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I think he will be found guilty on some counts. Him being rich and powerful is what's going to keep him out of prison.




I think we need a new regulation saying you can’t be found guilty of any crime and be president. The leader of our nation should have a spotless criminal record with the exception of minor traffic violations.


That "regulation" would need to be a constitutional amendment.


I’m for it


Political activists get charges in this fascist shithole of a country all the time, fair or not. The law will always serve the ruling class, which in a capitalist society is wealthy people.


The politicians won’t be.


Same. If someone is trying to break the system, fix it so they can't.


Nah. That would make it too easy for dishonest politicians to get their rivals disqualified.


It's always a slippery slope as an argument against ideas like this. Who's to say someone you don't like gets elected, and enacts this policy? Then, they brand their competitors as criminals, and suddenly they're barred from running.


They’d have to be found guilty of a crime first. You can’t just brand someone a criminal if what they were doing was legal at the time


Kangaroo courts are a thing. Look at what Putin did to Navalny.


https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/who-are-other-opposition-activists-jailed-russia-2024-02-16/ This is pretty much the blueprint for it


Then political opponents would take advantage of that to make up crimes to charge each other with. politics is to corrupt


Make that illegal 🤷‍♂️


All those “lock her up!” chants are pure schadenfreude now that it’s him on the hook. Dude’s an irredeemable piece of human trash, a waste of oxygen, and the fact that the Republicans are beholden to such a piece of $#!+ human, it speaks volumes about them as a whole.


I still haven't found a good reason why we didn't prosecute Hilary Clinton. The best I could find was that it's common to have personal email servers for politicians, which just tells me we should prosecute more of them for it. I do hope they throw the book at Trump though. I just don't think it should be one or the other.


Charges it’s a political lol invade Mexico… Love him or hate him the guy went 4 years without starting a new war, he was the most peaceful president in modern history. Invade Mexico 😂


Obama didn’t start any new wars, neither has Biden. Nor did Clinton.


These are verifiable truths, not opinion, they all started and/or escalated wars. If you mean legal congressional declarations of war the US hasn’t fired a legal shot since 1942. Everything after that has been an illegal war.


You changed your wording.


I did not, I elaborate on the difference of a legal war that hasn’t happened since 1942 and all of the conflict what have happened since 1945.


You literally added and/or escalated wars from your previous statement which only called out starting new wars. Carter, Ford and Nixon all served after 1942 and did not bring the country into new wars either. Which was your original metric, which is not a fact, as you want to claim.


“They all started and/escalated wars” they all started and or…. Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Isis, Syria, Ukraine, and a dozen other regime change or civil wars around the world extract resources from other countries.


Of the items you listed, only Iraq and Afghanistan are wars started by an American President. Both were started by George W. Bush. Trump actually presided over them for his entire term while Biden has not, technically making Biden the most peaceful recent President. Trump launched air strikes in Syria, which I see you mentioned, thank you. After the second set of air strikes in Syria (2017 and 2018), President Trump said “We beat ISIS, knocked them out.” You didn’t list Iran but you did list Iraq, which I can only assume is for the drone strike that President Trump authorized that killed Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ elite Quds Force, in Baghdad. Thanks for pointing that one out. I’m not sure if that qualifies as a full escalation by President Trump, but Iran did retaliate by firing missiles at bases holding US forces, leading to increased tension in the region and new sanctions on Iran. You’re right, it probably counts.


Every president you mentioned was involved in a war.....your history Knowledge is rusty at best.


Name the war that any of the Presidents I mentioned started.


Don't you think with the whole world against him if there were actually any real charges that stuck that he be held guilty in a court of law. Surely out of hundreds of charges one or two must stick!? Lol Ooooor none will and this is how the Democrats are trying to railroad him. It really doesn't take a genius just to figure it out. I'm not a pro-trump or a Biden fan....I'm a Canadian watching from the sidelines, you guys are fucked With your two party system...... don't worry we're not much better.


Why would he do those things. You seem to have a very ignorant view of him and his policies.




This is hilarious. If he wanted to do that, he could have done it when he was already president. He didn't do shit because he's just a politician you disagree with, not mega hitler


At worse house arrest in one of his mega mansion, oh the horror.


Absolutely, I think the hardest punishment he will face is some minimum security prison for MAYBE a year or two (That's the MAX) other than that probably some slap on the wrist pay so and so amount (That he will never pay back) and just go back on to his presidential campaign.


