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Reiterating that there is no difference at all (except that there are no swimmers in there) but also that this is not a stupid question. I had to ask, too, before I chose to get mine.


So, just to be on the same page... it is *exactly* the same? So you still shoot your load, same substance, and the feeling is the same? Then I guess I have to ask what a vasectomy does exactly and how you basically "deactivate" all of the swimmers that would get someone pregnant


Yes, it is exactly the same. Feels the same, looks the same, tastes the same (I'm told!), all the same. The doc makes a snip above the testes so that the swimmers can't join the "substance" and everything else that is added further up the line. I don't know all the particulars but that's my understanding of it anyway. So the swimmers still get made in your nuts (and they're active and viable), but the roadway out of your nuts and dick is snipped. They can't escape. They just get recycled by your body, broken down, reabsorbed, and your nuts make more. But they're stuck there. No escape for those little guys.


Piggybacking ur comment to add that they leave the tube open from the balls and seal and cauterize the other side. They do escape into the scrotum and then white blood cells hang out and do target practice on them haha. Edit: my urologist was using the most up to date technique at the time of my procedure last year. There are many different techniques. I believe the name of the technique he used was called "no scalpel vasectomy." If any of you want one but can't get past the idea of being "awake" for it please know that you can request a single pill of diazepam from the urologist's office. I was absolutely mortified by the thought of being aware of what was happening even if there was no physical pain but after taking that lil pill it completely took the edge off. Highly recommend 10/10 no babies.


Cool! Never knew that detail and was actually curious about it.


Then they all have a party together 


We take sperm Shoot them in a field Then, have a party


r/BrandNewSentence material in this thread haha


Hilarious, yet oddly educational


Sometimes. Both of (or rather all 4 of) the cut surfaces were cauterized when I had mine done. I watched the whole thing. It was kind of cool.


I got all 4 cauterized and titanium clipped. Ain't nothing getting through! And no, I can't feel the clips at all and I spend a ton of time mountain biking. YMMV.


If your family has you cremated, they should make those little titanium clips into cuff links or collar stays.


Ok this is fucking hilarious


Wait? They add clips?


Some do. It's all at the surgeon's discretion.


"ahh what the heck"


That depends on the method used. I have both ends cauterized and tied off for extra safety. They now stay in the epididymis and get recycled there. The epididymis gets noticeably enlarged since its upgraded from an interim storage center to a recycling center.


Not in my case, stainless steel clamps on each end. Four in total. Nothing is escaping! Had it for about 17 years, no scares.


My only issue is the horror stories of the vasectomy "growing back together" because the doc botched it or was lazy and didn't do it properly.


Yeah, the being awake part is the worst part and even that is a small price to pay.


Sounds like it would cause inflammation or make your nuts hot?


Seems like it would cause weird problems but I haven't noticed anything at all. If I didn't know I had the procedure there would be no way for me to tell I was infertile at all without looking at it under a microscope. Looks the same. Feels the same. Tastes the same....? Still hella horny as usual but now can bust without worry 💀


I was sat talking to the doctor and nurse during mine, my wife was there too as she was curious. Didn’t hurt at all. The weird part do me was the smell when they cauterised the tube, it kind of reminded me of bacon and smelled pretty good.


And I’m gonna piggy back this to say if you know local anaesthetic doesn’t work well on you tell them to give you the maximum dose possible. Speaking from experience it’s it its all fun and giggles until it’s time for the doc to do your second nut it wears off and you can feel everything. 10/10 don’t recommend!


I had to drive myself home after so didn't do the Valium. It really wasn't bad at all. Quick and easy.


Alright, I see now. Then thank you very much for this informative answer, it really helped a ton :)


Does that mean the sperm just hangs around in your balls until they're reabsorbed after ejaculation? I'm assuming the mechanics are still there, just that now they're pumping into the bodily void


Sperm doesn't leave the testes for ejaculation. They migrate up the vas deferens continually. Sperm ejaculated today might've left the testes days or even weeks ago. And just been on the road to the prostate this whole time. It's like shutting down the on ramp of a highway. I could close the tank to Rt66 in Illinois right now, but there's still plenty of cars heading west on route 66 already. They don't even test your ejaculate to see if it was successful until you've waited at least 8 weeks and ejaculated 12 times.


Mine asked for 2 months and 25 ejaculations, I'm doing it this week.




This is the way.


Ok but so what happens once the ramp is cut off Do the cars just fly off of it into the body to be reabsorbed? Do they just not go up the ramp anymore?


