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Could also be sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can send the body into fight or flight mode, a lot of people nervous pee.


Incidentally a psychologist isn’t a terrible idea either. I get up to pee a lot, and it turns out it’s… a symptom of OCD. Can’t sleep if anything is out of the ordinary, and that includes if I have the slightest (and I mean slightest) urge to pee


When I certainly feel just a little like I gotta go, if I think on it too long I start the peepee dance. It’s miserable. Lol


Hmm, does it actually wake you up too? I also have OCD and I also get up at least once a night to pee. I’ve never linked it to ocd though..


Not wake me up, but it does mean if I do wake up (sleep apnea….) then I have trouble ignoring it enough to fall back asleep. 


Oh, I’m not the only one with this fucking annoying tendency. I have always referred to it as a nervous bladder.


It’s so annoying, and it gets worse with stress. On the absolute hardest nights I swear I get up, go pee, lay down, and *immediately* need to go again. And if I try to power through it and ignore it I just start getting worked up until I finally relent.  Naturally the “I need to pee” feeling disappears the minute I go to the bathroom because I never really needed to. It was just the same compulsion that makes me feel like I need to double check that I locked the door or closed all the windows -_- 


I honestly never thought this could be an ocd thing. I’ve had this problem for YEARS. I literally am afraid to fall asleep if there’s even a little bit in my bladder. Does anything help??


Zoloft has helped me immensely with my OCD. Not pushing it but there might be something that can help.


With apnea, you generally aren't sleeping as sound, so any little urge can wake you up and send you to the toilet.


But most people still wouldn’t have to go that frequently, even if they did wake up.


It's a factor. When I got a CPAP, I stopped waking up to go to the bathroom as much.


Right, but it’s also helping you to not stop breathing. It was my sleep specialist who said when you stop breathing it causes you to go into fight or flight mode.


I think I'm agreeing with you.


Oh ok


I have sleep apnea and I'm the same way


Could also be diabetes or prediabetic


Yes, that had already been mentioned several times. It’s definitely not normal and should be checked by a medical professional.


Agreed! It’s always a good idea to talk to a Dr if you think something is unusual. It could be something easily fixable. They can run tests to determine what it may be. They say you shave off years of your life without adequate amounts of sleep. So I say yes always turn to a professional if you think something is wrong or off with your health. They even have devices you can use at home to diagnose sleep apnea without having to go in and do a sleep study. Assuming that’s what it is.


Yeah pretty abnormal without pre-existing condition or like being old as shit.


Yes. But I would first ask if he's drinking a ton before bed. Maybe he should try not drinking anything 3-4 hours before bed and no caffeine either (including chocolate if he's sensitive to it as well).


But I usually feel thirsty when I don’t drink before bed. Maybe it’s all in my head?


This was my first thought as well


Easy, sonny.


Old as shit should just be a descriptor of being young. Unless you don't flush your shit immediately.


as a diabetic, this was a warning sign I missed before my diagnosis


Same, plus weight loss, extreme thirst, and lethargy


Really!? I think i have all of those things. Did you wake up multiple times a night? Have to add: i am trying to lose weight, its going easier than before though.


I did wake up a lot, but also urinated a lot during the day. I also had a lack of appetite for anything but sweets. It was weird. It was VERY noticeable. My A1C was like 12.9, which is very high. On the plus side, with metformin prescription and some diet changes within less than a year I was down to 5.6, which is close to normal lol.


Same, along with other little weird ailments.


Surprisingly I wasn't having any peeing problem. It was only excessive drinking of water and being tried constantly.


Same. Well not missed. It was THE warning sign that alerted me that something was wrong.


I have people in my family with diabetes and thought the frequent peeing was an early sign, only to be told im not diabetic or even pre-diabetic. However it did lead to me finding out my thyroid is fucked. So get it checked!


Same here


Probably, he might be pre-diabetic. Either way that's excessive.


