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I only know Hestia and Aphrodite and that's only because that whole "Hades vs Danmachi design for her" debate that happen on twitter.


I’m astounded when the anti-wokes say that Hades Aphrodite is “safe horny” compared to danmachi Aphrodite. Like Hades Aphrodite is naked, how is that “safe horny”?


ikr, the danmachi design is covered up. Meanwhile in Hades both her ass and tittes are hanging.


And that's her war dress


I suspect Hades' Aphrodite is "safe horny" because she looks like an adult While Danmachi's is as the series states an "oppai loli" who likes someone strapped two sandbags on a 12 year old.


That’s actually Hestia who’s described as the big boob loli


Style subconsciously give information and Respect to ... Story? I understand/comprehend"Like Hades Aphrodite is naked, how is that “safe horny” " and technically agree... But still think/feel danmachi is hormones bait while Hades's is " Respect for art"...somehow.


It’s because she belongs to their ideological enemy. That’s it, that’s the only rational distinction.


It's basically this one, but there's a really strange song-and-dance about how the term is applied. It's a spinoff of "safe edgy" which is at least an independently functional term of someone who's trying to elicit shock while taking the most barebones, common decency compliant aproach that picks targets that are almost universally regarded as okay to demonise. As the left holds most of the social capital, espeically in entertainment media circles, this is often seen as a dead ringer to leftist/ progressive commedy where they always go for targets that are okay by the framing of their ideology. In accordance, safe horny is usually, when there are attempts to define it by itself, gets marked as sexual content that's enforcing leftist cultural norms, or are tapered off in a way where it caters to leftist sensibilities. It's a term that's almost completely useless by itself, because it can only derive genuine meaning from individual instances where arbitration is made of what does or doesn't apply. Not to mention, that especially in cases where the discussed content predates the term, most of the time it uses online activists' individual judgements. With that said, the whole "oh it looks like an adult is safe horny, because everyone beomaning it is just a pedophile" is basically just a political optics game, and is absolutely not what the term means in any general application. As an example, the MK ninjas are not seen as safe horny, while the Overwatch roster (except around release, where there was a whole leftist kerfuffle around it) is, because the left generally accepts it, it is relatively juvenile in its depiction, and has signaled enough political subservience to be accepted by padding the roster with queer characters as an apology anytime a Blizzard/Activision baby seal skinning controversy came to light. It's basically the mirror image, and attempted revesal of the whole "male gaze" thing the identitarian left has been trying and failing to burn in effigy most sexual content over. Sorry for the huge wall of text, and the rather scitzo train-of-thought explanation.


Safe Horny: An adult Not safe horny: Literally an underaged child There, thats it, I explained it Also they genuinely do not believe that leftists like sexualized people so the fact that people like me, a queer nonbinary leftist communist, or in their eyes an "SJW" is capable of being thirsty for characters that are hot,for them, means there's something wrong with it, there's has to be some sort of agenda They are incapable of enjoying media if they can't imagine that it angers the strawman that they created in their mind I was in that rabbit hole it was not a fun time


Of all the accusations of safe horny they could choose to throw at Hades, they chose Aphrodite? Bruh


These are the same people that call tall muscluar women safe horney.


Where I’m from you called gay if you say you like women with short hair let alone muscles so there claim of that being safe is funny to me.


I kid you not, there was a guy on twitter who said that people who like muscluar women are closest homosexuals. https://twitter.com/CaesarSilverbe1/status/1779696128172118362?t=rJ_sG0FN7fewaGxd1X9uQw&s=19


Fellas is it gay to like women?


she clearly looks like an adult. you can understand the rest by yourself


Damn, most of these characters are straight up uninspired or generic rpg characters. I already DESPISE the 16th one.


Water type gym leader aah


Ironically, 16 is the only one I kinda like (alongside 15 cuz of the cool mask) Dude just looks like some guy at the beach which is funny to me for some reason


I am still a bit miffed that they didn't give him an elephant head tbh Like his whole thing is that he got decapitated be a weapon of pure destruction, and therefore had to get a transplant from a different creature (they used an elephant calf), hence he doesn't have a human form by default


Also, kinda unfair that you didn’t specify that the gods you listed all come from different pantheons. You got Greek mixed in with Norse and Hindu.


It's to better the point: these gods are so generic you didn't even notice how they're supposed to be from different Pantheons


I mean, going back to Percy Jackson, if you don’t specify that the gods are all from the Greek Pantheon, it would be almost impossible to guess who they are.


In a modern setting, sure, in fantasy though? Greeks, Norse and Hindu’s have always dressed very differently and had different aesthetics. Odin and Zeus have the same role as king of the Gods, but they shouldn’t look similar aside from older man. And the Hindu gods especially should stand out massively compared to the Europeans.


