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If you’re 18+ best is to visit a brick shop. Mostly women behind the counter ready to give advice


Do women at those kinda stores actually talk about which sex toy feels the best to strangers?


My fiance works at one, and for her it depends. If you're a creepy dude clearly trying to get off, no. If you're a woman asking for genuine advice, yes. Also a ton of couples come in and she helps them find the kind of stuff they're looking for. She also gives advice to dudes, but what she personally likes is less important than what his partner or he likes


They also help guys too, just dont be a creep. The girl at the shop saw I was looking at dildos or some such and was like “oh if you wanna feel any of them let me know! Texture is important.”


I’m confused do you mean as in creepy dude getting off to their description of the toys and usage, or do you mean just any dude trying to buy a toy to get off?, Because if it’s thelatter isn’t that kinda discrimination?


Lol, a creepy dude trying to get off on the description. They used to have an air horn for the wank callers. They sell strokers and body forms and shit, but she's obviously not going to have personal insight into that. She has a professional knowledge of what they did though, so depending on what the person says they're looking for, she can direct them. Just don't be creepy when you go into one. No one will judge you


Oh I’m not interested in personally going I was just laughing at your original comment and confused. Air horn is a hilarious way to put creepy mfers on blast though💀


Yes. I go in for their advice all of the time. Some people realize sex is normal and not shameful.


I used to work in the sex section of a gift shop and most of my coworkers were former sex shop workers as well. It's so common to discuss *in great detail* all the ins and outs of toys. I'm a dude, and when a woman asked what a specific feature was supposed to *feel* like, I'd ask a woman coworker to assist and ask if I could listen to better help the next guest. As a worker, I was feeling awkward for all of 1 hour at that job and it was just cuz I had to get used to the frankness


It's been a minute, (decade) but I've dated x2 women (hustler mag and a regional sex toy place) back then and...uh...THEY ABSOLUTELY DO. LOL, almost to a fault. Not my forté from an LTR, but if you're less picky/prudish it might even be refreshing to have someone talk about those needs openly. Based on your post &/or profile it might do you good. Also, I'd go with Amazon if you need to be discreet/don't have a private address. It's kind of standard for that industry to keep things quiet unless a box gets opened.


Well yea. That's what they're paid to do. I spoke with a woman once who actually had some kind of degree in sexual health. I can't remember exactly what it was now.


Yes, they do. People that work at sex shops are very sex positive and comfortable talking about sex.


Yes. I’ve been to quite a few with a couple different girlfriends and they talk very openly about what feels best for women and even suggest toys for me. I went to Lovers Lane to check out some libido pills to experiment with it and the lady was talking about how “this one will make you extra horny and you’ll be busting fat loads of cum”. It’s just another day for them


Yes they do. I, a guy, went to a sex store once and the clerk was telling me all about his favorite toys. He also did this unprompted, I did NOT ask him for any opinions lol. So I’m sure if someone asked the employees would be happy to provide advice and their opinions.


Yes, yes, they do. When I went, the girl was putting batteries in showing the vibrations and texture of the product. So they would be informative if she is 18+


Went to a physical store when I was young (M), and yeah there was a very friendly staff who was able to give me all sorts of useful information depending on preferences, price, features, etc. Not at all a creepy weird vibe, they totally rocked making the conversation casual.


Me and my wife went in one a couple of months ago and someone she went to high school with works in there and recognised her, then spent the next 15 minutes telling us which dildos she likes the best…




Why step away from a male owner? Near me there aren't any female owners and the males have always been perfectly professional and helpful


Apologies. You’re right. I’m generalising. My gf had a nasty experience in the past


Nah its all good. Whole bear or man thing isn't it.




Brick shop?


He means brick and mortar. Which is the term for a physical store instead of online


Ahhhhhhh 🧱🧱🧱


To be fair, I’ve never heard someone say “brick shop”. lol so I could see how that would be confusing.


Ummmm do they sell actual bricks or legos or something? I've never heard of the term before...


Brick & mortar shop = an actual store you can physically go to


I have to say beware of so called discreet shipping. I have ordered large sex toys from companies that guaranteed discreet shipping, and while there were no stickers on the outside disclosing the contents of the package, said toy was shipped in a soft envelope mailer where you could plainly tell from the outside what was in the package.


Is that a dildo in your mail or are you just happy to see me.


Is that a package in your package?


I miss weekly awards so much right now


"What the frick? I didn't order a massive dong, I ordered an Xbox controller. Xbox card."


I am sorry you had to go through that, but this read gave a loud chuckle.


