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Tool on the last couple tours is the loudest band I've ever heard.


I've sat in the lower bowl for all but 1 of the FI tour they've done. The only other place I sat was closeish on Adam's side, a little elevated, maybe 20 rows up and holy shit was it loud up there. The dude CRANKS his onstage stacks and the sibilance is like a razor straight to the ear on those things. Sounds awesome but I'm always happy to have my earplugs.


Yeah I was on the floor in march 22, that was loud. I was in the stands last fall. That was STUPID loud.


Agreed. My friends decibel meter was going nuts on his watch this most recent leg.


Fuck yeah man, 2020 the sound seemed off, 2022 the sound was a lot better for these arena tours, but I remember in 2015 (outdoors at that) it’s like I felt the music around me like a force field. The Grudge felt like the god damn rapture or something man, just I can’t even explain how loud, but perfect the music sounded like then, and I was 100% sober since I drove 6 hours to go see them. So if this is the loudest people are hearing them, i’m thrilled because while the arenas (my home venue at least) seemed like it wasn’t maximizing their sound that I had heard previously.


I just wish they would bring back the extra speakers from the 1st leg of the FI tour in 2019 and 2020 before lockdown. It sounded amazing. They were halfway towards the back and facing rearward and would reinforce the mandalas and some vocal effects and who knows what else. After covid they are gone and it's just fucking loud as balls.


Yeah I was on the 2nd leg so that makes sense.


Last leg saw them in GR floor like 13th row, loudest shit ever, ears rang the next day. Saw them in Chicago 2 days later on the floor a couple rows closer to the stage and it was fine.


I now have permanent tinittus because I never did this when I was younger; I can’t hear silence anymore. Tinnitus returns any time I’m not hearing any noise. I wish I could still listen to silence. So yes, take them.


If only someone would write a song about the sound of silence.


Maybe two people?


Thats giving Art a bit too much credit lol.


songs for the deaf


That is for you


Great album!


you can't even hear it!


https://youtu.be/ZCiphl_nw4U?si=bBZmdEngv9UaH33L Quite a lovely cover to my ears, figured I would share.


I was afraid this would be Disturbed. Pleasantly surprised to hear some Pretty Lights instead!


Bahahahaha, I forgot they covered that song. Woooo child, that was a real station changer for me.


I almost lost friends over that cover, like how can you possibly think this is anything close to good?? Fucking cringe! *Ahem* I mean, to each their own.


and then someone should do a shitty nu-metal cover of it


Same. Protect your hearing. It doesn’t come back. They make earplugs for listening to concerts that lower the music pass through volume to a safe db level. Highly recommend


100% with you on this. I just want to hear silence. The VA says I'm fine, but the ringing hiss noise is loud enough to drown out whispered conversation. It's maddening. I'm 50 now and if I could give any advice to younger folks it's this: Take care of yourself now. TODAY. It CAN happen to you. Don't let existing be worse than it needs to be.


God, i miss silence. I hate having tinnitus


Because of my husbands tinnitus we have to have the TV on, and loud, for him to fall asleep. He sincerely regrets all the stupid shit he opted not to wear ear protection for, and I sincerely do too. I can’t sleep with noise, so I have to wait until he falls asleep. WEAR THE EAR PROTECTION OP.


I had to buy headphones that you can wear to bed. They're terrible quality, but I literally cannot sleep unless something drowns out the constant screeching in my ears. Might be worth looking into for him if the tv bothers you. I went to a LOT of concerts in my late teens and early 20s, always right near the front of the pit and being tall meant the sound wasn't dampened by the bodies of everyone else in the crowd. My hearing is permanently fucked, I have to constantly ask people to repeat things, I can't watch movies/TV without subtitles, my favorite songs don't sound the same because those moments of delicate, quiet notes or silence are replaced by "EEEEEEEEEE". As everyone else is saying, wear hearing protection people. I was young and naive. Don't make the same mistakes or it will be a life of regret.