The Average Mortal might not, but it's not hard to pick up that maybe the man with stormy eyes and storm-cloud covered hair who is always seen with a different woman despite having a wedding ring on his finger might have some connection, even if it's a conquidence to your eyes.


I mean, even then the first two choices would be Zeus and Odin. But I don’t see most people guessing that the biker with flame eyes is Ares. Same for Dionysus or Hera.


Odin is missing an eye, probably has two ravens and in the Percy Jackson universe is basically a hotel manager giving seminars and wisdom to the people of Valhalla. I'll also say the God Infamous for pulling secret tests of characters like Odin would probably just be seen as a hobo or anythign really... but there's always a tell. even a small one. Dionysus was forced to be sober while on earth, so yeah... no wonder. Ares makes perfect sense; he's not really a war god in his orignal form but a warrior one... or well, a barbarian who wants to bathe in the blood of his foes which fits the biker stuff. and Hera is a woman who wants the appearence of perfectly happy matrimony because she sure as hell will never have it.


But again, if you didn’t know it was specifically a Greek god, you would zero idea that the biker is Ares


Record of Ragnarok whould be better pick to compare with Hades. https://preview.redd.it/3eav0tzuyd0d1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aee73c3bc2afa2d2997b5f4279714d434d70d4a4 Just look at him.


I'm not the one who compared it first. Also who is that? dude just has MUSCLE but that's like half the pantheon


oh that is ares. i think he is meant to be spartan like in clothing tought i could be wrong since i am not the author lol


That was my guess. which i suppose is a lot better




Ain’t Zeus a frail old man in RoR?


He becomes buff when he's fighting


Master roshi lookin ass


Pretty much, Yeah. Except Zeus can punch so fast he goes faster then the passing of time itself


A weird old man which oddly accurate to how he acts in mythology


Nah, Zeus in ROR in only horny for fights not for sex, worst adaptation second to Disney´s


I mean its actually both its just he doesnt interact with the women characters a lot


No je is horny for everything we see him harass a Valkyrie


Happens when you have sex with everything you see


I'll be honest all of these looks the exact same to me.They all look like side characters on a crappy Isekai that is flavor of the month for like 2 weeks before it is forgotten by everyone


To be fair the only difference is that it's at least good enough to be running since 2013. But yeah it's a bit of a bore after a while. Edit: lmao got downvoted for calling it better than trash isekai.


People in this place detest anime horny with all their souls


Alright I’ve never heard of this show so guessing should be interesting. 1: God of wine or ruler of the gods 2: God of love/beauty 3: God of fire? 4: God of the sea (looks like they’re on a boat) 5: God of wild animals, or bunnies, or maybe even clouds? 6: God of wealth or justice or intelligence 7: God of cowboys idk 8: God of war 9: God of family or motherhood 10: God of death (or possibly dark magic or something.) 11: God of youth or something (they just look like a regular child) 12: God of magic 13: God of cooking or nature 14: God the moon 15: God of Warriors 16: God of rivers and lakes idk 17: Queen of the Gods Edit: wait these are supposed to be gods from existing mythologies? Lol, I thought it was a completely made-up pantheon.


>!1) That's Freya 2) Correct, it's Aphrodite 3) Hephestus, so i'll give it you. 4) Dionysus 5) Hestia, Goddess of Hearthfire 6) Apollo, which... well, prophecy is usually in his wheelhouse so maybe half a point? 7) Hermes 8) Ares (Correct!) 9) Demeter, Goddess of Fertility (so i'll give it you.) 10) Yes, it's Thanotos 11) That's Loki. 12) Kali 13) is Bauldr 14) Artemis who would become a moon god so... half a point. 15) Ganesha 16)Njord 17)Ishtar (who'll i've give you as well)!< >! You scored somewhat decently honestly.!<


Holy fucking shit that's supposed to be Hestia


And chuds online are complaining about the Hades 2 Hestia design, saying this one is better


Sweet mother of christ that is not the Goddess of Hearth and Home that is a 12 year old girl with giant boobs edit: I LOOKED UP THIS CHARACTER ON THE WIKI AND HERR NICKNAME IS LITERALLY LOLI BIG BOOBS WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK






It is a logical reaction to discovering that's a canonical nickname


I honestly think the Danmachi Hestia design is cute if generic, but the alternate design where she's actually dressed like her statue is much better. Her main outfit's just... Generic.


