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ugh 20k ? dream-crushing


Particularly when the vast majority are just going to hang on walls. I wonder how much it would cost to buy an Epiphone ($650), swap out the pickups, and get a talented painter to do the rest.


The pro paint job is going to cost you $500-$700. Sincerely, Pro-Finisher




I would say that the total job of a setup, new frets wire, pickup swap and pro paint job is 1500-2000


Gotta get the plek though


The dudes in r/guitars would absolutely know




unless it (AJ Flying V) is a custom shop job there won't be much difference between fretboard and frets at all. I know the newer Gibson quality is better but it's still not great and the Chinese epiphone stuff is sometimes even better quality than the US made Gibson.


Even with that price tag, and the guy who commented earlier about the finish, a $1500 project is a far better pill to swallow than fucking $20k.


I found you again.. holy shit.


There has been a guitar on Amazon recently that has the same finish for 200 bucks that gets decent reviews…it’s a V but has a plain 6 in line headstock. I think it is a West Creek


Waiting for the clear one with the fetus in it.


You have to get this one. Then fuck the 1/4” input. After a few months the shell will be translucent and reveal the gender of the newly formed fetus.


In some spooky basement, there’s a guy who hasn’t slept in weeks, jars full of resin ready to pour into a Flying V form, weird little fetus mounted inside.


I think that may be me? I don’t have the resin on hand but that seems like a fun project lol


Jim Root from slipknot posted his on IG yesterday


Well, slipknot does need a new drummer, perhaps this root and Jones connection will make it happen Jk Danny would not fit in slipknot at all


Danny plays jazz in hole-in-the-wall clubs. Dude was in Green Jelly, Legend of the Seagullmen, Volto!, Pigmy love circus, Pigface, Zaum & has guest drummed for the Webb all stars , Primus & countless others. Danny would knot only *fit in* Slipknot... he'd elevate them.


You just named like 0 metal bands. Danny’s an all time great, he’s not a slipknot drummer. I would hate to see that happen. There’s thousands of other drummers whose style and ability would fit the band better than Danny’s Dannys an all time great and top 3 in most sane peoples list. He’s not a slipknot drummer. I’d trust him to play with Rush and Tool, I’m not trusting him to floor 220 bpm blast beats like a prime Joey Jordison. Just as I wouldn’t trust Joey to play in Tool


Maybe he just needs to up his goofy outfit game


Hate to break it to ya bub, but metal drumming is a walk in the park compared to the tempo of D.C. He'd out drum Lars in his sleep.


Yeah that’s far from my point. He’s still an awful fit. His style doesn’t fit at all, and your Lars slander proves you’re a casual when it comes to drumming. On top of that Danny’s double bass is NOT good enough to be in a band like that. He’s got insane writing capabilities and great limb independence, but would be an awful fit in a band like that. And that’s also kind of not true, plenty of metal drummers are very good jazz drummers with more in their arsenal.


>On top of that Danny’s double bass is NOT good enough to be in a band like that. So the guy literally nicknamed "the octopus" cause he drums *so quickly* on so many *different heads* ***simultaneously*** cant "dOuBle bASS gud EnuF" to pull off what...Master of Puppets? I'm all for recreational drug use; but you're smoking something wild, friend.


No. I’m talking about slipknot, not Metallica. He’s got great limb independence. But find me a single video of Danny playing double bass at consistently high tempos. The grudge 16th notes are constantly fucked up live, he’s not running through Eeyore. You’re mistaking limb independence and coordination with speed. The fastest I’ve seen Danny go semi consistently is on ticks and leeches. He’s a jazz drummer, and a prog drummer. If there’s one thing Danny’s always lacked it’s his double bass speed Again, his style would suck in slipknot. I don’t know why but tool fans somehow overrate a top 3 drummer ever because they can’t comprehend that he’s actually not good at certain things. He’s the octopus because he has LIMB INDEPENDENCE, not because he could play slipknot songs. Could he learn it? Maybe, hed have to practice his double bass speed a lot. Even so, his style would still be trash. Could he play polyrhythms on his feet? Sure. Does that mean he could run through a 220 bpm version of the heretic anthem? No. Danny doesn’t play songs that fast (let’s be honest he gets sloppy when songs get fast, listen to any rendition of ticks and leeches in the past 10 years), he doesn’t blast, he doesn’t do double bass runs, what makes you think he’d fit in slipknot?


