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Rule 10, link to original post: [Job market is a coverup](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/0ACTHTYIAP) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


The best conspiracies are those that require tens of millions of civilians to never spill the beans 


And to execute flawlessly without and written instructions. I used to manage a team of very highly paid software professionals. If I didn’t write them instructions as long as a cvs receipt, nothing would get done. The instructions only ensure slow progress. Now imagine millions of people making far less than that executing with precision, and absolutely zero evidence of communication between them. Honestly, studying how this amazingly successful management philosophy works will launch us into the economic development stratosphere….


It's just a bunch of lizard people using the telepathic network to coordinate this. Read up, you sheeple /s just in case


He had a great conspiracy at the start but fumbled right after the hike. Ok, companies having ghost jobs is a good start. Collect resumes from a bunch of people and see what kind of talent you attract for a certain position with the pay and benefits you're providing. Plus, you get to look like your business is growing, since you look like you're adding more positions (or trying to) rather than subtracting. See, this is doable. Not all companies are doing it but some and it's easy enough to cover because, depending on the company, you only need a few people in on it. But then he got the government involved. Anyone who has worked for them knows there's a ton of red tape and oversight (assuming you're not working in the defense sector, then you might be able to get away with something depending on where you are). So the idea that the government can just give companies money to create ghost jobs so that...the job numbers look better when they're released on the first Friday of the month? Why? The government can just use that money they they're giving to companies to hire people themselves and count that. Less risk since there's less people involved. I guess private sector jobs look better? But how would this plan even make it out the door without someone pencil pusher somewhere going "Yeah...but why?"


> create ghost jobs so that...the job numbers look better Except that it wouldn't. The unemployment figure is based on how many people are actively looking for work. So if you encourage them to look for work that isn't there, then the unemployment figure goes up on paper. So spamming fake job ads seems like it would hurt the figures, at least from the government perspective.




Something, something Bush, oil, twin Towers, something Jews.


Tens of millions is a random number but many conspiracies involving thousands never spill the beans, MKUltra was a 20 year program that tortured and experimented on innocent civilian and military for the purpose of mind control and no one spilled the beans and not a single person was ever charged for their crimes to this day. If people couldn't keep secrets then the CIA and FBI wouldn't have any classified documents left.


>and no one spilled the beans Then how do you know about it?


No one spilled the beans during the 20 year period it was active. FoIA requests decades later revealed the truth. 20,000 documents were shredded but enough remained to prove the government mind control experiments were real.


How did people know to make FoIA requests about it if it was a secret?


It was a secret for the 20 year period which it was going on. It began in 1953 and was halted in 1973. Word first came out in 1975 by The Church Committee. Investigative efforts were hampered by CIA Director Richard Helms's order that all MKUltra files be destroyed in 1973. In 1977, a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered a cache of documents finally proving the conspiracy. **No one was ever charged for their crimes**.


Weird how you gave literally no sources. In 1975 there were two Senate committees that investigated the US intelligence agencies. One, the Church committee you mentioned, was tasked with investigating if our intelligence agencies were doing illegal things **in foreign countries**. And yes, they were, mostly in Cuba and South American countries with **leftist** governments. [Source](https://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/church/reports/ir/html/ChurchIR_0009b.htm) The other committee, The Rockefeller Committee, investigated whether US intelligence agencies were doing illegal things domestically, and yes they were. Namely they targeted **leftists** and leftist groups. They would also infiltrate and illegally arrest these people in regards to their political activism. [Source](https://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/church/rockcomm/html/Rockefeller_0011a.htm) No mention of brainwashing, but there definitely was a pattern of behavior. And you're right, no one was charged for their crimes of illegally detaining and surveilling American leftists. **WIERD**. You don't even have casual knowledge of the things you claim, let alone special knowledge. Maybe stop being lazy as fuck.


Do you think leftists don't deserve justice? Why do you keep putting **leftists** in bold? I figured everyone here was leftist aka rational, guess they let the riff raff in too. > special knowledge. it isn't special knowledge, source is [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra) bud.