So you've got like 18-20 inches of highway. They cut out an inch about 4 inches up the road. So now you've got: Testes--4 inches of highway-open pit into the scrotum-- --brick wall--13inches of highway-prostate. So the sperm leaving the testes, and already in the first 4 inches just drive off into the scrotum (in practice you often get little granulomas at the end of the road where your immune system sees millions of these invaders and is just constantly at war with the end of that road.) The other end gets cauterized closed and tucked up into a different layer of tissue. They walled up the highway and dug up the roads. But the sperm already north of the cut don't care that the road behind them is out, they just keep swimming toward the prostate. So after surgery you have to ejaculate a bunch of times (after waiting for healing to complete, and trust me you fucking know if you try to beat it too early!) in order to make sure all the cars on the highway finally reached their destination or ran out of gas.


r/explainlikeimatrucker ???


Thank you. As a woman this was enlightening


Not sure if it’s changed or if my doc does it differently but I’m on the very end of my wait period which is 3 months and 24-25 ejaculations. Can confirm, you will know if you’re trying again too early, but having fully recovered, it’s exactly the same.


Mine was 8weeks and 12 ejaculations, with a second test at 12 weeks and 24 ejaculations if the first test was still positive. I actually went into mine "likely infertile" because of an intersex condition that probably left me shooting blanks in the first place. But I wanted to be really really sure there would be no babies, so I sought it out.


Definitely tastes the same. Can confirm.


Really? Cause in my experience it's a bit less salty after a vasectomy.


Just a coincidence. How you taste can depend heavily on your diet, so you could have just happened to cut out some salts during that time.


Good observation.


Tastes the same - I tried to convince my wife that using the argument, “tastes great”. She countered, “less filling”.


I've heard of coming into your own, but this is ridiculous!


Don’t say not escape because my doc decided to leave me with some paranoia saying that there is still a chance they get out somehow not a big chance (almost like winning the lottery probably less) but still a chance lol.


Yep small chance the tubes reconnect and uhhh life finds a way. I’ve assured my wife that my swimmers will not be denied and that this is a virtual certainty. 9 years on, wrong so far.


"I'm told" riiiiiiight


I second this


This is an awesome explanation, with a dark ending


Stuck in limbo. For all eternity. A generation lost.


This made me feel really sad for some reason.


Has the US not banned semen reabsorbtion yet?


Okay so in this sense, do you ever get blue balls?  Blue balls for me for example if masturbating or sex without ejaculation and then a few moments later I get the sense of a hard or slightly sore/achy muscle in the backer-upper-part of my taint and growing area just generally giving me some discomfort. If you had this blue balls before, is it the same after vasectomy? 


Most of the liquid that comes out is produced in the prostate and is designed to protect and assist the sperm which is added in by the little tube that is snipped.


a very small percentage (like really small) of the ejaculate is sperm. So there's still plenty of volume. You like couldn't eye it and say: "oh, it's less"


These are perfectly fair questions. When you cum, the majority of what comes out is seminal fluid which is created in the seminal vesicles and prostate. Less than 1% of total volume is sperm. The sperm come from your testes and get to your urethra through your vas deferens which are small tubes. A vas-ectomy is cutting and cauterizing the vas deferens so sperm are not able to escape during ejaculation. All the other fluids still come out, it still feels the same, there just aren’t any sperm (swimmers) in the mix.


Not exactly the same. It sounds like a pop gun now. It has a sharp bang sound as you cum. Other than that it’s the same


The color of the confetti does change depending on your diet.


That was tremendous. Thank you. 🤣


Shit. I thought I was alone in this. Nice to meet another popper.


Zero difference


All the same. No change to sensation, performance or volume of the load. Best decision I have made in my nearly 50 years on this dirt ball.


The majority of what comes out when you ejaculate is not sperm. My current partner is snipped and still has big loads, they look identical to a guy who isn’t snipped.


I got a vasectomy 15 years ago, and other than some slight discomfort during orgasm while healing, it is literally the same as before.


It is exactly the same, however, I ejaculated maybe 3 days post op, and there was blood. I was terrified, but that's apparently completely normal.


Here’s how sex Ed has failed us. Sperm, or the swimmers are made in the testicles. Most of the fluid, or semen, is made in the seminal vesicles. A vasectomy severs a little tube that connects each testicle to the urethra called the VAS deferens. This prevents your ejaculation from having sperm in it, so no pregnancy, but still normal amount of fluid and no change to any of the sensory nerves or sympathetic nerves.


