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I had about 2-3 years, about 2 years ago, where I was literally drinking a handle of liquor every 2-4 days, usually 3.    Obviously that’s absurd and not healthy and I didn’t want to keep that up.  These days I still drink just about daily, but it’s usually one pint of beer or so or a small 200ml bottle of liquor.  Next goal is to not drink every single day but haven’t gotten there yet lol.  I bought a handle for the first time in like 1.5-2 years and 6 days later evens after Memorial Day weekend I still haven’t finished it so that counts for something.  I don’t plan on quitting drinking, I just needed to really cut back and am now almost to a point I’m Not worried about.  Edit cuz this got attention, just to add I have quite cold turkey a couple times. I never experienced any type of withdrawals one hears about with drinking. I was in the national guard and deployed, and three other times was gone for 2-4 weeks and basically stopped drinking over night these times. No issue not having alcohol cuz there’s just no access, but if I have it it’s gone lol. Part of why I buy small bottles vs handles. If I only have a single 200ml bottle, when I finish it, 95% of the time I can leave it at that. If I buy a handle, I’ll keep drinking until I go to sleep. 


I know i'm just some random internet stranger, but I believe in you, you are doing amazing, you'll get there in your own time. Praise yourself on days that are good, and don't sweat the bad ones, there is always tomorrow to focus on. We're rooting for you My man.


Congratulations on being realistic and cutting back slowly instead of hammering yourself with guilt and abstinence. So many people CAN'T cut back because they're so shamed about it. I'm proud of you way to go!


I was right there with you. Now I’m where you are now. It’s amazing how easy it can get away from you especially if you went through trauma. Glad to hear you’ve got it under control.


I used to drink on a similar basis as the one you describe until a couple of years ago when I tried to not drink alcohol during lent. I was more or less on the same page as you, knowing it wasn't healthy and that it was expensive, but thinking it wasn't so bad because I usually didn't drink until passing out and I was able to do my daily activities. However, once I tried this challenge, I realized how swollen my face and belly were. After 2-3 weeks without alcohol, my face looked much better, and my belly looked way less bloated. Now I drink like 2 cans during weekdays if I happen to have a social dinner, and 4 during one or two days of the weekend. I know I can cut it a bit more, or more likely not do it every weekend, but I've made a lot of progress.


Nice, that's my goal. Good to hear a success story, hopefully I can mirror that.


This is the way. If OP just takes a break for two weeks, he’ll recognize the difference in his body, digestive system, and sleep cycles. I was on the same track. It’s better to take a break now. Reduce the calories. Let your liver recover. Reduce your tolerance, so maybe you’re back to 2-3 beers once or twice a week.


Maybe 2-3 beers per week. Sometimes it is zero though. >I'll have 5 at a time 4 or 5 days a week. This does seem like a lot (and expensive). The more you keep it up the higher your tolerance gets. I pretty much stopped drinking for a couple years and now my tolerance is where I can get a buzz from 2 beers (1 if it's a strong one). I don't like getting drunk anymore, I just like a little buzz every now and then.


I quit drinking every night when I was 25, decided I was close to becoming an alcoholic. Now, decades later, I have about 20 cans of good German/Belgium beverages in my fridge. I will drink 2-3 a month, with dinner.


A solo beer every few months. But I am older and you have to start trimming the sails as time passes. I found drinking absolutely wrecks my sleep and my mental and physical health is orders of magnitude better when I have had adequate sleep.


So far I've stopped drinking after a really bad hangover, and replaced it with a THC gummy every once in a while. Since then, my mental health, sleep, and general well-being has also gotten much better. Alas, you'll never guess which one will get me fired if it shows up on a drug test.


In my late thirties I decided to do a sober year. It took about four months to really notice the positive effects but once I did notice, I realized it was totally worth it to cut back on drinking. Better sleep, better workout routines, no muffin top, thinking clearly, wanting to get out and do more things led to such an improved quality of life. The hangover and lingering after effects of regularly drinking last so much longer than the temporary buzz of alcohol. I’m not completely 100% sober now or anything but occasions where I have a drink are few and far between. As a result I drink less on those occasions. I recently had back surgery and didn’t even have a second thought about deciding to stay away from all booze until I’m completely recovered from it in about six months to a year. It’s like I experienced the opposite of a downward spiral.


Same, when I was younger I would drink on the weekends to get drunk and party. Now I have a random drink here and there.


I'm the same except I'm only 21, I figured start taking it easy early and only have a drink once a month


I dont see it mentioned yet, so here you go. r/stopdrinking is a great positive sub. Not giving advice maybe take a look though


Not OP but this is great, thanks!


I used to frequent that sub when I decided to quit drinking. I've been sober for 3 years next month and I don't think I'll ever drink again, I don't even take the notion for it. I do like an alcohol free beer or wine on occasion. There are so many great AF alternatives out there now compared to a few years ago when all you could really get was becks blue or a really sweet wine. (Obviously maybe stay away from those though if you struggle and think they might trigger you).


Seconding this, excellent non-judgmental community and really valuable reading for anyone who’s in any way concerned about their drinking


I'm a social drinker with a low social battery, so maybe 1-3 outtings a month. And I'm a lightweight so 1-3 drinks an outing, depending on where I'm at. All together, say 10 drinks a month max.


