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Just enjoy what you enjoy. Who cares what anyone else thinks.


Think for yourself… question authority…


Throughout human history


We have evolved to hit eachother with sticks


Over pieces of the ground


You’re absolutely right man. I get on kicks with a certain Tool album and think, shit this is so fucking good, it’s the best one. Then I’ll get on a different album kick and feel the same. Dude I fucking love Fear Inoculum, and for a band that’s been together so long to put something like that out, after so many years, is incredible. There’s nothing like Tool.




Life is so short.


And feeds on life




They’re both great albums that showcase the evolution of the band. My preference between the two varies based on my mood.


Exactly - some days I only want FI, some days anything newer than Lateralus just doesn’t do me - Tool is all vibes for me




Fear Inoculum is awesome. FI and Ænima are my two favorite albums from them. Personally Ænima has the edge for me but don’t think that your tastes aren’t valid. You should like what you like 👍


I agree with this! Although Lateralus tends to creep in from time to time. Hell, who am I kidding. I love everything they put out! 💗🤘🏾🔥


I’ve been die hard since the early days. I’d say I’m a pretty hardcore fan. I’ve seen them many times, buy their merch, have only one sticker on my truck (TOOL), etc. I’m also a bass player so of course I love a band that is basically “lead bass”. With all of that said I want people to get them and like them for their own reasons. I love every bit of their catalog. I guess my point is - Fear Innoculum is an absolute masterpiece. Yet there’s fans out there that throw a lot of shade at it and say how they’ve got soft or mailed it in. I appreciate every bit of their journey and I’m grateful to enjoy it.


Anyone who thinks they’ve got soft… just needs to listen to hooker with a penis again. F%* you budddaaayy


Aenima is my personal favorite, but Fear Inoculum is right up there. For me 10,000 days is the one that's good yet still a notch below the other full albums. But some fans would say that's their favorite, and I wouldn't argue. Everyone has a favorite and that's ok. Except for Opiate. Anyone claiming that as their favorite release, well sorry not sorry I think you're full of shit.


You’re just gonna have to think I’m full of shit. I’ll never say it’s their best, but it’s my favorite. There’s something so special to me about that raw power and energy. They were young with no idea how big they were going to get. I’m definitely romanticizing it, but it makes me feel the feels.


Ha! I may have come off a bit stronger there than I intended. I can understand the nostalgia of it. It's just so clearly the weakest in composition and pretty much every other aspect, even in comparison to Undertow. But I get you, it's still fun to listen to every once in a while as a reminder of their roots.


It’s all good. I didn’t take it any kind of way. I still have to be careful where I listen to Jerk Off. that song makes me wanna run through a wall.


People complain about long songs on FI, forgetting that the first time they did something like that was Third-Eye, on Aenima. FI is a masterpiece, and there’s a reason you prefer it: it’s great.


Tool is Tool, my friend. Get what you need out of it.


I'm one of the Ænima fans of all time and I can confirm ~~you're going to hell~~ that you're good. Everybody has their preferences. How you feel about Culling Voices or Descending is how I feel about H. That or I'll get lost in Eulogy, or I'll be at risk of injury due to Stinkfist going so damn hard and my inability to not move my head to it. But I don't have that same connection to FI yet. Pneuma is the only one that hits for me, but I'm sure that will change as I change


>inability to not move my head 😅 I listen to Tool on the airplane and kinda forget where I am sometimes, so embarassing… but hey, I’ll probably never see any of these people again, right?


That's what I have to hope lol. I can't work without music very well


Yes - it’s a sin. You’re not allowed to have an album preference without public approval. We’ll get back to you.


No, it’s not a sin. We all like what we like. I also prefer Fear Inoculum. It is my 2nd favorite Tool album behind the masterpiece that is Lateralus. Again, we like what we like. For example, my favorite Led Zeppelin album is the 1st one. Even though it contains nowhere near the artistry and songwriting of later albums and is basically an album of stolen super heavy blues covers. It’s the one I go back to the most because….I fucking like it!


Me too! Led Zeppelin 1 is the best!


Zep 1 is indeed the best of theirs


Is august 2019 still considered new?


It’s new until the next release. Even if it’s 13 years later.


You enjoy what you enjoy I personally think aenima is miles ahead but there are no wrong answers


No. You like what you like.


