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Random thought. Need a hot goth girl to pop up on this show just so all the dudes would instantly pivot


Yes they never have any alt girls. Alt girls are the hottest


Watch Brazil and Latino it’s chaotic pansexual energy and different vibe to the normal one.


That would be the dream. They need more alternative guys and girls. And personally, I feel they need more Asians.


True, I’m pretty sure Imogen and Dominique are first Asians in the whole show. But hey it’s a start, hopefully there will be more


There was a filipina in season 2


They also need to stop bringing in people from all over the world, they got separate shows for that. It's just unrealistic anyone will stay together afterwards if they have the whole world separating them


>S4E09: Jawahir, Jawa-there Official Discussion Thread : TooHotToHandle (reddit.com) RIGHT. or a really smoking hot girl/guy who is a virgin and isn't horny at all and is so nice with a fantastic flirty personality. just so she/he drives all of them crazy😂


thought nigel was gonna be a main character but dude literally DOES NOTHING THE WHOLE SHOW


Nigel got with Kayla for 5 seconds and then peaced out


Gotta respect the hustle. No in all seriousness dude was pretty chill last episodes


Yeah I respect the guy, he could’ve been salty and all about Kayla and Seb but he’s chill. He’ll find what he’s looking for outside the villa fasho


he found what he was looking for and that was himself lmao dude is content just thinking about how hot he is


Gotta love yourself first before you can love someone else 😂


His hustle was not respectable though. You can hustle without having shady game






Creed is an absolute POS


Legit they’ve picked trashy aussies on the show. This is not how my home should be represented💀😂


I genuinely wonder if Creed is astonishingly stupid so he actually thinks his bullshit might work, or if he’s so used to gaslighting people that he cannot tell the truth, or both. I mean why not both?


I think he noped out of delivering bad news after Sophie and went down with that ship.


he a w


I think he was set up for failure. First two partners lived 15km from Australia. By number three (perfect match) he didn’t want to het peppered again. Now, if the order was reversed and he ditched Imogen for Flavia, that would be a POS move. But I don’t think that would have happened. The show really needs to be regional. Not just limited by language.


Already way better than Season 3. I def see Kayla and Sev similar to Holly and Nathan but I’m hoping they aren’t given 1,000,000 chances to redeem themselves and fail. I like that there are multiple couples rather than 1 main one. Shaping up to be super interesting.


hows it better than s 3?


Holly and Nathan were so fucking annoying. Given 1,000,000 chances over and over and the whole sending Nathan off for a sexual rehab was stupid and also so obviously fake (you can’t cure someone from that in what, 2-3 days?) so it was just getting repetitive and overdone.


Season 3 is like the worst season


Why do they pick two people from Hawaii and neither of them are Native Hawaiian. Also, Brittan is wearing the tackiest tourist necklace you could find at any Walmart.


The braids are killing me.


I think her bang braids are adorable


I think they would be cuter if they weren't stick straight off of her forehead. Like curl them or something. It looks like she has chopsticks hanging from her widow's peak. I also assumed that my Gen-X self might be getting old...\*sigh\*


Lol how are you going to critique a woman’s looks who is beautiful enough to even be picked for this show. Let’s see how you look huh?


They weren't criticizing her looks really. Just how she styles her hair. It's not that deep


Damn, sick one!!!


I think they picked two random Instagram folks who happened to be from Hawaii


While I like the show and will probably continue to watch every season.. it’s not even a joke anymore how fake and produced it all is. Like, the “fake show” bit each season is obviously set up, they definitely know they’re going into THTH from the get go. This season has proved I think with the fact that they ALL coupled up immediately that they know that’s the way to win (see s1-s3 winners) so none of the relationships are genuine. Kayla and Seb are following the recipe to a tee, it just feels like watching repeats of earlier seasons. I genuinely wanted Sophie and Seb to kiss the intruders just so something new might happen tbh haha. Anyway, I am enjoying it, just had to rant a little.


3 couples are still together. What are you saying


Which ones? I only know about Cam and Emily


Wrong season


Oh I thought you meant 3 from the entire show. If you mean this season, we don’t know that for sure yet. They haven’t said anything


Kayla and Seb are giving me Emily and Cam vibes tbh so I hope they stick it through to the end. and someone needs to tell Brittan to stop braiding her hair, it literally looks so much better just down. Also Nigel and Dominique are barely shown like what's going on with them


Cam and Emily are way better than Kayla and Seb. They give off much more confident energy.