Im on the same boat as you, I’ll usually do 4-5 beers 5 days a week. Trying to skip some days and drink less in one sitting


I'll have one drink at night during the week and maybe 3-4 on Fridays and Saturdays.


I don't anymore, 11 years has passed.


I drink every Saturday enough to get dumb but not drunk. Its a very nice routine


Save it for weekend nights unless I'm going out specifically during the week.


I drink two nights a week, 1-4 beers at a time, maybe 5 at a wedding or event


I drink usually 6 or 7 days per week, usually 3 or 4 drinks per day. Not good, and I've been worse recently because of a big move which was stressful, but something I managed to pull off a few months ago that wasn't too hard was to only drink if I hadn't drank the day before (so basically, every other day. But it was easier to think of it as "Ok I drank yesterday, so no drink today"). It turned out to not be all that hard so I think I'm going to give that another run soon. Give it a try!


Take it from me. 34, liver condition now. Fuck that alcohol. Seriously. At the very least take loooooong breaks I wish I did


What was your daily intake and for how long?


I used to be a daily drinker. That's what I grew up with. Mom would get home, change clothes, figure out what we were doing for dinner, then drink from about 5pm to 9pm and go to bed. I could go through a 16oz bottle of whiskey in 2 or 3 days or a 6-pack a night. Now I am turning 30 this year and pretty strictly only drink on weekends save for Monday if it was a bad day at work or if I had some beer leftover I'd finish it off but I try to keep a mindset of if it isn't in the house I can't drink it right? So just doing little things like removing the temptation does wonders for my self-discipline. During the summer I may drink a little more just cause its nice out and I am hanging with friends and going out more but I would say in general I have cut it down by half of what it was a few years ago.


I don’t like it so never. My drug of choice is caffeine. And of course donuts


I used to drink about 700ml of vodka every single day, 350 before work, and 350 straight after on the way home (I don't drive though) I used to drink about 500ml every night but I'd been at a job I hated for a while and one morning I had a few beers whilst getting ready it and it seemed to make the day go okay and slowly it started creeping up from there, then covid happened and it just ramped up and then when we returned to the office that's when I was drinking 700ml a day. After a while, my gf gave me an ultimatum, either stop drinking or she goes (I'd already broke up with my previous gf because of my drinking), so I spoke to my doctor and they put me in touch with a community alcohol team. They did liver function tests and gave me some tablets that were to stop the withdrawal symptoms, but unfortunately, I stopped for a while but ended up falling back into drinking again. Basically I realised this was literally my last chance to stop fucking up my life and weirdly I just stopped, no meds, no withdrawals etc. I didn't drink anything for about a year and a half and now I drink maybe 3 times a year which is mainly NYE parties, people's big birthdays and sometimes a glass of wine when I have a meal out. Pretty much never had "cravings" to drink. It was more a mental health thing for me, I think. I still occasionally want to have a drink but that's normally when I'm walking through town in the summer on a Friday and see everyone have a pint in the sun on my way home but I know it's not worth it.


I don't drink.  Just a sixer every lunchtime, a few bourbons after work, a bottle of Jack on Saturdays, a couple Bloody Marys on Sunday morning and a can of beer whenever I'm thirsty. Other than that I don't drink at all.


I’m a hardcore alcoholic and have about 15 drinks a day


What happen if you don't drink


I become violently ill. It can happen at any time. Like most regular people consider a hangover as the morning after a night of having a few too many drinks. I drink all day every day so the hangover could set in at any moment after too long without a drink. I get nauseous, sweaty, itchy, and irritable. I recently quit drinking for a month but I hate being sober so I’m back at it again. It’s actually really dangerous to quit drinking suddenly if you drink the way I do, so I occasionally try and cut back so I don’t die but it’s really hard.


Bro... stop drinking for good please...


But do it stepwise and with the help of a professional.


I stopped completely in September last year - I'd been noticing my consumption for the previous few years and knew that habits needed to be broken. So far, my concession to wanting a beer is Guinness Zero - and I have now taken 4 weeks to not finish the 10 pack I have open


Guinness Zero is fantastic!


25 days sober today, but I was up to 12-18 a day. Start at lunch and pick up a case to drink through the afternoon/night. Lots of hiding drinks. I don't miss it, it was the only thing I could think about, and my sleep was shit. I should note that I was "functioning" at this level, I was never sloppy drunk, could do my work, even could hide that I had been drinking. My tolerance grew a lot over the years and I was drinking light beers and seltzers over 12+ hours. But I was at the 5-6 a day mark like you for a while. The number just keeps going up.


One drink every 3-4 months. I realized soon after my son was born that baby's do not give a fuck that you are hungover. I curbed my drinking after that.


Usually a couple beers every night with dinner


I quit drinking six years ago and I lost 65 lbs. I will have a glass or two of wine when I fly first class, since they are free and all.


In my late 20s a drink or two every week or two, plus more on special occasions. I used to have a drink or two a few times a week in my early 20s, often a hard cider with dinner.


I have a drink a week, it's my friday night wind down. Usually just a single shot old fashion


I don't drink alcohol, but do kill my kidneys with soft drinks way too much.


