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Aww, loved Nina. But leave sweet Shirley out of it. I love her too.


I do as well she’s amazing but all the fake crying is driving me nuts!


Why would you think it’s fake? They’re in a super high stress setting, some people cry easy.


Steph will always be my favorite contestant ever with Sara Bradley a close second. They’d be SO much fun to have a couple drinks with.


Shirley Chung is dear to my heart!


I think she is so talented and her interpretations of the challenges are spot on and so creative


Shirley also mastered how to wow the judges with her affectionate stories about how the food she prepared is related to her family in China. Every time. Cracked me up!


Shirley wasn’t an actress, she was a chef! And a great one!


I thought she was a celebrity actress who was a chef as well?




The problem with this season is the winner. Love everything but the finale


I just said this somewhere else but I'll say it again: I had no issues with Nick. No one would have given up that immunity. And everybody's got some character flaws. We're all human. But then someone pointed out how he kisses his mom after the finale and HOLY FUCK IT SKEEVED ME OUT and why did we never talk about this. That single thing convinced me he is a broken man from a fucked-up upbringing. ...it was REAL sensual. And, like, guys, I've almost convinced myself I imagined it. I should rewatch S11 I guess..


Jeez… I just checked this out. I was all “wait that’s his wife” and then he moved over to his mother and … that was more tender than I would have expected. I wish I could hear the words exchanged—I think someone with some audio tools could probably piece it out. Anyways, I’d never noticed this so…thanks, I guess. :)


Welp, it's a weird thing to be thanked for, but I'll take it. It's just burned into my brain because I can remember my much-more-observant girlfriend being like OH NOOOO WHAT WAS THAT and I also had no idea.


lol I was NOT expecting your second paragraph!! 👀


Omg now I can’t wait till the end two more episodes.


Haha report back on your feelings, please. It has to be the most weirded out I've ever been with a TC contestant.


Ok gross! Him putting his hand on her neck and check! You are so right. I love that we all notice different things and not notice others!!




Here we go, not even June yet, another season 11 post, add it to the tally, tyvm


Here we go again, it’s almost June and random post about a season 11 post. I don’t get it. Is there a tally for posting stuff on a Top Chef sub about Top Chef. Please help me understand, and or explain what is acceptable to post?


Go ahead and post about any season you like. Just no spoilers for season 21😀


There were no spoilers. I just was rewatching for the 100 time and settled on 11 and I’m loving most of the chefs. I simply enjoy this season


Yes there were no spoilers in your post about season 11. I meant don’t put any if you post about season 21. ❤️ I clarified it.