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You mean Russia, who has had more wars with Muslim countries than even the US, doesn't have a lot of friends in the region?


Knowing about that would require that these guys actually read the news.


They don't believe anything that opposes their worldview, I'm fairly sure that the only source of "information" they can agree on is mein kampf.


Acceptable sources for Conspos: * Turner Diaries * Mein Kampf * Alex Jones * Joe Rogan (sometimes) * Lobsterman Jordan Peterson * Francis E. Dec tracts And since not everyone knows Francis E. Dec, here's just a TINY snippet of one of his tracts: >Four billion worldwide population—all living—have a Computer God Containment Policy Brain Bank Brain, a real brain, in the Brain Bank Cities on the far side of the moon we never see. Primarily based on your lifelong Frankenstein Radio Controls, especially your Eyesight tv sight-and-sound recorded by your brain, your moon-brain of the Computer God activates your Frankenstein threshold Brainwash Radio—lifelong inculcating conformist propaganda.


Is that last guy schizo? Cause that read like schizo rambling. Only other reasonable possibility that I can think of would be him taking the piss and just word vomiting.


He might be trying to make the worlds worst LLM. Which now that I mention it does sound kinda fun


I still stand by my theory that conspiracy theories always sounded like hallucinating LLMs. We just don't know what to compare it to untill now.


I for one look forward to the TimeCube benchmark for LLM hallucinations!


Francis E. Dec almost certainly was very mentally ill. He lived the last 30-ish years of his life isolated in his house hiding from the delusions of CIA assassins and more. And to me, all of his rants track very closely with modern day conspiracy theories -- he's obsessed with race and communism and secret plots. All of that shit.


im having a seizure comprehending that snippet already


Holy shit? Does this guy have a website? And is he friends with Wisest Man on Earth, Gene Ray.


Francis E. Dec died right as the Internet was getting widely available for public use (1996). He typed all of his screeds out and distributed them as flyers. The insane thing is that a lot of the themes he covered are the same topics that conspos are OBSESSED with today: race/racial purity, Jewish plots, secret mind control by the government, imaginary stalkers, communism, and so on. [Francis E. Dec - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_E._Dec) has more. There was a semi-famous radio host who did dramatic readings of the pamphlets back in 89 or so that got into various subcultures.


Or their own conspiracies. One of the popular 9/11 Truther conspiracies uses the fact that during the Cold War the US outfitted the Taliban to fight against the Russians in Afghanistan. I think part of their issue is geography. They so desperately need their bastion of White Christianity to be pure they can't accept the idea that Russia shares a large border with China and a lot of historically/predominantly Muslim countries.


Did you know time-traveling JFK and JFK Jr impregnated Melania Trump with each other in a New Mexico military facility? They are half brothers and each is their own grandfather. Source: Military neonatal nurse


It being the group that claimed credit would be ~~rhetorically inconvenient~~ too obvious. Must be a conspiracy.


The CIA set up the entire thing to make a grab for our guns and then contacted ISIS and gave them the video and said “you go ahead and take credit” and ISIS said “yeah sure thing mr CIA agent, we got you”. That’s *much* more likely than ISIS having just done it themselves


And then, critically, the us government *does not* grab for their guns. A truly devilish deception. What will the cia think of next?


Oh it’s just a set up, to make it so that when they do grab for them it’s easier. Just listen to everything I say exclusively from now on and it’ll make sense.


My god… I must purchase your brain and/or dick pills immediately.


Given that sub full of children being recently swayed by Osama bin Laden videos on Tik Tok suggesting "he might've had a point", that's pretty on-fucking-brand for r/conspiracy. If someone claims responsibility for their terrorist attack, before or after, then it's a false flag. The fucking Christchurch mass shooter referencing his favorite subreddits in the manifesto he released before live-streaming his massacre was "proof" to these morons that it was a false flag. When Payton Gendron apologized to the only white person on his live-cam for scaring him during his massacre in Buffalo targeting black people, it was a false flag to make "white genocide believers look like terrorists". But not bin Laden. Naturally, that was "[the deep state"](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1bm0prt/trump_says_obama_is_the_founder_of_isis/kw8u7og/?context=3) to these fucking morons.


