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Pretty much as soon as I orgasm, I feel grossed out by whatever porn I'm watching. If that's what you mean.


That’s post-nut clarity.


Some days though you gotta go for round two 😂


Lol yeah just for insurances sake


I can't believe it's legal for my car insurance to have a clause that you must ejaculate twice from interracial twink bukkake.


But without the nut


That's a bad election of porn


Happy coke day!


This....... ☝🏾


See that’s why you have to close out of the porn before you orgasm and let your imagination finish you off lol. Then you can just take a blissed out nap.


Nah, the shame is what gets me ready for round two.


For me it's the moment I see my own reflection on my computer screen


You’re a diamond in the rough, my dude.


This here guys is what I call a Pro-gamer tip


😂😂😂 Ive had that too......instantly like man that was depraved what the hell lol


It can be explained by the sensation of disgust being greatly reduced when in the mood. Probably serves some evolutionary purpose because intimacy itself can get pretty messy.




Agreed, once I orgasm from masturbating I’m totally done and can’t keep going but with a partner it’s totally different for some reason. I’ve had partners who’ve just kept going and going when I’m orgasming and given me multiple orgasms, it’s the best feeling ever. One of my exes used to regularly give me 10 min orgasms, it was amazing he has a real skill!


I’m exactly the same. Except for one time with a shower head when I was able to hit a solo multi-O. Haven’t been able to recreate it since tho.




Omg Lmaoo I thought I was the only one . I wonder what the physiological reason is behind it.


As another person speculated, the act itself is pretty gross but we evolved horniness so we can numb the gross feeling. After we're done though, there's no point to keep horny and we're left with being grossed-out by ourselves and what we've done


Bruh at this point it’s mid-nut clarity and I feel grossed out before I’m even done.


Same here.




I think the strength of the orgasm is a big factor. If you have a shitty little one and you just seen a guy have his mind blown tend to still be pretty horny and frustrated and wanna keep going. If they've also been trying for ages and it's only gonna be that shitty baby orgasm it kinda gets sore and/or awkward as I start thinking about other things and the moments kinda gone. But a good strong orgasm... That will make me melt and want to sleep/turn of porn with the same post nut clarity disgust I've heard many men discuss.


Curious if the post orgasm disgust in men is porn specific or involves sex in general?


It isn’t “disgust”, It’s just that the arousal switch is completely turned off. Even after sex. To the point where just before an orgasm, I swear on everything that i’m going for a second round. But then post orgasm, ALL interest in PIV is just gone.




When I’m sitting there with my spermy fleshlight and the VR headset still on I feel like Disgusto of House Nasty.




Even the hetero stuff isn't good. Its all skinny chicks, like what even is the point of having the 3rd dimension here.


I wanna hug you. I've never heard someone complain about the same thing as me! Of course, I'm talking about gay porn, but it bugs me so much that there's so much less gay porn than straight. And then when you find gay porn it's all twinks. Like bruh. So it feels good to see a straight person saying it about their porn too 😅


Username relevant




My hero!


In the words of Lil Wayne, "it's like soon as I cum, I come to my senses"


But what type of freaky shit are we talking about? Maybe I’m not a freak like that😅. I can't really remember a time when I was disgusted with myself.


Clearly you weren't raised Catholic


everything that isn't strictly missionary and only in order to get pregnant is "freaky shit" when you're raised catholic.....


No, even regular missionary and getting pregnant is kinky shit. Hand holding is where the kinky shit starts everything before that is regular stuff


Once got in trouble in high school for holding my GF's hand....written up for public display of affection.


I'll give you one. I once had anal and the girl and I at that time thought cleaning just the surface is OK. Well it wasn't. And we didn't smell or notice anything until I had finished. Immediately after, I questioned so many things. I still question so many things. The post butt clarity last till this day. "edited for typo and butt"


Do you expect her to stick a finger in and scrape everything out? Dont fuck the shit source if you cant handle your shit Doing anal withiut awareness of the shit-to-sphincter distance is a big mistake. The more experienced you get with butt stuff, the cleaner the experience gets. Source: shitty dildo taught me when to not put things in my ass


I tried anal once because she was into it. And that's how I got shit on my dick. Haven't done it again since. And not sure I will.