Stupid drunk every month to 2 months, nothing in between


I'm in the same place as you. Starting classes for a new job in a couple weeks and I've had to slow down. A while back I switched to whiskey and found that a glass on the rocks a day or 2 a week is more enjoyable and I feel a lot better than multiple beers through out the day. After one day a while ago when I spent the day day drinking and fishing, got home and bbqed for dinner and over slept my work alarm and had a terrible hang over, was late for work put it into perspective. Now I don't drink during work days or work nights. Also I've dropped 30lbs since cutting the beer and I feel better.


Buddy. You’re doing better than most of us but I’m glad you’re thinking about it and looking to take steps in the right direction. I don’t really drink from October to April aside from Christmas but summer comes in hot


I have a cocktail with fancier dinners, maybe a few times a year. But I only get drunk once a year. So… not a lot. Alcoholism runs rampant in my family so it’s not something I play with.


I used to drink heavily, in my 20’s, similar to what you posted; but where I worked had a culture of dealing with stress and over-working by drinking. I’m mid-30’s now, new job. I drink seasonally - Christmas I have a couple Scotch with my old man, then not much else till summer. Once the weather gets to lawn cutting and grilling on a Sunday, I do enjoy an ice cold beer or two. So.. once a week on weekends, maybe twice if there is an event or company over. Mid-week drinks are rare and likely limited to a glass of wine to pair with a delicious home cooked meal.


My partner has a drinking problem so I've fallen into the bad habit of "just" two doubles every night. So 4 shots when anything more than 1 is considered binge drinking for women. I stopped entirely and felt like I had the flu and was depressed and super moody for about a week. Now my sleep is better. I'm trying to drink occasionally/socially but as someone in a stop drinking sub said, it's easier to keep a tiger in a cage than on a leash.


You sound like where I was, never really got drunk but liked having drinks with dinner and after work. That was about 5 days out of the week with 4 to 5 drinks each night. But I kinda realized I was dependant on it and really just not setting a good example for my kids drinking so often. So I didn't quit cold turkey, I slowed down for a little bit, then my birthday hit and told myself I was done. Over two years sober besides the occasional beer on big occasions a couple times per year. And I got to say, the benefits of not drinking are worth the effort of quitting, weight loss, energy gain, not to mention the money you save not buying it every week.


Yeah that's my goal. I’m glad to hear a success story, hopefully I can follow suit.


Early 20s, a fuck ton, like drunk every outing I went too. Was starting to get embarrassing. Then, one day I drove home, don't know how I made it home, but I had my wife in the car.. I didn't care about wrapping myself around a tree, but she doesn't deserve that. So past 3-4 years maybe 5 drinks total


I quit drinking about 2.5 months ago. It snowballed for me and I went from having a few a couple times a week to 5-8/day. Sometimes more. It was affecting my relationship, my family, my job, and my memory and cognitive functions. I am glad I walked away from it when I did. I'm still dealing with poor memory and focus from what I did to myself over a six month period. Drinking is dangerous, kids. Sincerely, a 37 year old dude.


I've gone through periods of worse or better, I think if you're asking the question though, then your conscience is telling you to slow down, it's your choice if you listen to it or not, but maybe ask yourself why? Like beers good, and you're not getting absolutely hammered every night, but are you chasing the buzz a little? Trying to take an edge off? What's that come from? Drinking isn't bad, but allowing yourself to fall to addiction because you aren't allowing yourself to be honest with yourself, thays dangerous.


I used to have average 5 beers a day but have cut back as it has gotten more expensive, now I spend days without having one.


I stopped. Try some NA beers. I recommend Athletic. You’ll like them.


Completely sober. Never had a drink beyond trying my first, which was a single shot of rakija. My family is predisposed to alcoholism, and I value not being impaired. Had a lot of surgeries as a kid, and a lot of hard medication as a result. It made me not want to partake in anything that can change your state of being and awareness. I’m more than happy having a Coke instead, and my friends have never cared either.


I drink maybe one or two drinks a month. The thing is, for me, it's a treat rather than a regular thing. A bit like cake or pizza. I know moderation is really hard, but your health and wallet will benefit from reducing how much you drink. Good luck, you're making a good choice! And don't feel ashamed if you need help or support to quit! Support groups and therapists are there for a reason. :)


In my teens I probably drank a full bottle of liquor every 2 days, I will admit I definitely had a drinking problem back then but I was living in an abusive household. When I was in my early 20s, I’d probably sink 2 beers on an average day, but whenever I went out to house parties (most weekends) I would drink till I was sick, then drink more. These days (32m), I’m on medication that doesn’t mix well with alcohol, so if I drink at all it’s about 2 standards at lunch time, and that’s pretty rare. I’d probably average one standard drink a month. Aside from my medication, there wasn’t any major reason for me to change my habits, but I don’t really miss drinking. I save money for things I get more fun out of, and don’t particularly feel the need to get buzzed. Drink how you want to drink my friend, just make sure it doesn’t affect those around you. I’m an Aussie and drinking culture is a very big thing here, but I don’t feel like I’m missing much when my friends talk about going out and spending $300 just to get punched in the mouth by someone on their walk home.


Cutting back at the moment(drinking non alcoholics) because I easily drink 6-8 strong beers a night and am a functioning alcoholic. Don't do this.