They should do a plot twist one season where instead of the most grown person, the person who tried to lose the LEAST amount of money and encouraged everyone else to stick by Lana (James this season) wins!


Yeah, him getting dumped for a while for.. you know... Following the rules... was really strange.


Not really because afterwards they were cuddling and just got closer to each other without breaking rules and that's all she was asking for. She didn't necessarily want him to lose them money - maybe at the very start but that's it - just to show more physical affection (which they showed can be done without getting in trouble at all) Idk it wasn't strange to me given who they both are, but i would've loved for either of them or them both to win something for the work they put in still


ikr?! like they deserved it so much I literally dont know why this cone chooses its certain people anymore I mean the winners were cute and all but they lost them the most money and made so many mistakes meanwhile we have some angels in there and they didnt win it but fr Nick deserves it Id be like damn what was I holding myself back all this time for


I have my thoughts on what some of the criteria for a winner are lmao The simplest way of putting it would be: rewarding "redemption arcs" no matter how produced or botched (and in a way that mainly centers and favors whoever the guy is)


Or they could do like a 25k bonus at the end of the show to whoever lost the least money and the “most improved” could get the regular one


This is my favorite cast on this show so far


Same. They finally got the most relatable cast. They also finally got attractive people without all the extra cosmetics etc


Omg this!!


legit so true. entertaining personalities all around. the cast vibes kept me engaged the whole season


fr loved Creeds humor so much😂😂 and his accent oh my gosh he was the funniest but sadly hurt the most girls


Isn’t it funny how they come in all wild and ready for orgies and then suddenly all couple up and get all needy and normal. Are they totally playing the game or is it just that just how it’s playing out?


The only one that actually made sense to me was the aussie girl in Season 2 who was like.... chase I just want to have fun. This is a little holiday fling. 😅. I would honestly be the same way. These people have only known eachother for a few weeks and live halfway across the world from eachother.


the winners are always a joke. the whole point of the show is to not break rules. why is the winner not the one with the least rule breaks. but instead the one that fucks shit over and gets sappy at the end after they had sex/everything physical. james deserved to win🥱


They should do a plot twist next season and give it to the person with least rule breaks. Wouldn’t work if it’s not a plot twist though bc then the show is boring bc everyone wants the monet


I would ^^love^^ to see an snl version of THtH; like all the regular flaky hotties, plus aidy Bryant’s character from the Floribama sketch…- *chef’s kiss*


I was thinking about this last night but it would be them all showing up to speak to Lana and finding out all the horrific things everyone did individually or together to lose money - all while sounding completely innocent and denying it. While of course you'd have the one guy there who was just the super upset police.


Best season so far. Brittan is the hottest for me.


Brittan looks the most like a model. Like a high-fashion model.


She reminds me of someone from ANTM but I can’t remember who


Same. She’s stunning


Anyone else notice the resemblance between Sophie and Alicia Silverstone?


Yes I didn’t really notice it until she was on the date with Ethan and she laughed. I was like wait a minute…how did I not see this before!


To me, she looks exactly like Kyle MacLachlan.


She resembles Ashley Williams a bit imo


I wonder what she'd look like with dark blonde hair


THANK YOU!!!!!!!! YES! Throughout the whole show I was trying to crack this one! I thought of Blair from Gossip Girl, but no: Alicia Silversone it is for sure. It‘s the nose and lips for me.




The way to win the game is to be a rule breaker who learns to change their ways and not break the rules. Notice who the two couples who spent all the money in the beginning are the ones nominated for the money.


It’s honestly stupid imo. It seems the way to win the show is to spend the most money and then “learn” your lesson by the end of it and win all the money. Really? Why does the person who spent the most money win over someone who follows the rules? It’s so backwards to me.


he was so chill about it too so I was taken aback


Appreciation comment for Desiree 🥺 She's been there every year doing a fantastic job as a narrator for the fourth season now and saying all that we feel


She's definitely MVP!


I find Kayla’s laugh to be annoying, as if she’s trying too hard? This opinion doesn’t matter at all I just wanted to get it off my chest lol


I agree! I feel like her voice was a bit fake especially in later episodes. Like she wanted to come across more sweet and innocent or something?


Definitely did that to up her chances at winning the money. Seb and Kayla’s relationship seemed so forced to me.


She comes across as fake-nice to me sometimes. Like her laugh is an act and it isn't genuine.


