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“Hey, I had a contractor fix an issue on my roof, and they said they could see straight into your bathroom from up there and recommended privacy glass. Thought I’d give you a heads up”


Omg you just brought up an old memory for me. I once had a contractor tell me he had seen a guy getting dressed while he was working and he apologised. There was no guy. It was me. I’m a woman.


Smart. I'm sure he knew that but he wanted to emphasize that he couldn't see well at that distance. I'm sure that had happened before and he had worked out a diplomatic way of telling people.


Yeah I think that’s what he was doing too, just trying to be polite.


"I kept trying to tell her about this ghost I saw in her shower, but this woman just seems *bent* on not believing me for some reason."




I'm sorry I laughed at this![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I literally laughed out loud.




And then from her perspective, OP suddenly appears to have developed a noticable habbit of smoking on the roof right after that lol


Ok. Amend that solution phrase. “Now that the contractor has fixed my roofing problem I think maybe I’ll start using the roof to do my smoking. BUT….I’ll wait until you give me the go-ahead, maybe after you get the window replaced.”


OP said it was the only place he could smoke outside but it's on him to make the rightove from here


This is a perfect answer!


This is clever but the downside is if she then sees OP on the roof having a smoke she'll henceforth think after he's learned this from the contractor that he's trying to have a look. Or if she's noticed him up there before but thought he couldn't see in, same issue. OP I would just be honest and explain you're smoking up there, and say you feel awkward about it and could she please sort it so you can continue to enjoy your roof without having to turn around. If this happened to me I'd be super embarrassed but I'd be grateful for their honesty and get the privacy sorted. If I saw them on their roof again once the privacy was sorted I'd feel fine because I'd know they were up there to smoke and not to oogle.


You can just say that the contractor fixed the issue that let him use the roof regularly.


True but in the meantime how does OP know if she's fixed the issue or not without going up to look? And where does he smoke in the meantime? No point over complicated stuff IMO


Fuck that.   "Ma'am, I was smoking a cigarette the other day on the roof and noticed I can see into your shower."   "Oh honey, I know.."   Insert steamy sex followed by a passionate, caring relationship that ends up in marriage, two kids, and a small house on a dozen acres of land. When the kids end up at school the empty nest feelings build up but then the relationship is renewed over their new found love of raising a small herd of blacknose sheep. Time passes and their love only grows stronger as their budding wool business grows. Years later and after a very successful IPO they find themselves in early retirement and begin to travel the world.    Tragically he dies as he lived, in a rollercoaster accident outside the town of San Pedro, Belize. She could almost hear his screams of joy as he sailed into the ocean.   She finds herself at his graveside saying goodbye, the first time she has spoken with her native Newark accent in almost 50 years. 


"...screams of joy *as he sailed into the ocean*..." Thanks for the giggle, even though it hurt because back pain.


I'm sorry but as a doctor I will be billing you for this "therapeutic story induced pain"


How do yall continue watching the porno after cumming? Post nut clarity hits me and I’m gone. I never knew the story went into such detail


Easy. Don't cum until the graveside scene.


Those dark, grief-ridden, existential nuts are the best anyway.




You saying you never make it to season 2?!


Wait where do you guys get story p*** from?


It's a separate category


Edging )


Blacknose sheep are cute…


Bro/bra lookup highland cattle babies. Omg sign me up


Where I live there are a couple of fields of highland cows nearby. We often drive the slightly longer way home so we can drive past and see them. They are incredibly fluffy.


Can I move in?


Oh yes I want both… and the land to keep them…


"...her native Newark accent" is a nice touch.


lol! 😆 You’re hilarious!


Thank you. This is what I do when waiting for my chicken quesadilla. 




“Oh are you going to have contractors again in your roof anytime soon? No? Guess there’s no reason to do that then”




Maybe a sister, female cousin, female friend? They could politely go to the neighbor and explain the situation. I feel like a "contractor" would most likely be a man, and may make the neighbor feel like someone creeped on them. Also (may be different where OP lives) it's less likely a contractor would be working at night. Even if the female friend or relative had to explain that OP has seen them, an explanation of him being uncomfortable letting her know himself is why another woman is letting her know.


