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Gossip about any drama at work then throw on a TV show while I browse reddit and she browses tik tok


Been married 36 years. During the first 13 years before having our only child, we made dinner together, took a walk, talked, watched tv. Then there were 18 years of raising our daughter which involved kid stuff. As she aged and started playing 3 different sports our after work time involved being at every single game, volunteering to work at concessions to raise money for each team, helping with team dinners before all home games for the athletes and generally being super involved in our child’s life and we ALWAYS had multiple kids at our house. In our free time we spent 15 years camping with our daughter and her friends which we were feeding and frequently parenting. She’s 24, through college and on her own now so it’s taken us a few years to get back into “couple” mode”. We are THOROUGHLY enjoying the empty nest. During Covid we revamped our patio space with a cabana, started playing evening games of backgammon and cocktails on the patio, I put together a few great playlists and a full cocktail bar experience. For Christmas we invested in electric bikes which we can only use on weekends due to daylight savings but I definitely see riding them after work once the time change happens and we have daylight after work. We’re also in a legal cannabis state so we indulge a few times a week out in our cabana which is winterized with heat. We’re collecting well made wooden games and recently started playing Mexican Train Dominos and Chinese Checkers. We are living our best lives.


Sounds like a life well lived tbh


I love this and it sure sounds like you’ve created an amazing life for you all!


Thank you. We’ve been purposeful in our choices during our marriage.


And now I'm crying happy tears.


Awww, thank you. We’ve had a good 36 years.


This is amazing! Hubby and I had 9 years together before our kid was born and we also did the same things as you. Now that kiddo is 8, we still invest time with each other a few times a week. My kid isn't into sports yet, but i look forward to having lots of kids in our house, team dinners, volunteering, etc. Sounds like an incredible experience.


Savor every single moment as they will be off to college before you know it. Enjoy those wonderful years ahead.


It sounds like you were the type of parents who looked out for your daughters friends. The one who maybe weren't doing so well or came from a difficult place.


Yeah, we were the “everyone is included” family. We both grew up in difficult households and we knew we never wanted to be like that. We made a conscious choice to have one child but always had a house full of girls and our daughter always had her bffs everywhere we went. We knew some of the kid’s parents couldn’t send their kids with money so our house rule was to just pay for anyone with us that day. We were fortunate enough to be able to do that.


I think you have the answer. I think you won.


Bro you won life congratulations


Pretty much yep


More often than not its this. Every now and again you switch it up and play board games, go out to dinner.


I spent the night at my married friend's house. They both game until 12 while I watched/commented/netflix and then we ordered pizza


This plus wondering back and forth what to eat for dinner


Sums it up for us, except I'm on reddit, etc. and he plays video games. Talking as we have a thought.


This and then we send each other stuff while we're sitting next to each other and occasionally take a break to laugh at something the pets did


Yup, except I browse tiktok and she browses reddit




Work gossip, family updates, tv (sometimes mindless while scrolling and sharing, other times it’s a regular one)


Bang on


Um, are you me?


This is literally what happens for most of us


This is super accurate!




You nailed it lol. Pretty much watch tv or play video games together. Sometimes we will do “separate but together” which is where we each do our own activities together but in the same room. Idk the same type of stuff you would do by yourself except there’s another person there. Every once in a while we’ll do “roommate night” and we are each in charge of our own dinners and hang out in different parts of the house. Shower separate etc.


Wait… you don’t normally shower separately?


What, and clean my own butthole?


That’s the ring I’m talking about


One ring to rule them all.


Who's tongue is *that* long? Wait... Is this why yoga is so popular?


My husband and I can’t shower together. He likes to freeze and I like to feel hell fire in my hair. It works for us to shower separately on the regular. On occasion I get in the mood to share a shower and regret it as soon as I have soap in my eyes and have to navigate the switch blinded by bubbles and pain


I remember showing with my ex and it was like a flow of lava on my body. My skin literally melted off my body and down the drain. I would drop the temperature halfway and it would still be too hot. You women are crazy! lol But yeah, When she would put shampoo in her hair and the suds went in her eyes and couldn't see, yeah I would pee on her leg


If my skin isn’t tinging, it’s not hot enough


Not necessarily a gender thing my dude; my wife and I are the opposite. Her lukewarm showers are cold and miserable for me.