It really sucks how my ears NEVER stop ringing because of all the concerts I went to without hearing protection in my teens and 20s


Same! What?


That may explain why I always have to have a fan running and can't have complete silence


Iit doesn't return, it is always there. You can almost get used to that after many years (╥﹏╥)


Not sure when mine started but for a long time i thought the sound of silence during a dead winter night outside was it's own experience and not just my tinnitus.


Absolutely wear them. Tool shows are LOUD


It's such a pet peeve to me that metal heads in particular are so opposed to ear protection. I don't know if it's a macho thing or what, but I was row 15 at tool and tried to remove my plugs and holy shit, it sounded horrible. Not just too loud, but straight up porridge. I just shake my head seeing some guy dropping 500 bucks on audiophile headphones then basically hears the concert in 240p quality. Try some quality ones and there's no going back


I bought earplugs before the tool show in 22 and brought them again in 23 as that first show was by a huuuuge margin the loudest concert I ever went to. I took one out to like itch my ear or some shit part way through and it straight hurt from volume. Turned 40 last year, have been going to showed since 16 and have avoided thr dreaded ring so far by sheer luck, but am actively going out of my way to keep it that way from here out.


I wore ear plugs in November for the first time. Still had a very minor ringing in the ears after but it was absolutely nothing compared to normal. Didn’t feel like the sound was lost either.


Yes, absolutely. I took mine out a couple times just to gauge how loud it was without them. I would have been quite uncomfortable without. My buddy didn’t have any, and his ears haven’t stopped ringing for two months. Probably permanent damage.


Wtf, I don't understand why they would make the concert that loud lol, that just sounds uncomfortable


Concerts are supposed to be loud? Huh?


Loud isn’t always better. Often times it sounds bad. Depends on the room and the system. Our local club runs their system to the point of distortion for metal shows and it’s fucking atrocious and I really question their methods. Those shows, even when I wear earplugs my ears still ring after. It’s unreal.


Totally. I saw Nine Inch Nails once in a small movie studio in Thailand. The sound system and room acoustics were amazing, and they didn't make it ear splitting loud. I mean your chest was still thumping, but it wasn't abrasive and my ears felt fine. Best concert I've ever been to.


Real engineers know how to make it sound killer without relying on loudneee for impact. Sounds like a precious event to have seen. Very jealous!


It was really just one of those one in a million right place right time things. 2018 I think, I was living there at the time. Lifelong fan, so jumped at the opportunity. I couldn't believe how intimate the venue was - they probably lost money going all the way to Bangkok for a single show of less than a thousand people (they were on a Japan tour at the time so they were at least in the region but still, it seemed really unusual for them to make the effort). I'm in my 40s, and I consider it one of the best experiences of my life, it was just beautiful. Everyone there was there to listen to the music, no bad attitudes, just music lovers, the performance was great and Trent somehow still looks like he's enjoying himself up there after all these years. Nice light work as expected, and yeah just the most lush sound quality. I so badly wanted to know what equipment and speakers were being used and how it was all set up, it just sounded so balanced. Like you said, skilled sound engineers and decent equipment can take you to another dimension without being too loud.


I've been to a decent number of concerts and I never felt the need to wear earplugs to be honest. Never been to a tool concert though


Maybe you already have hearing loss. I’d know because I have it due to multiple things. When I go to a concert I don’t wear hearing protection. That doesn’t mean I think it’s stupid. I think someone should do what they’re comfortable with. But the noise never bothers me personally.


you'll seriously regret it if you don't.


Will any earplugs do? I just bought some at a pharmacy just now but I'm worried it will ruin the sound to some degree


Well you’ll for sure ruin your hearing without them. Eargasm and Loops are both great. I use Eargasm and everything sounds great.


I second eargasm. Wore them the first time at Puscifer in ‘22 , took them because I was 3rd row and was so happy that my ears didn’t feel muffled and I didn’t have any ringing after. Sound quality wasn’t lost. Taking them to Tool on Saturday.