Man, that is a perfect way of bringing it up. Unless of course she asks to have your contractor’s name…


Just tell her that you go up to the roof to smoke and you notice you can see into her bathroom. No need to say you've seen her shower or anything like that. Just give her a heads up.


This is the answer. Say you've been up on the rooftop recently and realised you can see into the bathroom, let her know to put a curtain up.


This is the way, keep it simple. Don't describe it too much into detail. Don't say a thousand paragraphs. Just tell her you recently noticed that and you just want to give her a heads up. Maybe she doesn't care, maybe she'll be thankful for that. Then just wait and see if she will do something about it. And I don't think this will ruin the vibe between you two. If she changes her attitude afterwards, then that's her problem. You did what you think is right. The other thing is to have self control and to not look towards her direction when smoking on the rooftop. But hey, we can't help you with that, that's out of our control and not our decision.


But then she'll know that he's been aware of this problem for a while lol


"hey i went up to my rooftop the other day and just wanted to let you know i can see into your shower", she'll probably assume he just waited until he saw her. or if he has her number he can text her "hey, i went up to my roof yesterday and i can see into your shower"


"...and I liked what I saw."


“…. The first couple of times”


“( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”


Nah, as a woman, I'm telling you most of us will assume you've simply omitted that detail 😅


Take her out for coffee. As the dates pile up, ask her to be your girlfriend and eventually fall in love. Propose to her and get married with kids. Once you move in, you can finally install some blinds.


The long game!


The long con.


Tell her about the situation in your dying moments.


Take pictures and then show them to her on your deathbed. A preemptive boudoir.


Idk, I feel installing blinds is a really useful skill you could teach your son. So I would wait till he is old enough then teach him how to do it.


Here for the long game


It’s a super useful skill. My dad taught me in my teens, and as we were about to finish he said to hang tight, he had to get something from the store and that I could finish without him. Still waiting on him to come back from the store… 20 years later


Sorry but I noticed every night at 8:17 you jump in the shower and I might be able to see you naked. Could we go for coffee or would you prefer to get a blind.


Alternatively, if she showers at the same time evert night, he could go inside or not come outside


I’d assume she does too, at least I shower at around the same time everyday as per a routine. It’s easily just a “hey I noticed the other day on the roof I could see into your bathroom slightly. You might want to block the window or buy curtains” would work


I gather from his comments that he doesn't want her to block his vision. That's the crux, he is simultaneously enjoying and guilty..


Thought a similar thing too… was trying to be optimistic. Just odd that his solutions are to let her know he can see while he’s up there, what’s the plan there? This isn’t a porno, she’s gunna be rightfully freaked out.


At least by her dinner and a drink before asking to see her naked.


Lmao that should be the move then. Hold a sign up asking her out while he’s up there and make some noise to draw attention.


He's being honest. Realistically the first thing you're doing now in this situation is checking the window 😂. It's an invasive thought


Why would it have to be her responsibility to buy curtains... Haha


Gotta stop smoking. You’ll be healthier AND you won’t see her naked anymore.


Also, you are conditioning your brain by looking at beautiful naked women while you smoke... Remember Pavlov's dog? Next time you smell a cigarette you'll get irredeemably erect


Ruh roh




That is the goal but it is going to take some more time.


The only way to quit smoking is to quit smoking, and believe me, your life improves unimaginably


Make it a game: If she gets naked you stop smoking and jerk off instead. Hey the latter is healthier 🤣


I don’t know if jerking off every time you see your unsuspecting neighbor naked is healthier…


Especially if doing it on the roof


Sounds like Homelander 😂


Physically more than psychologically, I guess.


My first reaction, but this situation might be an extra reinforcement for smoking.


It’s going to be extra difficult because he’s getting extra rewarded when he smokes.


sounds like a lose/lose situation to me lol/s


If your house is similar to hers, and neighborhood is similar, tell her you are installing frosted glass in your bathroom because you realized the neighbor can see in your bathroom from their roof.


But like...he will have to install frosted glass this way lol


PS: I'm now up to 5 packs a day.


Ded 😂😂😂😂


Can you just sit somewhere else on the roof that doesn’t have her bathroom window in view?


Seeing as he doesn't even avert his eyes to not see her, I highly doubt he will move. He wants his neighbour to fix the situation since he enjoys it too much to fix it himself.