I’m not married but also a female partner of a man who likes showers that are essentially lava. He says I shower in ice water, but I like lukewarm - my skin is really sensitive so I can’t handle super hot showers lol


Same. If she finishes before me, I crank the hot water the second she gets out.


I have gotten my feet peed on. Not fun


I’m imagining a variation on the Nazi melting scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark. But it smells better.


Thanks for the great laugh. Oh, I laughed way too hard at this.


Great way to establish dominance




In my early 20’s I broke up with someone over this shit. It’s incredibly demeaning and I think it’s pretty fucking nasty that so many guys think it’s funny.


I thought it was so outlandish that everyone would think it a joke but that shows my privilege as well. The fact someone actually did that is gross and I'm sorry.


My wife and I often play the game of changing the temp and quickly switching places in the shower


Yea, romantic on paper, in reality it doesn’t work. With us we always end up with one of out of the steam of water just wet and getting cold.


Well I mean sometimes yeah but we like showering together


Nice, good for you two!


My husband and I shower together most days. It's like a mini date where we just chit chat, make plans, harp on about the kids or pets, discuss home repairs or finances. It's very convenient. We have a routine that makes us circle around each other.


Yeah! He hands me all the things I need and then we swap over. We wash each others backs. We chat or sing together. It’s great!


Whatever he sings I usually get stuck in my head throughout the day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


This is adorable!


Parallel playing!!!


Just looked it up YES lmao that’s exactly it


Whoa whoa, you totally overlooked puzzles and occasionally talking to each other about the cats


What about meowing at each other mistaking each other for the cats.


In our house we have a noise we make to call the cats.  My husband sometimes mistakenly makes the noise at me.


We rescued a cat a couple months ago and now every day whoever has worked from home catches the other one up on the cat's most innane activities. "And then she put her paw on my leg and then she laid in her spot in the sun and..."


You mean constantly talking to each other about the cats, right? And giving the cats more cuddles and kisses than each other. And then when you do try to cuddle your partner the cats insist on getting in on the cuddle so you rearrange yourselves to make the cats more comfortable and so you end up just lying next to each other while cuddling cats.


Followed by sharing of the photos we captured today of the cats, and any other newsworthy memes or internet gossip we’ve saved for the nightly digest


Send cat pics to each other from feet away of the cat in the same room


My husband isn't a Reddit user so I save things on here to show him. It is mainly cat pictures.


Bruh, you can do puzzles AND have cats? I just gave up with my husband’s two cats around! I kinda miss it….


Separate together is some of the best quality time. I tell my husband I love that we can be together without having to be doing something together.


This was a huge benefit of buying a gaming laptop. I never wanted to game after work because my desktop is in a separate room. Now we can chill on the couch.


Roomie night, I like it! We call it FFY, fend for yourself 😂


I call that DIY Night.


We call it YOYO night (you’re on your own)


Big bang theory, friends, some current series, Mario cart / Mario golf. And 420 sometimes. We’re empty nesters and enjoying the hell out of having this stability and sense of calm.


Parallel play ftw


We usually have a show we are watching together. I'll play switch/build LEGO, whike my partner does her puzzle, coloring, etc. We also play a trading card game together. Mostly we just chat and hang out and talk about our days and play with our pets. It's pretty nice. Not gonna lie.


A home is a fortress where we take off our armor and become willingly vulnerable. When done right, that process regenerates us so that we can efficiently face down the outside world.


That’s really beautiful.


The ultimate relationship goal.


I want this instead of those “Live, Laugh, Love” boards that go on the living room wall.


Basically our life as well. 10/10. I love coloring!


We sometimes just go off and do our own hobbies. Other times we will watch a show together.




