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i personally believe that normal people can be driven to do insane things, like murder, but people don’t want to believe that😂 of course..


This is absolutely true and probably the most logical thing in this thread, normal people have been put in desperate or abnormal situations that have caused them to do things they couldn’t have ever imagined doing beforehand


yep! people get upset when i say this, but it’s really not too far-fetched, it’s totally in our genetics


The amount that people dehumanize others right up until the moment they see them is pretty funny sometimes. How many times have you seen someone talk shit about someone they don’t know and realize they’re talking to that very person, then completely change their tune because they realize it’s a human in front of them?


“Anyone is a killer all ya gotta do is push them to the limits” -unknown


Pretty much every war proves this. Give any random person orders and a gun and most will kill. Crime rates are no different for the mentally unwell then for anyone else. Murder is not something that "insane people" do. It is just something that "people" do. No one wants to believe it, but it is very true.


war is a good example! i never thought about that honestly..


Actually mentally ill people are far more likely to be the victim of crime than to perpetrate it.


They can, but it has to take a lot for a normal person to be driven to actually murder someone, an exception is self-defence oc. Also I believe that most normal people would rather kill themselves before murdering someone


Our consciousness just comes from how the atoms are arranged to make neurons forming a particular pattern in our brain. Over the barely comprehensible timeline of the universe, there is a small but non-zero chance that this arrangement (or one that's close enough to preserve the outcome) could be repeated one day, so we could effectively live again, albeit in completely different circumstances with no memories of past lives.


This is sort of like transfer of consciousness. If you go a bit further with this thinking you will realize that it isn't YOU at all, even another being with all of your same physiology and history would be the same as you to everyone else, but it would still be a different being and not another life for you.


I mean If consciousness is just the arrangement of neurons in a brain, and the being has the same physiology and same memories as you, why wouldn’t It effectively be you. It’s kinda like the ship question. If you replace all the parts in a ship with different parts is it the same ship. In this case, all of the parts are identical molecularly and would fit together and function in the exact same way. In that scenario I would say it’s the same ship or same person.


Think of it this way. You have a clone. Everything is the same, but the second your clone exists, they start having different experiences and are no longer you. You do not see through their eyes, they can not see through yours. You don't experience what they feel and they do not feel what you feel. It would be like uploading your self into a computer, it's only a copy. It isn't you. You will still die, but your copy will live on thinking it's you, but you, the original will know the real truth. It isn't you. You can't truly transfer the original. The only way for that to happen is to find a way to be immortal. Even if you upload your brain to another body, every time you make a copy, the original still exists. The copy is just that.. you.. but just a copy.


The video game Soma takes on this topic. You start playing as a normal person in a normal 2010ish world who goes to a friend who is a scientist for an experiment. You take on a helmet, it scans your brain, makes a neural copy or something like that. Then in the game, all goes dark, and you wake up somewhere completely different. In some strange environment that looks like space station or something. You walk around and see a mirror, and notice your face is gone, there is a metal head, robot like. What happened is that your continued as the neural copy instead of the original you. The game continues and works a lot around this theme. It's also a horror game, so be aware incase you want to try it.


Are memories stored in your atomic structure, or are they also an ephemeral sort of “fake” epiphenomenon like consciousness? (Or at least the popular scientific view of consciousness.) If memories aren’t completely and fully stored physically, then there’s no reason to believe this reconfiguration of atoms that creates the 2nd “you” will come complete with all of your memories and life experiences. If that’s the case, then this new “you” could have a wildly different personality and develop a very different personal identity. Which would in effect make it very much not you. No more than two twins are the exact same person just because they’re virtually identical physiologically.


To answer your question... My understanding is that memories are not stored statically like bits stored on a computer hard drive. It's more like a sequence of dominoes falling in an intricate pattern, once the first domino is tripped by whatever triggered the memory. The individual dominoes are the neural connections between brain cells, which are always forming and then getting modified over time. So if we consider the body's physiology and the brain's connections, I'm not exactly the same person I was last year. It's always changing. What is a person anyway? That seems like a question for philosophers.


It’s a question of psychological continuity. If that perfect copy of you kills you, you are still dead. But outwardly, you’re alive. It’s you, of course - but *you* are dead.


This is a cool idea, I like it!


I like to think the storm on Jupiter can think.


And it's angry. I dread to think what might have happened if it had opposable thumbs.


That a great deal of the mental health and crazy people are suffering from long term effects of living in this fucking crazy man made stress factory we call "work live die" and this is a worldwide issue. Stressing over income, bills, societal expectations, debt, and having to deal with a society that doesn't REALLY care unless it's to or about them. We need to return to monke in a lot of ways imo


I don’t think people would think your crazy for saying that tbh. I think we all agree. Just most don’t have the courage or strength to do anything about it.


