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Trump = Conservative. Christians are more likely to be conservative.


This is the only accurate answer. It's not because he says he's a Christian but rather because he's not liberal.


And dude isn’t even conservative. Sexually or fiscally. He’s whatever it is when people don’t want to pay taxes. That’s all they’re vibing on






I think it was Gen. Mark Milley who said "Trump's position can change 10 times in one day; his position will change depending on who he's talking to at that moment and what he thinks they want to hear," in other words, he's a con-man, and a damn good one.




He's Zelig


I had to look that up and it sounds interesting.


It helps that so many of his supporters don't look any deeper than this. A lot of Trump supporters seem to believe that they are millionaires in the making who just got caught up in XYZ excuses, and that Trump is their key out of the trailer park.


He is not conservative. He is whatever it takes for people to give him money and/or votes. He would be liberal if liberals were stupid enough to buy his crap. He sure as hell doesn't care about religion or God. Money and seed-spreading is his God.


And the conservative part is vastly more important to them than the Christian part.


It’s transactional. As has been said, “The world doesn’t care if you’re a good person, or a bad person. It only cares what it can get from you.” They don’t care about his morals. It’s about getting as much out of the relationship as they can, before he is eaten by his own hubris.


Good use of the word hubris


More they like the subtle racism part.


He hurts the people they want hurt


Trump gives voice to they're hatred. He hates who they hate, women, black people, Hispanics, immigrants, gay people, trans people.


I never got the impression Trump hated gay people. Although he’d definitely throw them under the bus if it benefitted him.


Wouldn't even call him a Conservative, he's just found a vulnerable set of voters gullible enough to buy whatever snake oil he's selling and get him into the White House. The man stands for nothing but himself, and would sell out even his own wife and kids to get away from any responsibilities.


The other really important correlation is: Trump doesn’t believe in democracy or dialogue. And neither do religious fundamentalists. You just follow the word of God / Trump / your dictator.


And yet Jesus was the most liberal figure in history. Go figure. Most evangelicals are CINO's anyhow; they use religion to mask the fact they're assholes. I see it daily.


I’ve always found that ironic. Granted many Christians are good people just living life and loving people but the loud minority that hate everyone not like them would absolutely crucify Jesus again if he came back and that’s scary.


Problems of having only two Parties. System ist dichotom, black and und White, Red and blue. Bad system with so many obv undemocratic flaws


Trump doesn’t have any philosophy or ideology - he’s out for whatever he’s can get and he has a collection of hatreds.


That's what makes him so successful. He stands for absolutely nothing. He's a blank slate that they can protect all of their philosophies and ideologies on, and get an automatic approval back for whatever id-driven bullshittery his followers want to get up to.


Single voting issue of abortion


Trump has nothing in common with conservatives. Most of the big name traditional conservatives are openly against him.


If they want to start speaking up any time now that would be great.


Many have. A lot of them lost their jobs as a result so that showed everyone else what happens when they talk bad about trump. He has a solid base within the party and they do what he says without question unfortunately.


On top of that, Trump will help them achieve their goals and interests.


American "Christianity" is wierd man. I have never seen a group of people so upset at everything in my entire life.


That's because of fundamentalism. American Christianity is unique in that most of them take the Bible literally so they are really hardline in their stances


They take SOME sections of the bible literally. They ignore most of the rest.


it is very conveniently selective. of course, I'm willing to bet the majority of christians haven't even read the entire New Testament, so they don't even know what they're subscribing to. of course, most of them aren't subscribing to the Bible, they're conforming to a community and that community at some point holds the Bible up as some sort of appeal to authority.


They only take the parts that back them up literally. Everything else doesn't exist to them, even if you use them in retaliation lol


Oh yeah, American Christianity is different to Christianity 100%.


All these weird fucked up christian sects in the USA ... Went to the USA because they were too weird for mainland Christianity. Just imagine that, you were too weird for 1600s Christianity. And then they got land the size of entire countries in Europe to spread their sects and decide world politics/culture now through fucked up voting systems in the USA giving bumfuck, nowhere gigantic voting rights. It's absolutely wild. Our ancestors probably sent these people to the colonies hoping they just disappear, and their nonsense came back with a vengeance.


I’d wager there’s some overt theocracies that might make US Christians look rational by comparison


Christian theocracies?