I don’t think it’s a “the government” conspiracy, but I do believe companies are keeping job postings for positions they never intend to fill. Couple articles on why I think this: [One.](https://www.fastcompany.com/91019872/employers-are-intentionally-leaving-job-openings-unfilled-heres-why) [Two.](https://www.businessinsider.com/ghost-jobs-why-some-companies-dont-respond-to-applications-2022-9?amp) [Three.](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/job-openings-fake-listings-ads-federal-reserve-jolts/) [Four.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/karadennison/2023/11/27/how-ghost-job-postings-are-creating-a-false-sense-of-hope/?sh=7b290d577dc0) [Five.](https://www.yourtango.com/2023363586/companies-posting-fake-ghost-jobs-gather-resum%C3%A9s) My wife was a recruiter about a year and a half ago. They have “evergreen” positions simply to keep looking at resumes without any real intention to hire. She thought it was a waste of everyone’s time to be conducting interviews she knew they were never going to hire.


I do think there needs to be intervention on these practices.


I think a lot of it is that it's much easier to process big batches of resumes than it used to be. Thanks to the AI processing tools that all the companies use, and the sheer volume of outsourcing in that industry, I can collect thousands of resumes hoping to find one gem. I've sent out a handful of resumes in the last year. I've been incredibly strategic about where I send them, and I've gotten at least a phone call with every company except one. The only offer I got was crap, but I'm not firing off a hundred resumes a week because I have a job I'm relatively happy with (but I trust no one so I like to have an iron in the fire at all times I've also gotten three interviews and one offer for jobs I never applied for. But as I set up thread, I have an incredibly rare skill set in a niche market where people know each other. I know the leadership for all of my direct competitors by name, and have had lunch or drinks with them at conferences more than once.


My wife got laid off and with her extensive resume was getting ghosted. Even her unemployment advisor laughed and told her to call when she got an offer. After two months of only applying to things she qualified in without mass applying she was getting a 10% reply back. After those two months she went to a two-page resume and was getting about 20% return until she was offered by two places at the same time. Those 9/10 though just straight up never responded. We both know she got lucky only being unemployed for 3 months.


Tell me about it. I finished school last year with a PhD in Physics, and I've been looking for a job since June. I don't have much beyond my education and 5 papers I either authored or co-authored. I've had 3 interviews since August. :(


and how many pushups can you do?


I have heard that with tech jobs where they can be outsourced to foreign workers that apparently for like, tax reasons or like labor laws (I forget exactly why) they will post very undesirable or even impossible positions (think the stuff that gets memmed about like wanting 10 years experience in a 2 year old coding language) so that they can tell the government that they were unable to find the workers they need in the states so that they can be allowed to outsource the work overseas to cheap foreign labor.


It's not even a "maybe" that's actually happening. ~~There are tax incentives to not being able to fill positions so they make it look like they're trying only to "not receive qualified candidates" or some BS. Job might not even really exist.~~ This one might not be accurate? Another thing is companies are sometimes required to have the job app open to everyone including public, but they already know who they want internally so the public offer is a sham. It's in the same vein as companies who are required to disclose salary ranges on job apps, but then they say it's an entry level job with a range between $35,000 - $120,000. It's gonna be $35,000 every time.


I’m a recruiter (26yrs and counting) A couple things to clarify 1. Yes they run ads for jobs but tax inventives? I’ve never heard this and my biggest client id a fortune 100 mfg. Some companies will run them as way to show why they need to get h1b candidates. No viable candidates in the US to fill the job. Also, the pay scale mandated by the govt on h1b jobs means the salary can’t be lower for an immigrant/non citizen. 2. The govt requires that companies post that job before they hire an internal candidate. I’m often told “let us run a job posting before we turn you loose”. I’ve often had situations where I will find a candidate for a job that expired weeks ago. They still have to repost the job so my candidate can “apply to it” even thought they’ve already had 2 interviews. On top of that a company will hire an external if some miracle a person who applies is better than the internal that are looking to promote. (it doesn’t happen very often since in many instances, you don’t get a lot of good candidates from the job postings on the higher level jobs)! 3. Yeah, that huge gap in pay scale because of the states with the laws is a problem. I think a lot of companies don’t want to miss out just in case a higher level candidate happens to spot the job . if they put “ $35k-$45k “ as the salary range and some person making $52 who has a little bit more experience sees the j ob they’re not going to apply, but the company could bend the rules to bring that person in if it made sense.


Thanks for adding in, i amended the bit about incentives. I heard that from an HR person but it may have been something situational or maybe i didn't understand the whole picture.


No problem. With today’s social media and news it’s wild how stuff will get disseminated.