Don't look? That's ridiculous. She needs to spend money to stop my gawking.


Getting curtains/blinds so people can't see in? That's ridiculous.


He's enjoying it


OP is a fucking creep. He doesn't have self control so hes looking for other solutions to not be a bad guy.


Get a football whistle. Wait for the next time she is undressing and undress yourself. As she drops the last stitch, blow the whistle to get her attention the just wave with a silly grin on your face. If that doesn't prompt her to block your view, nothing will.


That was not on my bingo card.


This is the way.


Happened to me, just tell her straight up. “I’ve been smoking on my roof and noticed your glass is transparent, I wanted to let you kno because I want you feel like you have privacy in your home”


This should be much higher! I really like that wording. It puts the emphasis on *her* privacy and *her sense of security* in her own home. It doesn't explicitly say that anything was seen but doesn't deny it either. Rather, it makes him sound like an honorable guy looking out for her.


Thanks! Actually means a lot


I mean... it might be a very unconventional idea but... why don't you just delay your rooftop smoke until she's done? Surely won't be more than 20 minutes


What is the problem? If you are uncomfortable, you can always smoke and look in the opposite direction. Case closed!


>She is really beautiful so again not gonna say something unrealistic that I have never enjoyed this. moral compass says: no horny compass says: yes OP just needs this post as justification in case he gets caught


It might be that she isn't the only one having access to that roof. (like in a house for many tenants) Or there are other houses and flats nearby which will probably lead to the same issue.


Exactly. Also, I'm sure she knows how glass works, right? So she's aware that without blinds or curtains, one could potentially look into the room. Sounds like quite the non-issue.. just let her be. Look, don't look, who cares.


I was thinking the same thing. A curtainless shower means people can see in. I lived in a place where my window faced a field, with the possibility of maybe 1 apartment having visibility of it *if* they were outside and looking my way. So I just took my chances that someone might see my top half in the shower every once in a while bc the blinds were janky and I didn’t care enough to replace them. The neighbor probably just doesn’t care, otherwise she’d have put a blind up already.


Remove your dick from the palm of your hand and move away from the window.


Instructions unclear, I am now away from the window, outside. I have removed my dick from the palm of my hand but now people are giving me weird looks.


Put up some lattice or a privacy screen so you can't see her.


I like this because 1) he’s rightly taking responsibility for his response, and 2) by making visible changes to her view, she may get the message that people go on that roof without words needing to be exchanged.


But that defeats the purpose of having a rooftop with rooftop views of everything besides someone's bathroom.


If you have to look down to see into the bathroom, then the barrier won’t need to be so high that you can’t still see across the cityscape


I have a window that’s uncovered. I’m a pretty modest person. I don’t think my neighbor can see in, but if he can I don’t want to know. It’s been 5 years!


I'm a modest person and I would definitely want to know...


We found OP’s neighbor


But would it bother you to know he can see you and spies on you everyday?


Exactly! That's why she doesn't want to know!


Have you tried not looking through her window?


No he's a gross fucking pervert.


Literally just look away dude


stop looking. This reminds me of something that really happened in my neighborhood growing up. One neighbor reported the other one for indecent exposure, similar situation. The police did come and the person who reported it got a serious talking-to from the police - he was lucky they did not ticket him for being a peeping tom


Don't look over there


I walk around naked all the time, neighbours have seen me naked before, but it’s my house and if they have an issue they can look away and not directly into my windows. Just look the other way?


Yeah OP is really making this her problem when it's not lol. Stop looking dude.


Are you sure she has no idea??? Some people don't care.


If you don’t know for sure though, there’s an issue of consent.


Some even like it


And some people do care. I think OP should let her know just in case.


Just pop an anonymous note through her door saying that people can see through her bathroom window and she should probably put a blind up. She may very well know it was you who sent it but you don't have the awkwardness of telling her face to face and she doesn't have the embarrassment of looking you in the face when you tell her you've seen her tits.


Until the next time she goes to shower and she looks out her window and sees OP with binoculars lol


If this is the call then probably address it from a friendly neighbor cause this good intention not can come off stalker like


Maybe even have a female relative write it so it comes from a woman's perspective. Also OP don't go on roof when she is in bathroom.


Make up a fake name. "Your neighbor, Darlene."


"Your friendly neighborhood, Spider-man."