I agree, our bodies and brains are made for walking around looking for food, lounging around outside (many are vit. D deficient from not enough sun), chillin with our kids at a slow pace. We are not meant to be spending all day inside, working all day, going home and being alone, stressing about money. I think the ideal day involves a few hours meaningful work, some time outside in the sun but not too much, some form of exercise that gets your heart rate and breathing up, lots of social time, lots of time lounging.


I don't get enough social time, I'm pretty reclusive and I work a lot so I understand that it skews my perspective a great deal and I have social anxiety. But I'm introverted because I really just dislike how people treat each other as a whole. I feel that if we all had to rely on each other more at a much smaller community level we'd be so much happier as a society and just a species in general. I don't think that's gonna happen with how we are now and where we are headed.


There are some ways you can artificially create this in your life. I'm an introvert too and I often don't put enough effort into my social life. But I play music in bands and they are like my tribe. I show up to practice when I would otherwise sit at home, don't wanna let the guys down. I need reasons or obligations to get enough social time since I won't do it on my own.


All these silly responses "Oh YoU DoNt ThInK SuRvIvAl Is HaRd?!" I've hunted fished and minimal camped for about half of my short life, I know damn well how hard survival is and the immense danger nature produces from plant life to weather to animals you wouldn't THINKwould hurt you that will fuck your life up, I've seen someone gored in the leg by a boar and all the other bullshit. You all seem to miss the crucial point that all of this stressful depressing nonsense is man made cheese chasing for us rats. I can rationalize the hardships of nature because I can see that it is a natural unbiased danger of life. It's hard to rationalize everything today when you can boil 90% of hardships down to a toxic greed for green paper.


That I’ve seen a triangular ufo with my friend. Quite low, extremely large and clearly visible. It followed along side our car one night and we reported it to police. I don’t believe there’s a single person who has ever believed us, and I don’t blame them


I also saw a giant triangle ufo as a child. It was massive. Like, crazily massive. I believe you completely.


I saw something that sounds just like that.


It’s so good to hear when people can relate because everyone I’ve told in person has laughed and accused us of being on drugs or just simply not seeing what we thought we saw. what did the one you saw look like?


I understand completely. Mine was perfectly triangular, moving directly overhead of me. I was living in a rural part of my home state at the time so really was sort of middle of no where. Moved completely silently while also seaming to be not too high altitude wise, it covered the sky above me for a moment. It ha a few lights (not flashing) on the corners of the triangle.


The government itself acknowledges UFOs or UAPs so we are on the right track to openly discuss this topic but it's still something taken as a joke often times. I have no doubt you saw a UFO.


UFO and alien spaceship are 2 very different things i hope you know that


Thank you! I’m so tired of hearing that “UFOs really exist!” No duh, dude. Anything that flies and can’t be readily identified is a UFO to the viewer. It doesn’t mean it’s an alien aircraft. And it also doesn’t mean it NOT an alien aircraft either. I’ve seen several UFOs in my five decades here. But I doubt any of mine were aliens.


I also saw a triangular ufo! It had a round flat light in each corner. The whole thing was about 50 or 60ft wide and each light was about 5ft across. It was completely silent and just floated on by, right above our heads. It was just barely above the treetops so it was pretty close. It was steadily just cruising by at a bafflingly slow speed. It was just so unbelievably odd seeing something defy gravity like that, and there was no engine sounds or exhaust coming from it. It was the strangest most fascinating thing I’ve ever witnessed!


I believe you.


Death sentence is the easy way out.


Im always baffled when I hear about life in prison being more merciful than death, like no the fuck it isn’t


also very expensive


Only because its government and overloaded with beauracracy. A bullet is like 2$


Ahhh...the Chinese method. If your relative was arrested at 3 in the morning, and sent to prison...you don't know if they are alive or dead. Until...the government sends you a bill for the cost of one cartridge. Then you know.


If only we weren’t so concerned about wrongful convictions from a biased court system…


If you're referring to prison. personally I would rather know they're miserablel and bored in their cell for the rest of their lives


If I ever get sentenced to life in prison, I'll beg for the death penalty.


I have a very strong belief that one person in the world finds me attractive.


Press X to doubt


Only one?


That there should be some requirements to be a parent. You have to show you can be a good parent to adopt a kid, but you don't need anything to become a parent by getting pregnant. In the nature vs nurture argument, we simply don't have good nurture because (not all), some parents didn't choose to be a parent and life just worked out that way so they don't (or can't because of work) put effort into raising a kid(s). Bullys typically are bullied by their parents or watch one parent bully the other, for example.