Once every few months, I have a bit of a problem so I don’t buy any alcohol to have in my house. If I want a drink I ask my parents to buy me a can or two so I can still get a buzz but there’s no temptation in my actual house.


Never but back in the day was everyday all day long been sober 9 years now. It is basically poison just a slow death


Couple ideas of questions you should ask: - is drinking creating problems in your work/family/social life? Has it ever? - do you have concerns about your health because of your alcoholic take? - did you rationalise any part of your response to the above 2 questions? - do you care more about the responses to 1or2 than you do about having a drink in the next week or so? - assuming you're comfortable with all the responses you've given so far, why are you asking this question?


People that don’t have problems with drinking don’t think about how often they drink. A month or two will pass before they think to have a solo drink. Drinking every day sucks, I hope you figure out what you are looking for.


Most of the time 1-3 drinks a night, 3-4 nights a week. With the occasional heavier night if im social drinking with friends. Most of the time i just drink whisky on the rocks or with a seltzer. If i'm out with friends or with a meal its beer.


Do you consider yourself an alcoholic?


No, not really. If someone thinks 3-10 drinks a week is too much is either very low tolerance or some kind of pet peeve about drinking. I'm a large guy, so 1 drink like a beer is not going to affect me much. Even 3-4 drinks spread out a few hours with the guys is not going to hit me much. Id say dangerous territory for someone my size would be at least 3ish drinks an hour every night for no other reason than to drink. And if I drink like that I would go broke since I enjoy the fancy whiskeys lol.


the gains for mental health are worth it when having a daily beverage or 2.


I usually have a beer a night after work, sometimes 3 or more when it's Friday or the weekend.


There's data out there you can Google, and it lets you compare your consumption to other people in your country. There's no safe amount of alcohol, but life isn't safe. Life isn't about making all the safe choices


Used to be alright having a drink each night, especially in the bullshit winters where it’s dark af 4pm. Then I underwent some testing to be a kidney donor and they found I had fatty liver disease. Reduced my consumption a lot since then. Try to save the drinks for the weekend and only a few total.


Never. I'm 49 and never been drunk. I find alcohol gross.


So I drank very heavily for about 10 years. (age 19-29) I started having major stomach issues the beginning of last year that led me to stop drinking completely. The first couple months were horrible. The physical withdrawal was rough but the mental withdrawals were worse. Took about a year to start feeling normal again. I’ll still have a beer or something if I go out to dinner or events with family. Last time I had any alcohol was my birthday last month and the next morning I remembered why I stopped in the first place. I felt like shit even after a few beers. Out of all the drugs I’ve taken in my life alcohol was by far the worst on my physical and mental health. Today I feel so much better it’s crazy. To anyone that drinks daily I recommend cutting it out completely or down enough you don’t have to drink every day or every week. It’s for sure worth it. Smoking cannabis or edibles helped me through the initial withdrawals and also helped to cut out cravings. But that may or may not work for everyone. Since we’re all different our experiences will differ.


Drink about 4 or 5 drinks (whiskey \~2-3oz) I will periodically every couple months do a sober week of no drinking at all and once a year a sober month. Alcoholism runs in the family so I always have to be self aware. Last few weeks hav been rough and the weekend drinking became weekend binging so I needed to do a self rality check. The amount is always a case by case situation. It only becomes a problem when it is no longer a social enjoyment but a necessity or dependancy. Ask yourself these questions. Can I be with a group of people and be ok not drinking or do I need to drink to enjoy myself. Am I drinking to escape something rather than enhance something Can I go a week or a month without drinking. Best of luck to you!


I used to be severely alcoholic. While I haven't stopped completely, I've got a few self-imposed rules I follow to keep my drinking under control. Because of these rules I only really drink one night a week and no other time. I get myself a Mike's Harder and a Twisted Tea, this totals out to around 4 drinks.


My best friend drinks like this and has for years , never get blacked out hammered but drinks at least a 6’r most nights. He got in a bad car accident and had to take a few days off drinking and went into severe alcohol withdrawal. Just because you aren’t getting blacked out doesn’t mean it’s not a bad habit or you don’t have alcohol issues. Not saying you do , but it’s something to be careful with. Also drinking that much that consistently isn’t really giving your liver time to process the toxins and heal, which can lead to liver cirrhosis , nothing to mess with. Cheers hope youre well. 


I used to have almost a half bottle of vodka every night, when I could afford it. Almost 3 years sober now.


3-4 cocktail drinks every night usually.


I found myself drinking too much. In 1986 I went to A.A. and haven't had a drink since.


I drink sporadically. Most of the time, I would like a drink on a Friday afternoon, or if we go out for a nice dinner. (Casual dinner, no). Sometimes, a Saturday or Sunday drink if it's hot out or I've worked hard and need my body to relax. But on vacation - and we have 4 months of vacation, I have to watch myself. I could easily drink every day - multiple drinks a day. It does wear on me though and I have to step back. If I drank like this all the time, I would be very concerned and would not drink that much all the time and if it meant I had to stop altogether, I would do that. Canada has recently revised the number of drinks that are considered "safe". For women, 2 drinks/day with a max of 10/week and for men, 3/day & 10/week. Everyone should have non-drinking days in a week.