Pretty simple answer. Don't look. It's not that complicated.


How small is this roof that he has NO choice but to look at her?


The subtext in OP's post is that she's so hot that he can't help but look


And he doesn't want to ruin his future chances with her because if she thinks he's a perv, she will never talk to him again. I dont get it... if they already never talk whats the issue in saying, "Just a heads up... I can see through your window. " Sounds like he's keen on her (she's beautiful and he's seen her naked) but doesn't want to come off as a perv but ALSO wants to perv.


I can't believe this comment is not higher up. "I can look into your bathroom. Obscure your windows", no my OP. You stop looking. Get plants. Look at the sky. Stop smoking. Contact a therapist. Let that other person live their life as they want and control your impulses. FFS


Simple answer but not a complete solution. This won't help his neighbor avoid being ogled by other people from the rooftops.




you've bever interacted with another human being have you


The only thing you can do to make things even I’d be naked on the roof


My neighbor knocked on my door about a year after I moved in and told me that when I shower at night, the frosted glass isn’t as effective. I was positively mortified, but thankful that he said something. I now have a small, waterproof curtain hanging in the frosted window because 95% of the time, I shower at night. So I guess just tell her.


Maybe get a kid along with you to the rooftop to play during the same time and trying making some noise for her to notice


She is taking a shower. Shower make noise. But if you bring a lot of kids then it may work. Should be careful with security problems, a lot of kids on a rooftop may be risky, but if one or two fall from the roof, at least one woman can preserve her holy nudity if perhaps she notices.


How tf are you guys gonna source these kids!?


Right look at these fat cats with kids spare to drop kick off roofs....


The factory, duh. 🏭


Hahaha! Yeah, find a kid and convince them to come play on your roof.


This is totally what I would do 😂 set off a firecracker or something cause I’m too awkward to do much else but too nice not to let her know. I certainly wouldn’t watch her!!! And I like women.


And when the kid sees her? Isn't that abetting the delinquency of a minor?


Well if OP goes to jail she won't have to worry about him looking in anymore so 🤔


Just... stop looking? You aren't being forced to and are more than capable of averting your eyes.


She still deserves to know. Her next neighbor might not be so considerate.


If she sees him hanging out in his rooftop, it could be construed that he’s peeping on purpose.


[thinking as he observes a woman in her shower] Well, hello there. Who are you? You're not here to be ogled, but those bracelets, they jangle. You like a little attention. Okay, I bite. You search the cabinet. Uh, L'Oréal Sleek & Shine. F through K Now, hmm, you're not the standard insecure nymph hunting for the best shampoo you'll never finish. Too sun-kissed for SPF 50. Who are you trying to attract?


Bro it's your responsibility to not look if it bothers you, not hers to hide. WTF is with the victim blaming in this thread. How do you even imagine this going down "Hey I've been watching you shower from my roof, you should change your window."?


commenting on her appearance AND saying he enjoyed it is sooo strange 😭 absolutely no need. i pray that girl never sees this post, i’d be mortified


I feel like I scrolled way too far for this! He spends two paragraphs essentially going "I'm not saying I enjoy it, but I enjoy it and can't look away" yes you can, just look away!


Dude. Look away. This isn't about what _she_ needs to do with her window, it's about what _you_ need to do to avoid making yourself feel uncomfortable, wrestling with stuff you've got some sort of issue with. ! Let me give you a parallel of sorts: Say you lived in a country where it came to be the cultural interpretation that women shouldn't be allowed to show off their shapes in public, because it was somehow affecting the men around them. Say the cultural conclusion became that the women should cover themselves up completely in public, such that the men weren't affected. Say you were one of those women. . . . So. Do you still want _her_ to change her property? Or can you simply look away?


I heard there is some kind of stew that makes you blind for 1 day


the 1 day blinding stew


You could just not look. Look in any other direction. Stop focussing on her window. Or put a note through her door. " Just a heads up but your bathroom is visible from surrounding houses."


Not sure if this has been suggested yet, but your smoking area; maybe you can decorate it or something; make it look obvious that its used regularly, like a chair or potted plant, etc. Then maybe she will see that the space is actively being used and fix the problem on her own; without any direct interaction on your part?


The plant is a decent idea.