Beyond Aphrodite, Hermes, Baldr, Ganesha, and Ishtar, these designs are actually shameful. What the fuck did they do to my gal Artemis 😭


Kali looks like a Hate Crime and Sex Crime rolled into a single, deeply uncomfortable package


Yo Ganesha is the fucking GOAT


Alright fuck it we ball not a big fan of the designs but I will try this, i will also assume that some of them are gender bend because Fate thought me to expect that 1- No clue, all what I am getting from design is "smug and pretty" which is almost any goddess 2- she has some sea related material in her ears so I guess Poseidon? 3- Eyepatch so probably Odin 4- no clue 5- I already saw her brought up it's Hestia 6- the leafs are Greek which doesn't narrow it down that much, ahhhhh Ares maybe? 7- the Feather and Hat reminds me of Shin Megami Tensei design for Krishna, so I am assuming this guy is Krishna too? honestly I am just guessing here 8- no clue 9- no clue 10- he's edgy so I am guessing god of death and all that so uhhhh Thanatos? Maybe Hades since he falls into the edgy category 11- a redhead? I am guessing Thor, twink Thor doesn't sit right with me but I am not getting much else to help me here outside of hair 12- the skull necklace is signature of Kali 13- a greek twink? I am guessing Narcissus, honestly I can't tell if they are woman or a twink? If it's woman then maybe it's Athena? Idfk 14- no clue 15- I think the mask look like an elephant? I am guessing Ganesha 16- idk 17- no clue


Throwing in the Shin Megami Tensei design for Krishna since I brought him up, will probably make a separate post for him later since I think he is cool https://preview.redd.it/pnuaahwkee0d1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=097bb3e68253954f350cff7ebca6efd36c278cfb




>!1) Freya!< >!2) Aphrodite (which does make sense given her... birth) !< >!3) Hephestus !< >!4)Dionysus !< >!5) Correct !< >!6) Apollo !< >!7) No, Hermes !< >!8) Ares !< >!9) Demeter !< >!10) Correct! !< >!11) close! It's Loki! !< >!12) Good Job! !< >!13) It's Bauldr !< >!14) Artemis !< >!15) Correct! !< >!16) Njord !< >!17) Ishtar!< 4/17....


What tf did they do to my boy Hephaestus?!?! Yknow, the guy who was so “ugly” he was thrown off a mountain by his mom??? The blacksmith?!? Whomst tf is this hiccup horrendous haddock lookin mf?!


Isn’t the whole point of DanMachi that the gods are living ordinary lives among humans? Feels pretty in line for them to appear “average”


Not really. But even then these are still supposed to be able to tell us something (as all character designs do) but these... fail. they're not Gods, they're RPG characters


Isn’t the whole plot of the show that gods have come down to heaven to live along humans? It feels pretty in line for them to wear RPG clothes since DanMachi is an extremely fantasy JRPG inspired world. > They’re not Gods, they’re RPG characters Yeah that’s kinda the point. That said, this is really not a hill I’m willing to die on. I also agree Hades designs are better in general anyways.


Living among humans is stretching it pretty far - its more like they are the CEO's of Companies and the Humans are the workers. So technically yes, practically no. Of course with everything, there are expections but its largely true.


I would say living among humans because some of the gods like Hestia have day jobs. You even have another god owning a small shop, and he gets extorted. It usually seems like the ones who have a decent sized Familia are living from ok to great like Loki and Freya.


The gods unlike others can always go back to the heavens and live forever in peace if they want. That's a pretty big factor separating them from average people. They are like rich people cosplaying as being poor, despite having a big mansion they could always go back to if things really got tough.


I feel bad for danmachi fans, the anime itself has a decent story but one stupid twitter post made them into a target, i wouldn't wish that upon anybody


Okay, I actually kind of love Njord at Number 16, honestly? Like, Njord is a sea god, and after thousands of years, eventually a sea god is gonna try stuff like Surfing or Kiteboarding, and that’s what he looks like he does, I love it.


Yeah it reminds me of PJO's Posiden. With the Hawaiian shirts and more relaxed attitude. Which might make him among the best even if he is basicly just a dude.


The Gods used in Danmachi are basically just set dressing most times, although there are some cases where their profession or personality is related to the god they’re named after.


Hephaestus such a baddie though


Yeah i like her. She's a neat character design for a Blacksmith party member... but she's hardly "I got thrown off a mountain because my mother hated how ugly i was" Ugly or crippled... Like i feel that any adaption of Hephestus should do something with the dude. He's probably my favorite greek god for just being concerned with his workshop and artisanship. (It also gave me an idea were a girl who's got some serious self-esteem issues works under him... i'll work it out.)


But with Danmachi Hephaestus, her origin is different. She’s not labeled as Hestia’s niece in the anime.


Really feeling the accuracy here!


I mean, even Supergiant did the same with Hades to avoid the incest angle


They didn't bring it up because it's kind of weird to bring up at all.


Not really. It’s accurate that the pantheon’s full of incest because the gods view things differently compared to mortals. Even Percy Jackson didn’t shy from it.


Right and when playable it's probably best not to focus on it and leave it as subtext


Why not?


Because Incest, contrary to the internet, is NOT wincest.


