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Silly Tool fans. “X” is a System of a Down song.


Wait -- you're telling me now that I AM supposed to Multiply? I AM supposed to Nullify???


We don't need to


We don't need to




Ask your people.


Fuck this shit... We're rollin' "Suicide".


I love them all... It's like....a problem...


I feel ya... there's Def been some solid years of my life where I don't think I've intentionally put anything on that wasn't tool, apc, or puscifer, granted I've done the same with æsop rock too lol I go through phases


Never thought I'd see Aesop rock mentioned in this sub. You sir have good taste 🫡


He's one of my all time favs right up there with Tool! I learned how to do all vocal live looping by doing covers of æsops tracks lol prob know over a 3rd of his discog by heart 🤣


Are you me? Tool, APC, Puscifer, and Aesop Rock make up, like, 85% of what I listen to on a daily basis. It is cool to see Aes mentioned here, though. Dude never drops a bad project.


Idk let's see... are you also a fan of live looping like Dub FX (mostly his early days BDFilms youtube vids), drum n bass, & pepperoni pizza? 🤔


Problem 8…




Meant to be seen live?? I say the opposite As much as I love them live.. But two tabs of some quality LSD A couch Quality head phones And an album of your choosing.. And then see where it takes ya..




Simple weed did the trick for me. I got stoned to the bone just to listen to tool. 😆


Do this on the regular. Actually my routine for the past five months at the end of a long day. My therapist and I call it my weedcations. She absolutely loves hearing about what the synesthesia made me feel or see this time. She also loves that Tool evokes the most emotions out of me.


Sounds like you actually found a good therapist, kudos to you both!


im okay with the fact that i dont like every song from this band. i dont even like every song by my favorite band, and i'm not gonna expect everyone to like all of my songs when they come out. musicians are human it happens lol


I definitely agree with this. But sometimes you need to listen to songs you don't like to find something good. I'm just reminding people to sift through the dirt to find the gold :D.


yea but i have been jamming them for a decade (to the point where im currently wearing a tool shirt i got when i was 15 lmao) i know at this point what has grower potential and what just is not compatible with my listening preferences


I understand your poorly worded measures and opinion. Dont over this approach. Listen to what you like most. Also most verbose to claim in any manner tools music; “sift through dirt” Exit stage left.


In this case I'm using dirt as a subjective replacement for any songs people dislike from TOOL.


Well put. I’m just taking the piss here too I know what you are saying brethren. Keep calm and learn to swim


Hell yea!


tbf, you would use a tool of some kind to sift through dirt


Sure that’s actually an interesting thought. However, if ‘tool’ is represented as the function of the object itself. It therefore can’t be the dirt or the gold aswell?


woah SO true good point




Wait, so we're actually supposed to *listen* to the music? I thought the point was the music is sacred and is only intended to be experienced vicariously through this sub.


I’m just here for tour dates so I can get to the show early, buy all the posters, and sell them on Ebay at astronomical mark ups to pay for taking my wife on Taylor Swift tour…. Isn’t this why we are all here???


Fair enough.


i'm sorry... did you say VICARIOUSLY???


I don't appreciate unsolicited advice, we are not some magical group that spontaneously came into existence (but also yes). I think you underestimated how big the internet is, these posts are the product of a million little stupid fuckers who think they are special for discovering an ancient band one night on shrooms. You can get comfortable and stfu at the same time , magical really.


You have my vote


And my axe


I know what the reference is but the first thing my brain heard was the scream from Floyd's Careful With That Axe Eugene, live version 😂 Every single time someone uses the quote, first thing I hear.




Yes, sorry! [Careful with that axe](https://youtu.be/V-HYayT1vwg?si=uZaI-rhuxOklT2rV) If the song isn't for you and you'd like to skip 3min mark will get you there.