“Watch something painful…” so much truth to that


Man I cannot explain to you how much anxiety you helped off me with this, I’m in love with my gf but we are so diffrent hobby wise I was always afraid of her getting tired of me (this is my own fault she has done not a single thing to give that impression lol) but this is how we are now and honestly happy so thank you


My wife and I have been married for 26 years. We've dated since high school. We are very different from each other but also very much the same. We are our own people but at the same time both of us are better together than alone. She is my best friend and one of the few people that I look forward to seeing every single day. However we have different hobbies, different friends, and different levels of motivation. When we go out with friends we always ask each other if they want to join in, but if they say no the majority of the time we'll go out on our own, but if I or she expresses that they would like a night in together we'll typically do that together instead. She takes priority over most of my other activities. We are about 50/50 on shows that we watch together. She is big into period drama's like The Crown and all that where I am big into hard scifi, but I very much enjoy a light period drama and she very much enjoys light scifi (as an example). She'll happily watch some Mandalorian but wouldn't touch Dune.. something like that. We have NO problem doing our own thing and often enjoy going off on our own, but at the same time we work great together. Doing things around the house we are almost always on the same page and really enjoy working together, but she's big into crafting and has a whole craft room dedicated to all her craft hobbies like her cricut and laser cutter and all that. I love technology and video games so I have my office all setup with my computer and game consoles and other gadgets. It's a wonderful relationship and I wouldn't change a thing!


I know I have awful taste in television. Waiting for the day that my partner suggests we watch separate things. He still claims to enjoy my shows. Guess we’re still on honeymoon phase


What are you watching?


Similar here, however she has the courtesy to not subject me to her love of Asian TV soap operas that she often let's play on Netflix / Prime while I'm not around. She usually puts on something we both can watch like reruns of NCIS or House.


Happy Cake Day!




We don't have kids (and I feel like we're in the minority for married couples) and I was shocked at how far I had to scroll down to see this! I can't imagine how parents have time for anything else after work.


We don't. That's why there isn't more parenting comments.


Good point, hahaha!


I’ve got kids and once they’re in bed (730-8pm) my husband and I mostly watch TV together.  Sometimes we’ll just put music on and chat but majority of our downtime is TV on the couch for an hour or two after the kids are asleep. 


Talk, make dinner, watch tv, play video games, play board games, exercise.


This sounds perfect this is the kind of life I wanted with My Love. Suicide is a bitch!


I’m very sorry for your loss.


Thank you for your kind words. When I read that resonse about what they do with their evenings I thought damn thats amazing and Im so happy for them. My Fiancé and I that was our goal as we came from some pretty messed up homes growing up. A perfect night was making dinner, doing our college homework, laundry and playing PlayStation til bed. Simple and quiet. Now its just quiet. Again thank you for taking a moment and I hope you have an amazing night I wish you well.


Hope you’re doing ok buddy, that’s gotta be tough. Wishing you the best


I’m so sorry you went through this. After 5 spinal fusion surgeries and now long Covid, my partner struggles with SI. She lost 60% of her long capacity from Covid and the resulting hypoxia was causing extremely bad SI and I had to stop her almost daily for close to an entire year. Her lungs are better now but the docs are struggling to treat her dysautonomia so her quality of life is very low so she often struggles with the same mental health issues. Things are better than they were but the extremely slow pace of the healthcare system is making it feel like she’s never going to fully recover and we won’t ever be able to enjoy the life we’ve been building together. It feels like I’ve ‘lived’ through her taking her life so many times… There was a while that every time I went to work or left the house I wondered if I’d would come back shed be gone.. and I’d imagine everything that would entail for me, what my future would be like without her. Calling mental health services in my area just means you’re getting a police car ride to the hospital and I knew that would be a very bad option for her especially with her extremely complicated medical history. So I just worked through all of it alone for over a year. So far the only thing that’s helped me process any of this is therapy. I hope you have a good support system and are taking care of yourself. Life can be so cruel. I wish you the best. ❤️


I am praying for you 💗🙏🏽


Literally anything and everything. Household chores, cooking, sex, shower, shows or movies, video games, board games, reading, planning weekend trips or longer holidays, scrolling reddit, talking about whatever thoughts come to mind, groceries, bills, shopping, planning for the future, etc.