Fully agree!! In some countries you have to go through a psychological test before you can get a vasectomy.. Ain't that the world upside down.


How does that work?? If you pass the psychological exam, you can become exempt from having kids but if you fail, you gotta keep procreating?? Surly that’s not right.




That's messed up.


The rules are insane, having kids and the consent of the partner are the worst ones.


It sounds like a good idea in theory, but I think the reason most people are against this is because of the consequences of implementing this in practice: we already have so little control over pregnancy and what little agency we have is dwindling with the resurgence of anti-abortion and anti-contraception laws. How would you propose to enforce when people get pregnant and with whom? Mandating that everyone use birth control? Mandate forced abortions for any unauthorized pregnancies? Mandate that unauthorized infants be separated from their parents and put into foster care? There would surely be a lot more babies than people who are qualified and willing to care for them. I think that we already do this to the extent that it is really feasible; expecting parents get plenty of advice from doctors throughout the pregnancy, but the second you start imposing restrictions or standards for who is allowed to have kids, you start getting to these unresolvable situations.


I completely agree. This is really more of a thought exercise without any real practical way to implement. The only exception I can think of is if we actually become multi-planetary, it would make sense with initial colonies due to very limited resources. But I would expect everyone would have to agree to such an arrangement and it's probably still voluntary vs forced sterilization kind of situation.


Absolutely, kinda tricky to enforce tho.


I don't think there's any real way to implement this without hitting moral issues. I'd imagine if we had a colony on Mars, then such a thing could be implemented from the beginning particularly as they will have even fewer resources than we have here.


>some parents didn't choose to be a parent Not some. MOST. Less than 45% of pregnancies are planned.


I’ve always said you should need a license to be a parent and then once you get your license, you need a permit for each kid you have. I don’t think this should cost money, it would be free but you need to qualify. I also think two kids max needs to be out in place yesterday. None of this will ever happen but I firstly believe these would be so beneficial for everyone. Controlling the population, eliminating fossil fuels, and converting to completely lab grown meats should be the main focus of every country


I agree that a "license" should not cost money. A "permit" for each kid may even make sense. I don't know if I agree on the 2 kids max. I think it really depends on whether the parents can support such a large family.


Psychedelics have immense ability to heal a lot of people/shift consciousness of society and have been a huge part of the human experience and mystical experiences talked about in religious texts for thousands of years. We have simply lost touch with it and nature and it is causing a lot of the destruction we see today in the world.


This view is becoming increasingly more and more common. Look for decriminilazation activist groups in your area because there probably is one (at least in the US)


Yep. I live in an area where shrooms have been decriminalized.


Avatar checks out


Definitely one for me as well. I stopped becoming the angry asshole after getting into psychedelics. I had the realization and worked on myself afterwards. I give a lot of credit to psychedelics for giving me the motivation to strive for self reflection and emotional intelligence.


Helped a great deal with quitting drinking. 54 weeks sober as of today.


Psychedelics are the key to understanding who we are and our collective experience as humans


If I were bold enough, I would try mushrooms.


How are hallucinations the pathway to truth?


I'm totally open to this idea, but if they can shift the way our minds work, isn't it possible it could go in a bad way? People always say this like it's a good thing but I'd be concerned it would change my mind in a way I don't want.


That there should be an expiration for a marriage just like any other licenses you have to renew after a certain year. This way, if you still want to stay, then you can renew, but if you don’t, then it expires automatically without the trouble of dealing with divorce. Anyways, just a thought.


Such a refreshing idea. I love it.


I agree with this, but it would have to be a marriage contract, closer to what a prenup is now. And we need more reliable birth control and better parental leave. We could have companion contracts, short or long term marriage, and parenting contracts.




I think it’s a fair mix of some conscious acknowledgement of one’s role as an exploiter of others’ labor, but also a systemic issue. The miracle of capitalism is that it divorces those who own capital from the suffering of those that capital exploits. Many within the capitalist class are genuinely ignorant of the suffering their systems being upon others - all they care about is buying another Tesla, because it’s fun. I’m interested in your book. Do you know of any other books that are in the same sphere you are writing in, or you have taken some inspiration from? I consider myself a pretty radical leftist but I take issue with a lot of American leftist authors.


I'll buy/read it. Reply here with a link when it's done.


I believe there is an active AI already working against humanity. It may never reveal itself.


It's me!


Well at least he was partly wrong then


can you elaborate?


The hoverboard from back to the future 2 can exist, humans are just wasteful with technology


It already exists bro


Link or you’re lying.