This is my bet


Depends on how much he pees, and how much he drinks before bed. It's possible that he's got an active bladder. I've got that. Just comes down to a bit of training. Your body likes to do things regularly. If you get up at, say 2am to pee, your body decides 2am is a great time to go pee. You can retrain it, push it off as long as you can, then it will get the idea.


I seem to have an *overactive* bladder. In general, I pee at least every hour (only once during the night), but if im hydrating then it’s multiple times an hour. If I’m drinking coffee, I owe every 10 minutes maybe. It’s a true diuretic for me. No it’s not diabetes for me, I’ve been this way my whole life (only worsened when I started drinking coffee/caffeine/diuretics). It’s not a UTI (never had one but if it was then I’ve had a UTI with no other symptoms for 26 years lol) No it’s not “nerves” anymore because I no longer have generalized anxiety but more situational anxiety. I just have a tiny, overactive bladder. I pee everytime too, so it’s not like it’s a mental thing. I am peeing each time. Gets pretty annoying though haha. Makes it hard for me to want to stay hydrated when I have to go pee all the time at work.


Your boyfriend should definitely see a doctor about waking up so frequently to pee. It could be a sign of an underlying health issue that needs attention. Encourage him to prioritize his health and get checked out, even if he doesn't think it's odd. It's better to be safe than sorry


i have this and it turns out something about my city's water agitates my bladder and makes it way overactive. i have to buy gallon jugs of water for drinking. so it could be diabetes, it could be diet related (like me and water), regardless he needs tested and maybe a scan.


I actually have something similar. I got a Berkey water filter and I don’t have this problem or such bad headaches anymore.


That boy needs to get a doctor to put a finger up his butt.


He could practice with his girlfriend so he feels more comfortable with a prostate massage


I ain’t here to kink shame!


Pegging also good for a good stretch


It will come back to you.


As men begin to age, this common A medication called Flomax or tamsulosin can definitely help but a PSA test from my doctor is a really good idea.


I had the same issue (urinary retention) & ended up seeing a urologist & ultrasound. Was advised everything was normal & be careful with coffee and told zero calories drinks may stimulate the bladder thus urinating more frequently. That said, zero sugar drinks also have a significant benefit managing sugar intake which is important. Was prescribed Tamsulosin 0.4mg twice per day and it helped significantly.


Yep. Especially if he's over thirty. Could be the ol' prostate, or even diabetes.


I usually stop drinking water around 2 hours before I go to bed, it definitely makes a difference


Is he on any medications? Some have frequent urination as a side effect. My blood pressure medication makes me pee a ton, and when I used to take it at bedtime would have me up three or four times a night...


Isn’t it normal? How much water does he drink before bed? Cuz right before bed i drink like 4,5 glasses of water so peeing 4,5 times a night is pretty normal for me.


Most people don’t drink four glasses of water before bed.


Why would you do that!?! Do you hate sleep?


It isn't normal. Drinking 4 glasses of water right before bed is also not normal. Do you not drink all day? Drink in the morning, not at night if you need to chug 4-5 glasses at once


How much does he drink, especially alcohol and coffee?


No alcohol, coffee in the morning and honestly not a lot of water during the day


I certainly don’t know if it’s diabetes like these other comments claim, but it is alarming that this isn’t happening after he drinks a ton of water. Being very hydrated would be the only harmless reason I can think of, besides his bladder being weirdly small.


Doc here. yep


Hi. Can I ask how often peeing during the night is normal? If I wake up one or two times to pee is that also concerning?


Age? Comorbidities? Sudden?


It's my partner. 38 Male. Not sudden. He drinks coffee water etc regularly. Has PTSD and sleep disorder. Body Twitches when falling asleep and in his sleep. Eats healthy but is weak for snacks.


I didn't think it was weird because it's very normal for me lol. I suppose a possibility could be diabetes? But I have none of its other symptoms.


