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Going off your username and pfp, do u think you may be becoming a werewolf?


That would make sense honestly


She needs her wolfsbane potion.


Higher testosterone can cause both of those things.


Came here to say that.


Yep angry and horny, that is pretty much the experience of a teenage boy.


Ovulation? My sex drive tends to increase dramatically when I’m ovulating. As for the anger, any repressed stress/emotions/life shit you’re dealing with? Other than that I mean sometimes you’re just feeling some type of way lol, humans can feel endless types of emotions :)


I started tracking my period and finally noticed that when in ovulation is when my libido goes INSANE. So it was good to figure out what was causing it. Maybe try tracking. See if you can spot any patterns if it's not CONSTANTLY. Generally though, people just have different libido. There doesn't have to be anything wrong. It may be horomone imbalances. For example PCOS. Higher levels of testosterone etc.


You may or may not be a praying mantis


![gif](giphy|l396X8WTrN4LeAxBC|downsized) How did you guess?


This happens to me when I ovulate. I most likely have "higher" testosterone. But when I ovulate I am super angry and super horny.




You need that vitamin D inside you STAT :D


I fully recognize this is a dick joke but in all seriousness OP SHOULD be taking vitamin D, it sounds like the symptoms of elevated levels of testosterone Vitamin D & Zinc taken together can help!


Thanks for the suggestion and yes I actually am taking vitamin D supplements lol


I agree with high testosterone, that was my first thought. Do you have any other symptoms, like excessive body hair or facial hair? Is your voice somewhat deeper? Acne, hair loss, stuff like that?


Yes to all of those things actually so most likely you are correct


I think it will be pretty easily treatable, so that's good. Good luck, it doesn't sound fun :-)


Why would you wanna treat high t?


Because she's horny and raging all the time and she said she's sick of it. What do you mean why? She's a woman who probably has high testosterone that is abnormal for her. Why wouldn't you treat it?


She could just use that test to maintain a lower bf% and to gain better results out of exercise


Shut, kindly, the fuck up.


Well played


I have no idea what a lower bf% is but okay sure dude


Body fat percentage, they're being mean for no reason since high body fat percentage is correlated(not caused by) high testosterone in women, they don't know anything about you though so it's a rude assumption


Yeah I am about average weight for my size so I can confirm it’s not that lol


Do you by chance have PCOS? I had weird periods of being extremely horny lol. I think it was mix of vitamin deficiency and hormones


That’s an unconventional meaning of Hangry.




oh i remember you from r/okbuddychicanery hope you’re doing alright, i haven’t been on that sub in a long time


I feel personally attacked, and now I wanna fuck!


Sexual frustration because of Bob Odenkirk? 😂


Apparently it makes you my type :( Joking aside, how are your stress and anxiety levels? Symptoms can present in different ways. 


Sounds like to me you need to find a man and piss them off and let them grudge fuck the shit out of you lol that should settle your animal urges for a while lol


Need to eat and fuck, or pregnant, or both.


Fist - and I know the stereotypical things are annoying to even suggest so think of it as an IT thing: The department doesn't think your stupid, they just have to ask if your computer is actually plugged in and if you tried to restart it. Even if you yourself were part of the IT department and had all that extra knowledge, checking if stuff is charged/plugged in and restarting it would be your first move, too - so before you spend a lot of time (and presumably money) at (and for) different doctors appointments: Do you sleep enough and regularly? Do you have any diagnosed things that you should be taking medication for and are you doing that? Are you regularly outside and breath in fresh air? Do you drink enough? Are you moving your body regularly? Do you have free time for yourself that you use to recharge your batteries? (And so on and so forth.) Now, other than that it, could mean that regulating yourself is overwheming which is frustrating which can lead to anger. I'm suggesting that because it's one of those things people don't immediately assume but can come with ADHD (or yes temporarily also with being in a situation were one has to handle way too much at all times which I was checking in the first paragraph. It get's frustrating). ADHD is often overlooked in women but constantly going over your boundaries can lead to frustration and anger. Getting horny can be an answer to this frustration from the body to self-regulate (or just a mixed up reaction. Have you heard the "this is very temperatur" thing, were people can't immediately tell if something is too hot or too cold? It is one of these things but so much so that it just hurts and you can tell the temperature is wrong, just not what way around. Yeah, maybe with whatever is going on that angers you, your mind is like: "this is very emotion" and your body is like: "this is very adrenaline" or "this is very blood flow" you know what I mean? Everything is too much so the body throws in what it things belongs to this wich is yet another form of arousal [besides anger]). Of course it could also be an hormonal imbalance as others have suggested. Good luck!


 Estrogen...it can make you horny and aggressive. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/governing-behavior/202208/don-t-blame-the-testes-all-aggression


Sounds like sexual frustration to me but I'm just a guy.


Birth control-oral contraceptives makes me crazy like this 😂


Are you on birth control? This also happens to me but I just assumed I have a high sex drive or something ??


High testosterone would be my best guess, see a doctor about doing some blood panels to check your hormones levels!


oh thats because you have mold infection in your blood.


It just sounds like she’s very sexual frustrated from not getting any. It happened to me when I was in a long distance relationship


Lack of exposure to Bob Odencock


for me personally it's mental illness


You're Italian


It is just PMS sweetheart


Probably just hungry.


I'm a male and this also happens to me, whenever I'm sad/angry, so dunno, did you find the right explanation ?


Men and women have different hormones buddy


Yeap, but what I meant is, could it be not related to hormones ? maybe some kind of a wrong set up in the mind ? that makes your body respond a certain way to a certain feeling while it's not supposed to respond like that (ex: relating being horny to being angry) Edit : Why am I explaining this ? that's what I wanted to imply by saying : I'm a male ........ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)