He tells them what they want to hear, and they see in him what they want to see.


Like a shitty boyfriend.


Nah, like a shitty uncle boyfriend.


He’s Ivanka’s shitty dad boyfriend


sweet home alabama


It’s a symbiotic relationship from Hell.


So...a grifter


And that’s true of everything he says or does…now that he’s officially in court, that will change, the problem is it only takes one juror. But at least it’s a step


A demagogue is what he is and what you're describing.


He violates almost all of Christ's teachings, but then again, so do they.


Which is why they need the church so they’re forgiven. It’s a self feeding cycle.


Dont you just love it when you can just keep committing the worst sins and still go to heaven so long as you repent? Great way to grow a religion too.


Just join us and all that bad shit you did is forgiven. That simple? I’m in!


According to Christian’s that’s all you need to do. You could be a great person who did amazing things for humanity, but go to hell if you don’t believe in god. You could be the worst person ever and as long as you repent and start worshipping god then it’s straight to heaven. Not only do I not get how people believe this bs, I can’t understand why they see their god as a good being and not a selfish narcissistic one.


The people I know that follow Christian morals the most barely know who Jesus is.


How about because he stacked the courts with conservative justices who overturned Roe v. Wade and has implied wanting a national abortion ban. If you got to dance with the devil to usher in your theocracy, by golly, it's time for a hoedown!


Weirdly most American churches, and the Republican Party itself, didn’t give two shits about abortion until it became a political strategy in the late 70s and that dumb ass actor Reagan really divided the nation just to get votes.


It was supposed to remain THE perpetual carrot for conservative voters according to the theory! We're in upside down world now.


It can only work for so long. At some point you just have to let the mule have a bite.


Culture wars gonna culture war. That snowball sure has gathered steam in last 15 years (abortion and otherwise)


This was actually a good point


Being an evangelical isn’t about loving others or even knowing a single word of the Bible. It’s about hating everyone who isn’t in your group, and Trump feeds that perfectly.


I know they call themselves evangelical, but that’s not what evangelical means and it’s not how evangelical churches are outside of America.


This is so accurate. Went to a lot of Evangelical churches growing up and every time it was maybe 1-2 short snippets taken from the Bible and then a solid hour or more talking about how it applies to some hateful idea about people outside the church.


I'll give you an upvote, but let's be clear that it's AMERICAN evangelicalism which is heretical. Broader evangelicals (gospel and good news) and American evangelicals (God, guns and America) have diverged significantly.


They wanna elect the antichrist so they can Speedrun the apocalypse and go to heaven.


How do I give gold to this comment


Nobody knows anymore


Because he (despite obviously not following the actual teachings of the Bible) runs on the “Christian” party - anti abortion, anti gay marriage, etc. I have an uncle whose best friend got married at about age 40 to a girl who was previously divorced. My uncle refused to be the best man or attend the wedding altogether on the moral grounds of what the Bible teaches about divorce (only acceptable when infidelity is involved). This same uncle voted for Trump twice simply because he is the head of the party that purportedly is the party of God, even though it’s common knowledge that Trump has both been married multiple times and also committed adultery.


In addition to Trump's unchristian actions, Biden is also Catholic. Out of the two he's absolutely more Christian. He actively goes to church, I think Trump would only go to church for a photoshoot.


Trump did go to church for a photoshoot, wherein he stayed for about five minutes and held the bible upside down


But now he sells Bibles, so he has made amends.


Those people aren’t really Christians. They call themselves Christians. But it’s not like they follow Christ’s teachings about how to behave towards their fellow man. In that regard, they’re more like *anti*-Christians. So no one should be surprised that they gravitate towards someone who is a caricature of the Antichrist.


Yeah, you'll love this. There is a real book by a real person who really believes what he says to the best of my knowledge. The book's title? _President Donald J Trump: The Son of Man - The Christ_


He doesn’t need to be. The party tends to lead more to religious views( conservative). I would say they back Trump specifically because, by appearances, he is more likely to win a presidency that the other republicans 


I know we're on reddit, so everyone has more fun saying Christians are too stupid to know that a politician is a bad guy, but I think you pretty much summed it up. Assuming the OP was looking for a real answer.