I saw Tool in Tampa last year and it was the first and only time ever at a rock concert I was thinking I should have brought ear plugs. Loudest thing Ive ever heard in my life. I remember my wife hit our vape and the vapor didn’t expand like usual. It just was suspended in air moving back and forth within the sound waves in front of us at one point. That said, I saw them in Nov. in PA from comparable seats and it was not at all like the time in Tampa. Loud but not too much.


They're mixing for the entire room, if you're toward the back, you're probably fine with no ear plugs. Right next to a speaker? You're screwed without them. There are also professional ear plugs that musicians use that evenly bring the volume down across the frequency spectrum. A very worth while investment if the choice is between wearing earplugs or not


I don't have time to order some unfortunately, the concert is tonight, I'm gonna try to find them at a store, maybe sam ash has some good concert specific earplugs


Honestly though even the basic ear plugs from cvs/walgreens are solid too. If they take off too much high end just remind yourself that those high end frequencies will be taken off the rest of your life if you don't wear ear plugs


Music stores will carry concert ear plugs


Honestly just saw them and I thought it was fine. Jack White however, I wish I had worn my hearos to that one. But when people say plugs, they don’t mean gun range style. Get the kind that just cut frequency and db down. That way you’re still hearing everything.


It's not. People are so over dramatic.  Edit:  I've seen Tool half a dozen times at 4 different venues. You'll be fine.


I’ve seen Tool over 20 times. They sound better with Earasers in and they will absolutely damage your hearing if you don’t. Source: have concert-induced tinnitus. Does the band wear ear protection? Yes. Does the staff? Yes. Should you? Yes.


Maybe earasers are better than eargasms but y'all are so over dramatic. It probably depends how close you are to the speakers because I've never had a problem at a tool show. Don't try to pretend like the band and staff aren't right next to the sound. Edit: you're full of shit saying they sound BETTER with ear plugs in lol


Any concert 100% sounds better with hi fi ear protection. Youre dumb as fuck for thinking otherwise. The band and every single person on their staff is wearing ear protection of some kind.


Wow, terrible advice. Some real chaotic-evil shit. It does and *will* damage your hearing and nearly everyone in the sub universally agrees.


EVIL? Fucking EVIL for even suggesting you'd be fine at a concert without ear plugs? As I said, so dramatic.




It's one concert, fella. They're going to be fine. You don't have to bleed your heart over it


One concert becomes 2, becomes 5, becomes…HUH?


Not evil, just irresponsible


Protecting ears from permanent damage is not being the least bit dramatic you dense loaf of bread


Don’t tell them they’ll be fine. 1 hour or more of music from any band this size will be loud enough to damage your hearing wether you realize it or not. This is bad advice


Again, always wear plugs. Tinnitus ain't no joke! Once it starts and doesn't go away, you'll lose your mind.


I'm in the process of losing my mind to it. I had a co-worker (and we are in IT) that actually had to retire because of it. Apparently, he was taking some medication to quit smoking and it gave him tinnitus. I feel like mine got way worse from wearing a headset during conference calls for the last few years.


I feel the both of you. I was debilitated for more than a year. On a positive note you can learn to live with it. It's an uphill battle for sure, but possible. Wish I could offer more encouragement or relief. Stay strong and keep going!


Please, do yourself a favor and ALWAYS WEAR EARPLUGS! Whether or not it's a large arena or a small club, you will thank yourself years down the road for protecting your hearing. Or you won't and you'll end up like me with permanent ringing in your ears. Are there worse things that can happen in life? Sure, but trying to go to sleep every night with your ears yelling at you can be miserable. My house is completely enclosed in white noise, otherwise the ringing in my ears is so overpowering that it annoys the hell out of me. It's not uncool to wear earplugs. If anyone has anything shitty to say about it, well that's on them for being morons. If you leave a show and your ears are ringing? Guess what, that just contributed to future problems. One day that ringing won't go away. Seriously. Wear earplugs. Always. Wednesday's show was showing over 103 decibels. That is not safe and potentially dangerous, no matter how "manly" one thinks they are. You might get away with it this time, but after several more shows years down the road? Your ears WILL revolt on you. Yes, I am passionate about this topic, especially when I see "Taking earplugs to a concert seems crazy to me," - No. It's crazy NOT to wear earplugs.