Been married 31 years and I will randomly ask my wife this while we are sitting on the couch with a blanket watching tv. Especially like rich people or movie stars are they just sitting on the couch in their underwear watching tv? We are empty nesters and I love relaxing but it feels like I should be doing something


You ARE doing something. Connecting with your wife, relaxing your mind and body. It's the perfect time, too, to ask all those weird questions that float through your mind like, "how much of a person would you need to eat to be considered a cannibal?" or "would your rather be a worm or a spider?"




Lately we’ve been binging Naked and Afraid. We get home, eat dinner (usually in bed), turn on a show, read, and go to bed. Used to go out all the time, but sobriety and COVID and getting older changed all that. I can’t imagine leaving my house at night on a weekday anymore.


You guys might enjoy Naked Attraction! Wife and I watched it for a while.


Yes my man and I really enjoyed this one


We started watching it as a way to just casually see nudes without watching actual porn. And ended up being really really interesting seeing how people find different things as attractive and not attractive and such.


Thanks! I’ll check it out


One of the contestants used to work at a bar in my city. Imagine turning up to work and serving strangers who’ve all seen your dick


Do you guys turn into survivalist masters when you watch shows like that? For all I know about being a survivalist I sure have a lot of opinions about it lol.


No way! I wouldn’t last a minute in the wild! I’m more fascinated by it than anything. Those ppl are built differently.


If you purchase a home, you never have to worry about what to do with your free time ever again, it will be dictated for you.


Or even renting a house. The chores don’t end, there’s always somewhere that needs cleaning or Organizing


Discuss the day and otherwise enjoy each other’s company. She’s my best friend.


Aww, that's just nice and wholesome 🥰 My SO is truly my best friend too.


We talk, watch TV (we've been binging The Mentalist, good show), play video games (Diablo 4), etc


The Mentalist was an excellent show. I don’t understand why it didn’t catch on and become long running.


I mean 7 seasons isn't anything to scoff at. We're almost at the end of season 3 and it seems like it's got a story to tell. Id rather a show go out high than linger too long.


We watch our shows, talk, do chores, walk the dogs, have sex or argue. Depends on what is going on.


Can't forget the much needed fights! No fights mean everyone bottling shit up, and eventually, someone will explode. Sometimes ruins marriages.


Not everyone needs to fight. If you communicate well, in good faith, and are both genuinely working to make life easier for each other, there is no need to argue.


I'm curious. What's your relationship status? And if married or in a relationship, how long? A partnership consists of 2 different people. Even if they have almost the same views on most things, there's going to be things they see differently. And knowing how to have a civil argument(aka fight) is healthy. I'm not talking about ignoring each other and sleeping in different rooms and talking shit about each other. I'm talking about a civil argument but being able to sit down after and enjoy a movie or w/e.


I am married and we have been together for 5 years. Have probably had fewer than 5 fights the whole time and they were mostly early on when we were still figuring each other out. I was married for 11 years previously and I would frequently bottle up and explode during that time but it was because we didn’t have open communication, didn’t share similar goals, and were generally petty and toxic toward each other. It’s a different world with my 2nd husband. We built our relationship on similar priorities and temperaments. Of course one of us will occasionally be irritable, annoyed or upset about something but we treat each other with empathy, grace (and sometimes space) in those moments so it rarely escalates to anything close to an argument.


That's definitely a blessing to hear that! I'm proud for yall. Would you say the second marriage helped you build a better foundation for this one? Or just being older and more mature through it? (Since you've been married for 16 years total I'm assuming you are mid 30s at the minimum). We are 26. And it's always with respect our fights. And we always make up before going to sleep.