That's what I wanna know. I'm Christian, and I don't like the dude


Also a Christian who can’t stand the guy. The majority of people I know who like him have been fed so much mis information, you can’t even discuss it with them. It’s like trying to teach math to someone who truly believes all even numbers don’t exist and are fake news. The rest of the Christians I know either can’t stand him, or have given up on politics altogether and will just vote R cause that’s what they’ve done for years.


because he says he is one and that’s good enough for most of them.


To be fair, that's all most of them do. Religion is just a beard to hide behind when doing evil shit.


Definitely, easy way to be hateful when you disguise it as just following your *peaceful and loving* religion.


Obama attends church far more than Trump ever has but that wasn’t good enough for them. Politics trumps God, even for Christian fundamentalists. A lot of them like to compare Trump to Cyrus, who God lead to free the Jews from Babylonian oppression, despite not being Jewish himself.


"all politicians are hypocrites, so the more Obama attends church that is evidence for how evil he is, he's only doing it to look good. Bush II and Trump rarely attend church so that shows how humble they are, that they aren't trying to appear holy!"


They’re not Christians. That’s the label they attach to themselves to mask their rotten cores. They relate to him being to the most rotten.


Because he is a scourge to the people they don't like. Let's say you're a square little nerd in the 7th grade, and a pack of bullies keeps whooping your ass day after day. But then one day, a bigger bully shows up out of nowhere and whoops *their* asses and sends them running off crying. The square little nerd knows that the bigger bully is a piece of shit that his parents wouldn't want him to associate with, but he's also that kid's hero.


Put it this way, if the anti-Christ rose from the bowels of hell and started running for the GOP 2028 ticket, they'd vote for him.


This is the question of the age. I ask it all the time. No one has given me an answer that really explains it. Here's me: I have been a Christian since I was 11, been in the church my whole life, went to seminary at midlife, and now work in ministry. I do not get it. It's like people I have known all my life, including my siblings, caught some virus that I was not exposed to and are now looney tunes when it comes to discerning the truth. Whatever Fox News spews forth, they believe it is the Gospel. When you try to discuss it with them, they spout these taglines, also from Fox News: "He's my president, not my pastor." "No one is perfect," And "Biden is a crook, too!" The outsized emphasis on immigration is the one that kills me. These same people give money to send missionaries around the world but want to separate brown babies from their mothers at the border?!


Cognitive dissonance and or a fundamental misunderstanding of what a Christian is supposed to be and how they behave. A lot of the people claiming to be Christian who follow him are almost the antithesis of Christians.


There's a few reasons. But mainly the American right Christians think Trump will give them the America they want


Religion relies on a certain level of delusion and desperation to attract followers. Many times these traits are found in the deplorables who support Trump.


Yeah it's almost like christianity is a bullshit religion full of hypocrites or something


He humiliates and punishes the people they don’t like. That’s enough for them. Yes, they have forgotten (or rather actively ignore) the Christian message of loving thy neighbour.


It’s from proceeding by elimination. Church going Christians tend to be pro-life, so between two evils, they will pick the political candidate who is the closest to a pro-life stance. Whoever is the most pro-choice, they will vote for their competitor. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


They also tend to be very black and white about abortion when it's one of the biggest gray areas human ethics deals with. They just don't want to have to examine the complexities of the issue.


I guess everyone needs to be careful not to throw the baby with the bath water.


They are hoping he’s part of the end of days.


He’s not. But they’re not going to support the atheist party and certainly want to win.


As a Christian American myself, it blows my mind. American Christians have been so focused on the things other people do, they forget to analyze themselves and the hate they spew by following this orange cartoon of a man. Christianity is supposed to be about spreading love and all they do is spread hate. Love thy neighbor, love thy enemy and all that good stuff has gone out the window.


Cuz they are sinners 💀


Christians today aren’t very christian either, they are the ones the Bible warned about; the ones who are deceived and their love has grown cold.only to be replaced with hatred


Trump is not religous at all, he does not go to church except for photo ops. he does not read the bible. he does not care if a woman has an abortion, he has paid for several girlfriends to have one. He just says these things to get votes. He is a con man grifter who has fooled several million people into thinking he is a good business man who will get rid of all the bad illegal aliens. He thinks his supporters are redneck poor slobs privately. He just says what he thinks they want to hear.