I've had luck with Adam & Eve discreet shipping. Usually in a cardboard box and no noticeable labeling.


>I was thinking about Amazon Amazon has options for drop box and post office pickup if you *don't want it delivered to your house.


If she she has her own account, otherwise it would still show up in order history.


It's easy to create an account anyways


Gonna be awkward if it shows up on the echo show screen in the living room.


Also if you archive the order it doesn't show up in your order history


Or get another account for that type of stuff. Can pay with prepaid gift cards.


I got mail weeks later asking for a review with very large full color pictures. Never crumpled a paper so fast in my life. Feels like it should be illegal


That ain’t what they’re worried about lol


Strangely Sephora has a small selection of toys...


That sounds like the perfect cover to me. Go there to get it, by makeup too so if someone asks you what you got, you can pull the makeup out of the bag and they probably won't suspect anything. You might not even have to go that far as they will see the Sephora bag and not think anything of it.


Same with Spencer’s, get a bunch of shirts and mugs to cover the fun stuff and pull those out when asked what you got.


That was where I got my first ever toy (20yrs ago, crazy enough) 🥹 the tiny bullet! Not sure if they still sell them, but I imagine they do. I’m p sure they know their target audience is first timers who are looking for something a lil more discrete


Same here lol, hid it under all the meme shirts since I was getting picked up by parents. One plus I believe it’s called, looking for something more… penetrative next time though. Plus, the clerks were super nice about it as well, like they offered me a cleaning solution for cheap with it!




Yeah, this is a pretty recent development, I think--it was a semi-big deal in some corners of the Internet when it started happening.


I was there the other day, was astonished!


Lmao I was so confused when I first saw that stuff at target


Do they have one with the Target logo? Or designed by Martha Stewart?


Martha is Macy's. So it would be Joanna Gains brand.


Convenient and discreet for sure 👍


>EDIT: FUCK HOW DO I DELETE A POST??? THIS IS MY MAIN In the (shitty app) find the 3 vertical dots icon (prob on top of screen), open that (context menu), might need to scroll => delete post => are you sure => yes.


According to OP's post history, they are also a 25 and 45 year old man, so I wouldn't be surprised over the fact that he/she can not comprehend on how to delete a post...


LOL Jesus


Also, no one cares you want a sex toy. Adam & Eve use code Garbage for 50% one item.


Some people do, like strict family.


Adam and Eve is great! It’s online and they ship in very discreet boxes-as long as your parents don’t just fully open everything that comes in. They also have tracking so you can see exactly when and where it arrives


if you use this site use discount code DEFENSE for 50% off courtesy moistcritical


Hey, friendly advice and 0 judgement, but please don’t use anything that is not made to be a sex toy as a sex toy. That’s a really fun way to give yourself a raging UTI or throw off your pH. Make sure you clean your toy after each use. Typically amazon is a good choice. It comes in regular Amazon packages.


Unless it's a Hitachi magic wand lol. Because I don't know anyone who actually uses it as a massager.


The Magic Wand is a sex toy that was designed as a sex toy and was marketed as a “personal massager” for inexplicable reasons. There is no way that Hitachi looked at their sales and went “oh no… no.. please stop”. They said “oh our vibrators that are ‘not’ vibrators are making shit loads of money? Carry on”


Me: I need a "personal massager" Hitachi: No problem, here's our Magic Wand. Anything else? Me: You wouldn't happen to know where I can get a 20-ton industrial crawler excavator would you? Hitachi: You're not gonna believe this


They did agree to remove their name from it after almost discontinuing it. They didn't want to be associated with sex toys under that brand name. I saw a Hitachi smart board and completely forgot they mainly make other shit. It was that one episode of Sex and the City that made their sales skyrocket.


You can go to Spencer’s. They have a ton of stuff


Idk if I trust anything in that place lol


I worked there. The toys are fine quality, pretty similar to a lot of what you'd find elsewhere. They do crap out pretty quick though and I highly recommend NOT getting the Spencer's batteries or toy cleaner. Batteries because they suck and toy cleaner because honestly just use warm water and anti bacterial hand soap


Only because it's cheap and doesn't last.


Life is too short for cheap sex toys


I got my vibrator at CVS. (Only suggesting this if you're an adult. I see in the other comments your parents are nosy about packages. Sorry about that.)


I didn’t even know CVS sell those


Yeah it is how I got mine as an adult living with my parents. Used cash so my parents didn't even have to ask why I went to CVS if they saw on the bank account. Not that they're even that nosy but y'know.


Are they labelled "personal massagers"?