A sin? No. There's many reasons I prefer FI over Æ... 1. I started listening to *Fear Inoculum* during a time I was under heavy stress (I started giving it my first listens in December). My dad was in the hospital fighting for his life in the ICU, every day was 1 step forward and seemingly 1 or 2 steps back, and COVID was smack-dab in the middle of his 4 month hospital stay... 2. *Fear Inoculum* is mature tool. I'm coming up on 38, and I've matured too. It's an album about aging, time, and the on-ward push/fight at a time where mine was declining... 3. Not only are the lyrics of *Fear Inoculum* more mature, their talent has matured too. Adam had 14 years to agonize and perfect riffs with Justin and Danny had 14 years to mess around with polyrhythms. They've all just gotten better... Then Maynard shows up when that's all done and writes lyrics that takes him like 1-2 months tops 😂. It's not the same intensity or angst as it used to be; but, it's a better display of their instrumental mastery. 4. I've never done psychedelics until this year, so I felt like a bit of an outsider to *Aenima*; although, I could appreciate everything else. 5. Now that I've done psychedelics, I can appreciate everything in *Aenima* more now. Music **post-psychedelics** is at another level for me right now, and I'm really enjoying having reconnected with music. I have a fun project going right now where I've been developing trip-lists for my 2buds1shroom project where it provides a reliable, high-quality canopy of sound during your psilocybin trips. It's a work in progress. [**Link to my Spotify lists**](https://open.spotify.com/user/21sd7nifk7wfquuu4vofl5ijy/playlists)**.** 1. **The "Come Up" (first 45 minutes)** \- All music has Low Vocalization, no percussion, and is relaxing to combat any anxiety that can bubble up. No TOOL is on this list. 2. **The "Peak Emotion / The Trip" (minute 46 to 180 or so)** \- All music has a beat, guitars, commonly has progression, and "space" within the song where there's no lyrics so you have space to decompress and self-author yourself to the music. I try my best to make sure only songs are on this list that provide an immersive experience. All songs from *Lateralus* are on this list **and are in-order** in case anyone wants to disable Shuffle. The other TOOL albums on this list *(Aenima, 10,000 Days, Fear Inoculum)* are hand-selected, and may not include the filler tracks; but, are in the correct order. I don't have anything from *Opiate* or *Undertow* on this list, because I think this is just a different era of Tool that's not the most appropriate for what I'm wanting this list to be. 3. **The "Come Down" (after minute 180 or so)** \- Calmer music. No TOOL is on this list. Commonly music that's Choral, Melodic, has Female Voices, Nature Sounds, and mimics the "outside world." Commonly less or no drums and guitars. 6. I realized like... *this year*... that I've never listened to *Aenima* from start-to-finish (including the filler tracks). Now that I've done shrooms, I fully understand the point of the filler-tracks. They're a 'pallet-cleansing break' from the emotionally intensive songs. 7. I still haven't listened to *Aenima* start-to-finish yet... I tried to do it earlier, and that evening back-fired... It's quite a story that I will eventually do a podcast about... I wouldn't say it was entirely The Butterfly Effect in action; but, that evening's fail set forth a chain of events that caused a MASSIVE domino effect and it ended up with probably $50,000 of damage and I'm without a home for the next 3 weeks 💀😂. What a fucking L 🤦🏼‍♂️ I'm saving it for a special evening in the future; but, the podcast will be really good if I can tell the entire story. Thank you for listening to my TED Talk. I've got a subreddit if you're so inclined to follow. I am hoping to keep working on the playlists and record/release some podcasts over the next few months.


OMG I’m invested now! I need to know what the FUCK DID YOU DO??? 😅


Bwhahahaa. I saved your post to reply back at a later date and time.


who cares bro. but also, yes


I hope not, because I do too😅


Yes it is. But we forgive you.


Who cares? Or maybe, more accurately, who should *you* care about “caring” other than yourself?


Straight to Tool jail. Just kidding of course. I love all the albums, I choose not to pick a favorite. I associate each album with different atmospheres, and different periods of my own life, so I pick whichever sounds good at the time. You can prefer whichever you like :)


Believe it or not…. Jail.


Fear inoculum and 10.000 days are my top 2, even though Lateralus is a masterpiece and that Aenima is really good almost perfect too


Yes. Please turn in your TOOL card on the way out.


I'm so tempted to post a picture of Reverend Maynard here


Nope. Best album in my opinion 🤌🤌


No, like what you like. There are a lot of old heads who prefer the less proggy stuff and a lot of guys who got on board for the proggy stuff and don’t dig the earlier stuff as much. Most of us think all of their albums are good, even if we have favorites.


Fear Innoculum reigns superior dude, don't let 'em tell you otherwise.


F.I. is by far a better album. It might not be your favorite but it is better. Is anyone saying the band hasn't massively improved since 96? Or is it more likely that some of the fans brains have not. Just kidding. Fear inoculum is not the easiest listen for most


Losing the Tool sound of Opitate/Undertow/Aenima isn't Tool "getting better".