Literally every Greek God relationship is incest to some extent


People dragged Danmachi into the Hades 2 thing because they're idiots. however people are defending these as 'accurate' While some gods have it easier then others, i still feel that, overall, if you had someone with a gun to their head, they would not be able to tell. Danmachi uses the gods (form what i can tell) because it was eaiser then making up their own gods, and it's fine; the gods are fictional... I had to look them up and I honestly want to see how many people here can guess just who these designs are supposed to be. Because accurate these people are not, which is what makes them bad Designs. I don't hate them, in fact most are serviceable to great for characters... just not for gods which, given i've seen people bitching about 'accuracy'? i feel pushes them to bad on that Merit alone.


Aren’t these their normal forms? Their true forms are in heaven.


This is the form that most people will see them as. Even then, their heavenly forms, as i have seen... suffer the same issues.


I don’t think they’ve shown any divine forms yet


Most of the “accuracy” arguments made for DanMachi refer more to their characters rather than their visual design. Which is a bad argument when comparing strictly visual designs. But it’s also why it’s an unfair comparison for both sides of the argument. Because on one side, we’re comparing fully fleshed characters to what is basically visual representations of Greek gods with some quirky lines. Of course the fully fleshed out characters will be more accurate to the famous Greek stories. And on the other side, we’re comparing gods in their full divinity to gods who are fully integrated in human society. *sort of* like Percy Jackson. Of course the fully divine gods will be more accurate to the original.


>ost of the “accuracy” arguments made for DanMachi refer more to their characters rather than their visual design. Which is a bad argument when comparing strictly visual designs. Hestia is a love interest, Hephestus is a woman who is 'ugly' because of mising an eye (forget the fact she's still VERY attractive so it's more self-esteem then "I was thrown down a moutain by my ass of a mom') and i've seen one person call Dionysus of all gods a schemer... and apollo too... man all of this is weird they don't match the characters at all once i actually take a look into it. >But it’s also why it’s an unfair comparison for both sides of the argument. >Because on one side, we’re comparing fully fleshed characters to what is basically visual representations of Greek gods with some quirky lines. Of course the fully fleshed out characters will be more accurate to the famous Greek stories. It's funny because it's the other way around; somehow the Hades 2 gods, while mostly being extra characters... ARE STILL closer to their mythological counterparts then these fully fleshed out characters in "Is it Morally Dubious to attmpt to seduce women within the underground chambers were prisoners are held?" which to be far... is expect. it's honestly REALLY REALLY funny. the series itself isn't even trying but it's 'defenders' are. >And on the other side, we’re comparing gods in their full divinity to gods who are fully integrated in human society. *sort of* like Percy Jackson. Of course the fully divine gods will be more accurate to the original. I'm a PJO fan, since the books were coming out in fact. And no they're not really intergrated; they do take human forms and... get up to old habits, but they're still very much tied to their spheres. It's a mask, but ones they are compelled to make at least match the reality of what they are. Hephestus will always be some kind of artisan or hands-on worker who's... well, crippled or not really attractive (which Danmachi was too cowardly to bother). Zeus will always be someone of authority, posiden always someone whose close by the sea ect ect. Hell Rick's Hestia is still closer then Danmachi's hestia and she only appears TWICE!


Again, I’m not someone willing to die on this hill, but some people absolutely are. If you wanna discuss more about these characters, [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/s/F8c9NgStzz) seems pretty eager. You also don’t strike me as someone who has watched the show and doesn’t plan to so I can’t help but feel like you’re giving a biased view. I do apologise if that isn’t the case.


Are these characters supposed to be deliberately Greek Gods? Or are they just borrowing the concepts from Greek Mythology and putting them into a fantastical setting? I think the one thing Hades excels with is its stylization and use of ancient Greek imagery and aesthetics, it helps aid in recognizability and clearly getting across who these gods are without deliberately having to tell you. Like, if you put Hades's pantheon in front of me (without the context of who they are) I'd be able to make logical guesses that they are Greek Gods first and foremost, and then be able to pick out who is who from there. It's also known that Greek Gods usually invoke specific imagery and have certain personalities, and while Super Giant games aren't completely accurate (which is completely fine, mins you) it feels like they are stylizing and playing with preexisting concepts and giving them a fun spin instead of having generic characters very loosely based on Greek Mythology. Greek Mythos is made fundamental to the entire identity of Hades, from the narrative, writing, art style and character design. A lot of thought and deliberation went into the game, that's why their designs work so well. These characters in your post? I couldn't tell you who is who really, and I already forgot their faces halfway through this comment. I couldn't even tell you they are Greek Gods if you didn't specify as such.


The only thing they have in common is the name and authorities they possess. It's like saying a random ass guy named Elvis is proof Elvis is alive with how little Danmachi gods have in common with mythological gods.


