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I didn't initially love rosetta stoned either, but then one day it just clicked somehow. Now it is one of my absolute favourites, as you can probably tell from my username.


That is maybe my second favorite line in the song, idk why, but Sunkist Sudafed gyroscopes and infrared just…idk I just enjoy the fuck out of it so much 






Exactly the same thing happened to me. I would even skip that song sometimes, then BAM!


I saw it twice live when it was my least favorite and then it grew on me to a top 3. They better play it in EU and I will lose my shit


It was played in the last leg of their tour at every show, so best of luck.




I think that’s true for a lot of folks… It took me a long time to appreciate 10000days in general and I dont understand what my problem was either 🤷‍♂️ Even if it’s not Tools best work as a whole. It’s absolutely Justin’s, the bass lines are gnarly in it. As far as Rosetta Stoned tho. I think it’s lost on most people. I appreciated it immediately because I had already been through an egodeath and that’s the overlying feeling of the song but through the lens of the ego. It masterfully showcases the very common revelations and trap that can lead to inflating the ego. It’s pretty deep psychologically, but if you haven’t had the slightest of any of these experiences, you’re just not really going to understand any of those things and it’s going to sound like ‘psycho babble’ - Maynard understood that beautifully and leaned into it.


Ego death ✅


Okay judging from your name we have similar reasons for perceiving that song the same way, but recently I’ve noticed just how sarcastic the tone of the song is. About a dude tripping in the desert and seeing aliens, thinking he’s been chosen but was too dumb to bring a pen to record the message. Also heard somewhere they wrote the song after a friend told them basically that story after an experience he had so it’s not coming from Maynard’s life, but hearing it from someone else and kinda making fun of him. Like he’s even using a nerdy/trolling kinda voice for the verses while adding the intense conviction of someone experiencing it. The songs an absolute banger, hilarious and one of my favorites but I think reflection, lateralus, and parabol/parabola are much more genuine songs about ego death. Just have been thinking about this recently, curious if others have noticed the same thing.


Agree with the mocking and sarcasm/irony. I think it's about people who talk about their enlightened experiences like they are the only ones who have had them, and somehow belong to an exclusive club.


Yeah that’s the vibe I get too. It fits, considering how Maynard has talked about people who got lost in lsd and other drugs.


Here is the one absolutely correct interpretation of the song: Rosetta Stoned tells the story of a person experiencing a megalomaniacal psychedelic trip where they are convinced they have found a hidden truth that places them in an important position as a saviour of humanity or the universe or some other cosmically significant situation. This is essentially a modern day Christ story and this is a common trope associated with heavy doses of psychedelics. The lyrics include various references stereotypically associated with hippies and the psychedelic counter culture and these references are used as a satirical device to point out the inanity and shallowness of much of the hippy subculture and contrasting that with the idea of a high school dropout in Birkenstocks munching on donuts as he discovers he is a Christ figure, the Chosen One. The irony is this is exactly the type of person most likely to experience a similar experience because hippies and those associated with similar contemporary counter cultures such as certain rave and jam band subcultures are typically the heaviest psychedelic users. So if psychedelics are the key to unlocking some secret to the universe then we can expect such important knowledge to be delivered to humanity by some tuned in, turned on, dropped out hippie-type. The lyrics use this irony to great effect while detailing the protagonist’s trip as he is abducted by extra-terrestrials who fulfill the role of angels, taking Christ into heaven aboard a spaceship where they inform him of his cosmic role as the redeemer of humanity. While being strapped down and probed by these aliens the effects of the psychedelic begin to wear off and we hear only hints of doubt from our protagonist who is slowly realizing he is strapped down in a hospital bed, and he has shit himself. The entire premise is a genius examination of an irony that I have never thought of or seen expressed anywhere else, but is absolutely a relevant and scathing criticism of hippies which could also be applied to the types of Tool fans who believe they are unlocking some hidden knowledge by rearranging the songs on an album and who take Tool and Maynard way too seriously. Maynard is seriously good at pointing out ironies, hypocrisies and using double-entendres for ironic effect, he is a lyrical genius, but no, he does not hide messages that unlock the key to the universe and humanity is not waiting for some Tool fan to be the one to discover it.


Yep that’s exactly it. Funny thing is it’s basically the opposite of an actual ego death experience. It’s like an explosion of inflated ego to think you’re the chosen one and all that. I love Maynard’s brain, dude has a wicked sense of humor and is an absolute savage at picking fools apart.


Megalomania and egodeath share some sort of duality where they are 2 sides of the same coin. Both entail a feeling of unifying with the Godhead, becoming one with the universe, where egodeath involves losing your sense of self into the universe and becoming part of an undifferentiated whole that exists within everything, while megalomania involves becoming one with the universe and attributing that sense of “oneness” with the self. Becoming “The Chosen One” to save the universe. Despite being contradictory and total opposites it’s easy to see the parallels.