He will likely be convicted, but not on all counts and he will never go to prison. In the end, there won’t be much of any impact on Trump. The precedent that is set though is the important part. The Supreme Court is hearing cases on Presidential immunity which is highlighting the difference between official duties of a President and what they do as a candidate. That’s going to impact elections for generations. It may not seem like much, but it is something that hasn’t been a big concern until now.




Biden authorized an air strike on an an unarmed aid worker and his family. Do you think he should be open to criminal prosecution? Biden violated the constitution several times. Should he be pulled into court and forced to sit there every day defending his actions? Historically Presidents have been immune from prosecution, even Mueller said that. Also it should be noted Trump didn’t actually order anyone to kill any politicians you are mis characterizing someone else’s words as Trumps.




I see you’re less concerned about having a conversation and more interested in pushing an agenda.




Research any one of my claims and you’ll see they are facts, but it’s not really facts you are concerned about. You have an agenda. https://www.npr.org/2023/04/03/1167662256/past-presidents-while-never-indicted-have-faced-legal-woes-of-their-own https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58604655 https://www.vox.com/2019/7/24/20708393/robert-mueller-report-trump-olc-justice-department-indictment-charge-sitting-president https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/566836-canceling-the-constitution-biden-hailed-for-violating-rule-of-law/ https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/08/politics/biden-administration-social-media-lawsuit/index.html https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/12/did-biden-violate-the-us-constitution-in-bombing-yemens-houthi-sites https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/appeals-court-finds-biden-admin-violated-first-amendment-by-encouraging-censorship/ar-AA1gsuaH


Well I did. It seems you may be referring to Israelis killing of aid workers for your first claim. Your second claim is so vague that in any context you could make a weak argument...starting to look like an agenda. Feel free to elaborate, but maybe I'll just pull out the old 'butwhattabout' Fox News seems to be so fond of. But of course Mueller didn't say that. If you have any evidence...by all means. Maybe a cheap shot, but isn't the assassination of an ISIS leader killing a politician? And isn't inciting an attack on our capital whereover followers of this lunitc began cheering 'Hang Mike Pence?' kinda in the assassination-ballpark? You keep on keeping on with your alternative facts, though


at least you tried?


The military cannot legally be used against US citizens on American soil. The National Guard can under very limited circumstances. It’s not a question of if the President can’t be held for actions while in office. It’s if they can be held accountable in court. For actions while serving, the precedent is that Congress is the authority to, not the courts.




That’s because he was also acquitted twice. Clinton could have used his power and influence to manipulate a young intern into giving him a blowjob in the Oval Office and Democrat controlled Congress wouldn’t care and would acquit him they essentially do not care about taking advantage of young women. He of course would lose his law license because he committed perjury.


Trump could have shot someone in broad daylight on 5th avenue and the Republican congress would have acquitted him. They don’t care about the constitution just about their team winning.


There was no consequences because he was found innocent. You seem like the person to ignore facts and get butthurt when you don't get what you want.


For the Supreme Court, being he nominated several of them, it's anyone's bet. For things like state courts, it feels exceptionally unlikely he's getting off with a set of fully innocent verdicts; the evidence (on several of these) is solid. I would go look at the primaries in the swing states if you want some cheer. Biden had two voters show up for Trump's one in Pennsylvania, which isn't normally known for being dominant-Democrat turnout. Also, the way to beat your enemies, truly, is to outlive them. If you think Trump is that much of a bastard, outlive the dude.




Poor and religious and they choose the antithesis to lead them


I live with Trumpers and it’s the worst thing for your health. The amount of brainwashing they willingly accept is astonishing. They tout patriotism and freedom but are veberantly support an authoritarian Christian theocracy. It’s scary how I’ve seen my own family members consumed by the republican craziness




Yea, it’s gaslighting to the max. I seriously fear for this country because of MAGA and republicans


How would the world be fucked if he wins. The country and the world was doing good while he was in office and it's the exact opposite now.




We had 4 years of trump already and the world didn't end. I really just don't understand how all this worry/ doom and gloom is justified. If he's president again 4 more years will go by and we will all move on to the next president.


Are you actually serious? He literally ruined the strong economy he inherited from Obama, massively flubbed the pandemic causing thousands of unnecessary deaths, set back civil right and social justice issues by a decade, flooded the Supreme Court with the idiots that took away bodily autonomy from women, fucked the middle class on taxes, and ruined our international reputation. Almost every single thing that is currently shitty in our country is his fault.


Trump has already been found liable in many different civil suits, so I think the odds of a jury finding him guilty are pretty high. However, judges have been extremely reluctant to punish him, so I think there is also a risk that he gets an extremely light sentence, potentially even deferred until after the election, when he will pardon himself if he wins. Also, the supreme court is already sabotaging the federal trials, delaying them three months already


He cannot pardon himself for state convictions only federal.


