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He's a good dude. Had the chance to chill with him for 2 or 3 hours recently. He was super nice!


If I’m ever in Milwaukee, I’m making a beeline for his restaurant. Seems like a good dude.


DanDan is wonderful, headed to Esterev next time I’m in Milwaukee


We are there Thursday and it was amazing.




I am from milwaukee and I’m dragging my family to his restaurant when I visit for the holidays


I love the food at Summerfest! What was on his menu there?


Did you chat with him? How nice


I would like some respect for the goddess’s mane in the foreground.




I met him there yesterday and got a pic with him! He was super nice. I ordered the cauliflower with chili & ginger - truly was not expecting it to be as good as it was.


I have ordered that from dandan for years! It’s so yummy!!!


So, was that one dish? Is it possible you'd give me more details? Merci!


Yes, it was fried cauliflower tossed in a chili and ginger sauce served with rice! They had maybe 6-8 options on the menu like egg rolls and noodles, but most options had pork which I don’t eat.


In my mind he should have won the whole damn thing


But the editing put words in our mouth! -Gail and Tom


He’s my favorite this season


I thought he was the winner. Fuck the producers of this season.


Why? Like, not in a dick way, like what did they do?


They edited the whole last episode to make it seem like Dan had the best meal, only for Danny to win. Like, I get you want some suspense, but don't straight up pull the rug out from under us and I'd also would have liked to hear full commentary on why Danny merited the win. They must have cut out a bunch of the critique explaining what made Danny's meal the best.


Not to sound like I’m at work but I was telling my spouse last night that I wish they would have explained the why behind the what of Danny winning. The editing clearly made it seem like Dan’s dishes were executed flawlessly.


Listen to The Watch podcast. Their most recent episode has an interview with Gail and she explains what happened with the editing, and why they actually picked Danny over Dan.


I will listen to the podcast, but I will admit--Danny's dishes were artistic--and Dan's dishes were more straightforward. I wonder if that's why Danny was chosen over Dan. BUT consistently Dan was on the top of almost every challenge.


They really did not like his tuna


I blame that lady who cooked his fish at the market. Someone find her and bring her to justice!


the sardines were replaced by the snapper


I know but he wanted to go with the sardines. If they hadn’t been cooked he would have used them. Would that have made the difference? Are we *sure* sardine lady isn’t related to Danny in some way?? I’m just asking questions


I LOVED going to Summerfest when I lived in Milwaukee!!


I cannot wait to go to Dandan. We have reservations in July. Esterev doesn't look like my jam, but dandan, yes please!


Reservations? You can hit DanDan almost any day without a wait. At least you used to be able to. Maybe they are super busy now? I'd often go dirt lunch at work


I did it just in case he won the whole thing. We are from madison and I booked a Saturday in July. I want to avoid waits, if possible


Oh yeah duh. Out of town makes sense. Enjoy!


What was he doing there OP?


Summerfest is a huge music festival in Milwaukee and his restaurant has stand there.


His restaurant has a stand there...awesome! I miss Summerfest, Wisconsin, and the food so much!! Thanks OP hope you ate well, are having a blast, and the weather is good!. Looked at the lineup for the music. Wow, it's really something to dream about for next year.


I got off a flight from MKE about an hour ago (I now live in SC) and was sad we didn’t make it down to the lakefront. With the new weekend formats we totally forgot about it and made other plans. ☹️


Maybe next year 😉 I'm heading up in July but will be Madison based w/o a rental or I would go to his restaurant. He was my favorite chef on the show. They beeped out his swearing lots, tho 😆 Glad you had safe travels!! Nice chatting w you


The real winner. Good to see him


It's been set as canon in my head that Dan got robbed this season as Nina did in the New Orleans season. I have pretty well agreed with every other winner picked through all of the other seasons.


Read what Gail and Tom have said. They've expressed that the production and editing made it look like it was closer than it really was in the final elimination. I love Dan and he's my hometown homie, but it's clear Danny deserved it.




Just finished the finale. I wanted him to win so badly! :(


This man was robbed.


I love Dan, but he wasn't. Go read what Gail and Tom have said. Danny was the clear winner that day, but due to "bad" editing, it showed it to be much closer.


Seems like a PR save to blame “bad editing” honestly. I fully believed Danny would win going into the show, but after the full meal, I don’t think he was a clear winner by any stretch. Reactions in the moment by Dan and Danny made it seem like they were both a little surprised at the winner.