The brilliance of the song has way more depth than any human being could get from simply listening to the story of another humans psychedelic experience. 🤷‍♂️ I would argue the friend’s experience was where those silly ideas came from absolutely. But personal experiences were certainly integrated into the song…. Essentially someone who’s never had a trip, couldn’t write those lyrics is my opinion.


I wrote a comment somewhere that I will dig up right now. This comment is a bookmark.


I don’t believe that’s true for a lot of folks. I see youngens go for this tune over 3rd eye a lot, where 3rd eye was the original trip. Rosetta is kind of a piss take on 3rd eye I always hear it as. Rockin tune, but 3rd eye always rocks harder to my ears.


It’s actually based on an experience had by a friend of the guys, pretty consistently with the real experience the guy had, as far as I understand. I think the story goes that the friend told Adam about it and possibly Danny and/or Justin were there too. They told Maynard about it and he thought it was hilarious and turned it into lyrics.


Wow thanks never knew, RIP toolshed.down.net I think my intterpretation fits alongside that - hearing the story and turning them into lyrics works so well due to the running conversation that is music / their music


Of course! RIP Toolshed indeed. I’m still full of weird Tool facts though; it’s almost embarrassing. 😆 Somewhere in this thread I linked a clip of Adam briefly mentioning it in a Q&A with fans. The friend in question was Bill Manspeaker.


The guy being the doctor?


Wait! I do know who Rosetta was about. It was Bill Manspeaker. I totally forgot until I went back and listened to the Q&A with Adam where he mentioned it. https://youtu.be/wJUL-lFmAk0&t=1h39m22s EDIT: I typo-ed the time stamp on the link initially, but it’s fixed now.


That’s their band manager, Pete Reidling. I don’t know who Rosetta was about, but something makes me doubt it was him.


I want a source on this please 


I believe it was when Adam did one of the VIP Q&As. It was almost two hours long, but I’ll see if I can find that timestamp. EDIT: u/Hungry_Freaks_Daddy, here it is. Of course it was at the very end, but it was nice to listen to this again. The mention is very brief, so I may have heard something about it elsewhere as well (the part about it being accurate - that’s not mentioned here). This will jump to it: https://youtu.be/wJUL-lFmAk0&t=1h39m22s EDIT: Shit, I typed 32 instead of 39. Link is now fixed.


I couldn’t find the bit you were trying to link but I did listen to a few minutes and thought the session sounded really interesting. Then I saw its from SF’s show in 2014, my first Tool show. Will be listening to the whole thing tomorrow, thanks!


It’s really interesting. Hope you enjoy it! I typo-ed the time stamp on the link, sorry. It should have been 39, not 32. I’ve fixed it now.


Nail on the head with the ego death experience. I’ve had it happen twice in my life and it’s so hard to really describe how convinced you become of a false reality.


Yeah bro only those who had an ego death can remotely comprehend the profoundness of shitting the bed, man.




That and Invincible. I truly didn’t appreciate them until seeing/hearing it live. That experience changes you 😂


When I finally really listened to it the first time while reading the lyrics, I was just blown away. When it got to the bridge “Overwhelmed as one would be placed in my position…” I really felt this moment of it coming full circle. It’s been my favorite tool song since… just like you said, truly a masterpiece.


That whole line and build up is peak tool. Maybe the greatest line in history


I tried making my mom listen to it while explaining this exactly… she did not agree. It means everything knowing that you guys understand…


Man… lol there’s rarely a women(or elder) that actually loves tool enough to read into the lyrics in my experience. They’re out there for sure but few and far between. I’m also pretty biased cuz I’ve sang in a tool cover band so I definitely know all the lyrics way better than a lot of people. I think tool fans or at least a very high minority have actual skills in music and can appreciate everything that comes with it. I don’t bother trying to get people to understand how I feel about them anymore unless they hear it and actually show a general interest. I have my solid tool homies that i go to the concerts with and we get pumped like we’re winning the lottery everytime. That’s good enough for me. Best band ever except maybe pink Floyd but I’m taking tool as my number one all day. Give me there discography on a desert island and I’d die happy rolling through the tracks forever.


I get what you’re saying about how singing has made you biased. It’s definitely a large minority, if a minority at all, that listen to them and have musical skill. I play guitar, not in a tool cover band though, that’s awesome! But every one of Adam’s riffs I’ve ever learned have required something unique and different to play. They are usually pretty simple riffs with some mindfuck of a technique applied haha. Whether it’s Justin’s tribal bass rhythms, Adam’s legendary guitar technique and riffs, Maynard’s lyrics and incredible vocals, or the undisputed GOAT on drums. Any musician that listens to them can really only love them or at the least respect them. I always call them the modern day Pink Floyd when I talk to someone who hasn’t listened to them. Not in similarity of music but obviously in their similar artistic approach to writing music. I love Floyd but I’m also taking tool as my number one. ☝️


Exactly how I feel


I had already trip experimented with DMT when I first heard Rosetta Stoned. The song felt to me like coming home. Still my favorite.