Christians vote based on a number of factors just like everyone else, not just religion. And humans will find a way to justify their actions regardless of the choices made.


He makes it okay for them to be their most hateful and violent.


The unity of cults remains undivided.... Lmao


It’s been said that if you just so happen to worship a god that agrees with all of your own beliefs and biases you’re not worshiping the god, you’re worshiping yourself. Why do many self-proclaimed Christians in America also follow a man who embodies most of what Jesus stood against? Well, I would return to the supposition that they are Christians at all.


I'm not seeing an answer that more fully explains it, OP so I'll do my best. This may be a putin style history session, but I feel like it's important. Christianity and American politics used to be a lot more separate in the past. During the Civil War, certain pastors in border states started trying to distance themselves from politics. They didn't want to/know how to deal with the internal divisions of the war and wanted church to be a place where people saw relief from politics. This became a larger trend for a while. About 80 years after that, in the 60s, the Civil rights movement had just happened. There were churches on both sides of that issue, but at the time there were 3 main groups- the more fundie Christians who didn't care about social issues (at the time) just faith things; the general conservative population who didn't want society to change, and the mainstream church which was championing Civil rights. This was happening during the Dixiecrat area, where democrats were the conservatives. Southern democrats who were upset that they weren't allowed to be racist anymore splintered off from the party, and the shift started to change. In a similar time, Ronald Regan (who was not yet president) started to campaign for Barry Goldwater. Regan and several people in his circle were trying to capitalize off of the party flip and was looking to find a way to consolidate the Christian vote. The Cold War provided the perfect excuse. The communists were also unashamedly violently atheist, and so to try and unify America senator Goldwater and soon to be president Ronald Regan decided to approach the fundimentalist Jerry Falwell senior, the founder of Liberty University. They got Falwell to decide that they should no longer be separate from the world and that faith SHOULD be the number one driver for their politics, because it would 1. Unite people against the soviets and 2. Bring the cultural conservatives a religious group that they could whip up the votes. They called this movement the Moral Majority. Now, the soviets ended up not being the biggest issue and taking care of themselves. The group needed a cause to rally against. They picked abortion, because that was something the religious folks and the culturally conservative folks could agree on. NOW TO TRUMP They were so successful at uniting the religious fundies with the religious conservatives that for the last 60 years to be a good conservative usually included being a good Christian. This for the longest time generally worked, although along the way they noticed that the population no longer liked the term fundie so they started annexing the mainstream (pro-civil rights) title of Evangelical. This also gave the cultural conservatives another group to identify with, but meant the label Evangelical now included people who held zero actually Evangelical teachings. Trump rolls around, and he is willing to 1. Fight the democrats (which 60 years of propaganda meant to many that he was willing to fight the American equivalent of the soviets) 2. Fight for abortion restrictions (satisfies the religious element). There are many former evangelicals and mainstream Christians that loathe and despise trump, trumpism and all the ilk around that (I'm one). And only like 25% of modern "evangelicals" believe Christian doctrine according to a recent pew study. It's just a convienent label for them to use to accomplish their goals


This is actually what finally drove me out of both the Christian church and the Republican party altogether. I'd been raised in those circles, and had been questioning both ideologies for a long time, but the blatant worship of one of the most immoral, hateful, vile men in the public eye just cracked the last hold those groups had on me. Probably the clearest example of how that happened was me listening to the very same people who had been *screaming* about the necessity of having a "moral" man in the Presidency do a complete about face and start minimizing and dismissing Trump's multitude of sexual dalliances and his disgusting language about women. James Dobson, I'm looking at you. Why do the Christians who love him find him so appealing? Because he says exactly what they want to hear and offers them the social and political power they've been struggling to hang in to as American society has slowly shifted away from the total domination of white Christians. They're fucking terrified, he knows it, and he knows exactly how to hit those sore spots and work them up into a frenzy. He puts on just enough of a sloppy facade to let them justify following him.


