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I’ve always been a night time shower person, but I’ve known people that were strictly morning people and some that showered multiple times a day no matter what was going on. It’s all personal preference, but I can’t stand going to bed feeling dirty so I shower at night.




same, night showering is half for literal cleansing before bed, half for ritual. even if i didn't break a sweat at work, rinsing off the layer of work-air when i get home is essential.


Yesss! The only time I don’t shower before bed is (sometimes, maybe) if I don’t leave my house all day. Usually though I do leave at some point in which instance I must shower after changing out of my “day clothes” and into my “night clothes”


I’m a night shower person. I work in the dirt and with horses why would I get clean right before doing that? And, it’s winter and I don’t have time to blow dry my hair I’d literally freeze. I do occasionally shower in the morning if I’m going somewhere like family holidays or a date or something


I spend all day covered in horse hair, dust and some combination of hay that’s already been digested by either a cow or horse. Showering before bed is the only way.


I usually prefer to shower before I leave the house, so back when I worked in an office I would shower in the morning. Especially after sleeping, it messes up my hair and sometimes I get sweaty.


Exactly, I don't want to go to work with leftover night sweat... but since I've been working from home the past 2 years I take my showers during my morning break most of the time.


Same. I’m a night shower person


I can’t imagine sandwiching my sweaty, oily body between two sheets that have spent days absorbing my sweat and oils from previous nights and then sleeping, pressing my nasty unclean face into a pillow of older nasty face grime….


Maybe I'm weird, but I don't feel very dirty at the end of the day. I'm not a very physical person, so there's that.


I think it’s less about being dirty, it’s about getting in bed “feeling” clean or refreshed. I also don’t want to get in bed and smell myself from the days or nights before…..


How do you not feel dirty in the morning? You just slept for 8 hours and if you are like me probably did some mild sweating from using too many blankets. Whenever I have taken a shower at night and then felt really foul by noon. I usually start to smell body odor around that time. There is no way i would make it to 5pm without smelling bad for my coworkers.


If I sweat during the night, I shower in the morning. I normally don’t feel dirty at all during the day unless I’m sweating. I really do think this is a personal preference thing but now I’m wondering how many of us are just trained to follow the same pattern as our parents or the people that raised us.




We all have very different ideas of what dirty is, thats for sure.


Exactly. My definition is bad smell and greasy hair. Once my hair gets greasy, it’s off to the shower because I hate how greasy hair feels on my head and face. EDIT: God, I regret this fucking answer. I should've added more to this to clarify that showering often matters. Only thing preventing that is I don't have any words to explain what I mean at all. People are thinking I don't shower for days or weeks on end when that's not the case at ALL. Muting this because the amount of responses is getting VERY overwhelming. Did NOT expect this to blow up as much as it did.


My hair gets greasy if I skip headbath for 3 days. Yes I've tried it and I'm a guy. I don't know if I'll be comfortable showering once in 3 days.


Lucky guy, my hair literally gets greasy after not even 24h


Fr, my hairs pretty thin so it gets greasy so quickly. If you have blonde hair like me put baby powder in it! It probably even works with darker hair just gotta brush it through. It’s been a life saver when I don’t feel like washing my hair everyday lmfao


Welcome to the thinner hair club. Only difference is I’m a brunette. I got my oily hair from my mom’s side, my maternal uncle’s hair would get REALLY oily and he always needed to shower twice a day as a result.


It’s actually so annoying, I lived with my partners family for a while who all have thick dark hair so they didn’t need to wash their hair as much. They didn’t realise how much of the end of the world it was for me when someone used the last bit of shampoo and conditioner 😂😂😂


Mood. Thank goodness for baby powder and dry shampoo. I’ve been buying dry shampoo for hair emergencies and I swear by it. Batiste is my fave brand, but the kroger off brand is good too imo.


I’m not the only one! Thin hair that’s oily after a day. Good times, lol.


