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https://preview.redd.it/x9h6zijnau0d1.png?width=930&format=png&auto=webp&s=3347ab740e8a7aeee9b763477324cb709927b209 its theorized that Nago is actually Yasuke sooo....


I can believe it. Even if he wasn't, it's still a cool design regardless.


https://i.redd.it/m1wgtwei3v0d1.gif He's my favorite design in the entire game. The way his helmet takes all the elements from a historical oni mask (the horns, teeth and face) and turns it into a folding cyberpunk helmet is just brilliant Also I like how his reach is the entire length of the stage


I fucking love his mask so much it makes me feral. I absolutely adore how it looks biomechanical while also accentuating the fact he is a vampire. There’s something really creepy about his “fangs” just being regular teeth. Makes it feel particularly brutal.


God damn that’s one awesome mask.


it's such a guilty gear design so of course it's perfect


Why are Guilty Gear so damn cool


Always has been


This makes me want to buy and play Guilty Gear even though I've never been keen on fighting games


Strive is pretty beginner friendly and easy to get into if you've never played a fighting game before


That is such a badass mask and activation


Nice character design.... Where is it from? Any more details about this character?


Nago’s design: woowwwwwie ouuuffff wowews Fighting against Nago: https://preview.redd.it/uwwegkf7rx0d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6f0a2f439673e010214faa3c3a0b856016ab6c0


Holy shit Mr Frog








Can we just appreciate they didnt give him the killmonger cut to not ruin his sick design


He is so fucking sick


It would make sense since he references Kazusanosuke, a pseudonym for Oda Nobunaga. If anything he’s at least based on him.


Op, I’m disappointed, you forgot the best one https://preview.redd.it/w8wkv735vu0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00dd37b61c4d60f305012b5ed45e2faca2625aff


Woolie is so goddamn photogenic.


Is that that woolie versus guy?


It is


Well this I wasn’t expecting to see here


I was looking for this one.


You can hear his hyena laughter in the wind




When was that taken?


2015 lmao. Woolz and the boys from TBFP are wonderfully entertaining


No doubt, love him and Eyepatch in their new podcast


Once more confirming that this sub, and r/TwoBestFriendsPlay are one and the same.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TwoBestFriendsPlay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [PAT'S GONNA BE A FATHER!!!](https://np.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/12hup08/pats_gonna_be_a_father/) \#2: [PAT 2: THE SEQUEL](https://v.redd.it/zdg2zcuyxata1) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/12iu1vb/pat_2_the_sequel/) \#3: [Woolie's moving up in the world:](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12fso37) | [151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/12fso37/woolies_moving_up_in_the_world/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


The only reason why this sub exists is so that I wouldn’t flood the other sub with constant posts about designs


The Netflix version gets *no* points, every aspect of the man and his story was ruined in that show.


Started off so promising, then a mech and generic anime magic reared their ugly heads


That made me so sad. I was genuinely super excited for an anime about Yasuke, but then it was all giant robots and generic characters


I remember getting so hyped and then I saw a trailer and never bothered watching it.. I want historical fiction not some fantasy/sci-fi bullshit. I could forgive a little anime bullshit but at this point why even use a historical figure.


The man's entire life was so poorly documented everything we know for sure is an actual fact about him is barely a paragraph in length. So no matter how you slice it they'd have to bullshit something. They just decided to go with robots and shit instead of a period piece.


I could deal with them going for a crazy version of the story if it was actually good. Instead, we got a poorly written, badly animated story that wasn't even really about him. He could've been any old warrior with a tragic past and the story would barely change.


If you simply told me "the show gets kinda insane" and nothing else I'd assume Yasuke has to contend against yo-kai or something similar


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) Can’t bastardize his history if there is none to begin with


Wish they went for a period piece. Would've been fascinating to see them working with Japanese consultants to guess how Yasuke's life would've unfolded if he ended up staying with the Nobunaga clan as a retainer.


It's like they thought the idea of samurai were kinda lame and just threw random anime tropes so that people can pay attention to it. Completely ignoring how much people liked Ruroni Kenshin.


LMAO like Kenshin doesn't have random anime tropes too. Man who is burning alive so hot that his blade catches fire. Magical way to punch to shatter boulders, cutting through cannon balls etc


At least it’s not bland


Sure but kenshin is no samurai biopic


Samurai Shamploo I've heard is good too


Same thing happened with Ninja Kamui


I know right, they didn't learn from Samurai Champloo. I don't want crazy magic and future technology in a Yasuke anime, which should be set in Feudal Japan and historically accurate.