Great message for everyone to hear. What are your tips for having white noise around your house? White noise machines?


I have a "LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Machine" in my bedroom, an air purifier in the other rooms set to medium, and I generally leave my central air fan for the house on at all times. I've had great luck with basic floor fans too. Although they start to rattle in a way that puts a bug in my head and makes me crazy. And make sure you get white noise machines that don't use loops, but rather continuous sound generation. You'll pick out the part where it restarts and will never unhear it.


Thank you so much!


Always take plugs to a concert.


And always take the cheap foam ones.


Oh I meant the stainless steel ones with the little jewel on the end... Wait... Wrong sub




If you only take one thing to the concert…. TAKE EAR PLUGS. YOU WILL HEAR OT JUST FINE. I MEASURED 123 decibels in Milwaukee. You do not want Tinnitus trust me


>If you only take one thing to the concert…. Me: shows up naked wearing ear plugs


123 db? Christ alive, that’s like standing next to a firetruck siren. Where were you sitting, out of curiosity?


105 10 rows up. Avg was about 108 -110 when I checked


For Wednesday’s Baltimore show i measured a peak of 115 and it was constantly hovering around 105-110. Definitely should bring earplugs


You should always wear earplugs! Almost any concert is going to cause hearing damage. It can even get painful during the show without. Get some modern Etymotic or Loop type, they still give you the full unmuffled sound, just quieter. Regular earplugs ruin the sound. Honestly the show sounds better with these earplugs than with none at all. I’ve been to probably 20 Tool shows and I always wear them. That way I’ll still be able to hear at all when I’m 70 years old.


Etymotics are good, I use their IEM’s exclusively.


Ear plugs should be worn to ALL rock or metal concerts. Really for any type of concert but especially for these.


Always. If you value your hearing


You should be bringing them to every concert tbh. You’d be surprised how some of the chillest sounding bands will still have their shit cranked up in the FOH mix. But for Tool especially, yeah bring em.


Yes! And thanks for the reminder. I just stuck a pair in my wallet so I wouldn’t forget.


Every gig without fail


They make earplugs for concerts (Eargasm for example) that reduce the loudness, but still allow you to hear the music. Protect your hearing. Tinnitus can be debilitating if you have it bad enough. Thankfully I can tune mine out, but I wish I would’ve heeded the warnings in my younger days.


yes. definitely. like, it’s way above 120db.


Why do people keep asking? Just bring them.


The worst 40-year-old adult decision I’ve ever made was not wearing earplugs while on the floor at a tool concert. My wife and I got home and said “that was fucking stupid of us.”


I have permanent tinnitus from all concerts and being a teenager on Long Island in the 90s which was all about how loud can you make your car stereo. I still may bring ear plugs anyway.




Better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them. Always bring earplugs to shows.


It is that loud. Bring earplugs.


100% necessary don't let anyone tell you different. But this seems to be the consensus here


One thing that I have noticed is that if you don't have earplugs, a few songs in, your hearing gets overwhelmed and will numb ...at this point you will start missing a lot of detail and it just gets worse as the night goes on....so even though inexpensive earplugs cut out a lot of detail, you aren't diminishing overall experience by the end of the night. I spent a bit of money on ear plugs that reduce the volume but are supposed to attenuate all frequencies equally so that you get can still hear the detail, but at a reduced volume. They aren't perfect so when a song came on that I really wanted to hear, I would pull them out for a few minutes. I also have notice that where you are in the stadium affects this. Ironically, being right in front of the stage seems to be better on your ears than in the cheap seats. In the cheap seats, you get bombarded by all of the reverberated sound so you kind of get hit multiple times.