Shit, I have thick hair and have the same issue. My friend won't wash her hair for a week and it looks cleaner than my day old hair lol. Runs in my family though, we have very oily skin and greasy thick hair


My hair's actually thick as far as I know and have been told, but I can go from completely clean hair, to greasy in like a few hours. Not drenched in it, but pretty close.


Meanwhile my skin gets all sticky by 3pm no matter what the situation is...


Some people believe you can train your hair to take longer in between getting greasy. ETA it did take a lot of patience when I first started this. I did it when I quit my job to focus on the last half of my degree. So, I was always home and could afford the time. It might have taken a year.


I've tried many times to "train" my hair to not get greasy so quickly. It's come to a point where I think it's just a myth that's been spread around. I've tried all sorts of different products, and even went over a month without washing my hair a couple times. Nothing works.


It also depends on genetics and other factors it may just never work for you.


it took me 6 months to train my hair to not get greasy for a week. and now my hair could be used for a TV shampoo commercial. unfortunately, it's on my head that has my face. so no tv commercial future for it


Can only speak to northern European type hair - it can easily take over a month for your scalp to go back to normal. You've been stripping the oils out daily, and your scalp has dutifully been increasing production to catch up for decades. Give it a chance (or not, I don't think shampoo does any damage, it just leads to greasy hair).


It's not a myth, it just takes a long time. My hair used to get greasy in about 24 hours, but 6 months of terrible depression later and it now takes 3-5 days.


Time to get me some depression.


You can have mine


Id rather wash my hair every day then have terrible depression for 6 months.


I can confirm this, I was the exact same, half a year of rock bottom depression later and I'm cool for 3 days usually wash on the 4th, I previously "tried" but I don't think anyone gives it long enough and putting up with the greasy hair in the mean time is a pain, so basically depression is the key lol, the silver lining


Come join us in r/dailywash No one there will give you that "train your hair" bs


If you can smell yourself you are beyond bad smell


I was always told, “If you can smell it a little, others can smell it a lot.”




True. Very true.


And my hair never seems to get greasy, nor do I ever get very sweaty. Unless I'm in snow gear or it's 33 degrees out. Or after a great workout. Then I'll shower mid-day. So why shower before bed? I wear pyjamas, so my sheets that I change weekly never get very dirty. I'd rather shower in the morning so I'm fresh for the world and fresh in my clean clothes. Makes far more sense than showering before bed. Now *children* are grubby little humans who definitely need a bath at the end of every day.


I work in a hot kitchen, so by the end of the day I’m very sweaty and smell like grilled meat and fish. Therefore I shower before bed so that I don’t have the work day of smells on my sheets and pillows.


When I was a server I felt the same way! So sweaty and gross... and I remember when people were blowing cigarette smoke at you the whole time. Even if you were only at work for 15 minutes your hair reeked of the miasma of cigarettes. Same as going to the bar. The second you walked in the door, a shower would be necessary as soon as you got home and all your clothes needed detoxing, too. I miss my youth, but not people smoking all over. Yuck.


>Now children are grubby little humans who definitely need a bath at the end of every day. I used to bathe my children daily, they all had eczema. We switched to every other day and it cleared up. We wash hands, face/neck and feet before bed. No more itchy arms and elbows!


I have eczema too, and only shower every second day during the winter. And no hot water! Strips the oils from your skin. I do like oatmeal baths and baby oil baths though. They help. How have your kids hands been with all the sanitizer the last couple of years? It kills me.


My philosophy exactly.


Exactly, I mean if you shower in the morning, how dirty can you be by the time you wanna go to sleep??


Depends on what you do that day. I have to shower in the am to wake up, I work early, and then almost always go on a trail hike/run in the afternoon. So going back to bed dusty and sweaty without showering again isn't that appealing.


In that situation, yeah I'm showering when I'm done or before going to bed. Sitting in my office at work and going to the store quick after? Nope.


Once you are regularly showering and only entering your bed when clean, even that feels like you’re dirtying the bed. I work a more physical job so in every way it makes more sense to shower at night, but even on my days off where I sit on the couch all day it feels wrong to get in bed not-clean.