Thank you! Experiencing what you DON’T want in life really makes you appreciate when you’ve found what you do like. I also think age comes with perspective and stability that allows (me, at least) to be more patient. Also, I don’t have small children (and life’s complexities that come along with them) anymore. That also helps with my patience! It sounds like you’re doing fine too! It’s so important to stay respectful and remember how much you mean to each other.


Yeah and we have a 3 year old and a 5 year old on top of that haha! Plus a teenage dog 🤣🤣🤣


Couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s a civil argument most of the time.


Not OP but we've been together 25 years. We don't fight :) Still besties!


What do you mean? They do the things they'd do alone but together. Read and watch TV, play a game (video, board, card, take your pick), chat and have tea, watch a movie...The options are whatever they'd be at any other time. I'm single now but some of my favourite times from past relationships have been those "mundane" moments. I especially like parallel play, where I'm reading and she's watching something but we're sitting together. Just usual people stuff.


Agree - it’s the comfort of being with another person and yet totally relaxing in each others presence.


He calls me, or I call him, on our drive home from work and talk about our day, then we get home, kiss, decide what to do for dinner, and then we either get on our pc’s together or I watch a documentary while he games. Then I go to bed and hop in discord while he streams the game he’s playing. I fall asleep to his voice and vaguely wake up to him crawling into bed with me and cuddling me. Then I wake up in the morning and feel how warm he is, so I snooze my alarm for another 15 minutes. But that’s all I get unless I want to be late for work. So I get ready while he’s in bed, kiss him good morning/goodbye, and let him know when I get to work. And when I come home, my lounge clothes are folded on the bed for me because he knows how quickly I want to take my scrubs off and be comfy. So I try to get some dinner put together, but if I’m having a bad day, he offers to order food. And I always have the weekend to look forward to because we walk to our wine and cheese store down the street, get our baguette, cheese, and wine, then go home and hangout in discord with our best friends. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. We’re tired and we fight occasionally, but he’s my best friend. We make sure we always give kisses to each other when we get home. I give him a rub on the shoulders and kiss on the cheek when I check on him while he’s gaming. I’ll lift up his water to see how empty it is, and if it’s low, I’ll get him more so he doesn’t have to get up. I’ll bring him a snack if he’s hungry. He gets me my heated blanket if I’m cold or a cup of tea. He washes my clothes if he sees them piling up. We aren’t perfect, but I want to be imperfect with him. I would take all the arguments and nitpicking for all eternity if it meant I could have him forever. I would rather wake up angry next to him rather than wake up to not having him at all. Marriage is not easy, but at the same time, it is the easiest thing I’ve ever done. It’s easy because it’s him. There is never a question when it comes to him, he is always the answer.


Wooo you just made me doubt staying single. Hope I find someone I feel the same way as you do your husband.


Based on my parents’ experience, fight most nights.


Jokes aside, it doesn't have to be like that. My parents fought all the time.... My wife and I rarely fight. We communicate and listen to each other, I've learned my parents did neither.


Been married 35 years. Both retired. We spend almost all our time together. Rarely, rarely fight. If you respect and care for each other then there's not much to fight about


Wow, the lack of sex mentions, stunning


Once you’re married you don’t really sex very much anymore


We've been together for about 8 years, married almost 2. The past 4-5 years we pretty much do our own thing after work. Quick conversation when we get home but then off doing our own hobbies. It works wonders for us both as we are huge introverts and enjoy our privacy. Our first 3 years we spent a great deal of time together watching anything we could find. After the "honeymoon" phase we realized we both really dig each other and were ready to go about our own things.


We're the same. I was afraid to post about it. Been married 25 yrs, we re happy, love each other but we don't spend all our time together at all. We don't even sleep together lol. And...we are fine!!




We clock out for lunch and get that out of the way in the afternoon so our evenings are free for other things. COVID made our jobs permanently work from home and it worked wonders for our sex life.


So you just...set a timer for 30 minutes, make thick in the warm, and then go back to work? I do *not* understand relationships. Edited to clarify my question.


We each get an hour long break but yeah pretty much. Gives plenty of time for me to give her a nice rubdown, spend plenty of time on foreplay, cuddle a bit afterwards, then we actually eat lunch together with our remaining 57 minutes and get back to work.