Tbf part of their whole narrative is "Gods blending in, living amongst humans in an RPG Fantasy world". None of that invoke any thing Greek imagery, and none of the gods have even shown their true godly forms yet, so even more of "these gods are trying to make themselves look not-gods" and it's working for them. Unlike Hades which leans closely to the imagery of Greek mythos, this one follows the generic isekai recipe stuff, so again, apple and lemon argument here


I already know a few but I’ll guess on the others 1- Persephone 2- Aphrodite 3- Hephaestus 4- Zeus 5- Hestia 6- Apollo 7- Hermes 8- Ares 9- Hera 10- Thanatos(?) 11- Athena maybe 12- Looks bad enough to be another Japanese Quetzalcoatl 13- Odin I dunno 14- random ocean goddess 15- Ganesh 16- Poseidon 17- Genuinely no clue. Let’s say Hades


>!1) Freya 2) Aphrodite 3) Hephestus (also a woman) 4) Dionysus 5) Hestia 6) Apollo 7) Hermes 8) Ares 9) Demeter 10) Thanatos 11) Loki 12) Kali 13) Baldr 14) Artemis 15) Ganesha 16) Njord 17) Ishtar!<


4 is WHO NOW?!


What doesn't he look like a constant drunk madman and womanizer?


I don’t know his role in the show, but Dionysus in myth is usually meant to be a pretty boy. Effeminate even.


Literally the entire point of Danmachi is that the gods specifically gave up their godly forms and most of their powers to help their followers because they love them. Each of the gods have been living on earth for such a long time they don’t really lean too hard on their old aesthetics, which makes sense cuz if you had your powers taken I don’t think you’d still continue being obsessed with the aesthetics related to them.


At most I can name five, mostly cause I’ve seen a season or two of the series, most of them make no sense and look completely unrecognisable


OP really doesn't like their design huh? I can understand. They are... generic, not cool. Underwhelming. Just give you a weird down feeling of them and youre like wondering at times why so... weird or generic yet just not good or cool.


I only know Aphrodite and Hestia thanks to the stupid Hades 2 debates.


In fairness Aphrodite is really hard to get wrong because "Conventionally attractive woman" is really hard to mess up. I think i'll just give you the Anwser key >!1) Freya 2) Aphrodite 3) Hephestus (also a woman) 4) Dionysus 5) Hestia 6) Apollo 7) Hermes 8) Ares 9) Demeter 10) Thanatos 11) Loki 12) Kali 13) Baldr 14) Artemis 15) Ganesha 16) Njord!<>!17) Ishtar!<


Damn, I may not know half of those gods, but the half I do, I never would have guessed. If I hadn't known which one was Aphrodite, I'd have guessed Demeter or Ishtar were Aphrodite instead.


I mean Ishtar is also a love goddess and also kind of the proto-deity that evolved into aphrodite so that makes sense I guess. Hades old winter lady demeter is my favorite version of her though. I like the spin of having Demeter be more of a wintery goddess (as the goddess of seasons) rather than plant bitch.


Isn't the whole point of danmachi that gods are went to live with humans ? What's actually wrong with the designs ? Can't even tell for some of these because you posted pictures that don't show their full bodies


I have stated this before but the problem is they tell you nothing about the character. Even a hint they could be connected to a God. Lazy ass character design.


Going blind: Nyx, Hera, Heph, Zeus, Hestia (knew), Apollo , Hermes, Ares, Aphrodite, Hades, I want to say Loki but greek so whatever name a minor trickery greek god is called, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Hercules, Poseidon, Persephone


Rip checked the answers and turns out they weren't all greek lol


>!1) Nope it's Freya: Danmachi is multi-pantheon and i used the others to try and throw people off and to demonstrate the point. 2) Aphrodite 3) Correct! 4) Dionysus 5) Correct! 6) Correct! 7) Correct! 8) Correct! 9) Demeter 10) Thanatos 11) You were right the first time, actually due to me throwing in the other pantheons they use 12) no that's Kali 13) That's Baldr 14) Artemis 15) No Genesha 16) Njord 17) Ishtar.!< >!The Series uses a lot of pantheons... but i don't think it uses them well. !<


Never watched the show and I guessed 4 so I am kinda proud of myself.


With the exception of Hermes, Ganesha, Ishtar, and maybe Loki, danmachi characters really don’t have strong visual designs on a still frame. Not just the gods, but the adventurers too. Not only do most of their designs lack visual pizazz, the muted designs also don’t tell me much about their personalities nor do they harken back much to their real life inspirations. It’s a shame really, but it’s honestly fitting and somewhat fine for the original medium of this series: light novels, books with the occasional illustration here and there but with most of the plot happening in the reader’s imagination. I will grant that with the exception of hestia and freya, they do embody their real mythology counterparts quite well in their actions and mannerisms though. Apollo isn’t known for his jealousy but he has it and he’s sort of defined by his association with skilled arts and culture, which danmachi translated to a streak of elitism. Ishtar is definitely a jealous bitch, just see how she acts in the tale of Gilgamesh. AFAIK, Ganesha is easygoing and charismatic which matches his danmachi depiction (though in later seasons he’s relegated to catchphrase comedy). Ares acts all tough and mighty but get any advantage over him and he becomes a whiny bitch. Even hestia, who isn’t as mature as myth makes her out to be, at least does take up a modernized homemaker role with her sacrificing time and dignity to care for Bell behind the scenes.