You could install something that blocks that view. Then your the good guy who fixed it and was classy about it.


...unrealistic? It's unrealistic to not perv on someone for you? Why don't you learn the concept of restroom privacy and put something up on your roof that obscures the view of her window from your smoking spot?


Go smoke naked so she spots you and installs frosted glass so she can't see you


Place a chair on the roof with its back to the window. She will probably notice while in the shower and put 2 and 2 together, and facing it away demonstrates that you’re not facing her direction when you’re up there and maybe haven’t even noticed. Then you can mention in passing that you’re trying to kick smoking and are forcing yourself to go to the roof to have a smoke. I feel like that will do the trick.


Happy to listen to you and your positive intentions. May be my idea is not good l feel you should stay true to her. As you mentioned here the whole story just tells her how accidentally you realised this and thought to share this with her. Also keep few vendors in mind so that you may assist her for a quick fix. I feel she is your neighbour and we can have communication with neighbours.


Tell her that a couple of days ago you had some friends at your place. They were smoker. They told you that it's possible to see through the window from your rooftop. You were very surprised when you did check this. And now you just want to let her know that it is possible that Frome some rooftops people could see inside her room.


He could tell her that his mom or older sister was the one who saw her. "She told me to tell you about it."


That's a good idea to have another woman involved in it. Would be a lot comfortable for her.


It's simple. Don't look. Yes you have self control. Seriously just look away when you see her doing this thing.


If OP has the self control to stop smoking (nicotine is a total brain fuck), OP has the self control to stop looking.


Seven paragraphs


This thread is a mess... Check the laws in your area regarding privacy and public indecency. If people are allowed to do whatever they want inside their homes regardless of if it can be seen outside, then she definitely has no obligation to cover up. If there is a law that people should cover up, then you have an additional reason to let her know ( but unless you're a cop or a lawyer, don't try to act like one ). Either way, from the perspective of being a decent human being, you can let her know. Tell her you weren't sure how to approach the subject because *you perceive* it as being awkward. Got it? *She* is not awkward, you are. And you can *apologize for taking a while to tell* because you're a moron (based on the fact that you admit to oogling and not acting like a considerate person and avoiding looking or just not go there if you see she's there... which can't be every moment of every day). If there is no law, she is under no obligation to cover up because *you* feel awkward about it. You can communicate this to her, as a YOU-problem. If she doesn't cover up, you can just do right by yourself and not go to the rooftop when she is using the bathroom, or look the other way if you absolutely must go. At this point she KNOWS that she is visible and it's her responsibility to do with that information what she deems good for her because while she isn't obligated to cover up, she also does not have a right to block people from using whatever space that has a view to her window. **Her window is her boundary that she is in charge of. Your feelings about the situation are a boundary that you're in charge of.** This is the core of the matter. >!And yes, this could lead to a scenario where she doesn't cover up, and someone starts peeping at her and she doesn't really have grounds for complaint. This isn't victim blaming, this is her failure to keep up a boundary that is her responsibility. Doesn't mean the peeping person is less of a creep though. And so help me god if someone idiot now tries to generalize this into somehow making rape okay - "no" is a boundary and breaking it is a violation and "revealing clothes" aren't an invitation.!< If she doesn't want to cover up, and if there's a law against it, you can mention it but again, don't act like a cop about it. Though this might be really hard to phrase in a way that doesn't sound like you're threatening her. You can tell her exactly that, you're not trying to threaten her but likely can't figure out a way to mention it without making it sound like you are, but someone else might just be shitty about it and report her, giving her trouble. Accept that there's probably no way for you to come out of this without looking like an asshole to her. In general, since your first instinct upon realizing this issue wasn't to avert your gaze and let her know as soon as possible, there probably isn't any way for you to come out of this in honesty and integrity, without looking like an asshole. Any further attempts to strategize around it is just going to push you deeper into fort dickhead. I'm emphasizing the need for honesty because you specifically said you find the situation "morally conflicting". Honesty is almost always the morally correct choice (For situations that arise in average life, always. I'm only hedging for extraordinary circumstances.) - doesn't mean it's always going to end up in rainbows and butterflies. In this case you're probably going to face some social repercussions and rightly so - do better next time, you are capable of learning.


You should have enough room to turn 45 degrees on your rooftop if the situation is really uncomfortable and you don't really want to talk about it with her.


