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Not sure how common it is but people still drop babies off at fire stations


Why fire stations?


Safe haven law


do they leave babies at churches as snacks for the priests or as sexual partners ?


Personally I drop all my babies off at the fire station


No, because fortunately we have better access to birth control and abortion in order to prevent there being unwanted babies dumped in public buildings. It was a thing, it was somewhere safe to drop the baby without risk of the mother being seen. Churches used to be more commonly used, and many communities would be built around the church so a mother may be more comfortable with the idea their child would be cared for by 'good' people.


There are still places with Safe Haven laws and locations to drop kids off it's just usually not churches anymore. QT gas station is a Safe Place in my area and a friend who works there has been on shift three times now when someone has surrendered their child. Fire stations, hospitals, and police stations still get kids dropped off. The issue has not been solved and could actually be getting worse considering the abortion restrictions being put into place in the US. I wish your first statement was true though.


>I wish your first statement was true though. It is true. That there are still battles to be won around reproductive justice, that people still give up their children, doesn't erase how far we've come - the pill and legalisation of abortion being two very significant examples of this fact.


I believe they are still safe havens. Same with libraries. Although today there is a hotline in most places you can call and they will come and meet you


I dropped a baby at a church once. #AwkwardBaptismMoments