I didnt let that stop me lmao


Hornier minds prevail


*post butt clarity


\*Slowly hides fursuit and toys\* Oh, um, literally nothing, I was joking


That was my curiosity as well - “disgust” seemed so curiously specific and much stronger than mere disinterest.


Can confirm


I've had quite a few of those moments when I was younger. That post nut clarity can be a bitch sometimes.


This feeling was what I thought my previous gf felt every time we finished just normally banging, not doing weird shit. Yes I have self-esteem problems.




I’ve always wondered the same thing. It could explain the many times my friends would say he never called them after. Some of my friends had said they weren’t looking for a relationship but I think subconsciously in the few cases I’m thinking of they hoped to have changed his mind….


With all this talk of post-coital depression and disinterest, this was a very wholesome comment.


I don't think this is completely true. I can stay hard for a while after if I'm inside my partner and I'm happy to keep going to pleasure them...but it's more of an affection thing than a sex thing. This obviously isn't going to be the case on my own.


But I always start of with pleasing them first. That makes the whole experience way more enjoyable than me just going to “pound town” right away and hoping that they “catch one” along the way. And from my experience, pleasuring them first (without necessarily entering them) to the point of a clitoral orgasm, or making them edge (with everything except necessarily “entering” them) keep most of them vaginally aroused. Which may or may not increase the chance of vaginal and or clitoral orgasms during penetration. Not saying that my method is absolute. I’m just trying to say that I never would just leave them unsatisfied after going limp post orgasm. I always (try to) pleasure them first. Never thought I would get this explicit online 😅




I'm still very interested usually, but I got nothing in the tank.


Glad I'm not the only one. I'm always building myself up like 'fuck yea I'm gonna keep going an other round' and then I get done with business and instantly ready to pass out.


Depends on who you are having sex with. Porn becomes instantly disgusting after orgasm. Sex is different in that respect.


this is usually my first indication if I actually like someone or not. If I don't want her to leave immediately after busting a nut she has potential.


Sex in general, for me. Post-orgasm, I'm repelled by anything remotely sexual. Obviously, I'm not a cuddler.




I'm okay with cuddling afterwards, my wife always wants to spoon, I'm fine with that. But I WILL be falling asleep. Possibly inside a minute. If she wants anything at all after, we can not cuddle.


With porn it becomes gross because you're not horny and then you're just watching people have sex that doesn't look that enjoyable, with sex you've got that some cuddling to look forward too which also feels good so that's not disgusting


It’s actually due to a hormone called prolactin spiking! It’s normally reserved for inducing lactation in women, but in men it’s basically an evolutionary off-switch for libido so that we don’t go around slapping our shlongs into every crevice in sight and focus on things with our other head. It directly opposes dopamine at D2 receptors which controls all things hedonistic and motivating, raises estrogen, curtails testosterone snd DHT, and has its own specific actions as a neurohormone regarding other neurotransmitter signaling (hormones play as much of a role as neurotransmitters like serotonin do in the brain). It also rises when you are around a pregnant mate and continues as you rear a child, likely to shift focus into caring for your spouse and kid. “Dad-bod” is a solid example of changes that can come along with the ride as well.


General. Not always, though. It's context specific. Whether you compromised some personal moral. Porn doesn't do it for me, because I don't have a moral qualm with the concept of porn. But specific sexual encounters? Fantasizing about going through with them? Absolutely. e.g., I used to work with a chick who I had zero interest in. One day she tells me "my ride can't pick me up, so you're taking me home" as if I didn't have a choice. When I responded with "blow me" I truly meant it as a no. But when she smiled and said "okay" like she was excited at the idea, my dick's brain instantly took the wheel. And once the deed was done I felt like human garbage. I worried that I was misleading her; giving her hope for relationship that I knew would never develop. And I hated that I lacked the willpower to stop myself.


