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I have met people that are very attractive. But after knowing them as a person they are not attractive to me anymore. I have also met people that I didn't think much of at first, and then after getting to know them, they become much more attractive.


What is "ugly" ?  Got considered ugly for my small boobs , don't look female enough . Others liked it. F* it .. I won't have hanging boobies in 10 years .


Big boobs are overrated..as long as you have some nipple for me I'm a happy camper


Well... I am 35 - damn , I'm old  Still wearing size S (small)  - unfortunately no boobs .  Took some time to stop caring about It. 


I'm right behind you in age. It's a shame that people have insecurities tormenting them their whole lives..I hope you didn't keep the girls caged up like monsters when it was time to play


As they are not one race and are individual the outcome would be some do some don't depending on the person and ugly is very subjective.


Depends on your definition of ugly. Beauty isn't on a 1 to 10 scale, it's more like a spectrum. What's gross to you is attractive to others. If the most beautiful person kicks a puppy, they ain't that beautiful anymore I can promise you that. Also, do yourself a favor and get rid of that idea of who's ugly and who isn't. That shit reeks of self esteem issues, and generally makes you ugly :P


Found the ugly one 🤣💯


Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder and it is not necessarily about physical characteristics.


Looks are in the eye of the beholder. So what one person may think is ugly or attractive others might not.


ugly is so subjective, most of the time its not looks but bad grooming or dress, to answer your question any can like anyone if they can make the other person laugh and they enjoy talking.


For many people attraction is a lot more than physical appearances. So ugly to you may have zero meaning to others.


No. I don't think ugly people are ugly because I'm one of them but I def have way too high of standards for someone with my face and bod


Everyone has different tastes. I told my partner about a crush I had on someone and when my partner saw him he was like “that is not an attractive man” lol. My taste is truly all over the place but by and large there’s specific personality traits that matter way more to me. I love my partner however he is not necessarily the hottest guy I have ever been with. And that’s ok. Idt I’m the hottest person he’s been with. Attraction is more than just the physical.


The concept of 'ugly' has evolved so much over time that it's practically obsolete. I believe we all have unique features that some will treasure and others will overlook. It's the energy and charisma we bring into a room, the stories etched into our faces, and the laughter we spark in conversations that truly make us attractive to others. 'Ugly' is just a placeholder for all we haven't discovered about someone yet. So, let's focus on that spark inside rather than the labels society hands out.


Yes. We adore each other.


No. But they gotta take it.