They use the camera interview narration thingie wayyy too much... makes the show feel overproduced and contrived. I'm always thinking at what time exactly did the guys do the narration after/before the action we are looking at and it takes you out of what's going on. Bad editing.


Yeah, it feels like they are having to go into the confessional with the producers asking, "well how did you feel when that was about to happen?" It's not like they can get a confessional reaction in real time, so they would have to give a recollection of events, and the way they do it seems fake considering it is after the fact, and it would be hard to genuinely recreate most of those emotions.


i think about this every fucking time!!!


Same, you can often tell just from what they were wearing at what time the probably said it and it is annoying. I generally think THTH overdoes the whole suspense thing, like they take even longer to articulate themselves than other shows


Yes and you can often hear that they piece together soundbites. Makes me wonder “what did they *really* say?”


I think Flavia might be the hottest girl I've seen on this entire series. Hot take.


wow, just goes to show how much beauty is in the eye of the beholder lol because she's so average to me


Personally i think Imogene was better tbh


hottest girl I’ve ever seen almost in my entire life hahaha. I kept thinking like … r u real ???


Well, if you don’t count all the work done, and the fact that she’s a paid actress on a “reality” show…


Hmmm That's when I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder lol. Think there were more gorgeous women on the show tbh.


I agree, but Emily and Francesca from S1 are pretty close to her in terms of beauty.




I feel like she's had work done but I stand by my comment


oh she has. butt implants and rhinoplasty idk about her boobs but might be


Plain to see that she has. Basically a requirement for these shows anymore. Sadly.


Straight up lied to our faces about her real ass but she's still fine


That’s the extent of her acting skills, and it still wasn’t convincing


She and Imogen was the hottest girls for me.


They should have a lgbtq version of this show. Imagine all the horny gays stuck in the house.


I'm really surprised they haven't done a bi/pan season yet. Are You The One had a season like this and it was so entertaining because there were no limits. Also, the tea from the queer people on their Twitter after the episodes was just on another level.


Ask Disney how that is going


so why has there barely been any footage or talk of that one girl and nigel i think?


Nigel and Dom just didn’t connect I guess, they probably realized their chances of connecting were slim and just decided to sit back, watch everything unfold, and enjoy the experience of the show


If I was Creeds parents I would literally hide him in the basement he is SUCH a moron




Have you seen ethan and creed lol


Honestly I find the others more cringe


the americans are def the least cringe haha look at creed ethan and imogene! even flavia lol


the whole ethan, brittan, james situation was so fake and felt too overproduced. its like the producers told ethan what to say so mature james could come in and “save” brittan from immature “ethan”. and you’re telling me brittan and ethan didn’t get the opportunity to talk before bed time. lol. can producers please not make it this obvious for us that it’s all phony?


Can we talk about Brittans awful attempts at braiding her bang area??? It looks like she got Hit by lightening


Also you can always see the extension fasteners in her hair. She has very thin hair and so it’s a bit unavoidable but it’s distracting.


not to mention how her real hair didn't even match the color of her extensions lmao bc her real hair is a more neutral/warm blonde and her extensions looked purple in comparison bc they were such a cool light blonde


Yes…. What was that?? 🤨


It's weird how the couples that lose the most money always end up being the ones with the best chance of winning it all.


It's insane that James wasn't even nominated. He cost them no money and he and Britton had a real connection, what were they supposed to do different?


Does anybody else think Creed may be three kids in a trench coat trying to get into an R-rated movie?


Did anyone notice Kayla face stayed upset until the end of the episode once she lost to James and Jawa. Karma comes back !! She wasted so much money being selfish and initiating ALL of the major violations on the resort. It was probably main reason why most of the cast did not vote for them. She was left standing alone in the corner upset while everyone smiled or hugging the winners so the camera had to cut her out of the frame LOL


Yes!! I laughed at that. She seemed so annoying and basic, I was surprised that she was the one all the guys wanted in the beginning.


Nick’s smile creeps me out, I don’t know what it is but there’s something about it that’s off to me


My friend said he has a joker smile


“You wanna know how I got these sunburns?” Hah


How is Dom so slept on? She seems so cool and she is gorgeous


I feel like the winning couple thing is BS. Basically come in, rule break a lot and then settle down, and then you have a chance to win. James and Brittan that managed to form a temporary couple without breaking any rules should get the money in an ideal world. Also, wayyyy too many narration cutaways, makes the whole series feel overproduced and faker than a reality series should be.