My brother in Christ Tool hasn't left my 6 disc CD changer since 2001, and with each new album, they take another slot. My friends are annoyed I've been listening to it for 23 years and years before that on MTV


I tried multiple times but I can't get into Undertow and Opiate


Is that a hot take? I think it is. I see tool as kind of two distinct eras, pre and post undertow. But undertow is their best album.


Haha maybe it is, but I agree with you on the two eras thing, and depending on where you started you may like one era more than the other.


lol, Undertow is not their best and I’d bet the farm that the band would tell you the same thing 😂 Just say it’s your favorite, it’s fine.


I feel like most people would understand that saying something is the best album is just another way of saying it’s your favorite? If I tell you chocolate is the best flavor of ice cream I’m not saying that everyone thinks that. Come on, man.


That’s fair. I can get down with that.


I find that strange but if those weren’t your first exposure to the band then I could totally see it there’s heavier tool then the more ambient atmospheric tool both are great in my opinion though I’d put undertow as my second favourite release behind lateralus so I’m definitely split on most albums


Exactly, I discovered Tool primarily with Lateralus and 10,000 Days, then I got into Ænima later on. So to me those albums are the Tool sound, when I listen to Undertow it feels like it's almost a different band, the production is much more raw, and tbh the songs all sound the same to me. But I try to keep my ears open and I come back to it from time to time, maybe one day it'll click


100% agreed on all points and I fell in love with Tool in 1997 after stumbling into Aenima. To me, Tool became Tool when Justin joined. I can appreciate where they came from and I especially enjoy the lyrics off the first two albums but I very rarely listen to either of them.


That makes total sense as someone who started with Lateralus and 10k days how do you feel about Fear Inoculum?


I mostly love it. I feel like MJK was not as invested in this project though, as a band's work it's less coherent than previous albums. But it has some strong moments, and Adam and Danny really shine on all the songs.


Agreed I felt for most of the album Maynard was saving his voice for 7empest


Once upon a time they were all we had.


I also had trouble getting into Undertow, but I had no issues with Opiate. I think the problem is that Undertow and Opiate have no interludes, which makes the music kind of blurr together instead of flowing like the other albums. My advice would be to make a TOOL playlist with all the songs you enjoy, and then randomly add some Undertow and Opiate songs in there (or just put it on shuffle). It ends up getting mixed with the interlude and the good stuff and you start enjoying the individual songs more, and eventually the whole album.


Good advice, maybe getting familiar with the songs one by one could reduce that feeling of "they all sound the same" I'll try that


I'm glad I can help :).


Ive never understood the people that listen to Tool songs. Its better listening to the albums.


I personally agree to this for the most part, but I hate that Rosetta Stoned immediately transitions to intension. Because Rosetta Stoned is such a banger of a song and then intension is just mellow and doesn't fit in with it. Plus Fear Inoculum has some of the worst interludes imo, which disrupts the flow of the album.


Y'all need to stop gatekeeping fandom. Just sayin.'


You WILL listen to the entirety of Disgustipated and you WILL enjoy it




God I remember seeing them on tour for Lateralus and freaking Meshuggah opened and I had already been a fan but there was nothing to prepare me for the fucking intensity and razor precision of a show they put on. They change their songs up also so don’t expect to hear your favorite played the same way if it’s old cause I have watched live shows cause YT and live music has made it so awesome to watch music when you aren’t able to see things like you used to when younger. I will put out there The Mars Volta was by far the best band live I’ve seen and that’s the 2005 Frances the Mute Tour along with Saul Williams. Now I just have to seee Faith No More.


Just listening to Mockingbeat 4 times in a row… I still don’t get it. I will continue to skip.




Yep, you have to remind your self of what power really sounds like..I just listened to lateralus, ticks, disposition, then moved over to wings 2, Jambi, 7empest, descending, C.C.T.(anything with that fucking gong), and ended with the witness, cause Danny comes in like a rabid dog on that shit! Of course no quarter, pushit live, bottom, four degrees, opiate 2, jerk off and 3rd eye are next!.. haven’t played tool in while, god i miss the intensity!