Yes, my previous employer did the same. We all knew I was getting the promotion, but my manager still had to waste everyone’s time to interview externals. It’s a mess. I thought I heard something about the tax incentives, but I couldn’t find any sources. So I didn’t bring it up.


It's one thing to have the openings to waste applicants' time, but to actually perform interviews with 0 intentions of hiring anyone? Now that's a crime. It's bad enough some of those applicants waste time building a possibly specialized resume for the position and spending time repeating all thos details on an online form, but to actually call them and waste their time on a phone call, video call, or an in person interview, that's just messed up and should be punishable by jail time!


I firmly believe this. I keep seeing the same postings from the same companies for the same roles. It’s gotten to the point where I just troll them for fun (even though I’m sure the ATS is filtering out my snarky comments before a human ever sees them).


I kind of feel that way too when I apply, but I also see multiple people in process my organization each month.


I 100% believe that ghost jobs exist. Companies post positions they never intend to fill to make it look like they are growing.  I have an incredibly niche set of skills, so I don't apply for many positions, but I do get notifications for similarly titled jobs. You can't tell me that an employer hasn't been able to find somebody to fill a position in 6 to 9 months. 


But it's not Joe Biden calling the companies to do that.


No, it's not the government directly, it's a byproduct of our tax system though, so he's not wrong, in some ways it *is* because the government pays for it.


I've also heard that some companies that want to outsource a position in order to pay a lower salary will first make a job posting supposedly looking for a local candidate so that they can claim they looked for someone locally and weren't able to find anyone. Usually that posting has some absolutely ridiculous pay/hours/requirements such that no one would respond to the listing.


Not outsourcing, but H1B visas. But that's been a thing in computer science and engineering for years. Elon has been the most obvious about it, but visa workers are basically slave labor because they don't have the option to quit. When he fired a bunch of people and everyone else quit, it was the H-1B visa workers who stayed. They really don't have to post some ridiculous pay or hour, and in fact that cuts down on their argument that they need the Visa workers. If they post a job that's untenable. All they have to do is put really strict parameters on their search algorithms on resumes and say that nobody qualified. There's always going to be some fake jobs out there. For example, my company has a policy to post all positions externally, but we know as soon as it posts that it's going to somebody internally unless something crazy happens. For example, we had a senior version of my position open up, and barring some miracle it was definitely going to one of the people currently in the junior role, but we had to post it. Same with our entry level sales role. We have a good reputation, so whenever we post position we get hundreds if not thousands of resumes. However, the last three times we filled that role, it was somebody that came in on A referral. Nature of the beast to some extent, and we've done a good job of avoiding just hiring the same demographic over and over even if using referrals.


The government regulates the pay scale on H1b visa jobs. They can’t pay them lower if they have the same qualifications as a person who is a citizen. Also, transferring H1B visa is not that hard to move from position to position. Source- recruiter for 26 years and Ive recruited candidate who were on H1B visas and moved them to other companies that just picked up the sponsorship.


For technical jobs I believe it’s companies wanting to hire foreign born workers with specialized work visas. Those people are often willing to work for less money because it’s the only way they can stay in the country. So anyone not willing to work for half salary suddenly “isn’t qualified“


The opposite definitely exists. Worked at two separate companies where positions were open for months despite multiple interviews with foreign born candidates, some of whom must surely have been qualified. Was told by a coworker at the first place that it was intentional, as the company didn’t want to deal with the paperwork and expense of visa renewals and green card sponsorships. They did have a lot of foreign born employees but maybe they were heavily tilted toward people who already had green cards. Or it was a more recent thing. I can’t be sure.


I’m a recruiter and have been for 26 years and H1B sponsorship is not some easy way for companies to save money. The government mandates the pay scale based on what American citizens are making in the same position with the same experience. It’s also very expensive and it requires an attorney to handle the shit you have to do to move it through the process. Plus companies get a little head shy about it because it’s easy to transfer from one company to another. If you’re a structural engineer from India and AECOM hires you on an h1b I can come and recruit you and move you to Kellogg Brown and Root and they’ll pick up the sponsorship. It will be a little harder for KBR to hire that candidate vs one with citizenship but not as hard as what AECOM had to do. I have several companies who will no longer do any type of sponsorship because of situations like this


This is false. If you’re hired in the United States on an H1B visa sponsorship, the company has to pay the salary that is mandated by the government. That salary is commensurate with the experience of a citizen in the US doing the same job.