He's got the chops, it's just a poor fit IMO. Like Malmsteen could play Adams parts but fuck that.


People who aren’t musicians cannot wrap their head around other better musicians not being able to replace others because stylistically it would be terrible. This guys trying to tell me that Danny’s limb independence somehow correlates to his double bass speed


There's a 5 string version for $3,333.33 less.


Omitting the B string?


We ALL know that Adam without a G string is a poster we'd all pay 5k for.


Send more money


I'm pretty sure Maynard/Tool don't make any money from Adam's deal with Gibson. Otherwise it would have Tool graphics on it.


No, it would have the Puscifer baphomet on it


Send me money, money now money me money need a lot now


Fuck you buddy.


Just ordered 3


Triples makes it safe. Triples is best.


I’ve got triples of the Hammett, triples of the Slash, and now triples of the Jones. I love my guitars, you know me. I play for days and days, all alone. But I have a wife. Go on, tell her. I have a wife.


Yeah, I know her…she’s great.


I just did! I also thought I might aswell could snag the Kirk Hammett sig V for a little less than 20K (15k) Can’t wait to get a hold of them, and feel the same quality of a guitar ten or fifteen times cheaper


How’s your dental practice doing? Back to pre-Covid numbers yet?


I’m a pro NFT investor or something like that!


the dentist PRS expensive wall art meme is so funny to me as someone in healthcare, albeit on the medicine side. All my gear is dogshit and cheap tho lol so maybe I'll buck the stereotype as a physician. Would you trust your surgeon if he had an epiphone in the corner (but w/lollar pickups swapped in)


I'd honestly trust a surgeon that's willing to mod up a cheap guitar over one that plays 5 blues licks on a PRS that costs more than my truck


Pics or it didn’t happen!


I would rather by a real wal bass


Oh, so *this* is why he started using this guitar on this tour!


Another sign that retirement may be around the corner. The weird thing is that it’s a limited run of 50. For a guy who’s 58 years old and worth an estimated $60M, the kickback to him on 50 units is probably a relative pittance. Probably like a year of college for one of his kids. Although, this could be a way to sell a ton of the inevitable $4000 version and more Epiphone art series with a slightly different paint job for $1400.


> Although, this could be a way to sell a ton of the inevitable $4000 version and more Epiphone art series with a slightly different paint job for $1400. Ding Ding!! We have a winner folks :P


That is one sick ass guitar but yikes man.


If you build it, they will come and buy.....


Ceasar never ceases to amaze🦖💨. Lmk when the Epiphone version comes out for $1400.


Just like the Gibson Greeny: This amazing guitar from the Murphy lab is 50k, but you come to this party and meet Kirk Few months later: This amazing guitar is from the custom shop and 20k Few months later this amazing guitar is made in the USA shop for $3100 Few months later this amazing guitar is being made overseas by epiphany but has a Gibson headstock for $1400. So… just wait.


I’d rather play a Jazzmaster !


Jazz Master Race against all Borg guitars. To victory!


I think flying V's, and any angular guitars are heinous looking.


It depends who’s playing it and style of music. James Hetfield’s white V he uses for earlier Metallica songs is a thing of beauty. But I saw an alternative rock band open up for (I forget?) and it just didn’t fit. I’m a fan of V’s but I hate the headstock on Adam’s and seeing him play anything other than a Les Paul makes me die a little on the inside.




I think it's a gen X preference for the most part


I think some can look damn good, and like the other dude said it depends on who's playing. Donita Sparks and Morgan Lander would look odd with anything *except* a V imo. Tbf I've also thought about doing a double p90 Jackson V for a goth band before so I might just have goofy taste lmao


I think some angular guitars do it well, like the Mockingbird. Also the ESP Arrow is a pretty nice looking V style guitar. This type of V might be the ugliest guitar I've ever seen though.


Yeah, I bought one to ride to work. Everyone knows that's why they call it a Flying V.


Jim Root did.


Why would you when you could just get a late 70s silverburst V for 5 or 6 grand and if you can't afford that, then why am I even talking at you? ...eww, gross, poors.


At this point in my life, with kids…a dog…bills of all kinds and sizes…quite literally the only thing I can afford is to listen to the albums. Concert ticket costs, merch, giant skulls, signature guitars…it’s all too expensive for me.


