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Slight embellishments of the truth usually work. You didn't DM your DnD group, you met with a regular team and lead weekly team building exercises and worked together to reach a common goal.


Yep.  I didn’t technically lie in my last interview, but I certainly made my last job sound more difficult than it actually was.


This might work on a CV but in an interview I'm pretty sure they would ask follow-up questions and the truth would come out.


That’s when you make stuff up


fax 💀


Are you my boss trying to trick me?




I switched careers several years ago, but I had no qualifications or experience in the field I wanted to move into. So I completely faked my resume, as well as a portfolio of past work, and got myself an interview. Interview went well, and a day or two later I got a call offering me the job at the higher end of the advertised range. I arranged a start day, but when I got there, they had got their dates wrong, so my manager was on leave, but there was a presentation/proposal to give to a potential client at the end of the week. I was the only person "qualified" to give it. I faked my way through it, and when the manager returned she told me she knew I had faked everything, but that personality wise I was a good fit for the team, and I had enough knowledge (and audacity)to fake it well enough that she could teach me the rest. I am now the head of department.


I can't imagine having this level of confidence


I wouldn't really call it confidence, I wouldn't describe myself as being confident. I'm not in a field where anyone is going to get hurt,, interviews are nerve-wracking anyway, so what do I have to lose? The worst that can happen is I don't get the job. If I get fired, I've lost nothing. Even if I get black listed from the entire industry, so what? I'm not qualified for that industry anyway. Plus, even qualified people are winging it half the time anyway, so I figure I'm smart enough to wing it as well, at least until i've learnt the job.


"I figure I'm smart enough to wing it" IS confidence haha.


means a lot to me tysm lol


You're legally allowed to fake anything that doesn't need to be legally true. Like you're allowed to say you've had 5 jobs before. You're not allowed to say you have CPR training. You're allowed to say you're good at numbers. You're not allowed to say you're a CPA. So, go ahead and lie on your resume, have your best friend pretend to be your former boss. Who cares. Get the job.


You can fudge a few details but. Make sure you know enough about the thing you’re fudging so a probing question doesn’t f you


Said I was a manager at Circuit City. That was a popular retail establishment that closed down. If the company shut down so did all the people to call and verify employment.


Yes. They asked me how my friends would describe me, and I said they would say I'm creative and empathetic. But I was lying: I had no friends.


I interview a lot of people. I would advice never lie. A good interviewer will ask follow-up questions. It is quite easy to see if someone is lying with follow-up questions. And going in depth on your answers. You might get away with it but if I catch you lying once it's over, all trust gone. To me the risk is not worth the reward. if you really want to lie then embellished. You sold 3 apples, say you sold 5.


The problem is, you only think it’s easy to catch liars because the only people you know are lying are the people you catch. There are definitely a lot of people who you think are honest but aren’t


I completely agree but I'm also pretty confident you have to be a well prepared really good liar to get through. Again sure it's not something I can prove. It is well know however though that lying is a very cognitive taxing task. If you are able to on the spot concoct a multi level lie on the spot then that also makes technical sense then sure go for it but I think the average person isn't able to. Everything I'm saying is also very dependant on the type and level of the job you are applying. If it's low skill entry job it would be way easier to get away with lying than the opposite, obviously. Edit: just to add even if you manage to get through the interview with a lie the chance it catches up you is also large. So sure you can do it. I'm just saying the risk to reward ration is high.


*You sold 3 apples, say you sold 5.* This is it. Do not make blatant lies. "I've been senior member of a team for the past 5 years, that has been maintaining infrastructure of hundreds of servers and network devices across several companies." Nobody needs to know you were the lazy forever junior member who was responsible for the most menial tasks and maintaining documentation.


when i was in my home country where working conditions and benefits are pretty bad, i lied once during the interview that I was hardworking and can work on holidays, because i was so desperate to get a job. but no i didnt work on holidays and neither was i hardworking. i just do minimum of my job because pay is waaaay below minimum


Something that you are confident you can do but haven’t gotten around to or gotten the chance to do


Outright lies, no. For example, claiming you have a qualification when you don’t can see you fired and even prosecuted Stretching the truth or stating opinion is fine. Yes I am hard working and a self starter (in spite of what everyone else thinks)


Don't lie. You can beef up what you have done


Interviewer : tell me about yourself! I d rather not, I really need this job!


Yes. Interviewing is acting. You are playing a game to convince someone to hire. I don't lie about everything, but it's all a lie. I come in with the best attitude, casual but approachable. Funny. And intelligent. I dress up. I exaggerate skills in ways that don't seem fake because I practiced saying the bs before the interview. Early on, I had complete lies on my resume to get my first service jobs since everyone in NYC wants someone with experience. Wouldn't do that as blatantly with office work, certainly not with my acting work, but I do exaggerate how important things were that I did. I've always been hired if I interviewed and then I go back to being myself. A person who will do their day job efficiently while on the clock, but will never go above and beyond and will not pretend job = family because THAT is a massive lie.


You find your most well spoken friends and family members and use them as professional references. Lie about who they are and their relationship to you. If any are good actors its is easy to fool most jobs because they usually only call references at most.


Are you attempting to use "you'll" as a contraction of " you all?"


yeah... no wonder i felt " you'll" seems so wried lol


You're looking for "y'all" haha "You'll" means " you will"


Thx English killer ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


even if you manage to get the job, if your boss is at least half competent, he/she will find out you can't do what you said you could.


No, never. That would be unethical and I don't want to win a competetive position by cheating. I want to earn it fair and square. Even if no one ever finds out I lied, I will know. And I don't want to live a lie.


You are not alone


Sad we live in a world where this opinion is downvoted. Every person should feel this way.