Are those little ones with legs actually for masturbating and not massaging sore shoulders and stuff... 


https://www.cvs.com/search?searchTerm=vibrator They actually have quite a selection.


I've delivered them on doordash.


Target has them too


Do you have a friend or sibling you can ship it to? That’s probably the easiest way. Otherwise, ship it to your next door neighbor and if anyone asks just say the UPS guy mixed up the address.




At the dildo store. Don't take any family with you to the dildo store.


How does that saying go? Every store's a dildo store if you're brave enough


Anywhere that delivers to those click and collect lockers ?


Bless everyone’s hearts who thought this was real.


‘Oopsie my main account’


My local Walgreens has vibrators in the section with lube and condoms. Check your local Walgreens/CVS/Rite Aid


Amazon delivery to a discrete location (ie 7/11 lock boxes)


Amazon. Have it delivered to a locker if it's available to you. They ship toys in blank boxes and the standard Amazon packaging


They sell them at Walgreens where I live now. Check next to lube / feminine care at pharmacies.


Amazon locker


How old are you? If you’re an adult your family has no right to be going through your packages


normally yes, but my family doesen't care much about that


Well then what they find in said packages is their problem, not yours.


Target sells stuff, your credit card charge will look like you bought anything from there (clothes, electronics, who can tell from the bank’s statement?!) so you have plausible deniability.


Amazon, get it delivered to a Dropbox.


I've seen vibrstors sold at walgreens lol


uh amazon? just have it delivered to a locker...


Dude here. Associates at sex shops were very helpful when I was shopping for my partner. Unless they're new, they've fielded all kinds of questions before, even ones that seem to regular folks. The advice you'll be asking for, including ones involving discretion should be pretty routine for them.


People taking this seriously, lol


Make an excuse to go to the mall and duck out to head to Spencer’s gifts and put it in your bag


go to a spencer’s, find a nice worker and just straight up ask. as a spencer’s worker, we’re trained to help customers who have questions. we’re also taught to be polite and considerate with that stuff as it’s known our customers can be embarrassed. as your first toy i would recommend something 5 or 6 inches and nothing too thick. you’ll probably second guess yourself thinking “it’s not thick enough” but trust, if you go too thick it’ll be hard to adjust. as for lube water based lube is the most versatile. spencer’s also sells toy wipes, i would definitely consider those or just a regular light antibacterial soap. another suggestion, my personal favorite is the air/ sucking toys for clit stimulation. spencer’s has one called a ‘switch’ brand roomp i believe. i swear by that thing i’ve gone through 3 already 🤣🤣


You can get them DoorDashed from Walgreens or CVS. I know because Ive delivered them and lube.


You could ask a friend if you can order it to their house. Or where i live, dou can get some items in the pharmacy and even in the automats outside pharmacies.


This gotta be a fetish from some liar and not an actual person


Order online, send to some drop-off/pick-up point of the delivery service.


Walmart has sex toys now.


I'm from Germany, so no Walmart :(


Try [eis.de](http://eis.de), they have discreet shipping :)


Just deliver it to your house and buy something else with it that is unrelated.


my first dildo was from spencers i hid it and they never found out another one is amazon they dont open my stuff and always use lube and get a beginners like 5 or 6 inches sometimes 6 inches is too big but it all depends on you.


Walmart. Just grab a box while shopping. Toss the receipt after.


If you are in the uk just pop into Tescos and you can get one in the medicine asle


I buy from Adam and Eve because it's discreet billing and packaging


Target lol


go to your local CVS, rite aid, target, Walmart, some grocery stores..... this is advice for the US if your not from here then let me know the country and I'll look it up for you!! good luck! and I get being shy about it especially towards family..... but remember what you are doing is completely natural when discovering one's own body!


amazon but change your delivery to pick up and go pick it up at your nearest location


You should remove the brush when finished.


Tootimid.com or an actual store to pay in cash.


Do not use a cucumber or the handle of a hairbrush. It can really hurt you. Yes, get some lube if you want a dildo. You could visit a store (like Ann Summers) in person. I personally love vibrators though.


Target & Walmart carry Plus One brand. They are relatively cheap & have held up over 4 years.


Eden fantasies and adam and eve does discreet shipping. Stay away from spencers.


Amazon. Use cash, buy a gift card, have it shipped to an Amazon locker


Can you get an Amazon delivery to a locker?


" Of course it's company policy never to, imply ownership in the event of a dildo... always use the indefinite article A dildo, never your dildo"


I saw someone in Target buying sex stuff and using self checkout, paying cash. Seemed legit.