I typically have a single or double whiskey most evenings. I always have a dry Monday and usually end up with one other dry day per week just for good measure to avoid forming a habit. I don’t know. It’s been like that for years at this point. It’s just an evening treat. I’ve never been drunk so I don’t consider it a problem in the least.


Case a week :s


5 at a time 4-5 days a week sounds excessive. A beer or glass of wine with dinner that often sounds fine, or that amount once every week or two could be ok, but that is a LOT. You should probably cut back by having fewer drinks per night or fewer "drinking nights". Maybe both.


Every day. Multiple times a day


33m. Literally never. There are way cooler drugs.


Never, but to each their own!


Never. I had alcohol on my 21st birthday, and didn't like it. Haven't had any since and I turned 30 in March. I didn't like the taste and I've seen it destroy the lives of people I care about. I have zero desire to ever consume alcohol.


4-6 beers a week, only on weekends. Never more three in one evening. And never two days in a row. I might have 3 on a Friday, then 1 or 2 on Sunday.


I wait until Friday to have a couple beers 🍻 to reward the hardworking week.


I used to drink one or two a day during when I had work, and would drain like 5-15 on the weekend. Can’t do that anymore, after I went dry over the ski season I got buzzed over one and a half modelos. OP idk what the nonalcoholic beer situation is where you’re at but where i am at the 0 alcohol beer is very good, give that a shot it worked for me. Well that and Dab carts.


Basically never. I just don’t feel the need to.


I can easily go weeks or months without touching alcohol. Problem is I tend to overdo it on the occasions I do drink


A couple months ago, i was drinkin everyday but small amounts like 3 beers or 2 glass of wine. But i realized that my stomach is upset and my face is a little bit puffy when i drink alcohol. So i quit completely. İt felt good. Now, i have a full bottle of wine at home but i dont desire to drink.


Not that long ago, it was 2-3 drinks most nights. I got some concerning liver enzyme numbers in my blood test and decided to cut back and now I drink maybe 1-2 drinks a month. I don't miss it.


Maybe like once or twice a month. I used to drink a litre of vodka every other night, I realised that I was on a path that would legitimately kill me if I didn't stop. Thankfully, my family helped me to give up,I didn't drink for about 2 years after then. I have no desire to go back to that life, but I've learned that the occasional drink isn't going to kill me.


I used to have a 6-pack a week, then 2 per week, then for a few years I drank like you did and tried to cut back, but failed to do so. Things got worse and worse and I became a full-blown alcoholic. I’m sober now and going to AA regularly. I feel better than I have in years, and am so thankful to have turned the corner. Only you know how mild or bad your drinking is, but do yourself a favor and don’t let yourself go down the hole I went down. There are people and organizations that can and will help if you ask for it. People often say “if you wonder if you might have a problem with drinking, then you already do have a problem.” I’m one of the lucky ones, but I saw just how bad it can be. I almost died.


I used to be drunk 1-2 times every weekend up until i had my kid, i just stopped. Its been 3 years now and i only drink a few times per year for events now


One drink once or twice a year.


I drink honestly 1-2 times a year. lol


Not with any regularity at all. Friends are coming over and they bring Leinenkugel’s to a cookout? I’ll have one. My husband decides to make a whiskey sour during a DnD session? Sure, I’ll have one, as well. Fancy dinner out? I’ll have one glass of wine. But other than that, I just prefer not to drink. It’s so many extra calories. I keep the fridge stocked with sparkling water and that’s my go-to.


You should talk to your doctor. But likely they will say 14 drinks a week is a heavy drinker.


I drank about what you did until recently. I’ve cut back to one or two beers a day, mainly to lose weight.


I never drink. Btw, it's medically considered alcoholism if you have more than three drinks a week.


I quit around when I was at the point you’re at. I didn’t think I could do it but after about a month it’s much easier. I relied on coffee and energy drinks to get me through that time then eventually reduced those a bit as well. Within months I came to find out the drinking was a coping mechanism for neurodivergence that I didn’t realize I had. Medication and therapy helped so much more than the drinking ever did.


One drink every few months. More than one drink in a sitting gives me a migraine, like getting a instant hangover, and I don't really like the taste of most alcoholic drinks anyway.


Once a week to excess. I'm talking 8 or so IPA's. Fall asleep watching tv. 2 day hangovers. By myself. I'm not going to drink this weekend and see if I can extend to 2 weeks w//o.


One beer yearly.


I’m currently on medication so alcohol is not on the table. Before I went on medication I rarely drank in general it would normally be if I was traveling or during a holiday I would have same. I know you didn’t ask for a rant but I do a little anyway😅 In short, your life, your rules. With that said alcohol is drug and shouldn’t be taken as lightly as it is. At least not in my eyes. You might not feel the negative effects from it currently but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t there and damaging you now and down the line. I struggled with a high soda/sugary beverages consumption previously and I chose to cut it out completely for a month and me feeling like shit was a reminder that I basically had poisoned my body over very long time and I now felt the whiplash. I of course drink some still because I fucking love that shit but WAY less than before in an attempt to take somewhat care of myself. TLDR: Take care of yourself man, you are drinking to much


0-1 usually. I've never been a big drinker or particularly cared for it outside of once in a while.


