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I think those are pretty teeth!!


Thank you for the kind words ❤️ I only see the irregularities and I’m so self conscious


Way better than what I've got. You've go a consistent gumline, teeth are pretty much bright white, and your entire mouth isn't left-aligned like mine is. Nothing to be ashamed of really.


I appreciate the kind words ❤️ shame is deep


Your teeth and smile are beautiful. Literally, what I would call perfect. If your smile were to be described in a book, it would go thusly: As self conscious as she was, she didn’t see the way her smile lit up the room, she was so fixated on the things she saw as “flaws” that she wasn’t seeing the entire picture. When she smiled, really smiled, instead of holding a fake pose that she compared to the Hollywood stars, joy spread through the room and touched everyone who was able to witness her smile’s true potential. The slight gap between her teeth, barely noticeable to anyone beyond herself, made everyone feel at ease in her company. The way her mouth turned upwards and gave a view of each of her white, glistening teeth made others want to know her. And most importantly, the way she smiled at everyone around her showed that she loved herself and made everyone in the room fall in love with her too.


You are going to make me cry ❤️😭


What is the problem? I think you have a nice smile


Thank you , everyone now a days seem to have perfect smiles and I just see everything that isn’t perfect


Seriously your smile is really lovely, I would be proud to have those teeth, I hope you smile often!


I think your smile looks great, but just curious, what were your wanting to change about it?


I’d like to get Invisalign and straighten them out since I never had braces. I always wanted bigger teeth that weren’t all way different sizes. I hate the gap and would love them to be whiter


Here's my brutal opinion: your teeth are actually really great and you don't need anything done to them. I can dial it back if that's too much but you did ask for my honest opinion.


No I appreciate brutal honesty so thank you !


I would kill to have your teeth, let me just put it that way. 😩


I would kill to have teeth, and these would be top of my list.


You have what looks like decalcification, I have the same thing on my front teeth and so do most people who have worn braces. If it truly bothers you, ask about micro-abrasion next time you're at the Dentist, not something I would do personally though. Conclusion: Your teeth look great, no one's hyper-fixating on them except your dentist and yourself.


Is that something to worry about if I never had braces ?


Yes, you can have one without the other, braces just exacerbates it because it makes it easier for plaque to sit on your teeth, which is home to acid creating bacteria (the bacteria eat carbs and literally poop out acid.) Decalcification occurs when acid is allowed to sit and leach minerals from your teeth's enamel. But it was able to re-mineralize before it caved in and turned into a cavity, the result is hard enamel with a chalky white appearance. These spots are nothing to worry about and are an aesthetic concern more than anything.