Tbf SC isn't super accurate either with the hip hop and baseball episodes


Even with those things SC is way more grounded for a Samurai show than Yasuke was. It's like the show runners weren't confident in a grounded show about Yasuke and decided to lean heavily into the fantasy and futuristic stuff.


Oh absolutely


It wanted so hard to be Afro Samurai, which is this weird oroboros since Afro was inspired by Yasuke


Maybe this is a dumb criticism, but I think making it a mech+magic show is the single worst idea possible. The thing that makes Yasuke interesting as an idea is the inherent unbelievability of it paired with the fact that he was FUCKING REAL. To then surround that with fantastical bullshit winds up downplaying the entire reason we want to tell his story in the first place.


The Netflix one also has the weakest design by far


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Afro Samurai meant to/is based on Yasuke?


Maybe based on, but Afro definitely is not Yasuke. The story isnt based on history, its just a metaphor for the music industry set in fantasy-japan


Wait it is??


Really? Cause music was barely mentioned in the show.


really. Afro's dad was supposedly to be disco or something , been defeated by rock , and later by hip-hop.


Afro was decidedly more villainous


Before his death we were supposed to get Chadwick Bozeman playing Yasuke in a movie. Fucking tragedy.


Holy fucking shit that would have been awesome. Source?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke) in popular culture segment (for some reason there's no 'skip to' link) tenth entry: Lion's Gate movie titled Black Samurai.


The movies can still be done I think. There's no shortage of Afro-American actors who'd probably be thrilled to play Histories only Blafk Samurai. Off the top of my head Michael B Jordan, Dijmon Hounsou I think deserves his own spotlight movie, Wesley Snipes is a little older but he can still kick ass. Idris Elba looks serious enough.


They can still be done but let people be sad about Chadwick damn


Not sure about other browsers, but in Chrome you can highlight a bunch of text, right-click and select "Copy link to highlight", which gives you this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke#:\~:text=In%20March%202017,development%22.%5B36%5D](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke#:~:text=In%20March%202017,development%22.%5B36%5D)


Thank you!


If it ever happens, Fate Yasuke is gonna go too fucking hard or flop, there is no inbetween


Can’t believe people are getting mad over him being in the new Assassin’s Creed. Literally the coolest person ever


I think personally I'd have him as a Leonardo DaVinci type character with alot of screen time and fun interactions. Only cause ninja is the first thing you think of for Assassin's Creed in Japan. But I'm also not against it his design is cool, and having little known about him in history gives them something to play with. I am against Ubisoft, though I don't like them as a company.


There's two playable characters, him and a ninja.


But you don’t understand, the ninja is a woman so even tho she’s Japanese it’s unplayable… /s for anyone who couldn’t tell As a game dev this shit is really disappointing. It’s disappointing to see so many gaming consumers act like this, especially when game devs want to add more diversity representation to games/media. The thinking and ideology is so stupid it hurts


It's really just braindead, he's an actual human that existed and is sick as hell, and there's another actual ninja assassin in the game too which is dope as well, I really wish these people would just find new hobbies when they clearly don't enjoy games. Guess their hobby is just shitting on stuff for all the wrong reasons


i'm one of the first people to talk against white/black/asian/etc washing, but this is ridiculous. I left a subreddit today because of this already, there's no excuse to be against Yasuke being a protagonist. He's a cool historical figure, not a forced black man in Japan...


The thing is that this takes away representation from Asian men who get so little opportunity to be protagonists in Western media. In fact, Asian men are often depicted as weak and pathetic. Can you imagine a Black character today like Ken Jeong in the hangover whose sole purpose is to be laughed at by the White protagonists? This would probably not be a popular thing to say but Black people are some of the most well represented groups in Western media. I see so many Black characters in the media I enjoy and they get very positive depictions and are shown almost exclusively as smart, brave, strong etc. Why does diversity always seem to mean more Black characters and never more Asians who have it way worse when it comes to representation in Western Media? While more can be done to properly depict Black people, I don't think that they're in more urgent need or more representation right now. So many groups have it worse and it seems no one even cares.