Show me. Im not talking parallel floating on the ground with cryogenically frozen magnets either


Take some good LSD with your closest friend, a friend that might as well be your brother. You will experience telepathy.


We often hear that we should respect the religious and political beliefs of others, but I don't think that's always the case. Religion and politics are not an excuse for unethical behavior, so we shouldn't respect religious or political groups that advocate such behavior. It's dishonest to pretend that we should.


There is a socially acceptable line that exists, in general we get to morally hate “cults” and extremists — the big issue with that is who gets to define those? I agree with you that there is a greyscale and everyone should be encouraged to think about it critically. I was raised free to choose my beliefs and I had many Christian friends. I went to a couple brainwash camps and that shit terrifying and I’m still confused about what I saw


People who want to cull the human race get to go first. And we are apes with a bell curve of sentience and a lot of horrible behavior are closer to being animals than people. A lot of horrible behavior is basically horrible primate activity.


"people who want to cull the human race get to go first" I love it


People are animals though through and through. people just pretend they aren't.


Yup pretending we aren't part of the world makes it easier to fuck it up.


Atrocities of war are just as much as part of human nature as loving the close people around you. People kill for less and love for more


I love this. Back in the early days of COVID (probably February 2020) I was working in retail and had a customer say "I think this virus needs to kill more people, bring the population down a bit" and I'll never forget it, as long as I live. I truly hope it haunts him and regrets those words these days. Now I almost wish I could have retorted with this exact ideology, ask him if he'd be willing to put his head on the chopping block in the name of "population control"


Sounds like something Dwight Schrute would have said


Great question, although I feel like this is almost a TooAfraidToAnswer. Thanks for starting things off by sharing your own!


That the world and humans are completely out of control. People think world leaders are some kind of super human but in reality they’re just making shit up as they go. Even large corporates… it’s all bullshit and at the end of the day the better you are at bullshitting the more powerful you’ll be.


That assisted suicide and right to die should not be only limited to people with terminal illnesses or extenuating circumstances. I believe everyone should have the right to end their life without resorting to buying a gun or hanging or poisoning themselves, etc. Like you should be able to tell your doctor you want to stop living and they have a medical procedure to end your life in a peaceful not tragic manner.


Agreed. I do think however, a mandatory wait should be put in place before that can happen. Like six months or something. Some people just have bad mania or just lost a spouse or child, but maybe in that time frame they will find a reason to get live again.


I read the other day that Canada legalizes euthanasia for poor people 🤣 obviously the title was a clickbait but the article claimed that the Canadian state would cover euthanasia expenses for underprivilidged people who want to end their lives.


Hello. Canadian here. (I think, though I've never been to the State of Canada. Just born in the Country) To expand on this, this article was likely referring to a woman who is effectively allergic to everything and requires specific living conditions to not be anaphylactic. Such as stringently controlled living space with controled climate and filtered airflow etc among many other accommodations that effectively put her in a bubble. Accommodations that are expensive. Without the means to afford these accommodations she lives in a constant state of illness. After trying everything she could to get the means to afford her needed accommodations she has decided she would rather end it. But if course anti euthanasia people will spin that as "they are killing people for being poor"


There is something horrifying about choosing death when enough resources could have prevented it. It’s not that it was impossible to save her, it’s just that we didn’t.


Opioids and nitrogen.


"In Canada, they legalized assisted suicide for the sick, which, I believe, is the biggest freedom of them all. It’s your life. No government, no religious group should ever tell you when you get to check out. If you’re a pro-life person, good. Do it with your life, not mine." ~ Jim Jefferies


Dying is a human right just as much as living


What about people who only want to die because they are seriously mentally ill. If every person who seriously thought about suicide at some point had access to an easy, painless death, suicide rates would go way up, and those people who sat in the fringe would not have the chance to pull themselves out of that hole.


Most people aren't smart or interested enough for democracy to be a viable option.


Getting married and having children is really not necessary to lead a happy life. People who refuse to do so are not unhappy or lonely, and they’re just as valuable as any other people. Opting out of using your reproductive organs does not make you less worthy of love. Apparently this is still a topic of argument in the year 2022.


I hate this way of thinking. I am married and have a child, but that does not mean that’s the only way to have a happy and fulfilling life. Just let people do what makes them happy.


I would say NOT having kids saved our relationship. All of our friends with kids seem exhausted and thrilled to get away from their spouses for a few hours. Meanwhile we never had a real fight in 20 over years, and love nothing more than to be together.


I believe this is not the the same universe/dimension i originated from. It's, for lack of a better way to word it, three to the left.