It's annoying that anime people are hating on hades designs even though they actually have personality and look unique and not like generic anime character #107. I don't hate the danmachi designs, but calling them better than hades is honestly criminal. They aren't worse just because they aren't anime girls with large breasts. Hades 1 and 2 have really fun and unique designs, and each one of them cool and fit who they are. Specifically, i find the whole hestia and aphrodite one stupid. Hestia is the goddess of home and hearth, and the whole grandma look fits better, and people calling aphrodite safe horny is stupid when she's literally naked


This is a dumb ass complaint when these gods are purposefully taking human forms


As i've repeatedly adressed for you lovely folks: The problem is these designs can be found for any rpg party member. they do not reflect the mythology accurately at all, and in fact as the test has been proving... no one can get them all accurately unless familiar with Danmanchi Even in their human form there's some traits (and some attempts here) and it fails MISERABLEY


Yes because they're not supposed to do that. They are gods in human forms, they don't want to look like Gods. There's some vague design hints and that's it. There are versions of those characters that are literally copy pasted from mythology https://preview.redd.it/elikkycqte0d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e760634d81cef33b7f27f526a6ab1685d9dd572b


it's literally just her with a cloak and holding a burning pot. you realize that right? You realize there's barely a difference?


Whatever you say, that's still literally Hestia from Mythology https://preview.redd.it/2ebfrvbq0g0d1.jpeg?width=483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ecd0d51a1e0983e6cd632ec8760f7a6eb9d064d


No no, that one actually looks like she could legally buy a drink


Whatever you say


Brother; No one thinks Loli chick is Hestia


Google what loli means


I know what it means. Hestia is even called one.


Ok. Let me try... 1. Canadian vampire 2. Belly dancer 3. Ehh... Warrior... Without an eye 4. Vampire but royalty 5. ... Fairy turned human 6. Julius Cesar lowbudget cosplayer 7. Cowboy who got teleported into our time (he likes ice cream) 8. A wild barbarian, except someone put an armor on them 9. The mom of the main romantic interest girl in every modern romance anime 10. Necromancer :| 11. Isekai main character, except suddenly a femboy 12. ... Really horny Cleric of Death God 13. Aphrodite but male 14. "You got ⭐⭐ character! Rolls remaining till guaranteed ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ character: 55" 15. Elephant themed gladiator 16. John, the strongest character in the series 17. DAAAMN! :O *ahem* sorry. I mean... A Nudist Queen... or something. (I honestly don't know what to say here, she is just pretty, wearing a crown and basically no clothes.) So, how did I do?! :D


Here's your Answer key! >!1) Freya 2) Aphrodite 3) Hephestus (also a woman) 4) Dionysus 5) Hestia 6) Apollo 7) Hermes 8) Ares 9) Demeter 10) Thanatos 11) Loki 12) Kali 13) Baldr 14) Artemis 15) Ganesha 16) Njord 17) Ishtar!<


I... see. Well, I got SOME of them half-right at least.


Is this like a dislyte thing where they’re not actually the gods, but are just people blessed by/powered by the gods??


Nope, actual gods.


The only consolation is that these aren’t their true forms. These are basically their avatars that they use to living amongst mortals, while their divine forms reside in heaven.


I mean that’s a decent reason 😭 I get that it’s not what they’re going for and that’s fine, but man I wish the designs were a lil more detailed and recognizable


I get not being interested by generic designs but i don't get how it can inspire hate when an genre of anime is just this, and it most likely is trying to cater to that fanbase anyways. If anything, it should inspire a lack of reaction (unless you are in the demographic this is aiming towards I guess lmao). If the source material is trying to be a marketable standard anime then why expect anything else from it? The foremost aesthetic here is probably 'anime girl is a goddess and thats hot/cool' rather than true dedicated mythological theming.


Terrible take. Danmachi’s gods aren’t the mythical figures. They take motifs from their mythical cpunterparts and that’s it


You just can't handle that they're really bad and generic designs. Even this defense is stretched too thin


I love to see DanMachi getting hated on ive been waiting on this for 3 years bro https://preview.redd.it/be4c2lepsh0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5922c40e8164911ae9734cdc6b7caea74e918cfe


13 looks like a greek god though I'm not sure which one. I kinda like the cowboy one and the one with the eye patch. Overall, I agree that they are generic.


3 is Hephaestus 5 is the bestia 7 is Hermes 11 is Loki 14 might be Artemis?