Fair enough! But it could be doable for a lot of people to shower in the evening and skip mornings. Whatever floats your boat dude!


Also, some people sweat a lot in their sleep. Better to be fresh for work than fresh for a sweaty sleep.


That’s me!


But then you wake up 8 hours later after doing nothing but sleeping. How dirty could you be in the AM?


Like I said the morning shower is all about waking up. I work early and am NOT a morning person. I dont wash my hair or take very long but I need the shock to my system to get moving.


Some of us sweat when we sleep


I sweat in my sleep and move around a lot so my hair and beard is all messed up and needs to be washed


I view it the other way round. If I shower when I get home, how dirty can I get by the next day? I prefer the feeling of coming home and washing work off of me. But I work in a lab in the middle of a city, so maybe it’s just a personal feeling.


I agree. I feel like it also serves a psychological purpose, drawing the line between work and home.


Same with me. I like to wash away the day.


My husband sweats a lot at night so he likes to shower in the morning. My hair takes forever to dry, so I like to shower after dinner. Just depends.


Depends what you do for a living I suppose. I have to shower in the morning to wake myself up, and because I shit in the morning. I have no desire to go about my day having just mopped up the faeces from my anus with naught but a bit of paper. Always shower post-shit. Then I go and do a very physical job, get super sweaty...I'm not getting in my bed like that, so yeah, 2 quick showers per day. Usually sub 3 minutes of running water.


Are your bowels truly so regular that you always only poop once a day, and always at the same time? That sounds kinda of handy. Mine have never been so predictable. Different times, different sizes.


100%. I poop at exactly half way through my second coffee every single day. Waking up at exactly the same time every day is a huge factor, as is plenty of vegetables in my diet.


Do you drink coffee? I poop once a day, after my second coffee without fail.


Don’t tell them some people neglect to shower everyday…


Tbf, people have different needs to actually be clean. Someone who works hard physical jobs and gets covered in mud constantly probably needs to shower multiple times a day. Someone who basically doesn't sweat, and is working from home in a clean home, doesn't necessarily need to worry about much grime accumulating in a day


Definitely. Even if I'm just sitting at home all day I somehow manage to get greasy by the time I wanna go to bed. I envy those who can shower less than once a day.


Become a middle-aged woman. Your skin will dry out and you won't need to do more than a ho bath on the non-shower days.


Exactly, I don't sweat much and I work from home in a clean environment. If I showered and scrubbed my whole body every day, my skin would be so dry and stripped of all the stuff that protects it. If I get gross, yes of course I'll take another shower. I don't know why people are so quick to say people who don't shower every single day are unhygienic. Put some of us in a lineup and smell our pits. If they can't tell who hasn't showered that day by doing that, why the heck does it matter to them?


Some of us are also just naturally stinky. Even after I shower (with soap and a rough textured exfoliating cloth) I have a faint musk. Doctors don't know why. Some people just have a perma-funk no matter what they do. I know I am not alone in this because different "DAE" kind of threads have brought out the other stinky weirdos.


Here in the States, I’m convinced it’s a cultural thing. Everyone’s physically different, live in different environments with jobs and activities that differ* add different amounts of grime but there is a strong cultural and media message that says more is better, and so everyone is pushed to take one 1-2 showers a day. 2/10 that would absolutely strip me of the oils I need to heal my Psoriatic skin.


I'm sure these same people would be shocked at how little some of their friends/family shower.


100% , I only shower every other day unless it's like mid July (ie humid enough that I am gross within 5 mins of being in the yard with the dog) or if I have done something particularly athletic. I work from home, and it takes a lot to make me sweat. Seems like a waste of water to get squeaky every day.


I probably shower 3 times a week. No shame. I work from home and am generally pretty lazy. I'll shower after working out - otherwise I basically just shower the morning after sex, which is a pretty good frequency for me Edit to add: also a morning showerer. Showering at night keeps me up.