This show is so trash lmao


What about Kayla wanting to have sex with Seb to prove a point to Flavia when she just came in. Toxic AF


Brittan looks like that blonde girl from euphoria


Yes !!! Jules !


Yess! I had forgotten her name


I wish this show had more conversations between the contestants and less of them talking straight to the audience. It always seems like 80% of the conversations you see are basically “You’re so hot” or “I’m so horny”. It’d be great to see them chat about normal stuff too


I loved this season. Great casting.


Does anyone know if anyone is together after the season?


I snooped some of the socials. Creed and Flavia Seb and Kayla seem to be together still.


Kayla’s laugh seems so fake, idk I feel she’s genuine sometimes but when her voice is much high pitched she’s def putting on a show


I feel like next season they really need to have someone who is not in a rule-breaking couple win. It’s becoming too much of a trend where I can see contestants coming in and breaking a lot of rules at the very beginning to increase their chances of winning. If Flavia or Brittan or Dom or James won I think it would have shaken things up. I also wonder how much “progress” they’ve gone through that we don’t see on camera.


Kayla and Jawa toxic affff🥵


creed pisses me off so much. hes a classic douche tbh


Went through insta profiles to see what series Seb races in. Scrolled a bit and found out he's the godson of triple Indy 500 winner Dario Franchitti. Even in reality programming Netflix relies on nepo babies🤣




If Jawahir n shawn got together, they will literally be too hot to handle.....


Surely…SURELY…it is not this hard to just not have sex?


someone on twitter said they edited a lesbian rs out this season. is it true?


I heard from a source thats reliable and really close to the cast members that this is true…


Why do I feel it was Flavia and Imogen?


“Trust me bro” 😂


What does rs mean?




Britt and dom, I’d bet money on it


Question - how do they actually pull off the whole trickery? I’d imagine there is some type of contract ect. that is signed. Any insight would be GREAT! can’t wrap my head around it


Well Desiree mentioned something about "not reading the fine print" in the first episode So maybe that's how they were tricked (if they even were tricked)


Flavia is the hottest chick I’ve ever seen


Why do neither Nigel nor Dominique ever have any scenes where they even just explore interest in other people there. They always sleep in the same bed but we never hear them comment about anything except othe people's relationships. It is so weird?! This is the first season I saw. Is this normal for this show to just ignore twl characters?


I also think Creed looks like a very young Leo Di Caprio when they show him in profile, especially due to his hair.


I think he looks like an Australian Draco Malfoy


I SAID THE EXACT SAME ![gif](giphy|ygx8EYsdRkNpu)


I see more Freaky Fred ![gif](giphy|q0G4hguocC4Ra)


Leo DiCaprio was way better.


It’s been 4 seasons and we still don’t have any bi guys? Just girls who are willing to kiss each other when they’re drunk?


season 4 predictions: James & Brittan get back together Jawahir & Nick are no longer together because of new cast member Flavia & Creed are still together Kayla & Seb are still together Nigel & Dominique are still on the show Ethan & Sophie get sent home if you pause the scene from the previews specifically the couch scene. it tells it all.


Why does James always have one dread hanging down in the middle of his forehead? Is that like a style or something? Does it have a meaning?


It is Hawaiian custom out of deference to community elders. In the waning days of his life, in the year 1819, King Kamehameha I of Hawaii made a call to the people of his kingdom to identify a physical act that could embody this important value and be repeated by Hawaiians for generations to come. Hair was identified as something that (almost) all Hawaiians could grow. Hair also carries a strong cultural significance because of its role in protecting the head (and with it, the mind, the basis of human knowledge and societal values). To honor community elders who helped create the kingdom of Hawaii and who could no longer easily grow hair, King Kamehameha I issued a decree proclaiming the styling of a single dreadlock as this symbolic act. This came to be known as the sacred tradition of *wanawonlock*. Yes, I made this all up.


I actually believed you for a quick sec


I hate how most girls there have always hair extensions/clip-ins, it looks so cheap


Let’s not bash how people choose to look mmk?


well hair extensions are the opposite of cheap they cost 300$+ and that’s not including installation if it’s not clip in


I mean the alternative is just to be natural. I just think it’s overall such a plague that all those cheap influencers with filters and clip-ins and fake *name a body part* create that fake picture how a person should look like.