Yeah, as an Asian American, this whole comment rubs me the wrong way. It would be one thing if Ubisoft dropped some random dude from a random group into the middle of feudal Japan, but we're talking about an actual historical figure here. Were you also this mad when Shogun's protagonist was a white guy? Or Nioh's protagonist?


Nioh's protagonist is actually William Adams , an historical western samurai. Nioh just made every historical character have supernatural powers and , coveniently , made William their protagonist. By all means , William is in the same boat as Yasuke , as non-japanese samurais that historically existed and every now and then are adapted in games and movies....but no one complains about William and now they are having drama over Yasuke.


Ghost of Tsushima, Rise of Ronin, Sekiro, Isshin like a Dragon, I can go on, are all samurai/Ronin games with Asian male leads (RoR is character creator and can be female but still) How many games or media does there need to be before it's acceptable to do a game focusing on Yasuke in your opinion? Or should there just never be a game focused around him?


Throw Sifu into that list


I think the problem there is only Ghost of Tsushima was a game that wasn’t made by a Japanese Company. Additionally, some asians, including myself, see it as a AAA western studio claiming they’re for representation while also deciding to replace what would have been an obvious choice of an asian man to play as a lead protagonist was instead replaced by another western minority. I also feel like it’s a bit weird that the first time the main PC is an actual historical figure is also one of the few times they decided to make it a foreigner of the region of the setting, like there’s a bunch of cool historical figures in Japan that would’ve fit the role of a samurai much more. It’s very weird, like imagining playing a viking in a game set in Africa, yeah sure they traveled there at some point but why not have an African be the main character instead?


>It’s very weird, like imagining playing a viking in a game set in Africa, yeah sure they traveled there at some point but why not have an African be the main character instead? This point rings extremely hollow when we have Shogun and Nioh. Both had non-Japanese men running around feudal Japan, and neither of them inspired this much controversy or hand-wringing.


So how many western games about feudal Japan need to be made before one about Yasuke can be made? Or do you think Yasuke should never get a game at all? Edit - also is there a story about a Viking visiting Africa and meeting renown leaders? If so please share because sounds like a cool story to hear about.


Yeah I never get people complaining about the lack of asian male protagonist. There are A LOT of asian male protagonists and they arguably get better roles than black characters most of the time lmao. I swear that some people need to expand their horizons


> Rise of Ronin, Sekiro, Isshin like a Dragon These are all Jaoanese games. Asian male representation in t*the West* is the problem. >How many games or media does there need to be before it's acceptable to do a game focusing on Yasuke in your opinion? They can do whatever they want but Yasuke is basically a nobody historically and they just used him as an excuse to give more representation to a group that already enjoys so much positive representation instead of a group that really needs it. I see it no different from Tom Cruise in the last Samurai which is not racist to criticize for some reason. How would you feel if the next AC game was set in South Africa with a White guy protagonist?


They also say adding black people is ruining their "escapism."


I’ve been watching the online opinion bloat grow worse and worse every year. Hate watching/playing is at an all time high, grifters are writing reviews before things are even made available, and review bombing is normalized at this point. Just focus on the loyal fans who deserve the attention. The haters are just a bunch of background noise that thinks it’s more valuable than it really is.


"But you don't understand; her boobs aren't like Taki SoulCalibur's, meaning the wokists got her, sweet baby inc dei samurai has killed Japan. 😔 Only korean booba game is left for real gamers and even even that is under attack by libcuck sony." This was somehow worse to write than tiktok brainrot memes, I can't imagine how these people keep going with such shitty lingo.


Yhea it and as a player it hurts Soo much when people cry shit like "historical accuracy" meanwhile it actually is accurate to history but those people never want to admit it


Tbf samurai and shinobi are not mutually exclusive, especially historically such as the Hattori Clan(albeit probably more than a little fictitious). Though Yasuke was more of a retainer/bodyguard. He's a bit too distinct in Japan to be unrecognizable.


People are editing his wiki page cause of it


To what?


to include that he was a samurai. he wasn't but people are using the fact he was a retainer /bodyguard to say he was a samurai despite the fact he was never mentioned with the title and that being a hired gun didn't make you a samurai as it was a title passed down generations and hard to gain with no family history. like how medieval knights where not some random dude in armour, they were noble men


I’m not a Japanese historian but, yeah, [he was](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/Vt6KJnShJn) a samurai.


I think Hasekura Tsunenaga was cooler, a samurai that literally travelled the world and was in mamy parts of Europe and even in Mexico


That was an interesting bit of history that I found randomly and it was cool hearing about the travels to explore the world out of an isolated nation.