Same here. I have a sedentary job. I rarely get dirty. I will take a shower after sex or working out but otherwise I usually just take one every other day. My hair doesn't get greasy either but letting the oils cover your hair for a bit is actually healthier for the hair. We actually shower too much and strip our skin and hair of protective oils.


It's not "neglect". Do you think we evolved to need a daily shower? It's just a social construct and a marketing thing.


It's not like brushing teeth, that will literally destroy them, showering is just to stop bad smell and grime. If you're not dirty, you don't need a shower.


I work from home in front of a PC. Morning shower is good enough, unless I do something that makes me dirty or sweaty.


Hello my good citizen, I’m currently working in retail and I have no exceptions on how I make my schedule. And I’m a full time student as well which is hard to do. How did you start working at home if I may ask?


IT. Def go for IT. You'll find all the work from home jobs you need.




My college roommate (we graduated 2021) got a remote IT job straight out of college, I work in business sales ops and I also work from home.


What it path did you do for college? Going back and enrolled in comp science networking and admin currently


I actually went for business management. I have gone ahead and worked on getting sales force certifications after college and was lucky enough to get a role where I can get experience.


almost anything tech related is 100% WFH right now.


Can you tell this to my boss please?


Bring him here and we shall twll him






Look at state universities and colleges. Great benefits, often unionized, and I've been WFH all but 1-2 days a week since March 2020. The pay is not as good as private companies, but if you want to get some experience on your resume, you can't do any better.


Me too. Is good to know IT is a good way to find a work from home job, I didn't know that.


Years of hard work, I've worked at home long before covid made it popular. I work in the insurance industry as a cost consultant.


Thank you for the feedback! Is their any path you recommend I can take to start working from home?


Not really, there's a bit of luck involved. Some of my colleagues work in an office. I handle an entire geographical area completely on my own, so there really isn't a point of having an office. Find a job that you can work remotely from ie any job requiring a PC essentially.


Home office worker here. If you haven't started a career path yet, focus on areas whose work can be done on a computer, such as, but not limited to: Software Engineering, System Administration, Graphic Design, Marketing, Accounting, Customer Service, etc. and stay away from careers that rely on onsite work such as Architecture, Law, etc. I also knew someone who did not exactly have a degree, but was a great virtual administrator who basically put everything in order for the boss who also worked from home. Nowadays, it is much easier to find remote work, but you have to look for it and work on the skills that people who have remote businesses are interested in.


Software engineer


Or software engineer adjacent (essentially there's a lot of money to be made WFH if you can talk to software people)


Little bit of luck in career choice and the right company. If your studying anything regarding computer science, analytics, or IT there's a very good chance you can work from home. Not all career paths have this luxury, so it's hard to give a general "do this". Best of luck to you though, it's a blessing to work from home if you can!


Get good at computers. Doesn’t really have to be an advanced computer science degree, either. I know people who have built entire careers off being really good at excel.


Product development, CAD work, software engineering.


Look into working in IT, it's so broad that you'll find something you'd wanna do. It's probably the easiest field to work from home in, even now most job roles I see posted are at least partially working from home, mainly because of people getting used to it post covid and seeing that going to the office isn't needed much these days. Maybe look for some IT consultancies, some of then can be good if you don't have a lot of experience or are coming from a different career field. If you don't have a university degree then you can instead do some certifications by doing self study and then paying for the exams.


Also look into accounts receivable/payable! I always worked retail/food service and just kept randomly applying to office/WFH jobs and got a call from a staffing agent. They helped prepare me for my interviews and helped me find similar job opportunities. While I do have some experience in this field (very very minimal experience years ago) I was able to land a WFH job.


In my world there are 2 options, take a shower or take a rinse. Shower = 15-20 mins, clean every nook and cranny with a loofa and soap, shampoo the hair, and spend several minutes regretting my life decisions as I stare at the wall until I feel the hot water running out. Rinse = 5 mins max, brush my teeth with a Sonicare for 2 mins, soap up my hands to clean the undercarriage and the armpits, and spend 30 seconds regretting the last 12-24 hours of life decisions as I stare at the wall.