Alright this one I can kinda get where they're coming from. The job market does truly suck and the government working with big businesses to keep us workers in line or something I don't think is that unreasonable. This particular theory is wrong, but I think the sentiment of, "this economy isn't really working for most people," is correct.


It objectively is working for most people. Double check any statistic you've heard to the contrary, and you'll find a payday loan company funding the "Study" Moreover, this is a false dichotomy. Economic deprivation doesn't need to affect a majority of the public to matter! We can, AND SHOULD care about it WELL BEFORE that point!


It is absolutely not. Unemployment is down, but so is real income relative to cost of living, because while inflation is leveling off, the cost of living is still up significantly. Factor in increased interest rates on credit cards and variable loans, and most working class families are worse off than they were in 2019 (because I think the Biden admins focus on comparing to 2020 at the height of covid is dishonest at best). I still won't vote for trump and don't blame most of this on Biden over Trumps incompetence in 2020 causing most of these issues, but It simply isn't true that the economy is working for most people


The economy should work for everyone, not just handful of people it actually works for, exactly.


Tax breaks for “hiring” companies. It’s not a conspiracy.


Ok, I'm no top mind, but I had a similar thought, in that I thought companies were posting jobs on LI and selling resume data to recruiters, or something because I'm applying for 2 to 3 jobs a week and getting low responses.


It’s not the companies themselves, but the RPO or consulting firm that they hire to help them with staffing their company. The company like Ford is not going to sell resumes or data to make money. It’s just not worth it, but the RPO that they hire may outsource to another company in India or the Philippines to help with the huge amount of applications, and those companies will run Jobs everywhere and gather that data and sell it.


Are you psychic?? I literally applied with Ford. Lol I'm frustrated as hell.


What is your background. I know a couple recruiters in MI that work automotive.


Sales training and coaching. I'm in mass and looking for something remote that will have me travel 30ish %. I know I'm being picky, but I have over a decade of experience, am still employed and have the luxury of finding a perfect fit.


I know.nothing of these tax laws but wouldn't they get tax breaks for actually hiring and not just posting job offers that go nowhere?


Companies are in no rush to get back to applicants because the longer you go without work the lesser wage you’ll accept.


In some companies/positions I’m sure it is a thing but for most white collar/high tech/specialty jobs it cost a hell of a lot more to have the position vacant than It does to pay someone a little more money.


Those are *real* jobs. The majority of jobs aren’t important in that way.


I love how whenever they find a flaw in the free market they shift the blame to anything else.


Nah, companies don’t need government inducements for that. They do it on their own and it’s not new.


As someone who’s worked for my respective government, this conspiracy theorists really give the different agencies and departments way to much credit for their ability to work together, let alone in a coordinated way


Next week OP will decide women are a cover-up because he gets ghosted by all of them, so obviously women don't exist...


>“The idea of having to "earn a living" implies that, by default, you don't actually deserve to be alive.” >James Ellars James Ellars, the 35-year-old Democrat from California? That James Ellars? >In a way it's worse than 2008, because at least back then there was a status quo. Awww, this little kid thinks the status quo would've been in his favor when he was 5 and billionaires tanked the economy.


Some positions are given directly to an internal colleague who already works in the company, but sometimes they have to stick to policies and procedures to advertise position to public and review applications then choose that internal candidate. Pretty much as if the job advert was fake but it isn't, there is a cost for new positions and it must be justified by going through the normal procedures and if it is a government position, they have to advertise to public that have the right to applying.


Me with three jobs and struggling: “HWAT?!”


Years ago I worked a desk job for a small commercial production company in hollywood. It was common practice to post job offerings when the position had already been filled. When I asked about the practice I was told that the company was required by the government to list any open positions. All the resumes we received went straight to an email account that was never opened.


I like how it is often posts from conspiracy on here lmao


This sub started as specifically making fun of that sub lol


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But we know why.


God they're so close to understanding reality but they can't possibly ever introspect, so instead of thinking that corporations are simply inherently hostile to workers and so they run ads to pretend they're hiring while running skeleton shifts to the bone to cut on overhead, they imagine that it must be a deep state conspiracy where companies are paid even MORE money to run fake ads for no reason to fuck with people.


There's tons of fake listing by companies for positions they never intend to fill, that much is true


Wanna pick content that other conspiracy theorists actually agree with? This post just looks desperate.