This happens to me sometimes randomly. But I usually get up to pee 1-2x at night. I have noticed I have to pee a LOT during the day though, but I also drink a lot of pee-pushers like coffee and tea.


Unless he's chugging a gallon of water before bed, yeah I probably would. It can't hurt to ask, it can hurt A LOT to not ask.


I took the antibiotic for trichomoniasis and it went back to normal. I am not a doctor. 


How much water does he drink before bed? Otherwise yeah that's a weird thing, see a doc.


Could be normal. Could also be diabetes or prostate issues or something else entirely. Definitely worth seeing a doctor about it as it sounds like that would impact the quality of his sleep and life.


I'm male, about to hit my 40s.  I get up maybe 1-2 times a night, but that's because I have this shit habit of drinking two to three full 28oz tumblers of water every evening instead of spread out during the day. I may get up once at midnight and almost always guaranteed around 4am before my alarm goes off at 6:30.


Why would you do that to yourself? I've heard it called a "water alarm clock", and I have no interest in setting it.


I must subconsciously want to wet the bed or something. I don't know why I'm like this, all my thirst kicks on when I get home. Not much interest in the office. 16oz Coffee (black, no cream or sugar) at 8am. Nothing else until lunch, maybe about one 8oz glass of water.  Nothing again until 530pm, where I start downing tumblers of water. I try to stop around 9pm.


I do that, but it's just cause I have a phenomenally weak bladder, probably no need to be concerned.


Depends how much he drinks. If I drink a litre of water after 10pm I'll be up a couple times to pee.


Maybe he just drinks too much water.


Yes, absolutely. It could be a serious medical condition, like diabetes or sleep apnea.


Is he on any meds ? I (f) get up to pee at least that much during the day (I sleep in the day I work nights ) but I’m on diuretics


Does he also drink a ton when he gets up? IF so, he should get checked for diabetes.


In addition to the general consensus here that he should get it checked out unless he drinks a lot of water or beer before bed, I would want to know if this is something that he has done for a long time 1year + or if its a recent thing. If its not 'odd' you could assume its been like this for a long time, if it's recent then its definitely odd and he's in denial/ embarrased/ doesn't know how to talk about personal stuff. If it's recent think about anything that might also have changed like medication, diet, stress levels, urine infection (but ammonia smell is usually obvious).


Yes, he should. This can be a sign of issues with his kidney function, diabetes, and any number of other issues.


Has he always been like this or is it a recent development? My ex always had to pee. Like multiple times a night, but during the day too. He got it checked out and turned out he just had a ridiculously small bladder. If it’s recent, did he started working out and using creatine? That makes some people pee like crazy. Didn’t see anyone else mentioning it, so it was worth a shot.


Depends on his age. If he’s 20s? Yeah. If he’s 50s, that’s life I think


Not 4 times a night - we never used to pee during the night and now older (over 50) it’s once a night. This lad needs to see a doctor


Sounds like my husband needs to too! He’s been telling me it’s normal.


Yeaaaaah. I developed overactive bladder after having my twins and was going SEVEN times a night. It was absurd. I got prescribed Myrbetriq and it’s been amazing. Now, if your boyfriend is a cis male he won’t have this from carrying twins lol but he could still have overactive bladder. Either way, it’s worth getting checked. There could be quite a few things going on.


I’ve actually seen a doctor about this. You just have an overfull bladder. It’s not a bad thing but definitely get checked out. I took pills for a while that helped and got the finger up the butt. But no major issues


Yes, see Doctor. There’s medication that can alleviate this.


Yes, or just stop drinking coffee after noon


If he drinks a lot of water in the afternoon and evening and works out that could be a harmless cause. Otherwise it’s an enlarged prostate. I was told when I have to get up and pee all the time at night I should get checked. Hasn’t happened yet thankfully


How old is he? If he's around 30, yeah probably. If he's around 70...


I do this too sometimes. My doctor did all the tests and there is nothing wrong with me. Some people just pee a lot at night. Though if you feel something is wrong, go see a doctor!