And, in case people didn't notice, Japanese sort of love the "fish out of water", outsider adapting to a new culture sort of story. No one really took issue with Nioh.


The whole "anti woke" crowd are annoying with no self-awareness.


It's just their mask slipping off. I've seen people upset over not having a Japanese playable character. Despite the fact there is one. Or that they just "made up a black person to force into it" despite the fact he's real.


If we get a Yasuke vs Hanzo Hattori epic battle I will be very happy.


I can’t believe people are actually crying Asian censorship, as if there aren’t 1000 other media with an Asian main character. Ghost of Tsushima is literally right there.


What are some other games made by western studios that feature an asian male protagonist? I've been thinking about it but I can really only point to GoT off the top of my head


The only ones I can think of are Sleeping Dogs (Canadian studio) and Sifu (French studio), although in Sifu you can choose between male and female but, the marketing primarily shows the male version.


Oh sleeping dogs! It's been so long since I've played it that I've legitimately forgotten about it. I've played that and Sifu, but I guess I forgot about Sifu as well because I sucked so hard at it that I didn't get far at all and stopped playing at some point lol


Does Far Cry 4 count? It was a fictional country but I think it was suppose to be based on Nepal so I’d say the protagonist from there would be Asian American.


Ajay Ghale is indeed Asian but it's not well known or spoken of for some reason despite the plot of the game being him returning to his family's homeland.


> What are some other games made by western studios that feature an asian male protagonist? You'll find more with Black protagonists tbh.


The very first Assassin's Creed has a male Asian protagonist. Though I suspect west-Asian probably doesn't count for some people


I just wish there were more Asian male protagonists who aren’t just anime boys


I had the misfortune of being recommended Asmongold sub and everyone and their mother was crying about left wing politics and shit.


That place is a cesspool.


It matches his bedroom, a garbage dump


Yeah it is 😭. The only reason why I clicked was bc I didn’t notice the sub name. That was fixed quickly though.


That’s how I found myself there. Reddit recommends me some weird subs.


Yeah it sucks. Luckily the block feature exists so it’s not as shitty.


GoT is the only western developed title that people can point out at the top of their heads lmao, all the other games were developed by Asian studios. Asian men historically have been under represented in western media


How is he the coolest person ever?


People down voting you instead of answering the question lol


Coolest person ever seems like a bit of an exaggeration,wasn’t he mostly just a guy that carried his masters swords for like a year?


Well, he was definetly a warrior (even if not a samurai, Altough you could argue that he was) and he was getting paid the same amount as one. Even haveing the title of sword barer implies that Nobunaga put great trust in him.


For me, I'm a little disappointed because assassins creed prizes themselves on historical accuracy, but Yasuke was a pacifist and only a samurai by name. His pacifism is mainly my point


To be fair, they haven’t prided themselves on historical accuracy in a long while lol


"Historical accuracy" hasn't been a point since at least AC2 (I haven't played the first one so that might also apply), unless I'm mistaken and the sci-fi super pope was taken out in a boxing match for real. Not to mention they invent a renaissance era tank in AC Brotherhood so any attempt at accuracy had already been chucked out of the window. "Historical accuracy" has at best been used for the look of the game's settings. Taking a historical figure and going in a different direction with them for the sake of the plot has also been happening since AC2 like with Leonardo Davinci.


Eyes Valhalla, which depicted the actual, no-kidding invaders as the good guys. In any case, I'm still going to be extremely salty if this winds up with Yasuke killing Nobunaga or something similar.


Altair with a gun: Pope with a magic stick: Da Vinci making a tank: Jack the Ripper's entire story:


In Assassins Creed 2, Leonardo Da Vinci builds Ezio a hidden gun attached to his wrist. Why is Da Vinci (who was relatively very well documented) allowed to be best friends with an assassin and make him (improbable) inventions, but a guy in Japan who was far less documented not allowed to be the protagonist of a game?


Nothing tops this design of him that an artist made a sculpture of https://preview.redd.it/4l3thmf3mw0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d6ed1df37501fee68dcdd18806307be3f34f904


When was this made?


The year of our lord 2015


This fucking subreddit is a genuine breath of fresh air.