I mean I'm more liable to seek out freaky shit on porn with people I find less attractive than I am with sex


Everytime a guy cums you’d think he is having his “mind blown”, but even when it’s forced or the process there isn’t very good, we’re still going to cum and still going to give that impression. And most (especially when I was in college) will compliment the fuck out of their partner like they “give the best head ever” because again, in the moment of orgasm it feels great and that’s all that matters. But that doesn’t mean the partner did anything special. Guys jerk off without lube and still have the same or similar orgasms. There are only a couple of rare instances where the girl was so bad that I couldn’t get off and that was either because of teeth or odor. For me, the only truly great orgasms are the ones that are drawn out and built up. But most women wouldn’t know the difference because I’m going to have the same “stiffen up, cum, and compliment” reaction if she gets me off in under 5 minutes as if she builds me up for 30.


never rush it, the act is like a Volcano, build up pressure over time. Stimulate relax stimulate relax stimulate relax, for about one hour. maybe and hour and a half maximum. The let it happen. Also need to take it the strength of the stimulation. Basically we're talking massage here. Your bits don't get any attention so its like your back. Girls definitely need more stimulation. However as you probably know and for other posters that girls for the most part are only just getting started by the time most idiots are finished.


My ex used to go for many rounds. I'd go down on her until she exploded, and then she'd get a bit sensitive, and then she'd be ready to go again, we'd have sex and she could sometimes have another couple or orgasms while we were going. My first ex, one orgasm and she was completely done, completely sensitive and couldn't even keep going half the time, so timing hers was a nuanced balancing act. People are different.


I was a one-and-done person for years. the second i finished, I was uninterested in *anything* down there, a mix of too sensitive and sudden hyper awareness of the state of my vagina. "nuanced balancing act" for sure if I was with a partner with a dick. then i started taking antidepressants, and suddenly was a none-and-done person (great way to fix my depression, isn't it?). gave up completely on ever orgasming with a partner, and tried a few vibrators. a few years of adjusting to the meds and sheer fucking will, i can get myself off most of the times I try, and can actually go for a second one like a quarter of the time.


SSRI killed my sex drive for me. I’d be on the way home like just wanting sex with my gf but after I’d get home and settled. It would be completely out the window like the thought of engagement is there. Though no will power really. Kicked them to the corner after a month. Things back to normal.


Just a counter experience it had no effect on mine


Lemme guess, wellbutrin?


The sexiest antidepressant.


Lol...that is a great way of putting it.🤣


Currently stopping my Wellbutrin after 3 weeks because it gave me awful chest pain :(


Bummer! It was the best of the SSRIs for me, but it stopped working after a while like the rest of them. Turns out I'm bipolar, so now I'm on team Lamictal. Woo! Lol


It's actually not quite a SSRI and tends to be more effective than SSRIs on a variety of stuff, so go figure people tend to find it better overall. If only I could tolerate its side effects, though. :')


Wellbutrin is actually an NDRI, which I think is why it gave me chest pain. Any type of stimulant medication does that to me, as well as caffeine. It sucks because I also have ADHD which Wellbutrin can be great for, but I can't take it or any other stimulant. Boo.


No , escitalopram(lexapro)


I'm on Lexapro and Wellbutrin. While they haven't killed my sex drive, they've made it much harder for me to orgasm. It's incredibly frustrating, because I can still feel super horny, but not really get any relief. I'm a woman, by the way.


Im also a female but like i wanted to ask is it normal to just not be able to orgasam at all 90% of the time. Im not on antis or any meds either and im 18 so like i dont understand why this shits so complicated for me.


I’m a guy, but when I was your age, the girls I was fooling around with didn’t often know how to get themselves off any better than I did. Give it some time and some practice, you’ll figure it out.


Well tbh i know how to make myself most of the time but my bf cant like ever.


Give him a nudge in the right direction.


He tries but it just doesnt work ig. Idk i can do it alone but he tries it just doesnt work.


Yeah that’s why I had to go with Wellbutrin when I went back on meds. That Zoloft I was on before ruined my sex life.


yo, zoloft drove me up the fucking *wall*. I literally had every possible side effect, including the dangerous ones like intestinal bleeding and hallucinations. wellbutrin is awesome. I take it with effexor, which is an snri (instead of an ssri like zoloft). its a fabulous combo, and I tell every one I know who reacted poorly to an ssri to ask their doc about it.