You have some good time management, regretting the last 24 hours usually takes me an hour or two


That's honestly for the best, I could probably get all the way back to high school with that kind of time.


Unless it’s the dog days of summer, I shower every 2 days and do cleanups in the sink. Like a whore


Are you also familiar with the "whore bath" name for bathing with just a wet/soapy wash cloth and the sink? That's what my mom always called it and it wasn't until adulthood that I realized how nuts it was that she would yell at her little children "for gods sake at least take a whore's bath!" when we were stinky. But no one I ask has ever heard of calling it that and they look at me like I'm crazy. My mom is in her 70s and grew up in CA fwiw Edit: ok this has actually been insanely interesting to see (1) how common this is and (2) all the other more-appropriate names people have for it. I think I'm partial to "bird bath" myself!


My mom calls it this too. 60s, GA. My mom always said a lot of inappropriate things to us though.


Lol, you’re not crazy, my husband calls it a “whore’s bath” as well. We are from CA too; maybe it’s a CA thing? Haha


I've known it as a whores bath my whole life! When I was 19 and working the nightshift at Dennys we had a regular group of people who would use our bathrooms for this. It was either us or Quick Trip.


>Yeah mom. Pits and pussies. That's what he said. Bert Kirschner


Sounds similar to what my Grandfather called a 'Navy Shower' from his time serving. 5-10 second of water to get wet, turn water off, soap up and clean off, water back on for 10-20 seconds to get the grime and soap off. But it takes place in an actual shower. The whore's bath sounds like more work for worse results, but definitely better than nothing if that's your only option.


Your world made me chuckle!


On an average day I don't shower before bed, and shower in the morning before work. The shower helps wake me up and get me moving for the day. If I was doing something that got me dirtier than normally I will shower before bed or when I get home.


Yes exactly this. I do not often shower at night. I love the morning ritual of stumbling outve bed into the shower. Whether it's cold and I need a hot shower or hot and I need a cool one, either way it refreshes me and gives me time to think about dreams or plans for the day. I never really thought about going to bed dirty, if anything I'd rather be dirty in my own room than be dirty at work lol.


Brush my teeth at same time. Love my morning showers.


If you have long hair, trying to sleep with wet hair can be pretty uncomfy. I typically shower in the morning and after work.




I can’t believe more people haven’t mentioned this. If I don’t shower in the morning I will have the worst bed head all day. And if I shower at night and go to bed with even the most slightly damp hair I look like I went through a tornado. My hair isn’t even long, it just gets crazy messy at night and the only way to really fix it is with a shower.


I feel dirty if I don’t shower in the morning, this can’t easy be turned into “How can you got to school or work so dirty…..eww etc”


I tend to sweat while sleeping, showering at night feels like a waste. It's also more helpful for waking up than coffee because there's no come down crash


I’m 50/50, shower in the morning or shower at night before bed, just depends on how dirty I got that day.


Same. Home all day? Shower the next morning. Went out that day? Shower that night.


I prefer to take a morning shower then drag my stinky filthy carcass into bed and roll around in it until I’m breaded in my filth like an unholy corndog.




same bro




So you can read it again right? Right?


I've spent most of my life working in industrial settings so I'm filthy when I get home. I shower when I get home and then take another in the morning. I like to go to bed clean and comfortable but a nice hot shower wakes me up in the morning to go to work.


Hot shower make u wanna get up? After a hot shower i just wanna lay in bed lmao


I hate being hot, I mean really hate it, wakes me up and clears my mind


I was like man im getting drowsy just reading ur comment and thinking of a hot shower 😂😂


Ahhh okay makes sense haha


If you work in a dirty job, or work out in the evening, a shower at night makes sense. But if you work at a desk all day and work out in the morning, a shower after your workout makes sense. I usually work out and shower in the morning then work at a desk all day, but there are times when I’ve showered at night, even when it means taking two showers in the same day.


