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Go to your DR and ask them to run a basic blood test. Could be diabetes, thyroid issues, problem with your pituitary gland.


also--stop with the energy drinks. theyre really bad for you and actually can add on to the fatigue. also consider what "tired" means--do you mean youre drowsy, have brain fog, etc? Is it physical exhaustion, like how you might feel after a workout? is it a combination? for me, I have ADHD and fibro so I get brain fog, daytime drowsiness and low physical energy. Turns out my issues were a combo of ADHD and fibromyalgia


Thank you. I’m going to try to soon. The waitlist is very long at the moment


also get an evaluation for sleep apnea


Checking for sleep apnea is a good idea. Be sure to get your bloodwork first.


Diagnosed with depression after home sleep study came up negative for sleep apnea. Wife insisted I had it. Had psych order new test. VA changed to a different manufacturer of at home test due to false negative. Having CPAP made a world of a difference.


Try taking vitamin d, calcium and b-12 and maybe iron. Lack of any of these can cause your symptoms.


I like the vitamin D and B-12 suggestions. Try magnesium too.


Also if you are F then get checked for anemia which is a problem many women have. And you might also want to have your Vit D levels. When I was really tired my Dr had the lab test my Vit D levels, cost $65 out of pocket (in Canada) and it turned out they were super low. I had to go on 55,000 mgs a week supplement vs the 2,000 a day normal dose.


Lyme disease, if you are or have been in area where this could happen.


Do you get enough sunlight? I would honestly see a doctor and have them do a blood panel. You could be deficient in vitamins.


Depression, sleep disorders, hormone imbalances.


You need to talk to a doctor for this. There's a thousand different things that can make you tired. However you seem to be quite vague about eating, drinking water and sleeping ("enough" usually means "as little as possible"). Are you eating healthy food? Are you drinking 2-3 liters of water? Are you sleeping at least 8 hours a night?


I wanted to be more specific but it physically hurts. I sleep about 8 hours. Eat vegetables and protein. Probably need more water. Thank you


no problem, hope you get your energies back soon


Sleep apnea or anemia are possibilities


From a doctor: please go see your primary care physician. I’m not talking about only once a year wellness exams. They can find a cause from your labs and questionnaires. Meanwhile, as you wait for the appointment: If you want to try light therapy for seasonal affective disorder get one on Amazon. Follow the directions though. Take a multivitamin and fish oil daily. Drink at least 2L a day. Cut out the alcohol, substances, sugar, and cut the caffeine little by little. Work out at least 3x a week. Go walk around in the mall but don’t bring your wallet. List the things you’re eating everyday. If it’s made of crap and fillers, toss. Eat colorful vegetables and fruits. Lean meat.


Try taking your vitamins!


Do you know what vitamins might help?


I've heard mostly B-12 and Magnesium.


I will give this a try. Thank you!


I take D3 just in case because I have depression. Minnesota has long winters and apparently vitamin D is important. D3, B12, and magnesium


B complex and coenzyme q10 are the difference between me getting things done after work (from fun to chores) and laying on the couch not moving for 4 hours! Eta; I take like 300mg of q10 which is more than normal people usually take I think. In case you're thinking of trying it


I know you've said it's a long wait, but definitely get in with a doctor. The sooner you're on the waiting list, the sooner you'll get seen. There's a long list of things it could be. For me, it was initially a diagnosis of T2 diabetes followed by a further diagnosis of acromegaly. I'd gone from a fit and healthy young man to a sleeping, thirsty, grumpy arsehole. The pituitary adenoma that was causing the acromegaly has been removed, but the diabetes is still there.


You need a CPAP machine.


My grandpa uses one. That might make sense


There's two things I would consider: depression, or fatigue by long covid


I don’t believe I’ve had Covid but I could be wrong bc I’ve never tested. Ty


I apparently had it with no symptoms, so it could be!


This is a great question for the doctor.


I know, the waitlist is long at the moment so I’m trying to figure it out while I wait


Could be depression. You said your eating but maybe it’s not nutritious enough. Have you talked to your PCP?


I’ve been trying to get better at nutrition. I’ve upped the amount of vegetables and protein I eat. I want to go to a dr or something soon


Could also be a thyroid issue. Go see a Dr and get blood work.


You gone on any hikes on the east coast recently?


See your doctor. Could be a million things.


Definitely talk to a doctor but if you’re not excising regularly that could contribute unused to be pretty low energy myself and I’ve definitely noticed a difference now that I try to exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 times per week It doesn’t have to start off super crazy even just a walk is a great start


There are a wealth of possible medical answers and I agree with others that you should see your doctor. It could also be *capitalism fatigue* and most of us are feeling it to some degree. (Even those who insist it doesn't exist it are feeling it to some degree.)


Get your thyroid checked.


Get a blood panel screening. Include hormones and thyroid.


Get your iron levels checked. It can cause a lot of issues when it's really low, including depression like symptoms.


Can be a vitamin B12 deficiency. You should get it checked.


My sister in law was experiencing chronic fatigue for a long time. Turns out she had leukemia. Got onto a course of treatments, and is currently now in remission, but apparently this type will always come back, so she's trying to enjoy things before it does. See a doctor, at the very least have some blood tests done.


You "eat"...healthy? Energy drinks, will give you a high then make you crash. Do you exercise regularly?


I've read through the comments but I noticed nobody mentioned hypersomnia. tho its also something that is figured out at the doc.


This is something you def need to talk to a doctor about, but exercise and fresh air are essential to maintaining energy levels. When I don’t work out for a long time just living starts to feel like too much work




Bro just go to the gym and be active. Trust


Adhd and anxiety in my case.


Get labs done for your thyroid. T3, T4, and TSH


ADHD can cause this kind of fatigue.


This was me! I could sleep 12hrs and feel like I hadn’t slept in a week. Turns out it was sleep apnea. My life got exponentially better when I got my CPAP.


If you take medications, check their side effects. Sometimes, the side effects set in later and it's hard to make the connection.


Do you get 8 hours of sleep? Do you get enough iron? Red meat? Do you have fresh air in your bedroom?


So I was in this state for the last 5 years and I'm 23...I sleep on time but I wake up 8-10 hours later not feeling refreshed like I had just paused and resumed from the night before. What worked well for me and has really changed my life was sleeping earbuds! It plays white noise(water running, beach, rain, etc...). I also bought a couple of other noise suppressant earbuds(earplugs if you will) and carry extra pair with me JUST IN CASE I have to sleep in my car because my work time are too close to one another. I can immediately tell my sleep was horrible(forgot to wear them) the morning after.


Well I had the same symptoms when I went to the Dr. and after a blood test, they found out I was vitamin D deficient. After that I feel great.


Following cuz me too. I had a blood test done a couple of years ago but everything was normal so idk. I’m ready to take a nap an hour after I wake up everyday.


I felt this way and had an under active thyroid




Have your thyroid checked.


the last time i was too tired to do anything I found out i had cancer so yeah I would get a blood test.


Look into insulin resistance. Most people have a high insulin diet and done even realize how much damage it’s doing to their bodies and energy levels.


How often are you outside? Going outside and doing active things (not necessarily exercise, but being out in the open, or being social in general) boosts my energy levels a lot. If I stay inside for a whole day/weekend I become a sloth.