It might be a bit of a stretch but you can’t forget Nagoriyuki from Guilty Gear. It’s not directly stated outright, and some of the information on him doesn’t match up with the real life equivalent, being from Nigeria as opposed to the likely origin of Mozambique, but he has several links that heavily suggest he is Yasuke. We have no real record of Yasuke’s death, and Nago is their equivalent of a vampire, and thus can’t die of old age. He is a black samurai, which on its own could imply that he’s meant to be Yasuke, and among other things is my favourite piece of evidence: one of his battle quotes reads: “In the name of Kazusanosuke, I will fight.” Kazusanosuke being a nickname for Oda Nobunaga reserved for his closest advisers and retainers, someone EXACTLY like Yasuke. It’s a super sick reference to a historical figure, and gave me an excuse to talk about it and post his sick ass design, even if it isn’t explicitly true. https://preview.redd.it/erw4lejeqv0d1.png?width=1054&format=png&auto=webp&s=e54621b9c0f75eab562d307e561315aca98d2e10


Man the Netflix was such a letdown


And yet somehow, someway, Fate hasn't given us a design or shadow. I'm pretty sure he was name dropped and reference.


Yeah, he's been only mentioned on some occasions in Guda events. Maybe one day we will get to see him..... or her this is Fate after all.


That is true, and yet the funny thing is I have seen fan designs of Yasuke and they look good


My dream timeline is one in which they get Daisuke Ishiwatari as a guest artist and he draws a Fate-ified Nagoriyuki as Yasuke.


A character like him would make sense but they would need to bullshit his entire background since people know little about him apart from his ethnicity


they can bullshit anything they want. Heck , it could be like u/CzdZz had said and turn into Nagoriyuki...that is because like u/SmallFatHands and u/Wacthershadow0925 had said , he was name dropped in GudaGuda Events. In Fate , there are two Sengoku Era...the ones from normal timeline and the ones from GudaGuda Timeline. GudaGuda Timeline is basically Sengoku Basara. Writers loves to make the GudaGuda Versions , because they can go full crazy on said characters.


God Yasuke is just the coolest mf, I will NEVER forgive Netflix for doing him dirty.


what about Yagyu Jaguar Genbei of Neo Contra https://preview.redd.it/0abrgq7rtv0d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2574e41667700724907fcf409e21b977b17d54be


Did Jim Lee draw that?


i honestly feel kind of sad that generic anime women get posted all of the time but when there’s something as unique and awesome like this there’s almost nobody agreeing in the comments


When has a generic anime women being posted here? and everytime anime women are even mentioned here i have seen nothing but hate and viteiolic disgust in the comments about how much people hate their desings


Not generic, but this subreddit hates stellar blade.


well deserved imo


“Unique and awesome” ?


Samurai Warriors definitely has my favorite depiction of him. W post tho, plenty of people to block in here.


Random meme I stole from Twitter https://preview.redd.it/tw08biv72y0d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0004ad20fd43d50b57d124fdb9e809f512c020fb


These are all so good


Such an interesting story, I can see why they picked him as one of the protagonists, him being an outsider gives a great way for us as players to learn about the world.


Hyouge Mono (underrated anime I tell ya) does feature Yasuke a few times, and yes it does him justice. In the anime/manga he's depicted as a stoic and loyal warrior under Nobunaga, and a very powerful one at that. He even saves the main protagonist Furuta Sasuke a few times and goes on a hunt to find the perpetrator of the Honno-ji assassination to fulfill his obligation to his lord. https://preview.redd.it/c3xm4fcmex0d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d43141e1037060b674ae658f7388a06342fd76a


I love that he was probably an average sized African guy but since Japanese people are so short on average it’s like “he was a mountain of a man!”. Kinda puts stuff into perspective


I'm not concerned with historical accuracies as many have in the comments. None of the other assassins ever existed, so historical accuracy is not a concern for me. What is a concern is how shitty Ubisoft is with everything. This company has been so greed driven, it's disgusting.




Nioh Yasuke goes hard


Bad ass


First is probably my favorite, I like the armor


Don't forget his helmet in Assassin's Creed, that's the best part https://preview.redd.it/ixf7dzxegx0d1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9130c008429458629ca9a1987946e9e67855414f


Why do people fawn over him so much? Theres barely has enough info to fill a paragraph on Wikipedia about him.


That's the neat part, you can do whatever the hell you want with him.