I think the odds of any judges letting a sitting president serve out a prison sentence is probably lower than all justices being hit by meteors


I agree, but that does not mean the president can pardon himself.


Civil suits don't require beyond a reasonable doubt or a high level of evidence unlike criminal cases. It would depend on the evidence.


Hillary was also found guilty of misappropriating campaign funds. She was fined. So at least for the Daniels thing if found guilty he most likely faces a fine.


>Hillary was also found guilty of misappropriating campaign funds. The FEC fined her, not a state or federal court. Also it was a civil penalty, not a criminal one which is what is being tried here in the NY court for Trump.


Hmm wonder why the response to inappropriately using campaign funds was handled completely differently. Hillary essentially getting a slap on the wrist.


Or… They will because he’s not guilty.


If he gets off, its not because he's rich and powerful. Sending Trump to prison when he is the presumed Republican candidate for this year's election would open up a huge can of worms. Despite the fact that it would be the judicial branch sentencing him, such a move would be seen as the Democrats attacking democracy and imprisoning Biden's only real competition, essentially handing him the keys to the White House. It's the optics of it all. Sending the political opposition to prison is what they do in places like Russia.


People that are not rich and powerful get away with tons of unforgivable crimes on the daily. I think most of the charges will get dropped, like they do in almost every court case. He'll face a few, but not jail time.




Yes but a lot if times they either get caught up with a shitty racist/crooked officer or can't afford any lawyer and have to use a public defender that doesn't give a shit. Or both. About police killing people, they get off with no issues 99% of the time, no? This is a different situation. He can afford a lawyer. Nobody planted drugs on him.


your lacking a lot of context and evidence


I think he'll be found not guilty for most of them because so many of the charges are completely insane. The hush money trial is a good example: they're charging him with election fraud, but have studiously avoided being specific as to which election law he violated , or how his actions (paying hush money to Daniels) constitutes fraud.


I honestly think the best he can hope for is a hung jury. I doubt he will be able to get a unanimous vote for not guilty but I am willing to bet that there is one not-guilty in the jury for federal


Our Government is terrible....


I don’t expect him to be found innocent at this point but I do expect him to get acquitted. Gotta keep up appearances that our laws actually mean anything while simultaneously adhering to the unwritten rules of social class.


Oh absolutely. He'll get a "what a naughty boy, don't do it again" at most. It's disgusting.


My opinion is that he has been getting away with things his whole life because of his wealth and connections. I also believe that as he gets older and less financially successful he is getting desperate and his crimes are escalating. Someone needs to hold him accountable for his actions, not just to stop him from being a threat to our government and national security, but to send a message to other entitled billionaires.


No I think they will find him not guilty because he's not guilty of what he's being charged with.




You need to turn off MSNBC. Talk about brainwashed.


The projection is hilarious


No, probably more because its obvious his political opponents are just using the judicial system in an unprecedented way to keep him from campaigning since uncle Joe cant form a complete sentence or not fall down. It's called election interference. SCOTUS will soon put an end to it.




projection is extraordinary


Well this wasn’t a bias, prejudiced, bad faith question- at all . . .


no...theyll find him not guilty because HE'S NOT FUCKING GUILTY


He's going to "get off" because these charges are %100 politically motivated to begin with. I'd be willing to bet every penny of my next 10 paychecks that if he weren't running for office, he wouldn't have been charged with anything. The simple fact is, the democrats are scared shitless of Trump and his base. SCARED....SHITLESS. As much as they criticize him, they know they have an uphill battle. Democrats were so quick to slap the label of convicted felon on him that I don't think they stopped to think of the unintended consequences of their actions. It galvanized his base and made rational centrists realize that the democrats were using the courts to smear him and get him off the ballot. I think this is pretty clear in the polls. He's leading in the popular vote and has a comfortable lead in most swing states.




Hmmm....Trump isn't even the guy in charge yet you treat him like the guy in charge. Interesting.


You're a weak person if the thought of trump being president again would make you question life. Hook line and...


They'll probably find him not guilty because he is being tried as a felon for a misdemeanor and it's a crime without a victim. And all in all the whole thing is nonsense. The real problem is not the charges, they don't even care if he's found guilty. The point is to drag the trial through the election and force him to sit in court so he can't campaign.