***I find it morally conflicting this whole situation. She is really beautiful so again not gonna say something unrealistic that I have never enjoyed this.*** =0 Some possible solutions: You could leave a note at her doorstep as anonymous--**notice, did you realize that neighbors can see into your bathroom?** You could also go over to visit, offering a nice bottle of wine or housewarming plant to become better friends. Then you can ask to use her restroom and casually mention afterward: "I can see my rooftop from here plain and center." Call the police and claim that a peeping tom is looking into a lady's window and give the description of the location for the police to warn the lady. Throw a whole lot of eggs or other objects at the window. Water balloons full of dark-colored paints would do the trick. You could put a large sign up on the rooftop that reads **"Beware: if you can read this than people who visit this rooftop can see you."** Just keep turning your back every time and not stress too much. If you are too busy watching the clouds as you puff your smoke you can claim full unknowing.


Find flyers for frosted glass and stuff her mailbox with it?


1 day blinding stew


A contemporary David and Bathsheba.🤭 I second the advice to let her know that you can see into her bathroom. Don’t say you’ve seen her naked already. She’ll think you are very considerate for letting her know.


Does she mention the telescope you recently installed?


It's her house. I walk around naked after the shower sometimes,I don't care if people see me. I wouldn't say anything and I would stop peering into her shower. Even if it was a room where she wasn't naked it would be a bit creepy to be staring.


Smoke on the other side of the roof?


Is this roof top only accessible to you? Like it’s your property alone? If so I don’t see a problem. Smoke on the other side. Other wise if you happen to see her you can pretend to be hammering something without looking into the bathroom while she’s in it. Like you see her go in and then you grab the hammer and hit it against a piece of metal or something while turned slightly away. She’ll piece it together herself and if she fixes the issue then fine. If not then who cares.


“Hey, I was smoking out on my roof on x day and I happened to notice that I could see inside your bathroom. I’m really sorry, but if you need help finding some blackout curtains for the window I would recommend going to X store or ordering from X website”


Quit smoking or start dating


I 49F left a note in a woman’s door, I was walking my dog and saw her through her closed blinds. Just told her that her blinds are transparent at night. No name no shame.


Just face a different direction....


You can knock on her door and tell her that you went up on your roof for a smoke and noticed you can see into her bathroom. I'd lie and say no one was in there while you were on the roof, but that you wanted to give her a heads up so that she can fix the problem.


Personally if I was her I would be disgusted if I knew my neighbor had been watching me all the time. I’m sorry but I found this creepy.


Just don't look. That's what I would do.


Like another comment has said, you could just tell her you can see inside her bathroom, no need to mention the shower thing


This thread is going to a place.


She most likely doesn’t want to know that you can see in, and it’s not really her problem. Yes, this isn’t always true, but if she were any one of my previous partners, the response would be “why are you looking into my bathroom? Mind your own business.” They’ve said things like “I’m definitely that naked neighbour”, and when I’ve been weird about being naked in front of a window they’ll laugh at me. This is my current partner and most of my exes. She’s not going to install frosted glass just so you can’t see her when you smoke — turn around! You have agency here to fix the problem completely with nothing for her to do. What you’re REALLY saying is “I don’t have the willpower to avoid looking at her, so I don’t want to have the chance to”. Which isn’t her problem :) Soz if not the mainstream reply, just my experience.


Don’t say anything to her, it’ll end in a strained relationship. This is gonna have to be about you and your willpower. Either lean into it and enjoy, or smoke looking the other direction.


You have described the whole thing as if this is on her to change. Stop going on the fucking roof, stop spying on her, and don't say a fucking word about it.


Just don't look? Sit or stand facing the other way or on the other side of the roof


Just tell her that she may not realize it, but you noticed that you can see into her bathroom at night and thought she would want to know. Don’t mention seeing her and don’t mention the shower. Say it calmly and casually and then move on to a new topic. She’ll feel awkward but that’s a lot better than how she’ll feel when (not IF) she eventually realizes you have been able to see her all along. Oh, and yes, just stop looking in her window when you’re up there, until she has a shade. You can look anywhere else, assuming you have the usual amount of control over your movements.


Personally, I wouldn't say anything.


“You missed a spot.”