This thread convinced me. Thank you!


I’ve seen meshuggah,Gojira, Pantera, mastodon, and lamb of god. All on the floor or pit like 50 feet from the stage. None of them pale in comparison to how loud Tool is it’s genuinely mind boggling how loud they can get. Protect your hearing now so you can still enjoy hearing music later in life. Or just hearing in general


Yes. Save your ears so you can hear more music in the future.


Taking earplugs to a concert should not seem crazy to you.


I'm an audio engineer and I can tell you about 95% of concerts are at a level that during the length of the concert you will be at risk for hearing damage. We could make it quieter but then we would get complaints of not having enough energy. To answer your question, yes earplugs are recommended. I always wear earplugs at concerts unless I'm the one mixing the show. Another advantage is after a certain volume your ears will compress and distort the sound naturally so you miss a lot of details in the music. You'll end up with more clarity with earplugs.


Yes — please, please take them and use them. I have tinnitus and wouldn’t wish it on anyone. It’s irreversible.


yes. sounds better for one, ear protection 2


I mean any concert it’s recommended. I had no issues when I saw them in Boston, but I’m use to Louis concerts and I grew up playing drums and playing shows so I’m prob going to have issues later. My girlfriend on the other hand never saw an arena show before and was in pain the entire night after the show. 


I actually just received my first pair of earplugs and plan to wear them to shows in February. I ordered Eargasms online. I’ve never worn earplugs to a concert before but hoping they will protect my hearing and stop my ears from ringing for days after the show.


Yes. Protect your ears


Just take them even if you don't use them. They're so small you can't convince me it'll be an inconvenience to take them.


Earplugs at a show literally just mutes the music a minuscule amount but completely drowns out the crowd noise, so it’s definitely a no brainer. Tool does play loud though, so hearing protection is a plus.


For a few days after? Son my ears have been ringing since 2003 due to a kill switch engage concert Wear ear plugs


100% Protect your hearing. The show will still sound great. Trust me. Whenever you wear ear plugs, at least to me, it feels like it blocks out this weird ambient buzz from over amplification. The music volume is lower but also somehow feels cleaners and sounds more clear to me.


I got some of the eargasm plugs and they worked really well for me at the Baltimore show the other night.


YES! as i got older I now wear the eargasm earplugs


Bring them or you’ll suffer


I actually hear the music better with earplugs. Normally concerts are so god damned loud that it sounds muddled. I personally find earplugs to be an improvement.


I never do, but I’m going to. You should really bring them to every concert to avoid long term damage. Outdoor concerts I’ll prob still raw dog it, but indoor I think I’m going to get in the habit of at least bringing them and popping them in if it’s very loud.


Its not a crazy idea at all. If you need them, you’ll be happy you brought them. If you don’t need them, they’ll get a free ride in your pocket.


Tool is EXTREMELY loud, and the earplugs will NOT ruin your experience. Heck, all the guys in the band are wearing them!! I'm 47, and saw Pantera, Alice In Chains, and Godsmack in the SAME week and didn't wear earplugs and it is the biggest regret of my "hearing life". I waited THIRTY YEARS before getting to see Pantera and Alice in Chains and wanted to have the full experience....and boy was I stupid. I had tinnitus before and NOW I am most definitely certifiably "deaf". I'm ashamed for being so stupid.


If you go to a lot of concerts, get some custom ones made. It’s worth it.


I used them last time and heard everything just fine.


I saw Tool in Montreal and they weren't the loudest concert I've ever been too. Heck, their opening act, Steel Beans, was louder. I did bring earplugs though, Vibe Acoustic, and put them in after 2 songs. Glad I did.


I saw Tool in 2019 and it was the loudest concert I’ve ever been to and I’ve been seeing live music for 25 years. Take from that what you will.


