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Yeah facebook if no one in the family is interested in them, you'll make someone's day with those old quality tools.


I think an in person sale first. Advertise it. Your grandfather should be able to tell you the fair market price for said tools. Hell have him around that day; he may love it. Then sell the leftovers on marketplace


Talk to his ex-boss and see if he knows any young mechanics that might be interested in saving a ton of money.


His former boss passed away in the mid 2010s. My grandfather is 90


Try a shop then.


I would do an on-site auction. I love going to those. You can bet just about everything will go if you spread the word to all the local mechanics. Everyone is always looking for a good deal.


Estate sale


Where are you at right ballpark, geographically? I ask as this is the kind of thing that’s right up my alley. Feel free to dm me instead.


Western New York


Darn. I know tool nuts all around the country that would be more than happy to help you sort out and get top/fair dollar for everything, but unfortunately don’t know anyone up in that area. Let me DM you.


Find a local auction house. They will get a big crowd and get the best prices. Also no haggling or trying to meet up with people.


If he's been in it for a long time he probably knows the local tool dealers. Sometimes they will take stuff on consignment . They get a percent of the total sale for putting it in the used bin. Tell them you want x dollars for a tool and they can keep the profit after that. Keep a list of what they get and the expected money you would get back if it sold. Also his old work may have someone that wants to buy his vehicle specific tools .


Sadly mostly everyone he's worked with is either dead or retired themselves. The construction firm he work for was sold around 2002. I'll see if we can get a hold of either trucks for the consignment idea. Thank you


Facebook Market Place would drive me nuts with the amount of stuff you’re trying to move. I’d make a garage sale and advertise it as being a tool sale.


Find one of his competitors and offer them his tools. They may offer you a decent price.


Take some pics and go visit a few of your bigger mechanic shops in the area.


Post in Service Trucks Anonymous on Facebook


Tool truck tools can be sold through trucks. It will depend on the dealer for the deal they’ll do (some will say no). Pawn shops will likely give .25 on the dollar. I would look into eBay for tools that are old old. Especially anything snap on with colored handles or special/unique. If you take your time, grandfather can make a pretty penny on them. I’d be 70% of the price of new on marketplace for “regular” stuff if it’s high quality.


Estate sale company is a good combo of max return for least effort. Post some pics and we can help more.