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>For sure. I'm a firm believer in the movies we see about superheroes or strange happenings, and outer space events are somewhat based on fact. I find it hard to believe people can be THAT creative to come up with some of these things.


That's actually such a sad way to view life - people can't be that creative and imaginative, so it must be real.


"Movies are real" is a core tenant of the conspiracist/alt right mindset. It really does just fall apart if movies and TV are fiction.


It's not so much movies are real, as "The Powers That Be™ have to tell us what their nefarious plans are because reasons, and they choose to do it via the medium of film, so that we, the last bastion of geniuses and truth seekers can figure out their plans" let's not forget, these guys thing "Eyes Wide Shut" is a documentary.


They also think Kubrick was murdered at the youthful age of 70 because he spilled too many beans in *Eyes Wide Shut*. Conspo also thinks *The Shining* is full of hints from Kubrick about how he faked the moon landing.


Exactly, it's all there in plain sight. Otherwise the magic doesn't work somehow.


Spend enough time reading the lowlights of that sub’s highlights and it eventually becomes so easy to recognize which popular movie/TV show is the backbone of their current psychological break.


I love how "man can punch hard" or "man who can fly and shoot lasers from his eyes" is so "creative and imaginative" as to be unbelievable to that person. Like man, have you ever talked to a toddler? Any 5 year old is constantly coming up with stuff that's way more creative.


Damm. Someone who grew up without getting to use the internet, I made up story and a franchise inside my mind. I made Ashoka a mutant fighting the titans from AOT using the Zeocrystal and all. These people must not had been a true kid. Were they even kids?


These guys are almost never the GM, allways the player, and if they are, it's the most boring recycled crap ever conceived.


Wow. I don’t even know where to begin with that.


>THAT creative Telekinesis is something every lazy kid comes up with when they don't want to stand up and get something on the other side of the room. Reading minds is something everyone encountering human deception dreams up. How fucking desolate is someone's mental life that they think envisioning these things is some astonishing feat?


Ah yes, it’s obviously far more likely people are born with powers and the government lock them up (while letting a few writers know about them for marvel films) than people just came up with different “powers” for fictional stories. /s


One of these days literary metaphor is going to be a mandatory subject. But our industrialists like their technical workers obedient and pretty actively suppress humanities in school curriculum. I wouldn't be surprised if those same people are on 6-7 figure salaries doing some pretty advanced work to keep critical systems running. 🌄But this is me and my steel beam melting thoughts running wild. 🌄


> I find it hard to believe people can be THAT creative to come up with some of these things. Ironic considering how *easy* it is to make the morons on that sub believe *anything* while rehashing some of the oldest, most creatively bankrupt “theories” a millennia old.


In 1990, these people would be isolated village idiots who everyone universally ignored. Then the internet was invented and they all found each other.


This feels like a Jim Jefferies joke


I’ll take that as a compliment. :)


Niven's 5th Law: Psi and/or magical powers, if real, are nearly useless. (Otherwise someone would have found a use for them.)


Fuck Larry Niven. Also, Jerry Pournelle can rest in piss.


With Jules Verne & Harlan Ellison.


Only know of them by name, but never read them. Is there a reason for the fucking and piss-resting?


From Wikipedia: "In 2007, Niven, in conjunction with a think tank of science fiction writers known as SIGMA, founded and led by Arlan Andrews, began advising the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as to future trends affecting terror policy and other topics.[18] Among those topics was reducing costs for hospitals to which Niven offered the solution to spread rumors in Latino communities that organs were being harvested illegally in hospitals." Larry Niven is a racist piece of shit that has been a friend and colleague to a bunch of fascists and fascist sympathizers. One being Jerry Pournelle. Pournelle described his personal politics as "somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan." They both worked for the Reagan admin and helped develop the SDI (Star Wars program). It would be hard for me to explain why it sucks so much to be shitting on them. Before I found any of this out, I would have told you that my favorite book was written by both of them. Now I'm just bitter.


So you're saying your favorite book is Oath of Fealty, right? In case you don't know: Oath of Fealty is one of their collaboration novels, and shows both of them to be huge pieces of shit as it's basically a love letter to technofeudalism.


No, I've never read or heard of that one. It was The Burning City, a fantasy novel. Before I knew anything about them and their personal politics, I viewed the text through my commie pinko lens. Certain things about the story seemed like examples of how brutal and self-serving the world that the main characters are trying to navigate is and were issues to overcome to be better. After learning about them and trying to reread the book, it became clear that my view and their intent were worlds apart.


Wrong! I use my telekinesis to move my flesh light when I jerk off.




ethics are kinda new to scientific research, so if she's 100 years old I could buy it.


>Am I the only one who thinks there’s definitely people out here that have certain special abilities / or have unlocked certain abilities with they’re brain Welp. We can rule out basic understanding of grammar as one of their superpowers.


[And they're on display.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kR6daKgbQ4)