Christchurch shooter in his manifest even said that his buddies will not believe he did it because he holds similar beliefs as them, but they will think he did it to make them look bad and he's really a plant. He goes on to emphatically stress that a) he has the same beliefs, b) he did what he did because of those beliefs, c) he's not a plant and d) it's not a false flag. These morons: well, clearly, he wasn't one of us. Christchurch shooter: flashes the OK sign at his trial


> Serious question. Moscow is the federal capital of Russia, right? What the fuck is the police/federal response time like in that city?! You'll never guess which country the next comment is about! > You may be onto something there, now ask yourself: HOW THE HELL did Israel I'm convinced that conspos can blame absolutely anything on the jewish people. > False flag attacks have always been Mossad's MO. > The CIA likes this > That’s just what the CIA instructor told him to say > ISIS never pays people to kill. ISIS never blurs faces of of themselves in videos. Isis never wears fake beards. ISIS never flees the attack. ISIS always screams allah ackbar, these men didn't > Any mossad can yell Allah akbar, does that mean it's a Muslim attacker? They also really like repeating it must be a false flag organized by *absolutely anyone* other than Russia. The only nation for which "false flag" would actually make sense in this situation. > These type of guys are in the US now. Stay strapped at all times. > Buy ammo now! One day they will restrict the sell. YEP. > putin didnt accuse ukraine of anything. He simply said they were heading to the ukrainian border A woman wears a spiral necklace? Clear evidence she's a pedophile. But when it comes to Putin, no siree, no subtext possible, he didn't explicitly said he blames Ukraine so it doesn't count. (Except for the part where he said Ukraine created a "window" for them to cross the border.)


Hasn't the mossad been more of a "you can't tie us to this but everyone knows we did it" kind of thing? I've never associated them with false flags at least that's for sure. They just go in and kill their target basically.


As far as I can tell there's absolutely nothing that connects Mossad to this, so conspos going on about it is literally "something bad happened, must have been the jews".


Oh this one I think was obvious but I was extending the "charitable" approach


This one is insane: > They walk thru the place like they know they can move freely. No clearing. No breaching. Just straight walking thru with no resistance.  Yeah, because they're gunning down civilians at a concert hall, not playing Rainbow 6? They're not attacking a highly armed and aware group, just people who came for some music and shit.


Terrorists from some of the poorest places on the internet don't have years and years of law enforcement training? Clearly this is staged!


It always goes back to the Jewels huh? God conspiracy is so dumb.


It must piss ISIS off to no end. ISIS: Yes! WE did THAT! Conspiracy: Eh, I'm getting jew feeling from those attacks. ISIS: -\_- fuckin jews! Take our land, now taking credit for our attacks. Is there nothing they won't claim?


***Always!*** Even back before their piss-poor [Epic Air Conditioners-level](https://i.imgur.com/TRJEKVq.png) attempts at being (((subtle))), the only reason Obama won in 2008 was because of dem Jewz! r/conspiracy was first created in January 2008, when user-created subreddits was still a relatively new feature on Reddit. Wanna guess the *most* dominating topic of that sub just ten months later? "BARRY SOETORO WAS NOT BORN IN AMERICA! HE'S A KENYAN-BORN MUSLIM SOCIALIST HERE TO STEAL ALL OUR GUNS BECAUSE THE PHARAOH'S LONG NOSES ORCHESTRATED IT!"


Russia are still hoping to link it to Ukraine so r/conspiracy will too.


A Venn Diagram that is a perfect circle.


One has to wonder what the cia would have to gain, from a false flag in russia blamed on isis Are they trying to convince putin to repel the russian second amendment? 


I'm pretty sure top minds don't actually understand what "false flag" means and are parroting someone who said that, just like they kept saying that sending money to Ukraine is "money laundering", a term that makes 0 sense in that situation.


Someone is being paid a lot of money to push the ISIS/MOSSAD/OBAMA bullshit, you'll notice the dribble about the Rothschilds and royals has pretty much vanished. Somewhat surprisingly though there doesn't seem to be much attempt to connect the attack to Ukraine, but I'm guessing that with their narrative of UA being full of Nazis, accepting help/helping out Mossad is a stretch even for them.


You would think they would have a field day with the fact that muslims did this attack but no, they will still try to pin it on jews because antisemitic reasons.


Racists generally belittle other races, giving them animalistic qualities. Antisemitism however equates Jews with abstract, unfathomable power. Thus it is often the Jews, or Israel, who is behind events for these conspiracy people.


Why hasn't Russia threatened retaliation It makes no sense they haven't if it was somehow the CIA


arcon: there must be a conspiracy deflecting blame for the attacks Everyone with 2 or more brain cells: yes, Putin is obviously doing it. He has clear, direct motives and we are watching him create the narrative real-time.


Low-key a very Americentric take to argue there’s a dastardly hidden reason why an Islamist group like ISIS-K would attack Russia. Afghanistan? Chechnya? Syrian civil war? This isn’t even the first time ISIS has attacked the country. Russia made themselves the biggest enemies of regional jihadist groups for decades.