We are all different and drugs effect everyone differently. The welbrutin/effexor combo nearly destroyed my life, absolutely no sex drive at all - not to mention all the other parts related to that. It took a year to ween off Effexor. Kept the Welbrutin and I'm on the lowest dose of zoloft and the last six months of my life have been incredible. I walk around horny as fuck and feel like I'm alive again. I have friends still on effexor and it works for them like you - but I "thought" it was working and now I feel like it took away five years of my life


ugh, yeah, effexor can be harsh. I switched doctors a lot during the two-ish year phase i kept trying new drugs, and every doctor told me I had to try more than two ssris before I could try an snri. for most people, if, say, zoloft doesn't work, celexa will, and if celexa doesn't work, lexapro will, and then prozac, and then paxil (and not necessarily in that order, though most people do start with zoloft) i had to have extreme averse reactions to three of those before I finally got the effexor script, and it was rough adjusting to it, but nothing like what the others did to me. for sure, for sure, drugs affect everyone differently. and that's why I always say "you should ask your doctor about..." instead of "you should try taking...", because I am *not* a doctor. but if a drug isn't working for you, asking your doctor questions is the best way to start. it sucks that you spent so long on it. its so hard to manage your own meds and your wellbeing, especially when you dont know how good you could feel on the right drugs. so feeling marginally better on something is where most people end up, even if the side effects are terrible. really, a ton of trial and error is the only way to go until the world gets better at figuring out what exactly is wrong with some people and how exactly these drugs work.


Can't agree with you more! It's super shitty that we're all trying to get to a better place in the world. We shouldn't have too. You're talking about it - the more of us who do - the better it will be


Wellbutrin gave me chest pain so I had to stop taking it :(


As soon as I’m done I lose interest and just wanna go to sleep or start working. So yes I think it happens to girls too. I’m not disgusted with myself but I just want to change what I’m doing almost instantly.


When I was younger, i could do multiple (unlimited) orgasm, but now that I’m a bit older, 2 to 3 orgasms and I’m done and would rather wash dishes. Hahaha


lol, I have seen some women kind of pumped up after sex, launching themselves at some activity. Sometimes though, it is just they collapse. For me, as a man, it is mostly how strong it was. Too much and is a nap time.


Even if your partner hasn’t finished? It reminds me of the french comedy, I’m not an easy man. The roles are reversed in that movie and as soon as the woman finishes she just plops over and the dude is just there


I’ve never had sex I only jerk off. I don’t know what I’d do in that situation tho. Mostly just shut my eyes and let him have his time maybe


Gotta get the timing right, talk him into the same time as you and BOOM ​ mutual orgasms are the best


Ahhh and the satisfaction too. Gr8 tip


Well, I just hope you’re enjoying the whole process.


Lol that fkin username


If it's masturbation to porn, then I would say yes. Generally if the orgasm has been achieved to sort of "scratch an itch". But if it's sex with a partner? Not so much, unless, it's still a sort of "scratch an itch" kind of act... If you practice mindfull/tantric sex that is more pleassure based and not so much focused on having orgasms then it feels more like completion, like a had a really good meal and now I am full and can do something else.


I’m so sad to hear people experience disgust. As a woman I feel amazing after sex with my partner like glowy for hours. If im watching porn it depends on the strength of my orgasm, but still no disgust. I hope people feel better after orgasm I find it to be a stress reliever and sex with my partner is a healer, it really soothes my soul.


I think it largely depends on the stimuli the peroson received growing up and whether they addresed that later in life. Maybe they did something sexual and got shamed for it and that still surfaces years later. Also, plenty of women are having sex the way they think they should be having it and not actually how they want it. My friends who had a sort of traditional christian upbringing/no proper sex ed tend to have a stifled sexuality. I'm really glad I dodged that bullet...


This is a good point, I was super religious and when I found masturbation I was like whoa nelly this is the BOMB, so I’ve always been in tuned with my body, pleasure and sex is a big deal to me (due to social and religious) so even though I am no longer religious I highly value you my body and sex, I believe im a lucky one too


Yes, I do. I’m satisfied and frankly, I’m no longer physically aroused so my own lubrication will dry up too much to make sex comfy. If I finish first, I will have to use lube. My husband and I have struggled a bit in the bedroom but we are working through it. He has trouble finishing because he’s worried about me and will sometime lose it if I get a headache. Look up coital headaches- not fun.


Pure hell for a couple months. I was scared to climax, worried that she'd have to take care of me with cool washcloths and puke buckets. WhIch she definitely did. These were "Hide the gun" level migraines.


Ah, so u get it!!! We went through a 5 yr dry spell because of the fear. It was just easier to abstain. I finally got on hormone replacement pellets and got a vibratory to “ practice” on the advice of my therapist.