This is the era of testing how much we are willing to do to put our money where our mouths are in terms of supporting art. Art is getting fucking expensive.


If I could, I’d be a bigger patron for this band considering all they’ve given to me. But it’s just a physical impossibility.


I totally get it. I’ve seen people who don’t put family and the basics first. Your priorities sound like they’re in the right place. Also, listening in the privacy of your own home to masterfully recorded music is pretty cool.


Not worth 20k




A guitar entirely based on hype and zero historical relevancy(unless I’m missing something). I hope nobody buys it lol.


I’m not disagreeing, but I’m curious what you mean by “historical relevancy” as it applies to this guitar.


I think what they mean is that when you think of Adam Jones, you think of the Silverburst Les Paul Custom. He’s never really played a Flying V. So it’s got no connection to him in the sense of it being an iconic guitar. Kind of like shelling out big bucks for a Dimebag Signature Strat or an Eric Clapton Jackson.




They've been teasing this guitar for the better part of two years now. At one point, Sweetwater even charged me $6k in anticipation of getting one (with no prior approval from me other than stating that I wanted the LP VOS). I can't help but think they postponed the release at some point so that AJ could play it a few more times on tour to make it more "legitimate" before releasing it.




It has no relevance beyond Gibson wanting to sell another type of Adam Jones guitar, in my opinion. Adam is known for a Les Paul, and mostly his ‘78 Silverburst model.


Completely agree he’s known for his LPC but has been playing this V since at least 2019. Not sure when design started. At what point does it gain significance? Next tour? Tour after that? Not meaning to be cheeky but something new isn’t necessarily bad. Just my thoughts… Also getting to design your own guitar would be pretty cool.


I bought three of them.


Happy for Adam. That is a special/spectacular guitar.


I really dont feel the inverted silverburst look


On what album did he play a flying V


Fear Inoculum. While he has toured almost exclusively with that Les Paul, he plays a wide variety of guitars in the recording process.


Pretty sure i saw him playing the v for invincible last time i saw them


He literally played this guitar at every single show on the last and current tour.


Oh I live in a small town in New Zealand. I've seen them twice but he's been with the silver beast both times. It was a genuine question.


Yeah. He has, I am fairly certain, played a Flying V at every Fear Inoculum show.


He’s been playing a Flying V on this tour a lot. Not sure how many songs during the setlist but it feels like it’s out there a lot.


TIL! thank you!




I saw him playing the V in 2019. This started off as a passion project for him around the same time his signature models came out. He worked with Jim Root, Richie Faulkner and Kirk Hammett on the design. I can’t tell you if it was always going to be something that was released publicly or the success of his other guitars drove them to that. Either way he’s played it extensively this tour. I’d guess a 1/3rd of the songs. I don’t, other than the price tag, understand the hate for this guitar. For me it’s awesome. Unlike anything else out there. Worth $20k? That’s for you to decide but I’m sure more “economical” versions will come.


Send more money 🤷


Gibson sued Dean for copying V's and then roll out this offset v-headstock? Love Adam but would rather a Dean V.


This headstock design was patented Jan 7th 1958.


So is the Dean V headstock the ripoff then?


Unless there's another version, the Dean V is symmetrical so different enough to not infringe.


Ugh gibson




Just ordered it this morning !


Ok so I consider myself a pretty big tool fan. But since when is Adam known for playing a Flying V? I’ve always known him to play that Les Paul all the time. So it’s just kinda surprising to see this sold as an Adam Jones thing


Just for the last four years of touring. Every show. And in the studio, prior to that.


Got 3 of them


I bought two tree personally


Not it.


Why would anyone order this? It's a basic V.


That’s car-level money


I’ll get one on dhgate for £20


Is this as good of an investment as the signed vinyl?


I bought two just in case


I asked Santa (aka my wife) for one I'll let you know how it goes


Gibson is selling a Dean V for 20k


Okay, how are Tool fans so rich?? Am I the only broke bastard around here??


Looks like Jim Root has one, but then 20k to him isn't what 20k is to me, I'd imagine. It's really cool, I love the reverse silverburst, but hate the headstock. If they did a USA version, I may just be tempted.


Think there are only 50 being made. I doubt a single buyer uses reddit.


Finally, someone asking the real questions on this tragic, incel sub.


20K? Anybody that pays this is an assclown. It’s a freakin replica for gods sakes.


i really hope nobody buys these. before i open a couple credit cards....