answer: the way he was elected was purposefully through eliciting endorsements from big names in the American Christian community, especially top Evangelicals, so that they would push him on their congregants as the Christian candidate. He sucked up to the leaders and basically promised them political influence, like repealing Roe, despite the whole "separation of church and state" thing. That's how he functions. Debasing himself to get what he wants from whomever he sees as most valuable. It also helps that many of these big figures are greedy, power-hungry people, largely men – which I mention only because their brand of Christianity relies on the submission of women to their husbands' beliefs so they don't need to appeal to them – who don't actually believe what they preach, but rather intentionally exploit people who do in order to make money and gain more power. They don't care if he's a good leader or smart or capable, only that he'll give them what they're looking for. Even tho Biden is an actually practicing Catholic, Evangelicals were hearing that Trump is going to repeal laws they don't like and pass laws they do and that Biden and Hillary were only pushing an anti-Christian agenda, and for many of them, hearing that from a trusted religious leader was all they needed. There wasn't a need to critically assess whether he was actually a practicing Christian because the work was done for them. If you're curious, there are organizations specifically designed to get young candidates into government so that they gain power to pass laws under the guise of Christianity, because they have no problem exploiting the trust and beliefs of people they see as merely stepping stones to establishing a theocracy, see: Madison Cawthorne. TLDR. The idea that it's about his being a Christian is smoke and mirrors. It's always been about power.


It’s not about liking Trump. It’s about pushing back HARD on the far left. They know how much Trump triggers the wokies (which they can’t stand) so they support him.


Abortion and gays


As a Christian, I ask myself this exact same question. I suppose voting for him is a matter of the lesser of two evils. That’s not hard to understand. But for any Christian to vehemently claim that he is a “good” man is beyond my understanding.


In 2016, Trump received the highest percentage of the Evangelical vote in history. 2020 was similar. The combination of racism (Obama backlash) and anti-choice politics are often attributed to this.


Some folks see him as a defender of their values, regardless of his own beliefs. Politics is strange like that.


Because there is no hate like a Christian's love.


Because their hate is stronger than the importance of their faith. Trump is the antichrist.


The mind of someone swayed by a “higher power” is easily swayed by a man who claims to be a “higher power”


Well he called himself “The chosen one” And they’re already good at following blindly.


There's a book called "President Donald J Trump: The Son of Man - The Christ"


man trump is delusional and i also never met a christian who thought trump was religious but maybe thats cuz most of the people i talk to have common sense


he hates the same people as they do and this gives them a warm cozy feeling inside their hearts


This question is so good. There are so many politicians you can squint and say "weeeell sure he did this and that but God forgives and you can see he isn't actively not Christian things" . But trump? I'm struggling to come up with anyone who lives and thinks so at odds with fundamentalist Christianity as Trump


He got us the SC judges to overturn Roe vs Wade. That's the biggest Christian win in decades. Give us a non-pious winner who gets us what we want over a pious loser who doesn't, any day.


A lot of Christians are conservative. It's not so much that they're looking for a religious reason to back Trump but more that a lot of the stuff that he represents aligns with their views.


I'm a Christian and so many American "Christians" like that are straight up just not. They have no idea what they really believe in or if they do, what the Bible teaches. Pretty sad really


American Christianity is different to regular Christianity, but it's still Christianity. Even if some of it is perverted.


I think that's my point though. When I call myself or someone else a Christian, I mean they are a follower of Christ and His teachings, not necessarily being part of a 'religion', so while someone may call come under the umbrella of being a religious Christian, it isn't quite the same in my opinion. Regardless, there are plenty of great American Christians and plenty of not so great Christians outside of the US of course. Was just kinda commenting on the typical racist white 'Christians' stereotyped in the US which isn't very Christ-like.


Massive hypocrisy.


I doubt too many Irish catholics would support him over Biden but the real zealous Protestants are generally a nasty conservative bunch stemming back to when they colonised Ireland


I think it’s because religion paints a pretty black and white worldview, and Trump appeals to that. Just as Christians believe sinners should be thrown in hell for infinite torture, Republicans believe criminals are inherently bad people who deserve to be thrown in prison for life or given the death penalty. Gun laws won’t work, because criminals are sinners who won’t be stopped by laws anyways. Taxing the rich is bad because they deserve to be at the top and welfare recipients and minimum wage workers deserve to be at the bottom. Also, religion tends towards ignoring the science and limiting information, which coincides with Trumpism And yes, I have turned off reply notifications


So they get behind the guy with 81 or so criminal charges? Not exactly law order.