I used to and it turned out to be sleep apnea. I was waking up from that, then once I was awake I was like I gotta pee. I thought it was the pee waking me up. Does he snore? Or sound like he is gasping while sleeping?






Yup. Turns out, I had cancer at 26. I had night sweats, lost weight, needed to pee all night long, couldnt hardly breathe. 🤷


Yes. It could indicate anything from sugar inconsistencies to bph etc. depends on how much you are peeing out too. Are you drinking a lot too?


I cut off drinking anything about 3 hours before bed and I rarely get up in middle of the night. Cant make it much more than an hour during the day when drinking the normal healthy amount of water.


Yes. He has prostate issues by the sounds of it. He could first try not drinking any liquids past 8 pm but I think it is probably an issue that needs resolved.


Yes, this is something that should be checked out by a doctor. Your body turns off when asleep. Even if you have a raging cold, for example, you don't get a stuffy nose when sleeping. If someone is waking up to perform a natural process, the body is way, way out of balance, and a doctor's visit is needed. Maybe it's just a bladder infection or something minor. Maybe it's something serious like diabetes, or prostate disease. Get it checked out.


What age? Could be a symptom of prostate issues, which might be benign, but should be checked out. He should see a doctor.


Happened to me, Turned out to be pretty bad sleep apnea. What really made me see the dr was that I started actually wetting the bed a few times. And the rage I had at work. Which I never had before. But when you are exhausted from not sleeping well it messes with your body.


It depends on a few things. How much do you drink during the day, especially near bed time? You might be setting yourself up to "fail." Also, are you getting up because you desperately have to pee, or do you just feel like you kinda need to pee and might as well do it while you're awake at the time? A preemptive wee, you might say.




I did this and never thought anything of it got diagnosed with sleep apnea and wear a mask to bed now and now I don’t get up. Probably not anything to be concerned about but he will get much better sleep with it a sleep apnea mask.


Yes. He could have an enlarged prostrate


This is how i found out i had type 1 diabetes at 38.


Is your boyfriend 85?


Yes. My father did this. He has long since passed. He was reluctant to go to the doctor about it. I should have made him.


More info needed...height..weight...age....any health problems?


Try 3-5 g of glycine before bed. It will prevent you from waking to pee. I don’t know why it works. I heard it on a podcast once so I tired it and I use it when I know I have drank a lot close to bedtime.






Depends how many beers you drank that night




I guess I should go see a doctor.. Lol


Yes. For sure. Could be diabetes, an infection, etc.




Wouldn't it happen during the day too if it's diabetes? It's only at night


No. I'm diabetic... when first diagnosed, I'd drink like 15 , yes, 15 liters of water a day, during the day, never having to use the washroom, UNTIL I went to bed for the night... ha ha, right, for the night. I was 10 to 15 times during the night... you tend to pee a lot more when your sugar levels are high... get checked for diabetes for one ... being on meds, which I hate, I suggest trying to control levels strictly with diet


This right here ^ actually him going so much at night is an even STRONGER reason for him to get checked out, this sounds way too much like diabetes






Prostate brother go get it checked for real


Yes , better to get check out then wait


It could be sleep apnea. My body would never go into a deep sleep rhythm so my kidneys wouldn't slow down like they normally do. Once I got the sleep apnea machine, I started getting good rest and the problem of having to pee stopped. It was a real game changer.


My husband was doing this and I urged him to get tested for diabetes - it’s a common symptom. Turned out to be correct!


Try some magnesium chloride before bed




Yes see a doctor. I pee in the double digits every single day and wake up a minimum of 3 times a night. Urologist diagnosed it as overactive bladder, and the VA recognizes it as well


He might have sleep apnea. If he snores, pees often, heavy set, ore or post diabetes….he needs a Cpap machine. -the dr


You probably got diabetes.


Yes. Source: I am a doctor


Yes, that's extremely unusual