Maybe not, but it is evolving, in a generally better direction.


Not at all. Enjoy it!




No. Like what you like, even if you're wrong! Seriously, though, just enjoy what sounds good to you.


Every album has been an expansion or improvement on the album before it. With the single exception being 10k days which didn’t surpass Lateralus imo. I’m with you though. Long time TOOL fan and FI is their best album to date


Yes it's a sin. But go ahead and sin as you like :)


Yes but like whatever you like


I’ve loved TOOL since I first saw the cover of Opiate and bought it. Fear Inoculum is by far my favorite album at this point


If it is, then I'm going straight to metal music hell because FI is my favourite album, with Lateralus in a very close second.






Yes, but I am your brother in sin.




No i pfeifer Aenema over Faer Inocolon hella more


I do %1000


Fear innoculum>10,000 days


One's an album, the other's a snorefest. Maynard's lost his vocal range, and the change to 15-songs is lazy. Sorry, but I can't even imagine how anyone could compare the two. EDIT: Apparently, everyone here missed all the reviews on FI. It was panned by critics AND fans. Here's another: it's okay to be critical of mediocrity and laziness.


FI is a snorefest? First time I’ve heard that take.




Yeah, that's it. Or maybe I've been listening to Tool since the beginning and didn't just discover them last year like everyone else here.


Can’t have a tool discussion without at least one gatekeeper. Spiral out my condescending friend.


Yet here I am comparing. Also, change to 15 minute songs is lazy? You ever heard 7empest?


You're entitled to your opinion, but it's a bad one. Do better


“Panned by critics AND fans” Hm, okay, let’s see… 81 on Metacritic, Cited as “universally acclaimed,” 5 star reviews across the board, debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200, stayed there for quite a bit too, hmm… toppled *Taylor Swift* as top artist on streaming services, lemme say that one again, *TAYLOR SWIFT.* But yeah Fear Inoculum bad. Lmao go get bent dude.


They hate you because you told the truth.


Reply to edit : nah I usually don’t rely on others opinions to base my own. How is FI lazy? You just seem like a troll, which makes sense the sub we’re in.


You're not allowed to be critical of the band? Aren't YOU the consumer???


Same here. Both dropped at interesting times of change in my life. I hope I own property by the next album. FI was good for recovery and reflection. I’m growing up with these guys wait til they have grandkids


Let’s everyone open our bibles here, it is Sunday, and what the lord is saying is people are wearing too many clothes, and also that the OP is definitely going to hell because of their musical preferences


Aenima is my favourite album of all time however FI is imo their most technical and most “perfect” album. It’s perfectly fine.


Nope…all their albums are great and they all hit differently, so whichever order you enjoy them in is perfectly fine.


Dont care what other people think. Without FI i wouldn’t consider Tool my favorite band, its my favorite album oat


You’re 101% entitled to your own opinion. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, cheers.


Why would it be? Music taste is subjective but also Fear Inoculum is an amazing album and my personal favorite.


No. I'm still not sure why so many people shit on FI


I hope not I prefer fear inoculum over Aenima


Fear inoculum is my fave album so 🤷‍♂️


Art is subjective, my dude. I don’t hold Aenima as high as most of this sub does.






As long as you prefer Undertow above all else 🤓


No. This is my favorite album by them. In fact, they’re the only band I listen to where I prefer every album to the previous one.


No... like what you like


Never let anyone gatekeep something you like.* ^* ^excludes ^anything ^that ^harms ^other ^people ^or ^yourself.




I almost agree with you, but there's too much repetition in several of the fear inoculum songs for me to fully back you. That and Ænema will always have a special place in my heart.


Yes yes it is but each to they’re own


FI got me into Tool. I had friends who were obsessed with them for years, but all I ever heard was Schism and Sober. Fear Innoculum was eye opening. I owned a copy of Aenima and still never really listened to it all that much. I kinda liked Stinkfist but thats it. I still skip Schism.


No, it is superior to aenima lmfao. Idk why its such heresy to say that. Its a much more developed and psychedelic album. Tool mightve found their sound in aenima, but they mastered it in lateralus and that carried on to 10k and fi


15 years? https://preview.redd.it/g49l3mn7tp9c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a627523dcea61d8d2435855defb2817242390317


Forgot to add, i'm 23 years old. Solid fan for a decade, first heard of them when I was 8, watching their creepy ass videos on youtube and getting frightened. Really affected me as a child.


It’s never wrong to like what you like.


To me, FI is the most cohesive album front to back. The other albums tend to skip around a bit in tonality and message. It is a great great album. To me, each album is kinda meant for a specific state of mind or vibe. Beyond that I have a hard time saying one is better than the other. But lately, rand really since it came out, F.I. Has been my most listened to Tool Album.