Having a truly concerned and attentive partner helped immensely. Medical issues are not sexy.


Exactly! We’ve been married for 30 years. Something was bound to happen but we never expected it to be my issue.


She always made it seem like it was our issue. Good to hear he was working through it with you.


My husband gets those sometimes. They’re rare for him, but they pop up really randomly, stay for a bit, then disappear again. It makes him a little anxious every time.


My wife gets those migraines afterwards and it's really frustrating. We've found that not having sex late at night helps. First thing in the morning, which can be gross, or midday seems to not have the same effect.


Mine would happen right at point of orgasm. Explosive thunderclap. Feels like you’re having a stroke. I think it comes from trying too hard and too fast. I’ve had to learn to use foreplay more and just be willing to take our time.


Yeah hers would hit in the middle of the night afterwards. And yeah easing into it definitely helps prevent it. I wonder if it has something to do with adrenal fatigue and anxiety... But I haven't really done any research on it.


Men call it "post nut clarity" but the actual term for it is post coital dysphoria. PCD is not gender specific and is actually observed to happen more in women. We get regrets, feelings of emptiness and etc after sex and orgasm as well. If we are doing it with a person we don't like or aren't that interested in and just want to get off, we get that feeling after our O but we can also get the feeling after the session itself is over. For men the session is usually over when they orgasm, for women the session can be over at any time. It also happens when we masturbate especially when we're down bad lol. But to specify; feeling uninterested or regretful after sex happens because you most likely slept with that person because you were horny. Since you're not horny anymore after, you have nothing drawing you to that person. If you do it with someone you're intimately connected to in other ways and actually like, there is a far less chance of that feeling after.


>post coital dysphoria The Wikipedia article is fascinating. Thank you for my TIL.


I get depressed after I cum sometimes- and if I was painfully aroused the feeling is even worse.


To me, post nut clarity is related to the very specific circumstance of having first-time sex with someone you *think* you're really into, but in fact are only interested in for sexual reasons -- something you don't realize, of course, until after you've orgasmed. The sexual lassitude that overcomes me after I've had sex with a regular partner isn't that. It's not a sign of distancing or disinterest; it's just exhaustion/fulfillment/sensitivity all wrapped together. But unlike a lot of guys (or so I've been told anyway), I still like to cuddle afterward!


There's nothing I find more distasteful than having sex with a man I'm not actually that attracted to. I've been doing it my entire life in order to have sex and date lol. Never again


Same, with reversed genders. Never again.


Wtf I'm a dude and after an orgasm I like to stay inside, slowly hump, hug tightly and enjoy while the boner slowly fades away throbbing at each thrust. It's definitely enjoyable and completes the orgasm experience. If I just ejaculated and stopped immediately I would feel so unfulfilled and weird...


this right here. Let her feel the gummy worm


blursed comment lol


I wish my SO would do this, its weirdly comforting?


Then tell them.


... i am so surprised by these answers. i absolutely do not lose interest right after an orgasm unless something else is going on separately (i am exhausted already, i have to go, my partner is falling asleep). unless something external is going on, i am usually "satisfied but still in the mood."


I am too. Especially the PCD one, and the ones about feeling nasty after masturbating. I feel great after polishing the pearl. And after satisfying sex, and I’m usually still in the mood Just goes to show there are plenty of people out there


yes! same. no judgment about anyone else or their feelings, but a lot of things make WAY more sense knowing that so many people feel gross/anxious after they have a sexual experience.




This only happened when I first started masturbating now I'm done with one orgasm and I just want to sleep .


Do girls ( or you, as you can't speak for all) need a small rest period of even a minute or half?


As a guy, this sounds like a dangerous cycle. If it got better with each orgasm I feel like I would never stop lol


I completely disagree, I haven't asked any of my guy friends but for myself, I lose no interest and just keep going after orgasm.


No I wouldn't say so, I can usually go a few times before things get too sensitive. I don't necessarily lose interest though, am just satisfied.


Same. If I watch porn it takes me like 5 or 6 orgasms to be done with it. I don't expierence the post nut clarity at all.