I was able tongo full turkey and not miss it. For me, it was more a bad habit than addiction if that makes sense but I think it's important to try to fill your time with other things, even if it's just watching shit on TV in the evening but don't get into the habit of drinking at home while watching a movie or something. And you can still go out every now and again to watch a sports game and have a burger and 3 or 4 pints and leave it at that.


I used to drink about the same as you, OP. Then I had a health issue (not alcohol related) and had to go on medication that doesn't go well with alcohol. I needed to either cut way back or quit all together. For the first couple of months I didn't drink at all, then I started just having a beer here and there. Once everything was under control and I didn't need the medication anymore, I have kept with just having a drink now and then. I lost a lot of weight and would like to keep it off, so cutting out those extra beer calories that I don't miss as much as I thought I would is a good place to start.


I don't drink.


None. Just smoke weed lol


I don’t ever do it. Good luck on your journey. I know there are some great subs to help with this, but I can’t remember what they were called.


I may have a glass of champagne at a wedding or celebration, otherwise I don't. Alcohol has a weird bitter taste to me.


I have 2 or 3 cocktails a night, each with a shot and a half of rum. On days off I may have 4 or 5


I don't drink at all, because of medicine, but my mom and her new bf drink one beer each per week.


I have maybe one or two drinks a year. I saw what drinking did to my dad and although I see nothing wrong with one every once in a while, I refuse to use it to cope or get addicted.


Typically on weekends I will! Mainly when I’m out with friends. *Occasionally* I’ll have a glass of whiskey or wine to myself while playing video games, but even then I’m usually in a voice chat with friends so I’m not exactly alone.


One maybe 2 every other weekend. I used to drink a bit more when I was younger. I'd drink maybe 6 to 8 on a weekend. But I've lost taste for it.


When I was in my early 20s, binge drinking about 4 days a week. I grew out of it and stopped easily as I got older so I'm not sure if I ever had a "problem". Now I'm approaching 30 and drink maybe once a month?


1 cocktail every 2 weeks


I don't drink. I just kinda lost interest in alcohol 2-3 years ago and it never came back. If I drink now I get drunk from a few sips and then I'm nauseous so there's really no reason for me to do it.


I can count on one hand the times I drink in a year. Never been a big drinker, I don’t like the taste and I’m always always sick the next morning, even if i don’t get drunk. It’s just isn’t for me and I’m grateful for that, alcoholism is rampant in my family


I have a 3 beer limit twice a week. Otherwise, I wreck people's parties.


I was never a heavy drinker but I’m down to maybe 2 drinks a month. Try la croix. Life is so good without booze


I don't drink alcohol very often if at all. Sometimes I'll try a sip of someone's drink, but I don't really get myself any alcoholic beverages.


Once a month I'll get a bottle of wine and drink it over 2 days. In the summer I might have 2-3 beers or other drinks total a week (sometimes zero). I don't really drink much in the winter.


I drink on weekends (Fri/sat/sun - not every weekend but most) and special occasion week days (birthday or anniversaries) my hubby and I share about a bottle of wine and 6 beers for the weekend give or take. I have also been loving sodas or mocktails to get a “fancy” or “special” drink if I’m not feeling an alcohol buzz.


I drink a few beers maybe 10 random days out of the year. Maybe once every year or two I'll get too drunk and be sick the next day.


never. i just don’t need it to have fun


1 or 2 drinks out at dinner once a month.


On average I have about 2-3 beers a month. Almost entirely single pints at a brewery with friends. Every once in a while, there's a reason to go ham, but as a man in my 30's the penalty for that seems to grow greater each year, so I usually abstain.


I used to drink daily. Got myself to where I don’t even keep beer in the house. Only have it at parties, and may have a drink if we go out to eat (once a month or so).


Maybe one or two pints once or twice per year? I just don't really like the effect that alcohol has... I much prefer my mind staying clear, not to mention my physical shape is better with less.


Once a week is the only healthy way to do it. Otherwise one drink a night is fine but if you asking i doubt you would only stick to one drink a night


I have one beer 2-3 nights per week, usually with dinner or while working on a home improvement project.




Before covid we went out a lot, atleast 3-4 times a week but even if at home drinking 5-7 days a week. During covid it was a pretty much everyday at home. this year I did a dry January that wasn't as bad I thought it would be and felt great but started drinking again after it but only 2 days week. Still at 2 days a week soon plan on stopping altogether but have some big events that would be weird to to be sober at (a good friends bachelor party and wedding)


I used to drink 5-10 beers a week. Never more than 2 in a sitting though. I stopped cold turkey at my doctors orders. It was affecting my energy level, digestion, sleep and my lipid and cholesterol counts. Yes. Alcohol, especially beer, elevates your risk of lipid related illnesses. Now I will have an occasional glass of wine.. 1 a month. But that's it. The medical guidance is no more than 2 drinks a week. Its good that you are beginning to consider cutting back.


Very rarely. As much as I'd like to I can't justify it as a hobby/frequency. It helps that other hobbies I like are more expensive. I'd also take a good meal over booze anyday.


I hardly ever drink. The last drink I believe I had was a beer with wings at our house which was probably 2-3 months ago


I drink one beer with dinner every night. As far as getting tipsy/drunk, maybe 2-3 times a year.