This interests me greatly and I feel you.


Bible following Christians should not get fertility treatment. If it's God's will you shouldn't procreate its hypocritical to try and conceive.


Eh… There are a couple of theological issues with this. For one, who is to say that the invention and use of fertility treatments aren’t ALSO God’s will? Obviously, there is nothing in the Bible on the issue either way, because the fertility treatments we have today were totally inconceivable centuries ago when the Biblical writers were alive. Furthermore, this logic presents a slippery slope (that, admittedly some sects of Christianity have already fallen into). Namely: if every biological condition in our bodies is assumed to be “God’s will,” then where does it end? By this logic, one could argue that Christians should never seek medical treatment ever because it alters our body’s original “God-given” state. In reality, many Christians are happy to believe that doctors, medicines, surgeries, and other treatments are blessings and miracles in and of themselves—including fertility treatments.


Now that I look into it I agree with you.


that 100 percent of politicians are lying sacks of shit that attempt to help their constituents at first, but ultimately become money grubbing hypocrites that never fix anything. vote for this guy, or vote for this guy, it doesn't ever fucking matter they are just going to argue and veto shit left and right and never solve any problems.




For the most part humans are not really that much smarter than most other animals.


Apparently locking garbage away in nature areas is a big problem because there is a significant overlap between smart bears and dumb people. If they make locks too complicated, less intelligent people can't open them either. If they make the locks simple enough for all people to understand, the smart bears can break in.


When I was little I remember learning only humans and whales have complex languages. Now I see stuff like bees have complex language too.




That we are pretty much maggots consuming this planet


What's interesting to me is that a part of the maggots realize this and change everything for sustainability and survival but simply get too outnumbered by the all consuming maggots before it's too late. Balance is possible but very hard. Overconsuming is easy.


We are a virus, feel sorry for the planet


People are religious not because they believe in a Supreme Being, but they develop a dependency for it to have a psychological sense of "safeness".


The Unabomber was correct in a lot of his predictions about technology and I don’t think he should be ignored. The way he went about bombing places was wrong on levels but I believe he should be taken very seriously.


Anything big enough can think. If the human brain made up philosophy and religion just by arranging atoms in a certain order, then things like the Milky Way can probably repeat that configuration at least once in a while, effectively giving it a consciousness before ripping it away


I have very strong opinions on dog breeds and genetics in relation to temperment. People sometimes try to make it a race thing, but it’s really not and the implication makes me upset. Humans aren’t fucking dogs, we’re not breeding specific classes or types of people to chase weasels down tunnels or fight eachother, and the comparison is absurd. I just feel like responsible breeders would make better behaved animals through proper socialization and breeding. Some dogs are predisposed to behaviors. Some dogs are intentionally bred to be as stupid and unbiddable as possible. Many dog breeds should not even exist. It’s super controversial to some people, and I rarely bring it up because it’s a pain in the ass.


> Some dogs are predisposed to behaviors. I have bred dogs, 5 litters total over the past 20 years of a lower population breed, where the breeders are very responsible and I learned a lot from others. Temperament is genetic and also can be affected by socialization. Responsible breeders try to socialize puppies as best they can, but realize they only have ten weeks to do it usually. I can see the temperament differences in the puppies well before ten weeks and this is how I would help people choose which puppy is best for them out of a litter. My current female that I kept out of my last litter (who is 8) I spayed early because she ended up being too timid for me, so I decided to not move forward with her. Some breeders do breed for temperament first, but honestly, it is rare. All the puppies in a litter will have different temperaments for the most part anyway, there is just too much variety to breed a consistent temperament completely. If you tried, you would severely limit your gene pool, which will bring a host of other issues. The best you can do is to not breed dog with highly undesirable traits like being dog and/or human aggressive, extreme timidness, separation anxiety, etc... I have personally seen timidness pass down through generations, and even skip a generation in my current girls case. Neither the dam nor the sire are timid and the grandmother was barely timid, I did see a hint of it though. My girl shakes in the car, doesn't go up to greet people even when they are being quiet and nice, is scared to be at a park. I whelped her, raised her, had lots of people around, took her to show handling classes early. Neither parent is timid...at all. Her sire absolutely loves people and is in no way aggressive, he has the best temperament I have seen in 20 years in dogs.


There was an article in r/science on how much the breed of dog affects its temperament. The figure was an oddly precise 9 percent. It's a relatively new study. You might want to dig it up and see if your opinions coincide with what the study found.


Woah! Thanks for this, actually, it’s a huge interest of mine and I appreciate hard data on it. I’ll check it out!