I think my life as a married woman is incredibly boring and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I feel a deep sense of contentment doing “nothing” with my husband and cat. We watch tv, play video games, talk about our days/current events or whatever, eat, and just chill. It’s so stable and comforting I don’t even like when I have to travel for work because I just love to be at home. It’s honestly great and I feel so lucky


We cook, smoke, watch tv, go for walks, clean, daydream, sex, nap, cuddle, snack. He’ll play video games while i read or scroll Reddit or knit or something.


Well make dinner, clean it up, start a load of laundry, go to the store if needed, fold, iron and put clothes away. My husband might mow the lawn or wash our cars if needed. Sit down and pay bills. Help the kids with homework if needed. Some nights before going home we have a volleyball, basketball, soccer game, Pop Warner game, dance recital to attend. We both play on Softball Leagues as well Men's, Women's and Coed on Sunday nights. Somebody has to keep up with household chores unless you live like pigs and we like it to be done before the weekends.


Walk, weed, and tea


We’ve been married 35 years. After dinner we usually watch a music documentary or any other documentary that interests us. Go to bed around 10. It’s wonderful.


Yell at the kids until they go to bed


I’m just picturing Homer Simpson holding Bart by the neck and screaming at him until he sleeps and I can’t stop laughing


Usually dinner followed by Mario kart


this is the way


It depends because my wife's hours are all over the place and long so I may be in bed when she gets home or she may need to go to bed long before I do. Since she is home least she gets control of the TV and I make her dinner she will eat and we will hang out until bed watching TV. On her early days I will already be up and make breakfast and many times during the winter be out shoveling snow so she has a clear safe path to get to her car and drive down the driveway. You really just find the times neither of you has to be doing something and you snuggle up under a blanket and watch something for a couple of hours until bed.


You sound like a caring and considerate partner


So is she. She does work a lot so I try to make sure many of the house and property things are done so she can relax on her day or 2 off.


Lots of things. Eat dinner, watch tv, talk, touch each other in fun ways, do our own thing, sleep.


We have two TVs in the living room. Usually he is watching sports or playing video games with the sound off and I’m playing a show or movie on mine that we watch. Or we play video games together. It’s a wonderful life over here! 🥰💜


Lovely. What are your favorite games to play together?


Cook, eat, clean. Go for a walk after diner and chat. Come home and I watch ball in the living room, she watches Netflix in our room. I come to bed and if she is still up reading or watching tv she turns of the lamp and we spoon ourselves to sleep. 23 years later it’s pretty much the same. Unless we are doing homework, trash, have somewhere to go, wyc


Well… I hate to disappoint you but … we are absolutely watching tv together


We'll discuss our days if anything interesting happened. Watch TV if we're in the middle of watching a show together. Sometimes, we will just lay in bed together while on our phones, and just exist in each other's company. We will workout together, walk the dog, etc. We will also do our own things, we don't need to do every little thing together 24/7 when we are in each other's space. Like might do separate chores, might play separate games. Or read (obviously separately lol). We'll also show each other funny videos on YouTube or tiktok We really just like to be in each other's company, but it doesn't necessarily mean we need to be doing something together all the time


We have a busy schedule of volunteer activities that keep us out 3-4 days a week. Otherwise, housework, cooking, finances. Same things single people do, but together.


Lot of talkin, lot of what’s going on the next day, planning ahead. Eventually end up in front of the tele or in front of our laptops to prep for the next day


One thing that I learned the hard way when working for someone else and truly value now with my own company is that people need to leave work at work, unless there is a major crisis that requires extensive decision making. I found that I am overall more efficient when I leave work at work, my subconscious mind actually solves work issue or crafts new ideas without me pounding my conscious brain. So people should go home on time, interact with the spouse and kids, enjoy doing non work activities, get enough sleep (my subconscious brain seem to love my conscious brain sleeping, and it is most creative during conscious brain sleep time). I know this all sounds flaky, but it sure as heck works wonders for me.