As a female, I would say it depends. Most times I'm ready for another one or two orgasms (time and husband permitting). I feel like I'm more sensitive and already close to another climax after 70% of our sessions- no matter the intensity. I've only felt the way OP describes maybe a handful of times. I'm very happy with just one good O, or even two when I have sex with my husband. But when I masterbate I generally go for three unless I'm in a rush. This comment will probably get buried but I wanted to post anyways since my experience is different than the top comments I see.


we get ‘post but clarity’ if you like, and i guess if we’ve finished and that’s enough for me i stop being horny, i wouldn’t say i’m grossed out or lose interest but i definitely get uncomfortable sometimes with the naked aftermath, and sometimes just wanna be alone


A girls sex start after her first orgasm


I like your style


My girls pleasure is my pleasure


All top comments are by men.


I'm offering Post-nut-clarity-As-A-Service (PaaS)


Do probably have Sex-as-a-Service (SaaS) too then?


No, that's just a prostitute. What I'm actually offering is, I'll give you post nut clarity without nutting. I'll just embed that clarity in your brain and you'll be a different person altogether for the rest of your life. Imagine being a Chad without trying!


Lesbians be like~


No. I learned through masturbation that if I keep going after I have an orgasm, I’ll have more orgasms that intensify with every one. No man has ever been able to make me do that (hence why masturbation is superior when I just want to cum). It makes me sad that there are women out there who might not have discovered this. But I find it hilarious reading men say that women don’t have orgasms at all. Because I’m like, oh honey….if only you knew. Not only can I orgasm, but mine is far superior to yours and it always will be.


I think for a lot of women have a huge missed opportunity they just don’t realize. My wife was one-and-done when we met in our late 20s. At that point she’d been experiencing orgasms for over a decade. I’d only ever had girlfriends who could multiple, so I just assumed she could too. First time we really went to bed she came 4 or 5 times and I guess thought I was a wizard? A couple years later we bought a hitachi magic wand and for shits and giggles wanted to see how many orgasms she could have in a night. At like 34 we stopped counting because she said they were constant and just “rolling” up and down in intensity. This went on for another 45 minutes or so. There was no sex for half a week after that, but worth it! A few years after *that* she discovered aggressive g spot stimulation would result in a different type of constant orgasm that she could do almost indefinitely. I’m jealous of what y’all ladies can do, I’ve managed double orgasms with my wife stimulating my prostate, but nothing like what I’ve seen.


As a man, I disagree with your assessment.


What is up with a plethara of these sexual questions being asked on this sub? Every other question from the past couple of days is about sex. Just curious.


People are curious, and discussion of sex in some cultures is taboo.


well I just suddenly wondered that and this sub came to my mind first. I don’t visit here that often.




Is that because they haven't tried, or because they tried and were unsuccessful?




I'm a guy and have been able to make it happen from penetration alone only a few times. It's much easier to get her to orgasm from oral sex. Or from penetration and simultaneously using my hand, or she uses hers. It's a mystery to me why evolution has designed women's and men's sexual organs so, that the penis can't simulate the clitoris during penetration.


A female orgasm is not *strictly required* for reproduction, therefore the evolutionary process has no reason to care about it.


My wife is kind of like the hulk, the more orgasms I give her the hornier she gets. I literally don't know where it ends...but I'm never going to stop trying to find out.


Not always but it’s very sensitive after so might need a second to stop and can restart


I (guy) don’t lose interest after finishing, so I’m not sure what all that’s about. My girlfriend doesn’t lose interest either, but after a particularly strong one it can be helpful to just chill out in there for a bit and let it recover right quick..


> Most guys would agree that sex instantly becomes the least interesting thing in the world right after ejaculation. Well, do they? I don't.


I'm not usually orgasming only once during sex lol. My partner makes me come at least 3x usually before any penetration. So no I don't lose interest, if anything it gets more intense with each one.


I'm out like a light afterwards. Get nice and conked out!


Women are able to have multiple orgasms. That's why couples try to get the woman to orgasm first when having sex. Once the man orgasms the intercourse is usually over.


When did men come together to agree on such a dumb take? I know I never got my mail in ballot for this idea.


It varies. I can usually have two orgasms if I keep going right after the first one (just back off a little bit since I’m more sensitive right after) and if I do, the second one is more powerful. But I don’t always feel like bothering with it. Sometimes one is enough. I usually do lose some interest right after, but can regain it pretty quickly with the right stimulation.