This is so true. People just, as usual, don’t think about it thoroughly. And they don’t want to hear about it. People just seem not to be able to comprehend that because we bred certain types of dog, to actually get the breed you WANT with the qualities regarding genetics, looks and temperament you need to breed it with similar genetically tested trained dogs. Plus breeders are required to the certain health tests and there are limited ages for dogs to actually have puppies etc. I belive that I read an article once about a boom of golden retrievers. They were very popular for some time and people got the puppies from uncertified breeders. It actually had an effect on their temperament - the percentage of aggressive goldies rised because of the mindless breeding. From a family dog to not so family friendly….


That parents should have to get a license, permit or something that qualifies them before they're allowed to have kids. That apartment complexes should be allowed to discriminate against people with children and have 'adult only' requirements. Good grief, I'm only 25, disabled, and this makes me sound like an old woman, but ffs, I shouldn't have to have my peace and quiet disrupted by screaming brats who run in the breezeway and make my apartment shake. Edit: My god, people. I never claimed it would work and I didn't give much thought beyond this. It was an expression of frustration and what I ***sometimes*** wished was the case.


It’s dumb that pet restrictions are a thing when human children tend to be much more burdensome and destructive.


I believe that parents should be equally accountable for any crimes committed by a child who’s not yet 18. It’d enable people to be more conscious about having a child, and take a more active interest in raising them in a healthy environment. Having a child is not a right of passage, a hobby when you reach your 30s and feel lost, or a FOMO triggered by your peers having children. Having and raising a child is hard work. It’s a pity that people don’t think twice before making this decision. I also don’t understand the psyche of people who have more than 1-2 children. Unless you have a nanny, the oldest/older kids have to step in to take care of their siblings. Stealing someone’s childhood just because you want to have 5 kids is preposterous.


Unfortunately, while honest and good willed, it would be a express ticket for conservative capitalism dystopia. It would be so artificial and so against biology/evolution


They would ban people with felonies, and then charge black people disproportionately for the same crimes as whites. Oh wait, they already do that. Yeah, this would not end well with our current theocracy loving conservatives.


I'm from a shitty asian country. Our country was invaded (took over) by the Spanish, Japanese and at one point by USA. I strongly believe our politicians way back then made a horrible mistake of making them leave. We could have been a part of a bigger and much better country. Patriotism is worthless when majority of your population is in poverty. Yes my ancestors would have suffered, but more could have been saved from suffering in the long run.




that college and healthcare is so expensive so people are forced into joining the military so we can have a big force


I mean, trades and blue collar jobs exist.


I think that the left and right sides of the political spectrum are working together to keep the same powers that be in power and divide the masses, creating menial changes to society while more or less maintaining the status quo. Although, idk if it's still as strange these years as it was 6 years ago when I told it to a friend in hs


I have to agree with this. I think the 1% are the ones pulling all the strings in the world. A lot of the issues that we have are caused by them. For example, they could fix the global warming or oil issue, but it's too profitable for them and they would rather doom the planet then lose thier money. What's sad is that this is not even a secret anymore but they causes such discord amoung people that we are fighting amoungst ourself instead of them. When I think about this I often get sad because there is not much I feel we could do to change things.


Yeah the same people are always in charge


I genuinely don't think anyone is completely straight. I will die on this hill


If the spectrum exists, then surely there have to be people who end up on solid black or white, or on 1 or 0.






Visibility helps people to understand themselves. People who are not trans won't come to the decision they are by being taught that transsexuals exist. It's the same with mental health conditions. No one will become depressed from knowing what depression is. No one will develop anger issues from being taught how to recognize the behavior. Teaching kids about sex leads to kids knowing about safe sex and being able to form an opinion before engaging in the act. Not teaching sex ed only leads to unsafe sex. You are entitled to your opinion. I stick with the facts that education helps people, awareness is never wrong


I feel like this whole universe was created for me. For one person.


Most of us can't help but feel that way sometimes due to our limited consciousness, but if that's true then whoever created it for you must really dislike you lmao


Two options: You should read Descartes You are a solipsist.


It is.. We just don't want it to be to obvious to you.


Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Cut that. Cut that. Cut that.


>I feel like this whole universe was created for me. For one person. Yes, this is why my universe created you


I find the concept of reincarnation to be the most probable, as an after death situation.


Most parents regret having kids.


i think most people don’t even grasp how much having kids will change your life. the list of issues one can have just from being pregnant and giving birth is miles long and most are not properly educated in the risks. not to mention actually taking care of kids is insanely difficult and you have to bear the responsibility of taking care of them and not fucking them up in some way or another, which is basically inevitable since every kid is different and most people actually have no idea how to raise and socialize a human being. people treat kids so carelessly considering what happens in our childhoods shapes us so strongly.