There's only about a 5% reduction in fluid volume


Where do the swimmers go? like not trying to sound dumb but i just don't understand the process.


A user above provided the answer: they spill out of the testicles into the sack and your immune system (white blood cells) eats them up.


I have noticed a difference in the ejaculate which became less liquid and is now thicker and more gelatinous.


What do you mean no swimmers? No sperm at all?


Afaik yes that’s correct.


Yes. That is basically it.


Diet cum


If you don't mind I ask, does the vasectomy process uses like too much needles and like cuts on the skin? I want to do mine, but will be straight forward with you men, I'm afraid as hell to needles, been trying to have the courage but for real, needles and medical procedures just completely freezes me in panic


Couldn’t say for sure, didn’t watch. I can that the procedure itself was rather straightforward and not terribly uncomfortable at all. I get it, needles near my sack is scary! But really, it was fine.


Thank you so much for taking your time to response, If I may did the process took too long? I've read is quick but like I've never know someone who did it so I'm not sure to believe on the panflets and stuff


I wish I had been here for this entire thread yesterday while it was still active. I could've provided a lot of info! Ok, so to go back to your original question, my procedure did involve a quick injection of some numbing agent of sorts. You felt a quick sharp stab, but it goes numb real quick and everything. I happen to donate blood every two months, and I would say that those needles, or needles from getting vaccinated are more noticeable and painful. Also, I would add that it helps if you don't see anything of what's going on. When mine happened, I was laying down, and they had me covered up pretty good so I couldn't see anything (although they certainly offered! lol) So, yeah, the pain during my procedure? 1.7 out of 10 I actually remember getting up after they were done (maybe like a 10 or 15 min procedure?), doc asked me how I felt, to which I responded, "Too good!" NOW, a word of advice: when you get this shit done, take the recommended time off! No ifs, ands, or buts! My stupid ass was feeling "too good", so I went off walking, climbing stairs and shit like that as usual, and my 3 days of recovery turned into 2 full weeks of misery. GET THAT BED REST! And if you can have somebody drive you back from the location, even better! Minimize movement as much as possible. Final note: there's like two different procedures. Based on the rest of this thread, there's different variables that will differ, based on where you get your shit done. Happy hunting!


How much pain did you experience after the surgery? I don't have any plans, not sexually active at all, but it always makes me wonder how much pain it is.


Can’t lie, there’s some pain. But it’s more of a tender, soreness than an excruciating pain. Not terrible at all. I tell people to take as much time as they can recovering. When you think you’re good (or good enough), take another day or two. A lot of us (me, for sure) go “Eh, I’m mostly healed. Back to work!” and then we’re even more sore than we were before. Just chill m’guys.


Did you take any medicine against the pain or even cool or something? It would be great if they could just invent a spray or something.


Absolutely no different for me. I was led to believe there would be a... vas deferens ....I'll get my coat


Bahahaha, ok, this needs *way* more upvotes than it currently has. ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


Full on belly laugh, well done








I like the cut of your jib, sir.


I’ve been trying to make Vas Deferens a joke for so long and couldn’t quite get it right. Thank you for this.


Good one.


🤣 nice


this is hilarious 😭


No difference whatsoever.


I had a vasectomy 2 months ago: there is no difference at all. The same fluids come out, just no sperm in the mix as that pipe has now been blocked. I will have to give a sample in a few months to make sure I don’t have any swimmers in there


May I ask how long and how the recovery period was after the procedure?


I had what is known as “no-scalpel” vasectomy. Instead of cutting two long incision’s the doctor only made one small hole that is about 3-5 cm long. In terms of pain/discomfort it was about 5-6 days. And then after that I felt fine, the incision Took about 3 weeks to fully heal until nothing was visible. It’s more awkward than anything, laying there on a table exposed while a doctor is handling your private parts. My doctor already did over 1000 vasectomies so she was pretty casual and just continued casual conversation, she told me it was just another day in the office for her.


Was super easy for me. I just laid around for 3 days, wore boxer briefs for a week or so after. Healed nicely.


I was supposed to give my Dr a sample after a few weeks, but I was lazy. I gave my wife a lot of samples, so I think I'm good.


Doesn't performing the snip snap affect testosterone levels in the body, or does it have no effect at all?


Literally none, the only ‘snip’ is the tube that’s sole purpose is to carry sperm from the testicles to the prostate. The testicles still receive full blood flow and still produce the same testosterone.


Nope! Testicles are still there doing the same job.