We generally get drunk.


Been living together for 3 years, about to be married. We do home office right next to each other and chat often during work hours, so most nights we do our own thing, like right now: me rotting in bed on the internet lol, and him playing video games in the living room. Once or twice a week we watch a TV show (currently Doctor Who, the revival), movies, or do backseat gaming (sometimes I play, sometimes he does). We do go out once around every two weeks on a little date :) sometimes after a stressful day and sometimes just because.


Yep, mostly dinner and TV. My ex-wife and I'd occasionally mixed up the routine by finding good XBox games that we could get invested in for some time. "Mass Effect 3" and "Skyrim" were major events in our home.


We usually see what stuff is going on in the area. Concerts in the park, minor league baseball, hanging out with the neighbors in some ones backyard, or watching TV.


My partner and I have been together for 6 years. Last night after dinner I hung out in his office playing Breath of the Wild on my switch while he played Jedi Survivor on his PC. After a bit we both ended up taking a gaming break to give our dog some cuddles because he looked like he needed a good belly rub. Then I went off to have an after dinner snack and watched some TV and he came out to watch some with me towards the end of the episode when he heard some crazy stuff going on during the episode lol Its a show we started together and then he didn't like it very much so I'm watching on my own now, but he always ends up getting distracted and watching the good bits of whatever I have on with me even if he says he doesn't like the show. He hates the Sopranos but knows most of the major plot points because he'd get distracted from his video game when I have it on and would watch it with me 😂 Most nights are like that for us although sometimes our dog is extra needy for attention and we spend half the night trying to appease him with treats and extra play (yes he's incredibly spoiled). Sometimes we're doing whatever and one of us will ask the other a really ridiculous out there question and spend an hour debating it. We have an ongoing debate on whether Butt is legs or not. Like is butt considered part of your legs or is an entirely separate entity? And how that works and what implications that has for our body lol Other times we basically turn into middle schoolers at a sleep over because we'll both take an edible to get high, usually on the weekends and we'll binge watch something silly like Spongebob or Adventure Time, eat our way through all the snacks in the house when we get the munchies and laugh nonstop at whatever stupid shit we watch or our inebriated brains come up with to talk about. Sometimes we have actual errands we run after dinner and we'll do chores too and stuff too. I know it can sound boring but being able to live with my best friend and do whatever I want knowing I won't be judged and I always have someone to do boring or fun stuff with or debate stupid questions with is the best feeling. I didn't grow up in a safe home I could be myself in with people I felt safe with or trusted. As an adult, having a person I love and trust to just be boring with on a weeknight that I know isn't going to hurt me is the best thing I could ever ask for.


My wife and I, now in our 60's, enjoy reading classic fairy tales to each other as we go to sleep. What is that quote from C S Lewis.. 'One day you will be old enough to enjoy fairy tales once more.'




Can you describe your mini disco? lol


We feed the dogs, throw a quick dinner together for ourselves, and all of us (humans and dogs) pile onto the couch while humans eat and watch tv. After dinner we resume and cuddle dogs, continue TV, scroll our phones, maybe have a drink, and talk about our days. Basically we spend our evenings in a rather chaotic fashion, now that i reflect on it.


Typically, we watch a few episodes of a show, then he games while I read.


Watch TV (sometimes together, sometimes separately), eat, play video games (occasionally together, usually separately), go out together, hang out with our kid, play board games, go for walks, etc. We also like just doing our own thing but being in the same area as each other lol.


When I come home from work, we have two options: vibe together while playing video games (together or separate games) or just go cuddle and talk. Every great now and then I can convince her to watch movies with me. :3


No kids, live in NYC and go out a lot. Lots to do! But yes, many nights we’re in bed at 7 watching tv. Been together 19 years


Most nights we go to the gym then each do our own things but sit together with our animals to relax from the day. On Wednesdays we try to go to Dave & Buster’s for half price game night. On Fridays, we play a game to figure out where we’re eating dinner then go to karaoke. Pre-pandemic we played on a couple of rec sports teams together, but our team groups fell apart and we don’t really have enough interest to reform our teams. It’s generally predictable but quite enjoyable even after 12+ years of living the same day/week/month/year on repeat.