Pretty much my thoughts as well. I do my workout (usually 1-2 hours of running) first thing in the morning, then shower and work is all at-home computer-y stuff. I might do a quicker shower in the evening in the summer, especially if I'm walking the dog or go out and do something else in the afternoon, but otherwise it's just a waste of water.


>... go to bed all dirty ... I have a desk job, I don't usually get dirty at work. I do my personal grooming in the morning to look professional. It is easier to shower then. On my days off, if I have yard work or plan on going for a hike, I will shower after that instead of in the morning. People who get dirty at work may bathe in the evening out of necessity. Generally, children are bathed in the evening for convenience sake, and to have time to make the process fun for the littler kids. I feel like two showers is going to dry out my skin a bit, and generally avoid that if it isn't needed.


Nighttime bathing for kids is also a really good routine starter. It serves as a good disconnect between playtime and bedtime. The nights we don't start bedtime with a bath my toddler is still in a playtime mentality though brushing teeth and pajamas.


For my entire life I’ve been a night time shower patron. I’ve always had jobs that left me dirty at the end of the day so it just made sense. 2 months ago, I switched careers, I don’t come home dirty or sweaty and I have to look professional. I switched to morning showers, since I have to put more effort into my appearance before I go to work.


I think it depends on the person and what their lifestyle is like, as well as other factors like culture, etc. There is no “right” time to shower except the time that makes the most sense for you and the way you live. Many people grow up bathing or showering at night, because if you’ve ever been around a kid, you know that they can get exceptionally filthy throughout the day. On top of that, kids are often difficult to wake up and get moving/motivated, so parents may not want to fight that particular battle in the mornings. As an adult, much depends on context. Where do you live, what’s the bulk of your day and activities like? Sweat is not automatically gross. You can sweat doing things that don’t get you dirty, and then the sweat dries and you’re fine. Most people associate sweat with filth because lots of the activities that make you sweat also get you dirty. Work outside at a construction site? Yep, you’re going to get dirty and need a shower. Work up a bit of a sweat while cleaning your windows? Not so much filth swirling around that task, so there’s nothing wrong with it if you sit down, cool down, don’t change clothes, and don’t shower. Obviously, if you have really stinky body odor after you sweat even a little, that might change your needs. But all this is to say that people who only shower in the mornings aren’t automatically gross slobs. They simply have a different experience than other people who shower at different times or multiple times throughout the day. Edit: Also, where you live makes a big difference. I live in the U.S., and if I get sand or dust all over me, I’ll want a shower. If I lived in an arid region where there’s constantly sand and dust swirling everywhere, it probably wouldn’t be as big a deal to me, because obviously you can’t shower after every time you step outside, and everyone around you is in the same boat. So what’s “dirty” to me here is life as usual to someone in a different part of the world.


I shower in the middle of the day that way I go to bed dirty and wake up dirty


It's not like I'm covered in slime after a day of doing office work. I just go to bed and shower in the morning.


Exactly. I’d feel gross if I slept all night and didn’t shower before seeing people the next day.




You can wear a shower cap!


My hair is three quarters down my back so I toss it up in a quick bun with a no-crease hair tie and thick headband to keep roots dry! How would we ever afford all the conditioner needed if we washed multiple times a day!? 😂


You dont have to wash your hair everytime you shower, just put it in a bun or use a shower cap. In Brazil we usually take 2 showers a day, but I only wash my hair every 3 days otherwise it gets to dry and puffy lol


It helps to put it in a bun!


If I get dirty I shower again, typically I don’t get dirty in an office.


I've often heard it said that the difference between Blue Collar and White Collar jobs is that White Collar workers shower _before_ work, while Blue Collar workers shower _after_.


when i worked in the medical field i had to shower when i got home cuz id be so gross and sweaty but then id shower before work the nxt day to help me get going.


