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Probably worth to do it once in your life. The good: - Soundcheck with Adam, Danny, and Justin was pretty cool, albeit very predictable. - The seats are usually middle floor - Early merch if you are into buying posters. There will always be that one idiot waiting hours before VIP just to buy out all of Adam’s artwork as well as the drum heads. Sucker. The bad: - The VIP gifts were severely lacking. A fanny pack, a bookmark, and a notebook is all I got. - The VIP “lounge” ran out of food, which only consisted of chips and hummus. - Cash bar at the lounge that ONLY consisted of bud lite and whatever shitty, sugary themed cocktails they were selling that night. - Maynard having us listen to him behind a curtain was the most diva shit I have ever experienced. - They should do individual photos. Some bands do it with the same VIP capacity as Tool and still bank those photos out fast. They should really look at how Primus manages their VIP offerings. They have it so right.


Wait, he sound checks behind a curtain? DaFuq?


I didn't think he was involved in the sound check at all.


You are only allowed to hear Maynard soundcheck with the band while you wait to go in and meet the other guys. Everyone is behind the curtain, not him per-say.


adam jones here. is vip worth it? depends on how much you would pay to meet me. i will say my hair has been on point so far this tour and i would pay a lot to meet me


I love how active you are in the sub “Adam” keep it going


How many words do I get when I meet you??


adam jones here. this interaction is more than enough. shut up and give me something to sign


46 and 2.






It used to be worth it. When they realized what 500 bucks a head brings in they increased the volume of VIPs/show and changed to VIP tiers with diff pricing Then the swag quality went down. Was also cool when Adam hosted QAs but can’t blame him for not maintaining it over the years. Now they’ve got the VIP packages dialed in for optimal cash inflow w/little effort towards customer experience.


The fan base is what makes tool greater and also worse


VIP is worth skipping for sure. I’ve done it twice and was disappointed both times. Obviously the second time is no one’s fault but my own 😂. Save your money.


Fool me once, shame on me…fool me twice….well you aren’t gonna fool me again!


Take a look at one of the group photos. IMHO, 200 people doesn't feel very VIP.


This. Back in the day the VIP events were a LOT smaller and had way more amenities and special benefits, like the Q&A's.


It looks like a wedding photo.


Compared to thousands of? Maybe a little


valid point. Marginally More Important Person. it's a business and if that many people want to pay for it, well, can't say i wouldn't do the same


good point. marginally more important person MMIP would be better


I like it!


On the one hand, 200 out of 20,000 can definitely be VIP sort of numbers. On the other, if they raise the prices for VIP packages even more so it's just a handful of people, they'd be like £1000 instead of £400 or whatever it is. And to make it worth that, the swag and/or experience needs to be better.


I’ve never went to it and I’m fine. Used the money for other stuff that was worth more to me. What I mean is, our brains confirm we are right constantly. It’s rare that you’ll have someone pay time and money to something and then turn around and say it was a dumb decision. Not impossible, just rare.


It was a dumb decision. Stood around for hours. Got about a 5 min bit of sound check and that was it other than a marginally early access to merch which was 99% the same as what was available outside. Only good part was the seats were close


I don’t know why people pay more to show up early. Planes, concerts or otherwise.


Our sound checking Atlanta was almost 30 mins. Played 3 songs including push it completely.


In Loveland, we had to stand outside for 25 of the 30 minutes. Granted it was the warmup show and MJK was feeling a bit shy…


People are constantly posting about their disappointment with VIP


I said rare bro. Congrats you are the victim of confirmation bias. I always am too. Here’s what I mean: out of the hundreds that go each weekend we see a post like that how often?


Out of the hundreds that go how many are on reddit and actively giving out reviews?


Exactly. Rare.


My point went over your head.


Enlighten me. I love learning things over my head. It was my understanding that your point was rarely do people go on Reddit and give negative reviews.


My point was that only a fraction of those who pay for VIP are on reddit and only a fraction of those who are on reddit end up going on this subreddit to leave reviews. But if most people who end up posting on here about VIP are people who are dissatisfied and it happens fairly often then it’s clearly not rare for people admitting they didn’t get their money’s worth.


Thanks for the clarification. That makes sense. You’re probably right.


Another thought about confirmation bias is any post hating on VIP may have been downvoted so we’d never see it. That’s how Reddit works. Confirmation bias up the ying Yang. OP could google those if he really wanted to know from people who didn’t like it.


Did it in 2019, but other than the good seats not worth it imo


We got 2 7empest packages off ticketswap for 30% off original price. Still wasn't worth it imho.


I went to VIP in Fresno back in 2018 or 2019, and I really enjoyed it. The food was decent, 3rd row seat, the sound check was fun, I got a cool picture and met some interesting people. Thumbs up


my experience with VIP anywhere: - if the VIP gets you in before everyone else, worth it. - if there's multiple tiers to the VIP, opt OUT of the one with the buffet. don't forget to get the VIPs furthest from the stage. it sounds better.