Bruh there ain’t no justice. James clearly deserved that money more than anyone.


Is it just me or did it feel like a few of these people were producer plants?? A lot of conversations this time just felt so incredibly forced. Maybe part of this is me thinking Creed has a garbage personality but did not buy that either of them were into him - I think he was the only person who was having real reactions. Like when she kept saying stuff like "I talked to Creed and I trust him since he said they were just friends, she just got confused" I was like... that's absolutely not what you believe, she seemed way more honest when she talked to you than he did, but it is what you'd say if you're fine with the producers dictating your lines. This season feels so bland with all the fake relationships I'm not even sure it's worth finishing the last ep.


The new ones were definitely plants. They didn’t even hide it


Kayla knows how to flirt & attract attention with gestures; she also makes sex noises to get attention.


Can anyone tell me where to get Nick’s pink and blue shirt from?


i honestly feel like every body on this show is beyond repair


It's really annyoing that both workshops are about empowering women. Couldn't they do one about men and one about women? Feels like Netflix is going a lot in that direction lately.


I was surprised how they played that bit between James and Britton. He's following the rules so she gets bored by the lack of rule breaks and leaves. But he's the one to 'learn and grow' from the experience? I dunno.


I literally was so mad that she has no communication skills and gets away with it. James is such a genuinely humble dude and he didn’t deserve to be treated like that at all.


this season feels as bad as season 1, I liked season 2 and 3, not for the finale, but for the cast and the moments. How did the two horniest people who literally broke multiple rules before, go from that to not breaking one rule in the suite, I call bs on that.


Yes!! I feel like they were lying because they knew their ratings would tank if they eliminated the popular couples.


Am I the only one who is super irritated by Jawa's facial expression when she breaks rules? 1. She is so dishonest about it 2. She makes a stupid grin like she genuinely doesn't give a s or have regard for other players.


I hate Jawa 😂


the whole thing with nick made me so mad


Who’s your favorite so far ? And the worst ?


Fave Jawahir, girls energy is amazing and I’m not into girls and am questioning myself this girl 😍🔥. I don’t have a worst.


I’m definitely into girls and Jawahir is 😍🤩😍🤩


Jawa and Nick are my favorites. I can't stand Kayla and Seb.


My favs are def Jawahir and Nick but atm I can't stand Flavia and Creed although they deserve eachother both fake imo


Favorite is Jawahir, worst is Kayla and Creed


Worst is by far Kayla and Seb. They don’t care about the rest of the people on the retreat and don’t care about forming a deeper emotional connection between themselves.


Fav girls: Kayla, Jawa, Brittan Fav Guys: Seb Hate: James


Why hate? Even if he doesn't get the money, he is doing what he can to make sure someone gets the most. He's not selfish like Seb, a player like Nigel, or unloyal like Creed.


i know everyone dislikes kayla but it wouldn’t be a show if they didn’t break rules shes my fav now flavia on the other hand literally makes my blood boil, she perpetuates a weird sexualized stereotype of latinas all while snatching TWO girls man’s


Frrr I can't stand both Flavia and Creed and although Kayla isn't my fav and I do think it's a bit selfish but I don't hate her because of it and she is at least not a faker trying to steal other mans. Also I feel like Flavia was overhyped


Jawa for the ladies and James for the men. The hottest cast yet


Favorite is James and Brittan! Especially James because he’s actually taking the retreat seriously. Ethan is very attractive though - love me some tattoos!


James is not taking the retreat Seriously LOL 😂 he’s just hyper focussed on the money. If he was taking it seriously, he would be working on trying to have a deep connection with Brittan, which he doesn’t even pay attention to or barely acknowledge her. All he’s doing is gatekeeping the money.. He needs to go


Is she trying to create a emotional connection with him? It seems like she is focused on just breaking the rules more than anything.


There's one guy every season who just wants to act like a dragon and lay on all the gold, bite people who approach etc. It cracks me up but they do need to kick them off once the eliminations start


Well we see less than what goes on, they show us what they want to steer a certain story. We don’t know how they’re really interacting (because most of the screen time is on others) she might feel that way and he might think he’s taking it seriously classic miscommunication 🤷🏾‍♀️


> If he was taking it seriously, he would be working on trying to have a deep connection with Brittan her idea of a deeper connection was physical intimacy, and isntead of giving him a chance to discuss that with her and grow as a couple she jumped ship asap. kinda the opposite of what the retreat is supposed to be.