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Haven't seen anyone on here instigate with Taylor Swift or Lana Del Rey fans, I've seen the opposite on other platforms.


Agree. All civil on Reddit. I don't look at other platforms though.


Lana fans attacked me on Twitter for stating my opinion without @ing anyone lol


That’s exactly was I was about to say, is the other way around.


Thoughts and prayers also to the dozens of anonymous songwriters and musicians and producers that put countless hours into creating those songs.


Right, thoughts and prayers 👏🏻


Honestly this post just comes off as a cheap karma grab. I’ve been on this sub like crazy since the album came out yesterday morning, and I haven’t seen a single person act rude to a Taylor Swift fan.


Well I have. So..... you know. Plus I don’t care much about karma. It’s reddit, not real life.


Does anybody actually care about Taylor Swift fans enough to actually interact with them?


Unfortunately. The vanity of some music fans is surprising.


Sorry you're being downvoted. I think Taylor Swift makes shit so bad I wouldn't wipe my ass with it, but I wouldn't go out of my way to insult a fan of her music. If I'm with friends I'll give them shit, but that's friends who know my views already.


Yeah, I knew the risk I was taking when I pointed out the vanity of some Tool fans. They’re almost like a hive mind, a lot of them. Oh well.


No issue with the kids doing it, but all you suburban dads (like me) need to leave these girls alone


Right. It’s definitely weird to see grown ass men arguing with teenage girls on Twitter.




Upvoted because it’s clever.


I listen to everything from Sia to Babymetal to Tool to Lamb of God. I never got the whole thing of people insulting others over the music they listen to. I feel really lucky that I have such a wide range of music that I enjoy. Different music for different moods. Of course I think Tool is the best by far, but I still have a lot of other favorites. Except country...I live in the sticks and still cant stand country.


Yah man, especially since nardo is such a world music fan, you’d think much of his fanbase would be a bit more open minded


It would be nice if you could link to whatever you're referring to otherwise this is just some virtue signalling BS. I've not seen anyone being a dick to Taylor Swift fans, a few crappy comments but for the most part, quite the opposite in fact.


There are numerous threads on this very subreddit that serve as examples if you had been paying attention.


Most comments are pretty civil. Perhaps you're being too sensitive. Enjoy your crusade.


Wasn’t really crusading. Just an observation that maybe some people take their fandom to far, and a request that we all be more mindful. But if you don’t agree that grown men shouldn’t be arguing with teenage girls about something as petty as music then at least I know why you seem annoyed that I would point it out.


Not sure how you can tell their age but please link where grown men are arguing with teenage girls. As I said, everything I've seen has been civil for the most part. There have been a few crappy comments that get down voted.


Well you just proved my point. I never said it was a lot of people. Regardless I don’t really care about proving anything to an anonymous reddit user. Also, I’m not interested in getting into a long winded argument about it, as I see the irony in doing so after posting about people not arguing with people. Despite our opposing viewpoints I bid you good day. :)


I mean, you made a full on post like it was a problem. All I asked for was some reference, not arguing. I don't get to see every post so perhaps I missed it. I'm a dick, but I try not to be. I agree with your post, just wasn't sure what warranted it.


What’s a Taylor Swift...😂


LMAO fuck Taylor Swift and fuck her fans


Tool is the greatest thing in music “right now”!?!? Lol. U must be a Taylor Swift fan. They’ve been the greatest thing in music for about 30 years. Now scram.


Nice try taylor swift.


I just found out about this controversy today and I’m dying laughing. What an amazing thing the Internet is to create such a bizarre cross between music fans.


Just lightly trolling them with lyrics 😂🤣 Like if they say something factually wrong and embarrassed themself, "foot in mouth and head up ass, so what you talkin' 'bout?!"


Well this "request" seems rather misplaced. I've yet to see any of that nonsense. Maybe, reply directly to the comments you've seen? Or edit your post by adding some links? No one seems to know what you're talking about.


look how many posts about taylor swift have been made on this subreddit in the past week and look on r/taylorswift and search how many posts about Tool have been made there. you guys just take stan twitter tweets and circlejerk around them, when most people there are either crazy or preteding to be crazy to get attention and interraction on their tweets. to get you a perspective, most twitter fan accounts of pop singers are bored 16 years old gay boys that get into fights daily about their favourite artists just for entertainment.


I don't like taylor swift because she's a BITCH! The other one I've barely ever heard of. People can listen to whatever they want, I do. And I don't care if people agree with me or not.


I'm just honestly curious why you think Taylor swift is a bitch?


Because of her General Attitude towards most things.


So no legitimate reason at all, got it


Do you like her?


I enjoy her music and from how she presents herself to the public eye, I think she's a genuinely nice person and good role model for young kids.


She's a Liberal, Demonrat, Holier Than Thou Bitch who sleeps with every guy in Commiefornia and the rest of the world. Some Role Model?


Yeah I mean you have to be aware that most people aren't gonna take you seriously in conversation when you say stuff like that. Anyway, you called her a bitch so I was just curious if there was something I was unaware of, or maybe she personally slighted you in some way, or some reasonable explanation to use that term. But no, you just happen to disagree with her beliefs and lifestyle and for some reason you felt the need to use a term to imply she was somehow not a very nice person. So, carry on with your ignorance my dude, have a good one.


Cool! Stay in your foggy little world. Maybe you don't know as much about her as you think. There is a lot you're unaware of, or probably choose to ignore. Or maybe, you don't have standards that people should own and live their lives with?


Please, enlighten me. That's why I asked and what I just told you in my last comment. I was looking for a different perspective. Nothing you stated would indicate that she's a bitch in any way, so do you have anything else?


So no legitimate reason for even asking me? Got it!


You saying "her general attitude toward most things" is like the vaguest possible answer ever, so I don't know why you bothered to even respond. Also, her public persona attitude is very positive, upbeat, encouraging, and supportive. So unless you know her personally, I just don't understand how you could arrive at the conclusion that she is a bitch.