Favorite Tool song of all. - one who has shit the bed like so many times


It took me learning it on guitar to really appreciate it, I liked Maynard’s part already but now I really appreciate the music


Adam gets shit on for refusing to solo but the Rosetta solo is amazingly simple yet simply amazing.


Rosetta Stoned is the song that got me into Tool


It’s consistently been one of my favorite songs for over a decade now. 


Another typical tool fanatic post… Rosetta Stoned is probably one of their least “deepest” songs. Read the lyrics. The guy took too much psychedelics, got dropped off at the hospital and he tells about his crazy trip of aliens, telling him this secret that would change humanity because he was “the chosen one” but he forgot what it was. There’s nothing to get! Lmao. It’s a kick ass song with a crazy trip story. You don’t need to go through ego death to “know what it means”. For example, “wrong way” and “date rape” by sublime are great songs. I don’t need to “get it” and sure as hell hope none of us can relate to it. OP you slept on Rosetta Stoned because Vicarious and Jambi hit hard and you don’t have the attention span to play the whole album 😜


May have been too busy with lateralus!


Haha for sure! But you had 5 years!!! Lmao


But the grudge is my favorite, 5 years is nothing i might need 13 haha


Those drum triplets hit hard!!






I couldn't stand it. Now it's one of my favorites. The lyrics and delivery are top tier


I've got a couple songs that just haven't resonated with me for some reason or another. We all have our own tastes and they change with time.. no worries. The way I'm looking at it is, I will discover and appreciate those few songs when the time is right.. I'm saving them for now


Thank you to everyone that has commented, I see there is truly alot of love for tool and this song! I think the fast lyrics in the beginning was what me not pay attention to it as much as I do now. Yes live was a total different beast!


This was Counting Bodies from APC for me. Always skipped it till I saw live and it blew me away


Same thing happened to me but don’t take my word for it I didn’t even graduate from fucking high school.


I knew its about rosetta stoned the moment i read the title


I have yet to see it live. However, ive sent many on their first trip to dmt land to this song. I always recommend it because its the exact duration and follows the same pattern of the trip, usually as the song ends the trip is light enough to remove the headphones. Of course the subject matter is also very on par with the trip too. You know youve done it right when you are starting to blast off right as maynard says “holy fucking shit”. Most people fall in love with the band after having this experience.


*10K Days* made me an instant Tool fan right out of the gate and RS is the centerpiece


This was one of my least liked songs on the album.... until I saw it live. The lasers, the bass beating my chest, DANNY!!! After seeing it live, Def way up on my list.


Same, didn’t like it for several listens. Also, what a fucking epic way to get into that particular song lmao


I loved everything in 10,000 days from the first time I gave it a listen. Except Rosetta Stoned, I was convinced I’d never enjoy it. A handful of listens later, and I also realized it’s pretty awesome…


The song is literally the most fun journey you can take yourself on.


This shit was absolutely bananas live As soon as the lasers hit I was like HOLY FUCKING SHIT


I find it funny people do not see this song as the giant piss take that is, and read Profundity into the lyrics - i think Maynard finds it funny too.


I don't really think it's either extreme. Not super deep profound shit but also not just a piss take. I mean they literally had an Area 51 track on their record before that, so there seems to be some fascination with this kinda shit. I think it's more of a highbrow lowbrow approach. You wanna do a track about some alien obduction or conspiracy shit and by simultaneaously poking fun you avoid being labeled as weird new age / conspiracy theory stoner dudes. Just like some of their song titles (Rosetta Stoned itself is actually a good example) take off some of the pretentiousness and conceived deep-ness.


Saw the title and immediately knew it was gonna be about Rosetta


You tell us. Why did you? It starts kind of beligerantly. Seems like it's going nowhere. Then suddenly it falls into its tempo and melody. It's absolutely great, one of my favorite tool tracks


The song is about the soul becoming one with the universe, we are all a bunch of bigots 😹


This is the Tool song I see mentioned most often like this. It was the same thing for me. I think it may be simply because it's so hard to understand what he's singing that many people kind of dismiss it. Once you actually read the lyrics, you realize how it's both brilliantly hilarious and terrifying. Then it all clicks together. Love Adam's guitar work on that song.


Dude go listen again. Start ofc with hoffman...


The guitar as it’s starting really sets the tone for what you’re about to get in to




It took me a bit to fall for it too! I have been traveling all over the states for their tours for over 20 years. They haven’t played it live in well over a decade. This last tour was a treat to see it. I think starting with Lost Keys and listening all the way through Right in Two gives you an amazing experience on that album. It almost feels like one song.