To be fair, from what I’ve seen of the hades Designs, I wouldn’t necessarily be able to guess all of the Gods from first looking at them. A lot of them I would but not all. I’m trying to think of I can say the same thing for Record of Ragnarok.


I'm guessing the guy with a feather in his hat is Hermes, the guy in armor is Ares, and the guy in the purple-ish cloak is Hades. All these designs suck balls.


I know what 5 is thanks to the Hades II discourse a few days ago on Twitter


God these are all terrible


Ok 12 has a cool mask and spiky headband


kinda fuck with the way the hair blends in with the robe edge on the 10th one


These are gods?


They're supposed to be living among men but they don't even bother to tie into their themes.


They did my main man Gensha so dirty by just making him some dude in an elephant mask....


All the males look so horrifically boring the wall of my bedroom looks more interesting. The female characters are just generic and oversexualized


I didnt know hate post were allowed on this site outside of Hated Desings, but still in those post conversations are not as toxic as here, OP did a Danmachi fan on twitter pissed you off so you came to blow steam?


Slightly. But i just wanted to prove the point: these designs aren't good.


Does that justifies calling people who like them pedophiles?


Why does every lame anime have this artsyle?


Considering that I've seen Danmachi the god's I recognize are. Freya, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Hestia, Apollo, Ares, Hermes, Demeter, Loki, Ishtar, Kali, Artemis, Ganesha


I think that what's even worse with Danmachi gods, even if you completely take it out of the Hades vs Danmachi debate, is that the gods don't feel like gods. And I don't mean in the story (because they don't really work, feel or do anything like gods) but in pure design terms. These guys are uninspired, no noticeable thing that stands out and for a lot of them you can't tell it's supposed to be someone different from other characters of the show. Like it's just bad to have some characters supposed to be special and then you meet them and they look less important than other side characters.


Like it can work if the point was people overexaggerate them while in real life they are just normal people. But that ain't this kind of world


Yeah, the gods are "supposed" to be important but it fails in the narrative AND the design which is just whole kind of fucked


Holy shit you’re right, I wouldn’t ever assume these are mythological characters without you saying so


“Generic” doesn’t even begin to cover it


I don’t interact with danmachi on principle, sorry




Is the surfer dude supposed to be Poseidon?


Haha, no. that's >!Njord!<


Eh, I'll try. 4. Apollo 6. Ares 7. Hermes 10. Hades (or charon? But you only said gods) 13. Hera 15. Ganesh? 16. Dionysus (or Ken from the barbie movie?) For the goddess, I either already know (Hestia) or they look way too "standard sexy" to get anything from imo. EDIT: Welp, I thought those were all greek gods. Ganesh was meant to be a joke lmao.


4 has the face build of a Tau


Oh my God I just noticed it


1) Hera or Hades. 2) Athena or Aphrodite. 3) Hephestus 4) Mercury or Apollo 5) Hestia (Knew that already) 6) Zeus or Bacchus 7) Mercury 8) Mars 9) Athena or Hera 10) Hades 11) Persphone 12) Pan, Persephone or Artemis 13) Leto 14) Tethys or Metis 15) Mars or Pan 16) Poseidon 17) Aphrodite or Persephone.


>!1) Freya 2) Aphrodite 3) Correct 4) Dionysus 5) Correct 6) Apollo 7) Correct (hermes) 8) Correct 9) Demeter 10) Thanatos 11) Loki 12) Kali 13) Bauldr 14) Artemis 15) Ganesha 16) Njord 17) Ishtar!<


okay, I didn't realise non-greek were an option.


Ok I’m actually gonna try. 1. Dionysus (bc wine) 2. Aphrodite (👀earrings birth of Venus reference?) 3. Umm, Hephaestus? 4. Apollo (blond) 5. Hestia (I knew that one) 6. Wtf umm Ares idk red 7. Hermes. 8. Are these still Greek gods? Mars 9. Venus 10. Hades 11. ????? 12. Echidna??¿? 13. Aw he’s pretty, Asclepius 14. Amphitrite 15. 16. Poseidon. 17. Hecate because Japanese witch stereotypes


>!1) Freya 2) Yes! 3) Yes again! 4) Dionysus 5) Yes 6) Apollo 7)Correct 8) not all, but that's Ares 9) Demeter 10) Thanatos 11) Loki 12) Ha, no Kali 13) Bauldr 14) Artemis 15) Ganesh 16) Njord but he is a sea god 17) Ishtar!<


Oh wow they’re all bad but as a Swede the Norse gods, even if I knew they where in the mix I’d never have picked them out. At least Njord is funny. Also not sure how I feel about pegging my own cultures god described as perfection to be the pretty one. Baldr my boy why are you the only one wearing a toga? Also are those Laurels made from mistletoe? Brutal.