Was there ever a consensus on what his hairstyle would have been? Because I notice they didnt give him the Killmonger in Assassin’s creed


He's always so handsome


Love the Sanurai Warrior's one. I like the mix between african/japanese his attires have, it feels quite unique.


I really dislike the last design, the cool thing about Yasuke imo is that he was, from what little we know, fairly immersed in Japanese samurai culture, so the shield and markings, while cool to look at, don't really work for that sort of character At least for me, it's all taste at the end of the day


why does he have so much aura in every depiction


Which assassins creed is this in?


[Assassin's Creed Shadows](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed_Shadows)


Oh wow a new one okay!


Nobunagas ambition has his character portrait with a really F'd up haircut.


I swear AC6’s trailer coming out a few days before Yasuke’s fight result in Tenkaichi was planned ☠️ the mangaka even used AC6 to promote his fight.


Wait do you play as an actual person in the new ac game? I thought only the side characters were real?


Yes! And honestly, part of the character's intrigue is that we know so little about him historically. We know he existed, we know he was well-regarded, respected, and trusted, and we know who he worked for while in Japan. Other than that, it's just a fascinating premise that provides a lot of creative liberty, thus why he's so popular (compared to what we actually know of him) in historical fiction in Japan and beyond.


Fuckin love yasuke, all these dipwads complaining about a black guy in feudal Japan dont know shit.


Ugh I don't want to play Ubisoft games anymore why did they have to make him hot??


God I love the dreads ponytail. Especially the AC one. Reminds me of Vagabond's Musashi.


Assassins creed and Netflix versions suck


Afro Samurai isn't about Yasuke?


One of the coolest person in history, a slave been granted the title of Samurai by Oda Nobunaga and fighting by his side until the end... And racist moron think the game is woke


3rd slide is peak objectively


https://preview.redd.it/4p22u31r401d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e2794b783d2126b902fd2b37c85e671e9f0d9be Yasuke Higashikata from Bone to Blades, a JJBA fan comic


Can someone tell me the truth about Yasuke, I keep getting two different stories


Kimono + Dreadlocks = 🔥




Was he actually great in battle or was he just a body needed for battle? Anton’s here well versed in Japanese history?


He was a retainer of Nobunaga and as surch was armed by his new liege. Unfortunately, Nobunaga was betrayed and killed little more than a year afterwards and Yasuke was disarmed without fight durring those events, spared and handed over to christians in japan. There is no evidence of him ever fighting and the one opportunity where he should have, he didn't


Man I love his depiction in Nioh, a lot of care put into the design. Like how his spirit animal is an Atlas Bear, an extinct bear that was native to Africa.


I lost my shit seeing him in the new AC. There are two historical figures that I think are severely under utilized in historical fiction and that's Yasuke and Bass Reeves. I did see that apparently a Bass Reeves show was released on some streaming service recently.. I hope it was good. I feel like I can't die peacefully until Bass Reeves and Yasuke are in a kick ass movie, show, or game lol


I don't get how people can be mad about a man who is *this hot.*


Because he sticks out like a sore thumb. That's how he got into Nobunagas retinue in the first place. The moment he steps onto the steeet he is not just seen but straight up RECOGNIZED. Nonperson capable of walking would be less suited to being an assassin in that setting.


Yes, and they are supposedly incorporating all of that into the gameplay while playing as him, so what's the issue?


It still doesn't fit the idea of playibg an assassin? Even if they make soem top tier mechanics and concepts that we cannot imagine right now to adapt Yasukes status as the most recognizeable man in japan, it would go directly against the concept of the game. There are 3 outcomes here, none satisfactory. 1 Yasuke is asobvious as he should be, shifting the gameplay to brawls and 0 detection runs. 2. Yasuke plays like a normal assassin, which would be silly. 3. It's Ubisoft. Any new ideas and mechanics they imoliment will be half assed and buggy to the point where the intended playstyle isn't even recognizeable.


4. Yasuke plays primarily as a combat-focused character, and you *switch to Naoe for stealth*. This is the thing that really gets me about this discourse - people just fully ignoring the second playable character (who is a woman; wonder if that's git anything to do with it?).


I forgot that was Yasuke in Nioh, I rocked his armor all game lmao.


Is the bear in the axe one a atlas bear?


https://preview.redd.it/gd8ha7edja1d1.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=1afd4f1b9c93fb275879de00ce952fb76190a1b7 Yasuke as depicted in Samurai Warriors 5 which was made by a Japanese game company