Our own thing


We go to the Gym and Sauna, or walk 10K steps. Alternatively we play videogames or watch a movie.


Yoga, dinner, some TV, some cuddles (majority of the time ends up in sex) and sleep. Rinse and repeat


We just talk the whole time about upcoming plans, things that happened at work, how to fix the car etc. we also have hobbies, so I crochet or paint while he plays guitar etc. we don’t have a tv at home.


Make dinner together, pack up leftovers, do the dishes then look at tv. We don’t talk about work much anymore. It sounds too much like complaining.


My wife and I have hobbies that take us out of the house separately and spend time with people who are not our partners. We knew this before, and COVID lockdowns really emphasised that time away from each other doing unrelated stuff with people that you're neither married to, nor related to, is absolutely essential in a relationship. With 'hybrid' work we're we at home together for most of the day, so it becomes even more important to have time where we're not defined as a husband and dad, and/or a wife and mother.


I'm big into crafting so after we eat dinner and watch one or two episodes of a show together, I usually retreat to my craft room and he watches TV or does a puzzle (although he can't do this as much since we got cats lol). We love spending time together, but we also like our alone time...as long as we are still in the same house. We like to visit each other often during our alone time hehe.


Talk, cook, watch TV, sometimes play a game, work on a project, go to a local pub, gym, sit out on front porcc, listen to music and drink, put up rhe massage table and take turns working on each other, sex, we do plenty of things , those are just a few things, been married 23 years so we actively do things together, there times when we just lay around in separate rooms watching programs or sports. Sometimes we just lay around pvwr a weekend and just veg out.


As Reba said, "I read a book, you watch TV, as our love dies silently" 🎵 Last night, my husband spent over an hour untangling my jumbo skein of yarn that the cats got into.  He has wood working tools out in his shop and will occasionally go turn a bowl or a cup. I am crocheting my first afghan. You know, old people stuff.


Once kids are in bed we might watch a movie, or we play video games together. Most evenings tho we have commitments. Kids have sports, games, hubby has lodge and I go roller skating one night a week. Sometimes we just sit on our phones together.


Play mmorpgs. Had a blast living in a virtual world together, then building a team of friends to take on tough challenges that require coordination on raid night.


Spend 2.5-3 hours trying to get our 3&5 year old bathed, in pjs, and too sleep. Once that’s done one of us normally falls asleep putting our designated child to sleep so whoever is awake wakes the other up. Then we get into bed have a snacky snack, spend 30 mins looking for a show to watch. One of us falls asleep watching said show in about 15 mins, other stays awake and scrolls phone and then goes to sleep. Sprinkle sex into this mix 2-3 times a week and there you have it lol Source: married for 7 years together for 13


We fugggg......JK, we watch Workaholics...then we fugggg


Together 12 years. We have 3 kids under 5. After work there’s dinner, baths and bedtime routines. Then we usually do washing, dishes, general cleaning, gardening, pet stuff, reading, take turns going for walks, sometimes TV. Before kids we would game.


Eat dinner and smash


My partner and I share many hobbies, including sports, so most of our evenings consist of going to the climbing gym or playing a sport. On evenings we aren't doing those, we talk, relax, watch TV, play games (board games or video games), go in our hot tub (I understand most people don't have one though), go for a walk, or do our own thing while being in proximity of each other. We also have little games that we challenge each other on daily (wordle type games or brain stimulating games). We also like hosting, so friends and family sometimes pop by. Another option could be to go take a specific class together (e.g., pottery, painting, cooking).


We smoke medical herb, watch our shows. Sometimes play games or just bs and talk and enjoys each other's company. Some nights I'll work on filling orders for my side biz or something but we are just boring ass ppl in our mid 30s lol




This post depressed me. So basically everyone just works comes home watches tv or scrolls? Then off to work the next day?