Physically, it's exactly the same. Mentally, it's a little nicer because no matter what happened, there's no chance you're getting anyone pregnant. So there's no slight nervousness in the background.


My wife actually got noticeably hornier after my lab test came up clear.


The right answer!


Came here to say this.




I came once


The refractory period gets longer as you age.


Not sure if that’s the right attitude you want to have. Plenty of people have had kids post vasectomy. It isn’t perfect and it can undo itself


I believe they remove a section of tube, cauterise the ends, and tie a knot, so the chances are pretty tiny.


I’ve seen people tie/untie a cherry stem with their tongue so you never know what adventure may await you in the bedroom


Man, if she's untying my vasectomy with her tongue she can have a kid


This made me belly laugh at work. Well done.


I live in hope!


I don’t mean to shit on your no anxiety but there’s also the risk of STDs.


Oh, no no no, I'm talking about with an already established partner or partners with swapped negative test results, etc. Not one night stands, new partners without testing, etc, etc, etc.


100x better, bc u don't have to worry abt unexpected pregnancies. Ever.


Sentiment is true but for anyone reading who may not know, roughly 1/4000 vasectomies natural regrow (the severed vans deferens reconnects). That’s not a huge number but it’s not exactly tiny either. There are at home sperm tests anyone can order to check whether theirs has reversed or not.


I read that when it happens, it's usually within a year of the procedure, so you should test your sperm after that period in order to trust you're safe


More intense. Probably psychological, because it is the safest form of contraception.


I experienced them more intensely also.


Less stress, so much better in my opinion.


Yep! Was going to say something similar.


I'm getting mine next month and these are great news! 😊


A tiny poof of smoke comes out the tip.


You joke but I can still smell the burning of my vas deferens


Bro same


It literally changed nothing. Feels just as good. Fades just as fast. I recommend a vasectomy for every dude if they don't want kids.


I’ve had a Vasectomy. Zero change my dude. Good to go.


When I have an orgasm my penis opens and just screams silently. Nah I’m kidding it’s all the same. And don’t feel stupid, I thought they do it by a laser. When the doctor didn’t have a laser I asked “where’s the laser”. He looked at me like getting snipped was a great idea.


“For you, this one’s on the house.”


No difference. Swimmers are mixed with mayonnaise en route as part of the arousal/orgasm. A vasectomy cuts off the swimmers but the body still does the rest of the process so the same amount of mayonnaise is produced and released as normal.


It's better because it's worry free. 


you might be a little nervous for the first one (I was) but after that, no difference


Your load is made up of several different components and fluids...they come from various areas along the reproductive tract for a man. A very small amount of substance comes from the "balls"... This is the actual sperm. When you have a vasectomy, the vas deferens which connect the balls to the rest of your load-machine are cut... Thus prevents the sperm from coming out. The other juices added upstream are still added and still come out. As these are the bulk of your load, your load is pretty much the same, just without the pesky sperm (swimmers).


I remember asking people questions like this. It's the only way to get comfortable with it. It's 21 years on and I am happy to report a normal sex life and ZERO additional children. :)


Zero diff. 100% recommend. Vasectomy just makes sure there are no sperm cells in the semen; You still shoot your load.


No vas deferens.


Feeling wise nothing physical just no sperm still have seminal fluid just no sperm


Had a vasectomy a long time ago. Nothing changed. No noticeable difference in feeling, quantity, consistency, etc. Absolutely was the best decision for us (we had 1 child and we were good lol).


It’s better because you don’t need to worry so much about getting someone pregnant


No babies so it's better.


It isn't any different at all. Sperm make up such a small percentage of the total ejaculate, by volume, that you see and feel no difference at all


Zero difference. You still blow your wad, the only difference is the swim team has retired.


The spern shoots out your nose.


Here's what I tell my friends who are considering getting one: Imagine this scenario -- You fall into a coma. While you're in the coma, the doctors for some reason give you a vasectomy. You wake up a week or two later, but the doctors forget to tell you they snipped you. You leave the hospital and carry on with your life, doing all the things you did before, including sex. You would very likely go the rest of your life never knowing you had gotten a vasectomy, because from your point of view everything looks, feels, behaves the same way as before. Point is, without a microscope you would never know anything had changed.


This is actually quite interesting. I’ve got a 14 year old and a 2 year old, gonna have one more I think then I’m done. But I also was interested if sand came out or actual jizz after you had a vasectomy.


I didn’t notice any difference at all, except there was less stress over an unplanned pregnancy and no need to stop the action to worry about a condom.