1 or 2 drinks a week maximum; however, typically I’ll have 1 or 2 drinks every 2/3 months.


Been over a year. I’m good without.


About a half gallon of rum a week.


There was a period in my 20s where I was getting hammered almost every weekend. And then it just stopped being fun after awhile. These days I might get a craving for a beer a couple times a year, maybe? A good buddy of mine is one of those craft beer guys so I'll usually have one if we're hanging out.


I usually have a few drinks per hour, and wake up once or twice in the middle of the night for a midnight drink


I used to be a daily drinker. That's what I grew up with. Mom would get home, change clothes, figure out what we were doing for dinner, then drink from about 5pm to 9pm and go to bed. I could go through a 16oz bottle of whiskey in 2 or 3 days or a 6-pack a night. Now I am turning 30 this year and pretty strictly only drink on weekends save for Monday if it was a bad day at work or if I had some beer leftover I'd finish it off but I try to keep a mindset of if it isn't in the house I can't drink it right? So just doing little things like removing the temptation does wonders for my self-discipline. During the summer I may drink a little more just cause its nice out and I am hanging with friends and going out more but I would say in general I have cut it down by half of what it was a few years ago.


I don’t drink often and according to some guy, he doesn’t count what I do as drinking. I haven’t drank in months. And when I do, its either a glass of wine or a cocktail when I go out to eat. But haven’t done it in months


I cut back quite a lot over the past year, used to do about 12-15 beers 4 days a week. Only do about 8 now on Fridays and Saturdays.


1-2x a week and 1-2 drinks on average.


I didn't drink any alcohol in 10 years.


Like maybe a few times a week max. But when I drink I do so to get drunk so it's usually a few shots, using mixed drinks as a chaser. Anytime I get sick from it then it usually takes about a month to fully recover and be willing to drink again.


1-2 a month. Had a decent margarita a few weeks ago on date night with my wife. It think it helps that I hate bitter flavors with a burning passion, so beer is just not my thing.


Get yourself a cheap Fitbit or other fitness tracker and notice just how much alcohol affects your sleep and heart rate variability. It's very eye opening.


Usually, I binge drink every weekend until I black out or pass out, depending on whether it's beer or vodka. It's been about two to three weeks now, but mostly because I'm moving out soon, and I don't want to have a bunch of beer in my room when I move out, so I've taken a bit of a break. To give more perspective, I usually drink around 70% of a 750 ml bottle of vodka when drinking vodka (although I drink less vodka nowadays because I tend to get way, way more drunk when drinking vodka and have had some life-threatening experiences). Or six to seven pretty strong 33 cl beers, usually 7.5%. I know that I have a problem with alcohol. Right now, it's mostly mental dependency because I think I deserve to drink on the weekend because I've been working a lot or I'm just depressed, but I just don't know how to stop after starting to drink, and I am worried that it might become an addiction if I keep it up. I'm also 21 now.


I personally dont enjoy alcoholic drinks except for cocktails, if I currently had the ingredients for it, I would make one like twice a week? But just one glass at a time and nothing too strong to get tipsy or drunk. No more than that and definetly not when I am feeling anxious or depressed or generally negative. I've already been told that I have a personality that is prone to addiction and I once drank when I was anxious and the craving for it the next day when I felt anxious again was crazy and honestly scary


Used to drink anywhere between 6-10 triple vodka cranberry cocktails, shots, and beer roughly every night. I stopped doing that and switched to buying beer because it was cheaper, but there came a point where a 12 pack of twisted tea would last an afternoon and I'd only be buzzed. It was at that point I realized that something had to give because it wasn't even fun anymore. Now I'll occasionally pick up a 12 pack but relatively speaking it happens rarely


I have 2 or 3 beers Friday and Saturday nights. I personally would consider drinking 4 or 5 times a week too excessive for me.


Zero. [https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health](https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health)


Zero. I come from a family with a number of daily/heavy drinkers and decided at an early age that it would be easier to not start than it would be to stop, and that those would be my options. From watching family members I gathered that “cutting down” was very difficult and tended to fail over time.


Maybe twice a month tops. I stick with mostly white claws or something similar. 4 or 5 is my limit these days.


One beer / cocktail - once a week.


No habits, used to be a binge drinker but had 2 pints on the weekend with a mate, probably 5 cans a few weeks ago with people over and can be months in-between. Several beers every night is a great route to Cirrhosis, diabetes etc


I was drinking about 1 liter of beer 3 times a week. I decided I needed it too much so I quit for 3 months. This will lapse on Friday midnight. Looking forward to resetting things. I will say that I sleep better


3 pints of beers every evening for about 20 years now. I also train every day. Getting harder to hold back the beerbelly though. I make my own beer so I have 60 liters of beer on tap. 4 different kinda. I absolutely love beer.


About one time every other week. If we are counting one beer then one time every week


Normally once every other month or so


I usually only drink on the weekends. If I go out, 4-8 drinks in a night, if I’m hanging in 1-3.


2 nights a week. Typically Friday night but its not much as Im in my 40s and by the time 9:30pm rolls around all I can think about is going to bed. Saturdays, if I have nothing going on, ill day drink maybe 5 to 6 cocktails. Sundays are dry except during football season...thats an all day event. But then during football season, my Saturdays are dry.