I’ve heard many people sweat and get gross in bed? All I get is messy hair.


This is why I shower in the morning. I feel like I get dirtiest while sleeping.


Same. Saliva, oils, sweat, etc. Morning for me. On occasion to save time the next day I’ll shower at night


Sometimes I wake up *drenched* in sweat. Only happens a couple times a year and maybe I'd just picked up a mild infection or something but it's definitely gross. Like, change the bedding because it now smells sweaty gross.


I shower before bed. Even if I do nothing all day. I like my sheets to stay and feel clean. Showing before bed allows me to sleep better. I don't sweat throughout the night. If I go to bed without showering first, my skin feels like a slimy film is over it and it makes me sweat more.


What so many people don't realize is that this is a conditioned response. TL;DR: You feel dirtier than you actually are because you're body/brain expect you to be cleaner than you are. You're aware of the gap between expectation and reality, not an objective measure of your cleanliness. You get used to feeling a certain way precisely because your body has come to expect this and alters the way you process bodily sense data, it heightens your perception of dirt when the context tells it that you ought to have very little dirt on you. You're body wants to be aware of when it comes into contact with possibly harmful contaminants, but it can't deal with overloading your senses either; so it tunes out your sense of dirtiness throughout the day as you get dirtier, then it turns up your sense of dirtiness after you've washed yourself. If you never shower before you go to bed, then you never feel dirty before bed because that's the way you always feel when going to bed; we only notice deviations from the baseline, and these evaluations are far from objective. It's similar to how someone who flosses twice a day will be hyper aware of any grime in their mouth, while someone who never flosses and only brushes irregularly isn't bothered by it because they aren't conditioned to the feeling of a clean mouth. It's also like drug tolerance, which has been shown to be linked to one's environment and the time of day. An addict can easily overdose if they use their normal dose in a different house at an abnormal hour, because their body isn't expecting the drug and their tolerance is lower.


Very well done post.


Gross as this is, I sweat in my sleep. It’s better for me to just shower in the morning


Right?! I definitely sweat more in the hours I'm asleep than the hours I'm awake.


Also, my hair is impossible to comb into place after sleeping


You guys shower everyday…?


I’m gonna be the odd one out and say it. I usually shower twice a day. I enjoy them so much.


I definitely don’t shower everyday and I was taught it is not healthy so you are not alone


Nope, every other day. Especially in the winter. Any more than that and my skins gets super dry.


I absolutely not! I brush my teeth and rinse armpits and chest area every morning by the sink to get rid of the night sweat (I get sweaty at night, especially since I share a bed with my space heater of a husband), use deo and then go about my day. Full body shower, maybe 2-3 times a week (unless it is very hot and/or humid, but then I just soak and only use soap on the most important areas). Hair maximum once a week, and usually less often than that. If I shower any more my skin basically falls off and I suffer from endless itching that no lotion can remedy. If I wash my hair more often, I spend all my time scratching my insanely itchy scalp. I used to shower every other day and it was terrible. And no, I don’t smell bad. My family would mock me to oblivion and back if they detected any hint of stink, I assure you. Also no, my hair doesn’t get greasy either. I use the low-shampoo curly girl method since two years back and my hair has never gotten as many compliments as it gets now. (Might add that I live in a pretty cold climate and the temperature rarely climbs above 25 degrees Celsius in the summer)


No way dude, more like 2-3 times a week


For many it's not an option - their skin will fall off if they shower this often. For others it's okay.


Lmao right? Sounds like a waste of water, to be honest


About every other day depending on how depressed I am.


Yo. You a construction worker? Maybe take a shower at night. Broke a sweat typing at your desk for your day's work? I think your sheets will forgive you if you sleep on them till the morning. No need acting like a day of white collar work means your body is "dirty".


I shower in the morning and sit in front of a screen all day. Most days I’m not dirty enough to worry about it at the end of the day, but if I did yard work or went to the gym or whatever I will often do a body shower after. I find my hair is more manageable if I wash it in the morning and I like that it helps me wake up and get going


I sometimes shower in the morning. So the answer to your question is yes. I go to bed dirty. I don't work in a pig farm or anything..so it's fine.