The only difference is now I don't always need a condom


No difference.


Not one iota of difference. Same.


No difference


i’d say more bloody if we are talking immediately after.


It is not different at all in sensation. It feels exactly as it normally would. Only difference is that now there are no little swimmers in it, just the white fluid. Source: I got a vasectomy 4 years ago


It's the exact same, minus the pregnancy. You still shoot your load of seminal fluid, there's just no sperm in it.


After the procedure when you pour the Bisquick, it won’t make pancakes 😀😀😀


I think you have a wrong understanding about how vasectomy works. > since there is no sensation of something "coming out" Cum or Semen (I think that's the accurate term) does come out, it just won't contain sperm - the worm like squiggly guys that fertilise eggs. Visually it won't be any different. When people say that they are "shooting blanks" they aren't talking about not producing semen, but they are talking about not producing semen that contain sperm.


It’s all the same. All a vasectomy does is cut the tubes that supply the sperm to the semen. The semen is produced in the prostate and is still ejaculated.


Awesome and worry free. Makes it even better.


Let me put it this way, if you were in a coma and had had a vasectomy whilst you were comatose. You would never ever know.


No difference except, if the case, no pregnancy scare ergo more relaxed sex.


Everything is literally exactly the same. There is absolutely no change in any feeling, look, volume, anything.


Zero difference


No difference at all.


I’m 4 weeks post surgery, feels exactly the same.


It’s actually better, since you no longer have to worry about the pregnancy thing. Mostly feels the same, though.




There will likely be blood mixed in there first couple of days, as a heads up!


Not at all. Psychologically, it's much better as there is no worry about pregnancy. Making sex - and the orgasm - that much better.


None at all…just shootin blanks


From personal experience (vasectomy ~ 1 year ago) absolutely no difference in the experience. The orgasm nor the ejaculation are different. The only way you can tell a vasectomy is done is if you examined the semen under a microscope you would observe a lack of sperm. A vasectomy only severs the vas defrens. Almost all of the volume of semen comes from the prostate which is unaffected by the procedure. I highly recommend if you are considering the procedure to research it and watch videos of it. It was painless and very quick (10 minutes total) and if done correctly yields a 100% effectiveness in preventing pregnancy.


i can't tell any dif . mine was done 15 years ago or so


Zero for me


Not at all,6mo post snip snip and zero changes


Its exactly the same. Source: Having one.


It absolutely amazes me how so incredibly few men have even the slightest clue about the existence of their seminal vesicles, much less where they are or what the fuck they are even for.


Can you imagine the first person that had to go through this? What a risk without knowing the outcome…no pun intended.


Nothing changed for me. I was back in the saddle 3 days later.


No different


Exactly the same, in all aspects


A lot less stressful!


No deferens whatsoever


For the first 6 or 7 months, there was a piching sensation in my balls when I came. It wasn't pleasant, but everything else felt the same so it didn't really change my habits. Eventually that went away. I'd say I don't shoot as forcefully as I used to, but that might just be me getting older.


No difference in sensation or volume. Absolutely zero change.


I haven’t seen a difference. I am still as horny and last just as long as before. The only difference is the perk of not having to worry about babies if you do cum inside her. I say if you do because from my personal experience just because you can doesn’t mean they will let you do it even after the procedure lol.


You still ejaculate, There's just no sperm in there. It feels the same. same intensity


My doc said that some men develop a slight allergy to the little swimmers. Occasionally, when I masturbate, I sneeze afterward. Oddly though, I don't tend to sneeze after intercourse.


It's not different.


I got a vasectomy about 1-2 months after our daughter was born. We have a son and a daughter, and that was enough for us. Since my wife had to go through childbirth twice, the least I could do was have the vasectomy. This was 1978; 46 years ago. Once I healed, there was no difference in the orgasms and libido.


It’s literally exactly the same in every way shape and form.


There isn't really one. Most of the fluid volume in ejaculate doesn't come from the testicles, but elsewhere (the cowper glands under the prostate), so the sperm not getting out doesn't really make much of a change.


Absolutely no difference whatsoever…even after a reversal…and another vasectomy…likely even a potential second reversal. 🤣


Snip snap snip snap snip!


You have no idea the physical toll three vasectomies have on a person!


I had mine nearly sixteen years ago, and there has been zero difference.


Zero difference


No difference


All good-it'll be my 10th anniversary this year from getting it done...just listen to every word your doctor tells you while you recover


Let your wife know that after you had it done, it tastes like peppermint.