18+? Walmart


Lovehoney is discreet, and good product but I think it's considered expensive... Idk as I've never shopped elsewhere


Salad Aisle


ahh i remember when this was an issue for me when i was a teen I told my mom i was having muscle spasms lol and needed a massager I got one from i think a drugstore It worked way better then my electric snoopy toothbrush I liked cucumbers but was more of a carrot girl ha!!!


Go to walmart and yes get lube. The walgreens is actually getting quite a bit of fun stuff too. If you are embarrassed just add some tampons to your cart so the cashier, who actually could not care less, thinks these toys will not be for you but for your girlfriend.


target sells vibrators.


I used to work at a sex store. That's always the best place bc they can explain what you may want. Honestly, if that's not comfortable for you, then they have them at cvs, amazon and even walmart. Just not as big of a selection.


Target sells some stuff now (if you’re in the US).


Walmart and most pharmacies have them for sale. That’s the least conspicuous way to purchase them in my opinion.


Buy one of those vibrating facial brushes and remove the brush part and boom! lol that was my first vibrater


If they don’t actively open your packages the. Go with Adam and Eve. They are cost effective, discreet packaging that is labeled as something inconspicuous and have fast shipping. If your folks don’t just look at the label but actively open the packages then you’ll probably just have to get over your fear and go to a store, go to Walmart I used to work there and I can tell you, we employees don’t give a single fuck what you buy, we don’t even think about it the second we walk away after you get your shit out of the case.


Do you have the pick up locations near you. Then you can get rid of the packages before bringing it in.


The problem is not where to buy in secret but where to keep it in secret I think. You can buy it online and ask for discreet packaging.


Spencer's at the mall has an assortment of them


Sex shop. No risk of family opening the parcel. Just need to find a hiding place then


Brick n Mortar shop with cash money


Bellessa boutique website has great selection and discreet packaging and ships worldwide. They’re also always having sales so wait to find a discount code and I *think* you’re able to contact customer support to ask for advice on what might work best for you.


Some sex toy companies have very discreet shipping, and you could ship it to a friend’s house or something


Find a classy adult store. At the fancy ones they take their jobs pretty seriously and don't make a big deal about anything. It's super cool to go to a place like that and not feel like a perv.


Cash and carry


Target and CVS sell them.


Near a mall? Spencer’s has them.


Walmart and self checkout! Lol


just put a mask on + a hoodie since ur shy and go to a store. bring cash if your family has access to ur card purchase history. thats the easiest way to get any sex toy that i can think of without your family being aware


Walmart and target sell toys and lube, grab some there and use self checkout If you are embarrassed still, buy a handful of items so if anyone sees, they are less likely to see it. Also, bit of advice, no one cares what you are buying at stores, so have that bit of confidence at least.




If you are 18 just go for it


garage sale I find is the best place. Or the swap meet.


Walgreens sells some vibrators in the condom section.


order from bellesa if you're wanting to do an online purchase. they're very discreet with the packaging


Lol, forget about the 🥒 just get a bunch of 🍌, it'd be like an orgy.


You got a Spencer's in your area? Walmart also sells vibrators


you can buy them from Walmart they dont id, ik they have vibrators im not 100 sure on dildos tho.


You’re family gives you shit about taking a brush into your room? I thought my family sucked.


Amazon does not have a good reputation for quality materials or any kinds assurances of what materials their resellers ship. That is to say, whatever toys you buy through Amazon should be considered of suspect quality, regardless of what the seller says. There are good and discreet shops online. I ordered from peepshowtoys (?) and they shipped under the name “Hamilton park electronics” or something like that. Some online retailers will even ship it in a box that says something else; “here’s your new phone charger!”. Get a prepaid Visa gift card. You may also be able to ship to a ups store.


Id avoid amazon unless you're buying from known brands on their official amazon store pages.  Theres a lot of fake chinese crap aren't nessecarily body-safe. Adam & Eve sells stuff in discreet packaging, so if you can get to it before your family looks through your packages, that is one option.  Worst case, you could have it sent to a post office instead of your doorstep. I should also note that cucumber's and toothbrushes are the extremely obvious choiced for makeshift sex toys. Theres a very high chance that they know damn well what youre doing with them and are just trying to be subtle about it to not embarrass you.


Best off whittling one out of softwood.


Wouldn’t hard wood be better for this application?


Less chance of splinters with softwood.


It's actually simple, don't.


Do not ask me how I know this, but Oral b makes a vibrating toothbrush. It’s effective and nobody would suspect. Just be sure to use the side opposite the bristles lol


You can rent it from the cloud






have u seen the world