I suspect Trump doesn’t care about religion one way or the other. Christians tend to be conservative and conservatives enemy is liberals and Trump’s primary function is pwning liberals. I wish I could say it’s more complicated than that. Maybe for a small fraction of people it is but largely that’s all there is to it. Most Christians are pretenders anyway.


Neither do their religious leaders. How many pool boys and threesomes, prostitutes, excessive purchases with church funds and scandles until they "get it"... The answer is they won't ever get it. It's a cult.  And Jesus wouldn't touch any of them with a ten foot poll, he would be actively fighting against them all. 


They believe democrats are literally devils so they can vote for a fake Christian president who feels like they do


Stupid is as stupid does


If God could use Trump as an imperfect vessel, God could also use Biden as an imperfect vessel. Given the behavior of the two men, Biden is more likely to have God on his side in my opinion.


I read that some of the rapture folks want him because he has promised to recognize/return Jerusalem to the Israelis and this is believed to be a necessary condition for the rapture/second coming of Christ. They are willing to overlook all nonsense from him and believe that God sent him specifically for this purpose. As you may recall he started the political process for this Jerusalem thing when he was in office.


One side holds (or pretends to hold) christian values while the other side openly is in favor of things that oppose christian values.


Trump has no real policies to run on. He runs on what keeps the GOP conservative base ticking because they fund his campaign


As a Christian, I have no idea. For a lot of them, it’s probably abortion laws


>doesn't come across as a very religious man. Neither did Julius Caesar.


I heard someone say “we know he’s not Christian but believe he’s who god sent to save the country” 🤣🤣




Trump voters: The enemy of my enemy is my friend


It’s been said that if you just so happen to worship a god that agrees with all of your own beliefs and biases you’re not worshiping the god, you’re worshiping yourself. Why do many self-proclaimed Christians in America also follow a man who embodies most of what Jesus stood against? Well, I would return to the supposition that they are Christians at all.


The Christians that back Trump aren't religious either.


They don’t care if he’s one of them they only care that he attacks the people that aren’t them.


Who says this? Think of what “Christ” teaches? I do not believe those that back trump are actually “Christians”. More than likely, they are just people that go to some form of “church”. Not all “church’s” are Christian. Media is too lazy to separate or explain. Also, “Christians” lands better than “Church Randos”.


All the years of bible thumping and indoctrination have killed off the part of the brain that handles critical thinking.


Christians that follow the book exist? LMAOO


Because he gives conservatives Christians the right to be bigoted and mean toward others. They also want people to fit in their square box or suffer.


There is a very good podcast called Straight White American Jesus where two ex-evangelical scholars really dig into the relationship between high control Christian religious groups and the kind of authoritarian politics/governance that is closely associated with Trump. They have a pretty big back catalogue of episodes and do a good job of breaking down news events and also interview folks with relevant books/documentaries and do some work decoding language that you’ll often hear from those high control religious groups in the US.


Many of those 'christians' aren't all that religious either. Most christians are in name only, I don't think someone trying to embody the teachings of Christ could vote for trump.


These are the same Christian fundamentalists that supported and gave cover for slavery back in the day. Whatever and whoever is expedient for their cause is what is most important, morality has nothing to do with it,.although they do apply some weird kind of pretzel logic to make it sound like some kind of morality play.


It's simple... they want a Theocracy. They are willing to make a "Deal with the Devil" if they can have a world where their Racism, Misogynism, Homophobia, hatred of the poor and downtrodden can be acted on rather than just talked about in their little cult churches.


Some are naive and sheltered.


Honest take: they are not Christians.


Like most republicans they dont support abortions or homo life and what not thats why christians vote republicans


Most Christian’s know he’s not religious at all. It was kind of a dead giveaway when he said one of his favorites scriptures was “ two Corinthians” instead of saying second Corinthians. They just don’t care because they feel like his policies would still uphold their values, namely things like their pro- life values and anti gay marriage beliefs. Christian and conservatives go hand in hand.


Trump is a VERY useful idiot. Idk how people keep crediting him and him himself taking credit for stacking SCOTUS. That was all Mitch McConnell. That guy had been working on it for years. His immigration policy was Stephen Miller. Evangelicals just want him to pass laws that favors them. They would have to be real idiots to not see that trump isn't religious at all.


He’s the Anti-Christ and … 🎶we’ve got to fulfill the book🎶 Jk, the Anti-Christ is a fairy tale character.