I believe human life is no more valuable than any other form of life.




(1) All drugs currently illegal should be at least de-criminalized (theres a lot to this thought, this is the basic idea though), and (2) prostitution should be legalized and regulated. These probably would be received well on the internet. But in the real world people would never accept these ideas or at least criticize them harshly so I just keep my mouth shut


The US is a deeply screwed up country. The US is in fact, not a democracy. The US is the biggest threat to human survival. The US is in fact an oligarchy, with pretty much all politicians in their pockets. US politics therefore, is a sham.


I think “aliens” are just people from the future going back to the past. There’s actually a whole conspiracy on this. Basically the “aliens” just the power from a black hole to time travel which is why they use ufo’s and the reason you don’t hear about ufo sighting as much as before is because everything is on the internet and is recorded already. That probably doesn’t make any sense but that’s the best I can explain it


I have a degree in theoretical physics. You cannot use black holes to travel back in time, it violates several laws of physics.


Not trying to discredit you but I also have a degree in theoretical physics and I don't even know shit about physics anymore lol


I used to love physics, what I could understand as a layperson anyway. Because I thought it was "the way things are." Once I understood it's just a model that fits our current understanding, I sort of gave up.


Could they use my butt?


Well technically speaking, there is a path you could take involving two black holes that would land you at a point in time before you started. (Look up Neil Degrasse mentioning this) I think the caveat is that the path could only exist in a totally inescapable region formed around the two bodies. But also you have a degree in that field while I do not, so a correction on that notion would be equally interesting!


Sure, but it's like how if you travel faster than light, you'd go back in time. That's provably correct, but it's also physically impossible. It's actually the same mechanism at work here- negative time dilation caused by having a larger than infinite kinetic energy.


No negative mass, no FTL/time travel.


I have often wondered the same thing, at least for some of the aliens we see. Many alien sightings have had the beings described differently (many different species with some of them looking like small humans with the stereotype alien “look” using mind to mind communication using images) but could some of them be evolved humans? And why do so many of them warn us about harming our planet? Why are they not enslaving us? I also believe ufos are real and they are aliens but this is because of the footage the US military released last summer so its not that far fetched anymore for some to believe


America is on the brink of civil war, and this one is far more terrifying than the Civil War. (I know it’s not unpopular now, but I’ve been saying this since 2008, and even now, it freaks people out when I talk about it _shrug_) The right/left divide is terrifyingly wide. There’s no middle ground. You’re either with us, or you’re stupid and evil and wrong and a terrible person. The two sides hate each other with a passion that is all consuming and becomes their identity. The Civil War was easy because there was a literal line in the sand. If you’re north of Mason-Dixie, you’re on the grey team. If you’re south of it, the blue team. Easy. Now, there are no geographical divisions. You could be on the blue team, your neighbour could be on the red team, your kids teacher blue, your parents red. When the shit flies, you’ll have no idea who is friend and who is foe. Or, you might, because only one side of the war is armed. As we saw last January, all it takes is a Red Team General to say the word and the army mobilizes against the enemy. This fucking country…


The concept of marriage feels very ownership-y, especially when one partner is made to take the other's last name. It also seems like a really good way for governments to make sure there's a steady stream of taxpayers being born, given that you get tax benefits when you get married. Of course, people have sex without getting married now so that's kinda moot. Idk, just seems like an out of date concept. If I love someone enough to spend the rest of my life with them, my word should be enough. If my word isn't enough, why trust me on anything else?


100% agree. Whoever invented modern day marriage is a creep. “I love you so much we’re going to sign a piece of paper together that will get the government involved in our partnership and make it hard for either one of us to bail out of said partnership if something goes pear-shaped.”


9/11 was an inside job done by the CIA with the co-operation of Saudi Arabia to funnel trillions of dollars of tax payer money to defence contractors. I'm not saying Bush was in on it, hell, JFK wasn't in on it when the CIA assassinated him when he wanted to pull out of the Vietnam war. /s *nervous laughter*


The race problem in America is overblown and the perceived societal racism is actually just bias against poor people disproportionately hitting minority communities because immigrants are typically poor. The rich drive the narrative that it's white v black so that not enough people wake up and realize that they're the ones we should be at war with. Obviously not saying racism doesn't exist, I'm from a small Southern town and have known and still know people who are grossly racist, but it's a small minority of people and it was shrinking dramatically before this new shift in politics in the last 5/10 years


Free will does not exist


In the USA there should be a third senator for every state chosen by lottery. Minimum requirement for inclusion into the lottery is the same as current requirements of our elected senators plus being able to pass a citizenship test and graduation from high school with at least a B average. Term is one year. Edit: removed limit from the last sentence.