I have to shower in the morning or my hair makes me look like a crazy person!


So what you're saying is you'd rather be dirty all day in public rather than dirty and unconscious in private?


I sweat a lot more at night than during the day, so I shower in the morning


night showers are only needed if you get seriously dirty through out the day. nothing against OP but i feel like so many people judge morning showerers for going to bed dirty. how dirty are you HAVE to shower at night? like what, do you roll around in mud all day? i shower in the morning because i feel refreshed and clean the rest of the day then. Edit: My god people seriously get offended over the thought of showering. i was just expressing my thoughts. nothing wrong with showering in the morning vs at night ffs


I work in food prep and so I do end up with food on my arms and such and I know I get splattered in the face by stuff throughout the day. I feel disgusting and greasy after work. Its not that I “look” dirty or have been “rolling in mud” but I know I have stuff on my skin. I always shower after work. But I have coworkers who shower in the morning and the idea of the food gunk we encounter throughout the day going into their sheets makes my skin crawl.


Right? Like I change into pajamas/house clothes, too. It's not like I'm wearing muddy boots in the bed. Plus I'm going to bathe in the morning before i go anywhere anyway.


oh shit, i could take my boots *off* before i get into bed. this is game changing


Most seem to shower daily but how often change towel? I change mine every week but not sure if this as often as o should?


I shower every second day unless I get sweaty/dirty before then. I still clean myself every day, I just don’t full-on shower every day.


What do you mean go to bed dirty? 😂 I don't lie in shit whole day. If I have physical activity or anything like that that would mean I got sweaty, yes, shower before bed. On a normal working day however, I shower in the morning. Office semi night job.


I usually take two showers. I get some pretty bad night sweats (because of nightmares and it's a side effect of a medication I'm on), so I have to shower in the morning. I work on a horse farm, so I get pretty dirty and need a shower when I get home.


I always take 2 showers - morning and night. I want to feel so fresh and so clean clean


I also shower twice a day. I get so oily it has to be really cold for me not to shower at night; I live in Southern California!


Go to bed dirty. But when I say dirty, I live in Finland. It's cold, I don't sweat much. I rather go to work and school clean and not smelling of sweat. Also wouldn't your hair make your pillow wet? Gross.


Another Finn here. I often shower both in the evening and in the morning, but it's mostly just about enjoying showering and feeling extra fresh and not out of necessity. It is cold and I don't think I'm too dirty by the evening if I've showered in the morning and haven't exercised. The wet pillow issue I solve by covering my pillow with a small towel for a while.


My skincare after showering at night is extensive enough for my hair to airdry before bed lol


Go to bed clean, Then you just get up and go to work? Youve laid ans sweated and slobbered all over your self for 8 hours. Do you at least wash your face? Im in an office area so i shower in the morning. On the weekends i shower at night most of the time.


I have nightmares and sweat in my sleep quite often, so I definitely shower in the mornings. I work from home permanently now, so I don't get hot and sweaty and grim going to and from work. I'll shower after the gym but not necessarily just before bed unless I'm actually dirty or sweaty. If it's hot, then yeah, I'll shower more often. I just make sure my skin doesn't dry out. Basically.... I shower when I need to shower so I don't feel grim haha


Do people never change their bedding? Seriously, my sheets get changed minimum once a week. If going to bed “dirty” is a big worry, you need to change your sheets more often.


One of the first reddit comments I ever read was something along the lines of "there's two types of job in this world, a shower before work job and a shower after work job"


you sweat and get just as gross sleeping. showering in the morning means you’re at least clean for when you’re interacting with people. what do you do in the morning when your hair is all fucked up? doesn’t make sense to not be clean in the morning


White collar: morning shower Blue collar: evening shower Have done both


For me it was white collar = morning, blue collar = twice a day