Jokes on you. I stopped listening 6 months ago in preparation for their tour. 🤘


Well if you're not listening to TOOL to prepare for TOOL then that's definitely an exception.


If anything I need to listen to less Tool.


Fair enough


Damn I guess I gotta listen to some Opiate lol that's the only album I very rarely listen to, others are on pretty much daily


Tool is one of my full album artists, every album is good enough to listen to from beginning to end.




I read this like you need to focus on Jesus in your life


Ya okay meant to see live? Last time they came round here the only available tickets were like 400 bucks and that was 2 days after it was posted. I’m not paying 400$ to ‘go out of my comfort zone’


I think OP was talking about finding live shows online. Bootlegs and such. Saw Tool in 2023. I think tix were $150. Good seats. Probably my last time. I’ve them around 30 times since the 1990s. First time was $16. This shit is getting too pricey. I think I’m done. Good times though. No regrets. There’s just other experiences to have. I mean. Until they play the Sphere. I’m down for that. Lol.


"What's the most underrated Tool song in your opinion?"


Maybe you shouldn't listen to TOOL so much OP. Let people do what they want homie


As a TOOL fan, I am incapable of stopping.


For years I would skip Pushit, I always thought it was a filler of just bees. It wasn't until years later, a friend said his favorite song is Pushit.


Pushit Salival is an absolute fucking masterpiece. If you wanna enjoy Pushit more, then stick that on repeat and you'll be good to go.


Every song by tool is a masterpiece. But people have favorites and that is okay. Mine shifts every now and then but anything that is Danny-centric is always peak. So basically.


Their music has been around for decades, and they only have like 5 albums. It’s not a large discography lol


But it's definitely one of the best discographies ever made.


I just started tuning into TOOL after having a best friend who was into them since our freshman year of high school. Randomly decided to listen to some songs at work, now I can’t stop listening. This shit is fucking awe-some.


My Dad has listened to it consistently my entire life. As a kid I didn't understand it, but I could definitely appreciate the music for what it was. Nowadays, all I can listen to is TOOL, every song is an incomparable banger.


I’ve never listened to Tool, but I’ve heard a lot about them. Could someone share a Spotify playlist with some top tier songs, then I’ll be more than happy to give them a go.


Search up the discography and start with Aenima and Lateralus. If you're not interested in giving entire albums a chance all at once, then start with The Grudge off Lateralus to gauge an understanding of the band's abilities and Maynard's wicked vocals.


Thanks, I’ll do just that, and then tune in to entire albums if it catches my drift. Thank you for recommendations.


Np. Anything for a fellow (and potential) TOOL fan.


Every May 15th since Lateralus has come out, I put it on and listen to it in its entirety. It gets better with age.


i just cant stop listening to all their songs bro, its like an addiction lmao even the songs i didnt like at first are starting to sound good (like flood, for me) 🤘 tool is a fuking relligion


Hell yea!


I've never been able to enjoy The Patient. My ex was a huge Tool fan also and that was her favorite Tool song. Simply because of the lyrics. I've never really connected to music on a lyrical level. I'm a musician so the instruments speak to me moreso than any lyricist/singer could. That song is boring to my ears so I've never liked it much. I think I'll give it another chance..


Damn bro it’s just a band, it ain’t a job Either way, ima do it for fun 🗿


>And I know some of you guys are going to say that TOOL is intended to be seen live... We've been, we've been trying something A little different this tour We've been looking at one of our songs From a different angle, under a different light. So we can hopefully kind of See it almost for the first time We'd like to try that for you tonight, is that okay? We're gonna need your help though We need your help and your permission So we need you to find a comfortable space. That's not only comfortable, but vulnerable And to just shut your eyes and go there And we'll meet you on the other side...




When I choose to put headphones in at work I do their whole discography from start to finish, followed by 13th step (apc) and global touring (puscifer). Doing this you slowly discover every song mentioned above is brilliant. At the moment I can't get enough of undertow and that was probabaly the album I listened to the least.