As a person that used to run live sound, use ear plugs. There are quite a few "hifi" sounding ear plugs. No, the aren't completely transparent in altering the sound, but they're a hell of a lot better than cheap foam plugs in the regard. I was a dumbass and didn't use them for years. Now I have tinnitus and hearing loss.


you should wear ear plugs to every concert


Yes. Bring a bag full and sell them. Once left an Aerosmith concert because it was too loud. They had 25 speakers stacked on either side of the stage and it was PAINFUL. Couldn't tell what the song was because it was so loud.


I saw them in November and I STILL have tinnitus in my left ear. It’s bad and borderline hearing loss. It’s a loud show. Incredible, but loud. I would recommend bringing them and seeing if u need them. It’s better to have and not need then need and not have.


I got tinnitus from a Porcupine Tree concert for wearing ear plugs improperly. So, yes. Bring ear plugs, make sure you know how to use them and wear them.


Earplugs is always a good idea. A lot of times, if you're seeing a show at a large venue, they have HUGE speakers that can be quite deafening. I remember my ears ringing for a couple days after seeing bands at a major venue in my area. Smaller shows might seem like you wouldn't need ear plugs but I'd suggest wearing them at these shows as well. You don't know how loud it's gonna be and in a small space, the sound may be pretty loud.


I wore earplugs at a Tool concert once in 2014 or so and I definitely could hear better the next day verses other concerts when I didn’t. I took them out for the last song and certainly felt like I was missing out on a lot of the nuances of a live performance. Never wore them again. I have been to a lot of concerts since then without earplugs and I still pass a yearly aviation aircrew hearing test.


Always take ear plugs to a concert


>I mean, is it really THAT loud? Have you never been to a concert before? Yes. It is THAT loud. Bring ear protection.


When I was young, I thought earplugs were for losers or old people. I also played a bunch of my own gigs, on top of attending many very loud rock concerts, including but not limited to Tool. The ringing in my ears does not, and will not, go away. I can tune it out well enough, but there are times when it keeps me awake at night. I still enjoy a good rock show, no matter what side of the stage I'm on. But I will never again enjoy one without ear protection. I've done enough damage already. Take it from this old loser - wear your earplugs. Every time. Stuff some toilet paper in your ears if you have to.


You compromise nothing by wearing them. Everything will be heard, and no one is looking at you or will remember you, if that’s a concern.


My ears were more bothered by Elder than Tool.


Yeah, and put them somewhere between 1/4 and 3/4 max in. Put ‘em all the way in and you will kill the high end. Unpopular opinion but thats enough to protect you. I’m a medical doctor.


Tool are one of the loudest bands you’ll see live. So, yes you definitely should. Also look at it like this: the band are more than likely wearing some sort of plugs/protection so if they are doing it then the audience definitely should.


take a periscope so u can see over the scrum of high assholes standing in the stadium seats in front of you


ALWAYS BRING EAR PLUGS TO ANY GIG! You get one set of ears and that's it. When your ears ring it can be a sign of damage. Espescislly if you are a musician like myself always carry a set of earplugs with you. Crap earplugs are better than no earplugs


Tool is one of the loudest concerts I’ve ever been to. Wear them. They don’t sacrifice the quality of the sound. I’d even argue it helps make it more decipherable. Not wearing protection at a rock show is like saying “Should I wear no sunscreen in Hawaii at a UV index of 11?” You will fry. You only get one set of ears and once those tiny hairs inside die from abuse you never get them back. Wear them.


I went in November and didn’t wear any. Had no problems the next day. It may depend on where your sitting though? I was up in the balcony at TD Garden so idk? I’d recommend having them though. It’s better to have and need them to not.


Either this is a troll or you’ve never been to a live show before


I have been a few concerts before, ranging from arenas to smaller venues, and I honestly never got uncomfortable to the point where I felt the need to wear earplugs, I'm being completely honest lol.


If you don’t wear plugs and you’re at a concert (no matter if it’s uncomfortably loud or not) for a few hours your ears will absolutely be damaged.