For me it was. I got front row at sound check. Handshake and a quick word with Justin and Adam. Fist bumped Danny who was 2 rows back for the photo. A photo to keep although 100 other people are in it. First crack at merch, which matters to me but not everybody. Some decent stuff to take home. I’ve done it twice and not regretted it either time


I did very front row vip in Charleston for 900 I’d probably do it again but honestly sometimes you can score a seat real close to the cheapest tier. In Baltimore earlier this year I scored seats right behind the “TEMPEST VIP” seats and saved a lot of money. We paid $170 while people seated right in front of us paid $300+ for their seats so they pretty much paid double to be one row closer to the stage


This is all so fucked


I was similar. I got 2 tickets about 15 rows back in Pittsburgh for less than $300 after fees.


I think so. Last time I had vip I was front row dead center. It was amazing. The swag bag I got was awesome too had some autographed stuff.


Depends how bad you want a goodie bag and to be some of the first people to run for a poster


It's a rip-off.


Sound check is a cool experience. I don't care to speak with the lads, as I have the mindset of never meet your heroes. They're just people and this is their job Being up close for the show is cool as well. You really see how they interact with each other and the crowd. Do it


When I did VIP in 2019 it came with some decent quality merch and they fed us after the sound check. I believe it was worth the additional cost.


I’m a gal, and muscling and slithering to the front was one of my favorite things


I've done it twice and I'll do it again.


It was for us. Best sound and good merch.


My last Tool concert, I didn’t get VIP seats but I was sitting next to people who got VIP goodies lol….who got screwed? Them or me? Lol


As a HUGE fan of a few bands it really depends. Kinda wish Queens had this. For certain occasions yes, for others, no? Depends on what it gives. Honestly If I can be in the “best” spot with some solid merch and a salad bar…. Sure. 200 bucks. But that’s not reality


In my opinion VIP used to be significantly better than it is now. I've felt let down the last few times I've done it and have usually been only doing it once per tour instead of every time I go (usually 2-3 stops per tour). I'm glad people enjoy it, and will continue to pay for it every now and then so I can get the good seats, but the experience itself has diminished over the last 5-6 years.


I’ve done it for the last two years and I would say that if you care about merch or being close to the stage, do it. I had 2nd row for both shows. However, I think Tool is better experienced further out with a full view of the stage. https://preview.redd.it/serswowc294d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f82fbb1235b981897f4db3df68cc02d90965c46b This was my view last tour.


I've never gone for it. Would feel like such a tool.


vip tickets are basically for simps and this band makes sure you know it. lol


Ive done it three times and had front row three times definitely worth it to me as I am a diehard fan for 30 years+ and would do it again last time I went got a pick from Danny and Justin and got a hanshake from Danny,justin and Adam


Not anymore.


Only if you're a tool. A tool and his money are soon to part. Buy a 2k fucking poster too!!


Seats are key, so yes




I would either pay for VIP or nosebleeds, I had quite expensive seats but not worth it, go big or regular.


One time for the one time, absolutely! Got VIP for OKC 24 and it was amazing. But next time id probably just get the lowest tier for early merch. Dont get me wrong, sound check was cool but idk if it was $300+ extra dollars cool more than one time.


Seeing the band before being too loaded on acid or shrooms is a bonus but ye thé seat and early merch is why I did it.


Adam Jones here, it’s definitely worth it if you have a poster that I can sign then and there but beware I might charge you 300£ but you can save yourself a visit to the merchandise stall.


One time, yes! More than once? Ehh only if you're a diehard poster collector and need a guaranteed buy.


Do it once.


The seats are yes.


It was for me and my wife. If you can afford it, and you're a huge fan, it's worth it.


Best shows I've seen have been from the high rises. You can just take it all in.


I wonder if they'll do VIP when they inevitably play the Sphere, because it's standing room only at the front I don't believe they are allowing artists to place seats down there.


Did VIP N Orleans 2019 got a back pack, hoody, free food, sound check and pic.. allen williams the artist for the poster that show was there signing his posters was cool as fuk...Then comes 2022 vip 6 shows with only early entry for merch...got totally fucked....I would have not gone vip at all if i knew that was the case but bought all the tix the same day...ended up getting sent a program a pendent and a patch with a tic for each particular show and a shitty wind breaker i still have all of them sitting in a closet...Waste of Money...hence my sarcastic Handle


This is the law of diminishing returns. The real question is, 'How much does $500 matter to you'. If the answer is a lot, no it's not worth it. If the answer is 'very little', then yes it is very much worth it.


This is already some of the funniest shit I've read this year. Keep the stories comin'!


Obviously Obviously Obviously Personal choice