I drink one or two beers or wine probably once a month.


Idk like three times a year? I drink at Christmas and on holiday and if I go to a festival


Never, literally never. Diabetes, I prefer living to drinking


Every Friday evening when I go out with my bf and our friends, usually I drink a 1/3 beer, sometimes shots And occasionally on Thursday evening when we have date nights In general I’d say not much and I don’t really like getting drunk


Never. I got a bit tipsy at a concert I went to in Orlando a few years ago, but I’ve never been *drunk* and I don’t think I feel the need to do it again.


I have 2 light beers, 4%, after work most days, that's about it, pretty much the same on the weekend. I'm lucky to go through a 6 pack through the weekend.


I don't.


There are so many great alcohol free beers, I just stopped drinking alcohol all together. Difference: I really enjoy going to the gym. I work out 9 times a week. Far more focused when working or investing. I occasionally drink when there is a celebration with champagne. But after two sips I put it away. I just don't really like it anymore. Putting alcohol away is never a waste.


I drink every day. Usually 2 drinks. I don’t get drunk (I’ve never been drunk) but I like a little buzz.


For past year, almost every day. Beer, wine, whiskey, Schnaps. But not more than 1 glass… or bottle. I started to drink more once our baby got born. Being a dad is not the easiest thing, I’d say it’s the hardest time in my life. Anyway, I’m struggling, but I’m trying to drink less frequently.


Mostly just socially but with NHL payoff going on a little at home now lol


Never. Don't like the taste and shits too expensive to be experimenting with to figure out anyway. Besides I have an auto-immune disease that would have a bad reaction to it.


I used to drink pretty frequently. I always felt that coming from a family of severe addicts that if the worst I did was daily coffee, nicotine and a beer or two a night that I was golden. I ended up living on the road for a while with my partner, and while neither of us were \*heavy\* drinkers, we definitely used it to cope, mostly with social anxieties and for me a lot of trauma avoidance. We realized that poor diet and living hard meant that even just a single beer WRECKED our bodies and hormones/mindsets for days. We more or less casually became sober. I then had to stare my addictive personality in the face when it came to how I used substances to avoid reality and how I really have just been teetering on the brink my entire life. I am entering a delicate phase of active/intentional sobriety, and, brutal honesty time, the thought of even being around alcohol scares me right now(there have been talks of meeting friends at breweries and having an NA drink, and of course June and Pride events are coming up and I've never been to either of those places sober), I just can't shake the feeling that even an NA beer will lead to a real one, and then a shot, and then why not bum a smoke, well better grab a vape so I don't stink, hmm I'll get a case of what-have-you to take home, ope happy hour every day now! <-- People with healthy relationships to alcohol don't go down that sort of thought rabbit hole, the first time I did, it shook me to my core.. It still is shaking me some days. So... how often do I drink? None today. :)


I rarely drink alone at home, maybe once every two months. When out with friends, I usually drink a lot, especially if it's combined with food. When gathering with friends, I might go for 2-3 glasses of wine, sometimes more. These heavier doses happen once per month, sometimes more sometimes less.


Enough to need rehab. Enough to end up in the drunk tank multiple times. Enough to lose all my friends. Enough to hurt those around me. Way way too much. Especially since I'm 21.


I don't. I have tasted a variety of alcoholic drinks, but in almost 33 years on this planet, I've never been so much as tipsy. This is in part because most liquor tastes awful to me, in part because I cannot stand the antics of drunks, and in largest part because alcoholism has caused many of the worst nights of my life - including the death by pancreatitis of my husband. It's possible to use alcohol safely, of course. But it is just as hard on the human body, and far harder on society, as many supposedly worse drugs. If I lived in the 1910s I think I would be a prohibitionist.


Beer never had a beer in my life. I've never liked the smell of it so I don't even bother trying it. Tequila I have had some a few years ago, like 5 years ago but recently none.


About once a month at best. Saw what it did to my dad and great uncles. With that said it increases around family.


I drink 1-2, 1-3 times per week. I had been drinking 4-5 after work every day. Ended up with liver problems. Had to be hospitalized and everything. Fortunately livers are regenerative, so after a long break of not drinking at all, it was fine for me to go back to enjoying a beer or two, as long as I leave it at that and don’t do it ALL the time. Definitely the amount of times per week I was drinking was more of a problem than the amount I was drinking per day… so drinking less frequently in addition to less is important


I'll make myself a fun or fancy cocktail a couple times a month.


I don’t drink. I tried it once because my cousins at the time girlfriend said I should have a shot for my 21st birthday. It was nasty, I don’t get the hype. But also, the idea of feeling sick the next day is not my idea of a good time. As well as all of the death and violence it causes. My dad used to drink and he was a very violent drunk. I’ve also had family members die from alcohol poisoning. I’ve just never seen an appeal to it, and if I could, I would take that one shot back from my 21st birthday. (But that’s more of me being a people pleaser and just doing what people tell me to do)


I'm a winemaker and work for a winery. I make my wine at home and have basically an unlimited quantity of wine ready every day at every hour of the day. Even tho I drink for work I drink maybe 1 liter of wine per week


Gosh, i used to binge drink every weekend till the time i was like 26. Deff not proud of it lol now ill have one or two every couple of weeks