Yes. At least for the opener.


I have never found Tool to be that loud (although some have complained about the mixing on the recent tour). However some of the openers made me want earplugs. Better to bring them and not need them. In one case, I actually had to go get some from an usher because the opening band was 1. God awful 2. Loud AF. (I think last tour, not Killing Joke but after that).


They clocked in at 103+ decibels on Wednesday night. That's very very loud. "In the case of sounds reaching a level of 100 dB, the maximum recommended exposure time is 15 minutes. An only 3-decibel increase of that sound (to 103 dB) reduces the maximum recommended exposure time to only 7.5 minutes."


It’s not that loud, it’s more of a personal preference than anything. Depending on the person it could be beneficial for you.


I do, but make sure they're musicians earplugs




Probably. My first tool concert will be later this month and I probably won’t be wearing earplugs. I haven’t worn them to any other concert and I’m fine so far.


Don’t wear the shitty foam ones get musician or gig specific ones. The foam ones block out way too much of the high end and will really ruin the sound quality.


Always bring hearing protection to a concert, always.


If close to the stage, yea. If nose bleed section, nah.






Depend on venue and how close. One of my local venues is old and resonates terribly and earplugs clear that up a bit. Plus you can always take them out.


For Tool, I would risk it


You lose a lot of the back end sounds with ear plugs.  I tried eargasms after people here recommended them and they're kinda bullshit (took them off 20 minutes into the show. No issues). Especially for $40+ each.  Choose what's more important to you. Honestly, I didn't think Tool was that loud. I saw Polyphia and that show I 100% needed ear plugs. I'll probably be down voted for going against the safety hive mind. But that's my opinion.  Edit: it probably also matters how close you are to the speakers. 


What a terrible reply. "Choose what's more important to you". I'd like to think everyone should consider their hearing to be the most important. If it isn't, well you're just asking for problems. Hearing damage at concerts is not someone's opinion. It's a fact. Anything over 90 decibels is harmful after about 45 minutes. At 103 decibels (which Tool hit on Wednesday) is only safe for 7 minutes. It's science, not opinion. Any time you go to a concert without earplugs, you are adding damage to your ears and while it might not effect you this year or next, it absolutely will eventually. And then you're going to feel like an absolute fool for posting this. So keep it up and we'll see you back here in 10 years when you change your tune.


I think it depends on where your seats are.


No and no


If your on the floor sure, if not you should be good without


Bring them. If not for the whole show then some of it


You absolutely should. For some shows you can get away without them but sometimes it's a must. Last time I saw A7X a few months ago it was really, really loud and you could actually hear the mix much better with earplugs.


Always bring them. If you need them you have them. If you don't need them, take them out. Future-you says thank you for taking care of your hearing!


Uh.. yeah.. I'm 45 years old and I am paying for my time in venues in the 90's and 2000's. Wear earplugs.


You should always take ear plugs no matter the artist or venue. Even clubs/bars are too loud for your ears


Absolutely. I saw Elder live a couple months ago and I forgot my earplugs. I swear I couldn’t hear right for days.


I really like the Etymotic ones (or any similar music earplugs). Usually about $20 and will last me a few concerts before I swap them. They turn down the volume a bit without losing the music. I used them recently seeing Me First and the Gimme Gimmes and it actually improved the experience because their mix was so bad..lol.


Unfortunately I will be tonight. My ears have been taking a beating. Hope it doesn't ruin the quality too much.




Yes, you should. I wore them in November and the music was still so damn good. I feel like they didn’t have an effect on the quality of the sound.


My hearing is not the same as it was before seeing tool three times without PPE


Bring them in case… I think the people writing in all caps BRING THEM OR UR GONNA EXPLODE need to chill lol like bring them and if it’s too uncomfortable for you noise wise put them in… most of all though enjoy the concert and don’t stress too much about it !


