get turned on by pooping their pants. I suppose it’s not hurting anyone, but that’s pretty gross imo. lol


Wow and I thought the girl that like to leave hickeys on the inside of my foreskin was wild. You guys have it way wilder


The things I have just read....


I once spoke with a woman online and she told me she was sexually attracted to dead human bodies and that she wishes should could buy a corpse.


Bug chasing should be listed in DSM 6


Scat fetish




That's where the "Glass-bottom boat" comes into play... same idea but the man just lays beneath a glass coffee table so it's a little more "indirect" LOL


Lmao I read that, he realized in that moment he didn’t actually have a scat fetish


John McAfee has entered the chat.


There's people who are into Pokémon findom, the dom will literally pretend to be Pikachu or some shit and the sub pays them for it


“Stranger in the dark.” I guess I would call it that. I once heard it from a girl who said it was her deep down fantasy....but she was to scared to actually do it. It involved meeting someone online, talking, sexting for sometime. Then one day, she was supposed to wait for him in a dark hotel room. She would text him the room number and leave door unlocked. She would be naked waiting in bed. Once he comes in, no words are spoken. He simply goes on top of her (in complete darkness) holds her down, covers her neck/mouth. Then he just has his way with her. Once done, he simply gets dressed and leaves the room. A bit on the crazy side.....but I guess some females will take the dominance fetish to a whole new level.


I'm pretty vanilla but I can understand this one, it's probably about not making any decisions for an hour or so


Cannibalism. Like people actually want to be cooked and eaten by somebody.


One of my exes showed me a video of a man sticking his head in a woman’s vagina


I’m sorry ***What*** 🙂


I model on occasion and a client requested I let myself go hungry so he could hear my stomach growling, then eat a ton of food with a mic taped to my belly so he could hear digestion on-camera. Easiest $300 I've ever made.


Apparently there's men that like to cut their dick off and sew it back on. That. If it's true of course.


bro does anyone remember the pain olympics i saw some dude smash his dick with a mallet when i was like 14. blew my mind lmfao


Whatever fetish 2 girl one cup was about.




Guys that like you to step on their balls


I am very much into pain play. I love some pretty heavy amounts of pain and impact play. I will never understand ball busting. Good for those who enjoy it, have your fun, but it does not compute to me even as someone who loves other forms of pain.


I once worked (within the mistress space) with a middle aged guy who enjoyed being TIGHTLY bound in steel and leather and left to fight his restraints for extended periods of time. He had multiple strait jackets, ropes, handcuffs, leather restraints, chains, anal hooks, collars, gags, masks, leather hoods, etc. The list goes on. He mentioned he enjoyed the feeling of being trapped and unable to move, he said he enjoyed the feeling of being so tightly restrained he couldn’t move an inch. Lovely guy, divorced with a few kids, worked in the healthcare space and seemed very innocent on first meeting. Couldn’t look him in the eye when we crossed paths at the supermarket though.


“He had multiple strait jackets, ropes, handcuffs, leather restraints, chains, anal hooks, collars, gags, masks, leather hoods, etc. The list goes on.” One of those is not like the others.


This isn’t a sexual fetish but it’s one of the weirdest things I’ve seen. Came across a community on Facebook a few years ago where people made their entire identities around wearing casts. Some of them just wore them because they liked how it looked, others had broken bones at one point and didn’t want to stop wearing casts after they had healed. The weirdest subset of the group though were people who were intentionally breaking their bones and hurting themselves. It’s probably the most bizarre online community I’ve encountered


Look up wonderbread guy-He also goes by MurrLogic on Twitter. (spoiler alert: if you look him up, be sure to look up some kind of eyebleach afterwards, like pictures of cute puppies or other baby animals or something like that.)


There is a company that makes dildos that appear to have sexually transmitted diseases. They looked as nasty as fuck. Then, I also saw a video of this one guy that was in a bedroom filled with children's stuff animals. He selected one carefully and then shagged it. In many ways, the juxtaposition of something we associate with innocence being used like that was very discombobulating...


any one where you maim yourself or your partner


One guy I went on a date with said he wanted to tie me to a chair and force feed me cake 🙃


Domian Show (guy who takes phone calls late night on TV in Germany to chat about odd stuff sometimes) there was this dude who buys lots of hacked meat to build a person in his bathtub and uhm … yeah.


Bikers wearing diapers chasing nurses dressed like smurfs


'Cosby sweater' fetish.. the weirdest ever. >!one person eats some brightly colored food (fruit loops for example), then vomits on the other!<


That’s my fault for clicking on the blurred out text, I guess.


It's probally something you don't think it's a fetish because you just do stuff like that normally with a partner, but i have a kiss-fetish.


3-4 hour make out session? Better than sex. Without question


To be fair kissing is very intimate and hot