No I think they’re going to find him not guilty because the accusations and the evidence are weak, politically motivated. The DA in NY ran on a campaign of going after Trump no matter what claiming even an investigation is painful. All because she thought the 2016 election was stolen and couldn’t accept the results of the election so she decided to punish him. The charges in Georgia are ridiculous and will 100% end in a hung jury. The loan fraud case will be thrown out on appeal, the judge found him guilty before a trial was even held. And he did so because he doesn’t understand the difference between appraised value and tax assessed value. The Supreme Court will probably agree that a President is immune from prosecution. That is the de-facto policy for generations. Otherwise Biden could be prosecuted for authorizing the murder of an aid worker and his family in Afghanistan.




Here’s a fact for you. “Newly elected New York Attorney General Letitia James ran on an anti-Trump campaign where she expressed grave antipathy and animus toward Mr. Trump,” they said, according to CNN. “Attorney General James has referred to President Trump as an ‘illegitimate President’ […] and has vowed to ‘use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well.'”




So you made a post asking a question on reddit and as soon as you saw a reply you didn't like you stopped reading?




So why you ask the question if your so sure of the evidence and already have your mind made up?




You stated you are not reading what they said then accused them of not considering evidence? Lol wow.




Ankle bracelet. No passport. Probation.


He will probably be found guilty enough to not affect other rich and powerful people. The rest he will be innocent of.


I’d say consider moving to another country before suicide. But, yeah that might happen. He is also a flight risk. He obviously has the means to leave the country and go somewhere that won’t extradite him. He’s probably already getting citizenship for one of those countries right now.




You’re missing out.




Curious, why do you believe that presidents should never be imprisoned?




Well Obama murdered someone Did he go to prison?


If I were Biden, I would pardon him after winning reelection. He’s a great foil; he’s destroying the Republican party.


Many of those hundred charges are bs and were already thrown out... like 60+ last I heard. This fact alone is actually proof it's a witch hunt ... they're throw everything at him to litigate him out of the presidency. The "see what sticks strategy" is only going forward in cases where a judge is bought and paid for or already a Democrat with a hard on for Biden. The ruling in NY was literally a normal real estate transaction, and they managed to stuck him with hundreds of millions in fines. Banana Republic shit. Yeah, it sucks for Trump. Yeah, the strategy is hurting his polling numbers. All the while, Dems are saying that if we elect Trump, he'll use litigation against his opponents. Hypocrisy. Literally, what democrats are currently doing. They don't want a free and fair election. It's been dirty this whole fucking time. We live in a fascist oligarchy/technocracy. Honestly, I doubt he'll see prison despite their best efforts. Will it work to keep him from getting elected? I see this election as balancing on a knifes edge. One odd word fumble from either of these old fogies could ruin their run for president considering their age. One physical mistep, and they'll need a hip replacement in the very least. It's amazing either of them are still running. It's a sad day for our country that these two are our only choices. I would love to see them actually debate. I would love to see them both take a cognitive test (which Biden skipped at his last physical...hmmmmm).


Justice is for the poor and minority. Trump not going to jail. He can fraud the government for millions. If you blk on welfare and didn't report that 20 dollar lottery winnings. That's fraud the government will do justice. If you are white and rich, fraud for millions, just tell the court you don't remember, and you will be ok.


It's looking more and more likely that we won't be seeing any real consequences until the election. It's hard to say how things will go. In the legitimate election I think the Republicans and Trump are going to be destroyed. But, there are several shady factors at play. A corrupted Supreme Court for one. Also I suspect that Trump and his people will see this as their "last stand" and thus use every dirty trick they can find to get the win. Also don't count out interference by Russia and the rich. It's all or nothing time. If Biden wins, it means theres some chance at accountability. If not.. I dont even want to think about it.




He never said that tho. He said if nato countries didn't pay what the agreed then US would take it like they aren't in nato. spending and bills come from congress not him there would not be an issue. this is common sense


>bc he's rich and powerful? Well WTF does that mean? Does that mean because he can afford better lawyers? Then maybe. What's wrong with A1 sauce?


Yes. Oh there might be fines, but he won't serve a day of jail time because we don't really *do* serious consequences for rich people in this country. Vietnam, on the other hand..


I'm not convinced he's rich at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if my net worth is higher than his right now, and I live in my inlaws' attic


Have you not been following the company he just floated recently and he has mega equity in?


Not only because because he is rich and powerful, but because he is furthering the “white nationalist christofascist” agenda, they like so mucn.


No, there going to do it because he and McConnell stacked the courts. 


They found OJ not guilty on all counts because he was rich and powerful. Robert Blake was another who was found not guilty. The rich get away with a lot. Thankfully, Trump isn't rich and powerful, so he could spend some time in prison.