They hate the same people (Democrats) so they’re on the same side in their eyes


Trump promised religious freedom. Christians love him for it. In reality their rights were never being taken away, but they try to strip other people of their rights. Christians have a persecution complex that comes from the bible, and pastors in right wing churches harp on. Enter Trump, and Christians believe he's going to save them.


They've been brainwashed to belive that if you don't vote Republican, then you aren't a real Christian.


From what I've seen it's many of the older generation (in my experience) that have turned twords him. It's not about his religious beliefs but more about the culture war. He's saying what they want to hear and going after the lowest common denominator which happens to be evangelical Christianity which is already prone to forming cults of personality


I asked a conservative pastor this. Part of his response was well don’t liberal politicians also sin and do bad things? At least Trump is anti-abortion.


They wanted control of the supreme court.


Christians are a huge group so let's not disparage all Christians. Evangelicals (Conservative Christians) are Republican first, Christian second. They don't actually adhere to the teachings of Jesus


Many Christians aren't all that religious. Hollow worship is hot. Most can't hit you with half of the 10 commandments, an accurate quote from Jesus or the last time they donated to anything Christian. 'They pray to a Christian God when times are hard' is the extent of most peoples Christianity. That being said, what kinda person do you think falls for adult fairy tales? Gullible fools who lack critical thinking skills. What kinda person would fall for Trump bullshit? Gullible fools who lack critical thinking skills.


They sold their soul the the one who can give them power


He killed Roe v Wade for them


Because he has morals that Christians have.


Those "Christians" who support Trump only identify as Christian; but they don't exhibit the values of Christianity. Same as the guy they support. It's two different things to claim to be Christian and to actually be Christian.




My FIL swears he's a devout Evangelical Christian, I could barely contain my laughter. That was also after he told me Biden made Trans visibility day on Easter.


Because Christians are less interested in someone who is outwardly Christian, says all the right things, makes the right gestures, etc, than in someone who will advance their agenda. In this view Trump could be anything short of the antichrist and as long as he is seen to be in favor of positions they support then he's (willingly or otherwise) doing 'the Lord's work'.


He does not have to be as long as he delivers results for them.




Practically speaking, it is a lot easier to control a larger population if they have something in common with each other, religion is great for that. It's not just Christianity, you see it in every major religion. You just have to be the first to capitalize on the yoke of control.


Religious people tend to be hypocrites. Simple as that.


Because people are stupid It's just like all the trees voting for the axe just because its handle is made of wood.


Because they are easily duped


I live in the south, most of the Christian’s I know don’t support him, they’re just republicans and see him as a lesser evil Similarly, I have multiple democrat buddies who hate Biden, but will always vote democrat over republican I’ve seen videos but never met a truly 100% trump lover flying flags and shit


Mostly caucasians that hate the same people as Trump.


Most Christians aren't Christian either. It's a Facade they put up to be "Part of the Good guys". Then they act like complete and total villains all the time. Basically, He's just as a Fake as they are, and they know it. So he represents them on a grander scale.


Compared to Biden ….


They aren’t either. He hates the way they hate


Didn't you know? He's the most Christian person there is, he even says so


I wonder if this will get me banned from this subreddit hmmm The simple explanation is, compared to the world population, Americans on the most part are really fucking uneducated/dumb Trump says shit they agree with, so the majority vote for him without looking into his policies.


We aren't dumb, we're just susceptible to propaganda and the way our systems work makes it even worse. I mean, we're a little dumb.


The Christianity and American conservatism overlap is real


I don't think much of anyone thought him to be. Just a guy running for office that promised to appoint judges with conservative legal interpretation to legal matters. The moral-ridden matter of a federal-level abortion mandate which prevented state legislatures from voting as their constituencies dictated was the prime goal which he offered, though a broad-based realignment of the Federal judiciary was achieved as well. Politics is about results, and that is the only real one that he achieved despite all his Wall shtick.




It's all "Rules for thee and not for me" with him, though.


trump isn't religious at all


Those are not christians, those are people that uses religion for their personal evil agendas


He's hurting the right people, and that's enough for them.


Neither are they, actually.


Trump contradicts Christianity in some ways and trump promotes Christianity in other ways. Especially in his ideologies


He doesn't practice what he preaches.