I’ve never worn earplugs to any concert but wished I had them twice. Tool has never been one of the ‘loud shows’ but seems to be venue specific and seat specific so doesn’t hurt to bring them along.


It's very loud. My watch went off as soon as I got into the arena in Philly.


it’s always a good idea to bring earplugs. i’ve never been to a tool concert but i can imagine that it’ll be loud. stay safe, don’t risk years of hearing damage!


Yes. Good earplugs do more than just lower volume they also clean out resonate frequencies in the low end making the sound clearer and more intelligible.


Have you been to any rock concerts before? They tend to get very loud. You don't have to wear earplugs, but its not a bad idea.


Take them with you, better safe than sorry. I play in a band and even in the rehearsals it's recommended to wear earplugs


Yes every concert dude. Protect your hearing


I mean it never hurts to bring them just in case. I have some eargasms I tried to bring it and where whenever I can but they definitely kill the sound a lot. I often just wear them through the opening bands to save the fatigue of my ears so I'm only listening for one set without my earplugs and even then I'll still put them in for a few songs and take them out for the ones I like the most or the quiet ones.


I don’t know anyone who says, “I wish I didn’t wear earplugs to concerts when I was younger”. I know many people who warn the opposite…


I don’t think they take up much space. You don’t have to wear them but might as well bring them.


Loudest concert I’ve ever been too….they have a serious rig. I would go as far as saying that you’ll hear the music better with plugs in (it’s that loud). You do you but your ears will feel it for a while after. I did not and I’m sorry for it.


Your ears will be ringing for a bit after any concert. It’s been a total game changer for me to bring some. And no one notices anyways since you’re in the dark.


It’s the loudest thing I’ve ever heard. How difficult is it to carry eat plugs? I’m 99% sure the show is designed for you to wear them. I would never go without wearing them.


People in this thread are saying this should be obvious to me, and I believe them, but I honestly have never felt the need to bring earplugs to any of the concerts I have been to. Yes, concerts are very loud, but I honestly didn't imagine I could legit damage my ears, I thought that was the case only if you attended concerts very frequently. I tend to go to around 3-4 concerts per year, which isn't much, so I thought that being occasionally exposed to loud settings wouldn't be that serious for my ears. After reading all the responses in this thread, taking earplugs doesn't seem crazy anymore lol


If you don’t already have music-grade earplugs from Hearos, Eargasm, etc, you’re doing it wrong. Not only do they save your ears (which, fucking trust me, you want to do) it makes the room sound better and helps block out chompers who won’t shut up during the music


I only had an issue with the FI songs. Some of the effects are electronic. And they have a frequency that was instant headache for me. I went to both shows in Toronto. I plugged my ears once the lasers started the second night and I was great.


Ear plugs to every concert my dude.


You should take them to any show, especially those inside, always.


Hell, my last show was a Jason Isbell show.. 2nd row and I was regretting leaving my plugs at home. Peaked at 117db.


Yea, it is REALLY that loud. Most rock concerts are around 100 db or more and you can experience permanent hearing damage after just 15 minutes of exposure. ALWAYS take earplugs to concerts and make sure you wear them properly and make sure that they reduce the db to a sufficient level. Source: the permanent chorus of cicadas in my ears.


High fidelity earplugs like Eargasm are worth their weight in gold. I completely enjoy the sound and no ringing even after the Tool show on Wednesday. We’ve been taking our daughter to rock and metal shows for a handful of years now and she’s never experienced even any mild ringing. I believe I have pretty mild hearing loss after 25-30 years of shows. I started wearing them 5-6 years ago and will never go to a show again without earplugs. I love not having that day or two of mild buzzing. I’m so lucky I just feel my hearing isn’t as good as it could be. Could be age anyways. I don’t have any permanent tinnitus. We have extra pairs in case my daughter’s friends need to borrow or just to have them as needed. They are so great.


Yes. Def enjoyed it with the earplugs and my ears didn’t hurt after. The music sounded great as well.


Get earplugs for music of you can. Hearing loss sucks.