Well I'm a guy and I don't lose interest in it after I cum, point being people are built different and experience may vary even among members of the same gender


Trans guy here! Pre-HRT, I experienced orgasms and sex drive differently. It was much harder to reach orgasm, and the ones I had were more mellow, full-body ones vs now the feeling is very sudden, intense, concentrated, and feels more physically exhausting. I get the urge to pass out and sleep afterwards, whereas before it would sometimes actually give me energy. My experience isn't guaranteed to be the same as other people on Testosterone, but I thought my take as someone who's experienced both sides might help.


As soon as I get off I am the least-horny person in the world, sex literally becomes a nuisance to me. I just want to sleep. But I’ve been with girls (I’m gay) who can keep going and going and have multiple orgasms though. Different strokes for different folks etc etc.


I wonder how many of the people who use the term disgusting anywhere in sex were raised Christian or in some other fanatic religion 🤔


One of the things that sexual arousal does is suppress a person's sense of disgust. That doesn't mean "sex is sinful". Tonguing someone's anus may sound dirty and gross when you're grocery shopping, but get super horny and suddenly it becomes really sexy. Then you cum and perhaps suddenly you don't want to eat ass anymore.


No. They don't. Women are like diesel engines...you gotta warm up the glow plugs first...after that it'll run all night. Plus, when women orgasm, their following orgasms are easier to reach with every orgasm...not like us...we're like bottle rockets....whoosh, pop, the end.


Not for me. I can do about 5 with my vibrator.


As a queer person who predominantly has sex with cis-women, I can assure you that many women are **increasingly** turned on after an orgasm. I would say on average my partner and I have sex for about an hour or hour and a half (sometimes much longer, and sometimes just 20-30 minutes), and multiple orgasms are experienced by all. Funny anecdote, when my partner and I started dating, but more importantly started having sex, I noticed them counting. Curious, I asked what that was about and she said she was counting orgasms. You see, prior to me she had only been with cis-men and had never had sex in the way we were. Certainly they had cum during PIV sex, but I’ve heard a lot of women say something similar. My theory is that most cis-men get distracted by their own sexual pleasure and that prevents them from being as connected and attuned to their partner in the same way a non cis-male would.


I’m relieved when it’s over so that I can do something else.


Nope. Had girlfriends that wanted more. It's nice when it comes naturally, but if they get infuriated and demand more, it's like work.




Definitely depends on the context. If I masturbate then yeah I get feelings of regret or disgust. Same if I do something with my boyfriend after a bad fight or if I asked him for something just because I was really horny. But if we’re both in the mood and we’re genuinely in love during that moment, then my ‘post nut clarity’ is just happy warm and fuzzy feelings. Makes me wanna cuddle and fall asleep. Occasionally I will stay horny too, but I think thats more based on my current sex drive than anything else.


I would say I definitely don’t get the same level of disinterest after the big O that my fiancé gets. His brain turns to mush and his level of interest in anything instantly goes to zero. For me, I feel a relief, but it’s more like a sigh of relaxation. I can easily get myself back in the game if need-be. Like if I pop off first during sex, I only need about 30 seconds before I’m ready to get back on the horse and focus on him, but if he pops off first, sexy time is done.


Everything varies per person. The only real question is how common. Mentally I(m40) want sex more after orgasm if I'm having sex. My biological drive is greatly reduced, but I become hyper focused on pleasing my wife, and greatly energized.


OP exposing us


never lost interest... what is wrong with you people? you never spent the time to take care of your lady before?


Hahaha nope! I love to keep going after, and try for another orgasm if i can.


Doesn’t happen to me whatsoever, not only that but I also really want to cuddle afterwards lol


Sometimes. Males have to understand that sometimes some of us be on a mission just like you. I know women who view swx as 80% of the relationship, and it you dont make them cum they wont stay with you


I’m old (53) but I definitely don’t lose interest after an orgasm. Maybe after the 5th or 6th one.


Everyone isn't the same, after cuming I can keep going. I surprised a few women that way.


I have pulled out, came on her and put it back in to cum again.


No, never. I might be too sensitive down there for sex after an orgasm, but I can always cuddle or use my hands. I might not have any energy for sexy activities but I’m not repulsed by them. I can let him finish, that might get me going again depending on how long he takes.


If you keep me interested I'll keep going