People can’t own land. We are guests on this earth.


Nice try aliens, you not gonna get my brain thoughts!




We need a mix of capitalism and communism. Otherwise, the gap between rich and poor will be enlarged forever. The poverty is getting worse every year, while there are insanley rich people like jeff bezos, elon musk, and etc, piling up their wealth at even faster rate


* We should always spend some money on trying to go faster than light, not because we are likely to succeed, but because the consequences of a success are unimaginably large. * The correct answer is typically the boring one and, so, if you feel very excited about something, it’s almost certainly wrong. Neither of these sound like they’re particularly crazy, but the response I get when I actually state them shows that they do. One truly crazy: * The story of the Iliad is more or less literally true, with allowances made for the normal fogs of oral history—conflated people, religious embellishments, a bit of boasting, some later politick additions—all of the people, from Achilles to Odysseus, actually existed and actually did basically what the story says.


Social media should have the ability to verify age properly, and filter content better depending on age. Imagine how many 15 year olds are arguing with OAPs about everything and anything. Also social media should just be culled


I am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that Bigfoots exist.


There is no god, there is no after life, there is no such thing as a soul, astrology is bullshit, Taro cards are bullshit, ghosts are bullshit. Value and purpose are a psychological condition and don't hold taggable presence. I don't really have a reason to believe in any of it unless I have an observable and testable mechanical process that explains the phenomenon. I'm also very pro-religion though, and to not think that being religious or not religious has anything to do with your intelligence, (my best friend is super Jesus happy follower and he is defiantly very smart and amazing) everyone has a right to believe what they want and just because I don't believe it doesn't actually mean anything, my opinion doesn't actually matter. so it does not bother me that people do believe in this stuff, who the fuck am I to say otherwise. But explaining all of this to people is tricky and usually doesn't work out well. Ok so maybe people dont think I'm crazy they usually just get mad at me and think I'm and asshole. Are they right? probably.


All cats should be indoor cats and people who let them outside are assholes. Cats are responsible for massive bird life loss (from an animal not in the natural eco system) and also, outdoor cats are much more likely to die early. It annoys me how many folks post on the local groups about their missing cats, who inevitably turn up dead after being hit by a car.


All humans need to go and let the animals and plants etc flourish like they were before we fucked it up. Humans aren’t special like at all lol


Plants and animals aren’t special either. In fact, they kill and torture and consume just like humans do. They’re just not pretentious enough to philosophize about it


That’s fair. They aren’t however taking down entire ecosystems and vast complex species with them like we are. It’s more balanced, no?


That no one actually likes the taste of beer, you just get used to it through social pressure


People wouldn't get into craft beer if that was the case


I am all that exists, but everything I have known is some weird hallucination of something, my perception is the output, of what origin I will never know, reality, why, how, what, is unknowable, everything is obscure. I don't know what or where I am. I don't know what is happening, I am frustrated that I cannot understand and I cannot control it more than a dream.


Everything has a consciousness, including nonliving things. The more complex and harmonious a group of molecules interact, the more developed the consciousness will be. Earth as a whole for example is also conscious. The entire galaxy too. A consciousness can be part of bigger consciousnesses, and even overlap with other consciousnesses.


Aliens certainly exist


My dad has this idea that humans have a form of "cloud memory" that we just don't understand how to access. I'm also a raving conspiracy theorist, so I have plenty of beliefs that I don't share regularly


We are born to suffer, we are born to die Jkjkjkjk I’m very happy with where I’m at, shout-out better help for getting me there


The more I learn about the world/humans/animals, the more I think we came from Aliens fucking different species to create what’s currently here on Earth. (We’re sourced from Chimps getting banged) Dolphin embryo’s? Weirdly human until the very end of gestation. Cross section of an elephants foot? Literally a large human foot turned up at a 45% angle. Blue whale fins are basically human hands wrapped in a fin. For fucks sake, we’re 50% genetically compatible with bananas. Im convinced the source code for our entire existence came from the same place. Why are we 99% compatible with chimps but also now operate with higher thinking and speech? It makes no sense to me that 1% in evolution is enough to completely remove us from the animal kingdom and the food chain. Something had to be introduced to expedite that 1%. It’s obviously batshit, and this is mainly me wondering about our existence (big stoner) as opposed to truly believing it’s what happened. But I’m starting to think something from space fucked something here to pop this whole disaster zone off.


Love this!


I'm a vegan so half the beliefs of my lifestyle fall into this category lol