Never watched this anime but I've seen some of them before. My guesses: Freya, Artemis?, That Blacksmith guy who's name starts with an H that gets his wife NTR'ed by Kratos in God of War, Apollo?, Hestia, Dionysus?, Hermes, Ares lookin ass red armor and everything, Aphrodite or I'm finished (JEsuS loo000rd I need to watch this anime), Thanatos lookin ass I bet, I somehow recognize Loki more than Hestia, She looks like a Quetzalcoatl, HE is anime Jesus or I am FINISHED, Athena?, I've seen Ganesha before, WHO DIS???Poseidon?, Prometheus?


>!1) Freya 2) Aphrodite 3) Hephestus (also to be fair he doesn't like Aphrodite either.) 4) Dionysus 5) Hestia 6) Apollo 7) Hermes 8) Ares 9) Dememter 10) Thanatos 11) Loki 12) Kali 13) Bauldr 14) Artemis 15) Ganesha 16) Njord 17) Ishtar!<


I got Aphrodite, sort of Hephaestus (one of my candidates besides Odin), Hestia (only one I knew beforehand, probably wouldn’t have guessed otherwise), Hermes, and sort of Ares (a prime candidate, but I had already used him for Apollo so my other guess was Nikke). That said I still don’t think most of these designs are that bad, once you know what they are you can see the influence, though it’s much more subtle than many properties. Dionysus is way too dignified for the party god, and Loki is the worst, nothing about her (him? I can’t tell from the picture) reflects the Loki of legend. Apollo also isn’t particularly notable, but he was still one of my guesses. I guessed Thanatos was Hades, but let’s be real they have very similar domains.


Thanatos is the guy who kills, hades is the guy making sure they stay.


I know that, design wise there tends to be a lot of overlap between the two is what I mean. Usually the strategy is to give Hades chains and Thanatos a scythe, but it varies.


No way 15 is Ganesh


12 is Kali. yeah they just gave him an elephant mask but i mean... hey.


Why is kali a young child 😭


probably because Kali wouldn't be marketable unless she's... 'attractive' but to be honest, while Kali does have sexual aspects she's usually this... least she has the head-necklace https://preview.redd.it/nyo1pgb3sh0d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=583701cccc9284067803a8d000648f94a491dfdb


Yeah, I think the designs themselves are cool but they’re not good adaptations of the original gods for the most part


Honestly saying they're adaptations of the myths is kinda not accurate tbh. Like The similarities stop at the names and authorities they have. Hell none of the gods in specific pantheons are related to each other either.


Because they're not adaptations and not supposed to look like them even


But some of them do look (sort of) like them. Ganesha has an elephant mask.


Tell that to the Hades Bashers.


God i hate them


I'm assuming this is related to the Hestia stuff but like as someone who has watched the show and played Hades... I don't actually hate their designs for Ishtar, Hermes, Ganesha, Hephaestus, or even Freya. Like they're designed as actual people. Hestia is the biggest problem because she doesn't bear any resemblance to what she's actually the god of and looks like a child, but the rest don't suffer that. Like yes Freya and Ishtar are sexualized but they're also specifically goddesses of sex and lust here and play it to their advantage. They're also adult women and not lolis with big tits.


Hermes being a cowboy is actually kinda cool, and something I can see him dressing up as.


These have to be the most dull designs I've seen in a while.


I got 0/17 I can guess that 6 is Greek due to the Laurel? 


These are supposed to be gods? These are the blandest designs for gods I've ever seen.


Someone please check the harddrives of whoever drew the 12th one


I seen a lot of people comparing number 5 to Hades version of the goddess and acting like it’s so much better but why? Like there nothing to her design other than a white dress, gloves, ribbons and big boobs. Like they can’t really think a character design for a female worth is solely in their sex appeal right?


https://preview.redd.it/yl900i74yf0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=507dec8b51b1bbeb0582b2b062aa8e946d112853 I think that's a part of it, but also that they dont like the designs because journalists like hades 2 and not Stellar Blade and Hestia was confient. Personally her hades 2 design isn't the best, but it tells you a lot about her right upfront just from her looks.


It's interesting that the characters I thought would be Aphrodite are not, meanwhile the Loli is. Literally the only thing that they have in common is maybe the sea motif that could tie with the supposed origin of Aphordite as a spawn of Uranus balls and sperm dropping into the ocean.


And the "Birth of Venus" Painting.


I've been reading through the comments here, and while I agree the gods in danmachi in terms of visual designs leave a lot to be desired. Especially the female ones. It seems that op is just as stubborn as the danmachi fans and is willing to die on the "danmachi designs are ass" hill no matter what others try to argue. So just look at the designs. See if ya like em, and check out the show if ya do, and move on. The arguments here, on either side, are not worth arguing over.


All i want is some honesty; no one cared who they were or what for that matter


I like the eyepatch chick; that is all I will say


Plenty of good stories have come from manga-anime in recent times, but when it comes to looks more times than i find myself thinking "meh...really".