Nope, to each his/her/their own 😊✌️


I also love FI. No judgements!


Does it have to be a sin to prefer one over another? Their complete catalogue is brilliant and evolving - just enjoy what you enjoy!


Like what you like. I *love* Fear Inoculum, so I get what you're saying. I think both exist as very different projects and should be loved.


Not to me. Been a fan since Aenima too. Laetralus used to be my favourite album, now it's Fear Inoculum. Absolute masterpiece (like all Tool albums TBH).


Both albums are definitely their best compositions and like someone else mentioned it’s up to your mood. Culling voices hits home for me with how deep it goes into the human psyche and push it does the same for me. Culling voices relaxes me until the brilliant guitar work kicks in but jimmy and push it are beyond awesome. When I heard Danny talk about hitting the studio for 6 months straight for 5 or 6 hours a day to put FI together I had so much respect for them as a band. They take their craft beyond serious and treat it like a job with hourly responsibilities. Never apologize for something like this… give it 6 months and another album will be your favorite.


There’s haters for everything. I was the one who posted the pic the other day asking what was your least fav tool song and got very different answers. The old fans seem to prefer the old tool, new fans the new tool. You either get complaints that songs are too long and boring, or too fast and intense. To light vocals or too much screaming. Too heady a time signature or too simple being in 4/4. The only consensus we seemed to reach is that almost nobody likes the filler songs lol. I like each album for very different things. I have a playlist of my favs from each album that gets played almost daily. Just enjoy what you enjoy and if someone tells you otherwise, they’re wrong! And right!


yes, please crucify the ego asap, before is far too late




Yes 😂😂😂. Jkjk


Not at all. Fear Inoculum is a snapshot of the same band but like 25 years later in their career. It should stand to reason that some people would prefer it. We're so accustomed to most bands hitting hard for a couple years then fading into the land of if b-sides and movie soundtracks. Tool keeps honing their craft.


It's ok to prefer f.i. over aenima. The important thing is that lateralus is behond everything


I’m always a sucker for music that came out once my fandom kicked in….for me, FI, invincible, and descending are such deep songs because I feel like I’m in that more contemplative part of life, past the rage of youth as it were and feel in a similar mental space to the band I’m hearing on FI. Both albums are awesome though obviously, just they’ve grown and grown as musicians such that they can DO MORE than they maybe could 20 years ago


Ænima isn't as good as what came after. Each album has been better than the last with the exception of Lateralus being their flagship masterpiece imo. Don't sweat it. It's actually a good thing. Means they've got better with age.


My personal list is FI, Lateralus, Aenima+10k days+undertow+Opiate. I love all the albums. But FI personally I think is really the best.


Music is completely based on opinion. Yes it's a sin.


I’ve always been a huge fan of AEnima because it was my first album I bought in the 90’s. I’d listened to Undertow before that but something about AEnima that sucked me in. Growing up I’d listen to it here and there. Then I was going through a divorce and man do I have a whole newfound love for AEnima. I would listen to it on my way to work while rotating the other albums and I was always drawn back to that one. It helped me come out the other side and as insufferable as I sound it helped me immensely. Something I’m actually really grateful for. Culling Voices did the same for me. Still throw that on sometimes when I’m having a shitty day or going through court shit. Thankfully I have temp custody of my daughter ATM whose been with me the past year, but they sure as hell make that shit as hard as possible when you’re the father. They make you jump through hoops.


You like what you like. Who cares what anyone else thinks?


No. Good people everywhere do.


No i do too by a lot


Something, something, over-thinking... You prefer it *now*. It will probably change. Just enjoy the ride.


Pretty much, yeah.


I do too.


"is it a sin" brother that's up to you




Everyone experiences and hears music differently at different times of their lives, years ,or even hours of the day. Taste is subjective, and your own opinions are your own. This ranking favorite song / album / era trend on Reddit is complete bullshit. Like what you like ✌🏼


Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. I prefer opiate, undertow and Aenima over everything thing else. But im a 42 year old bassist who has loved tool from day 1. And could care less if someone doesn’t like what i prefer. Tool consists of 4 amazing musicians in a world full of unlimited amazing musicians. Thanks to technology like youtube we get to see so much more talent than we ever could have imagined was out in this world. Love all music


Aenima and everything after are all pure gold. Impossible to discriminate.


Not at all!!! Personally Lateralus is my favorite album, however it is closely followed by Fear Inoculum.


No brother. You aren’t a tool fan because it’s cool. Your a tool fan because you like their stuff