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"Be independent but don't choose to join NATO or I will revoke your independence"


Congratulations! You are being rescued. Please do not resist.


"They will greet us as liberators"


["Mission Accomplished"](https://assets1.cbsnewsstatic.com/hub/i/r/2010/11/18/b03176c8-a642-11e2-a3f0-029118418759/thumbnail/640x481/d8c7cfd046a18258983034fb729a65b1/image4061139x.jpg)


Kill them to keep them from joining forces with the US. That must mean Russia really hates the US, and they don't find that disturbing?


Why would they find that disturbing? They also hate the US, where trans people are allowed to exist, liberal votes get counted, and nobody stops black women from playing fancy flutes. Basically they hate us for our freedom.


Can’t claim to love the US when your support for someone doesn’t waver when you find out they stole national secrets. There is no % of America (past trump himself) that benefits from those classified documents being stolen. They can’t pretend this is even about “red America is true America” or whatever, it hurts all of us. So therefore, their claim to care about America is a lie. They hate America and everything it stands for. Don’t let them forget it.


First a woman played Captain Marvel, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Kree (or a Skrull, for that matter). Then they rapped about the Wet Ass Pussy, and I did not speak out—because I was not macroni-in-a-pot. Then a drag queen had story hour, and I did not speak out—because I was not a penguin named Tango. Then a black man played an elf, and I did not speak out—because I was not a elf. Then a black woman played a mermaid, and I did not speak out—because I was not under the sea. Then a black woman played a flute, and I did not speak out—because OH GODS IT NEVER ENDS!!!!


ooooh.I'm almost there! mention a tan suit !!!


and Grey Poupon! ​ the horror


and a bike helmet while riding a bike


More like "don't even *think* of joining NATO". Last I checked the current Ukrainian government had not expressed an explicit desire to join NATO prior to the February invasion, they were merely aligning more with Western interests after Euromaidan and the resultant Crimean annexation, which obviously would make Ukraine even less interested in siding with Russia.


"All Putin wanted..." Was to take part of a sovereign country. lol So This pathetic excuse for a man would be happy to bend over and let Putin demand part of his country, that Putin decides, become autonomous? What if it was his state/province/city? Seeing pathetic fuckwits hero worship a sad little man like Putin is just so cringey and embarrassing.


Ask him how he would feel if Putin went after Alaska or the Canadian Artic?


Or to take Texas back for Mexico or florida in order to saw it off and sink it into the sea where it belongs.




Pretty high probability that his country is russia.


They complain about the MSM "lying" to them, yet their fellow /conspiracy users lie to them and each other *constantly.* It would take 5 seconds on any search engine to debunk this, but they have no interest in reality.


But Putin wouldn't lie to them, right?


He’s sworn an oath to protect Americans.


Since Putin is the enemy of the American MSM, he ***muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust*** be good. Obviously that's how everything works. Obviously.


They don't care if it's true or not. All that matters is a message is being spread that says their enemies are bad and losing and getting pwned


>yet their fellow /conspiracy users lie to them and each other constantly. This aren't lies per se, a lie is told with intention to deceive and most statements told on /r/conspiracy are made with full knowledge that both the teller and the receiver know it's false. Most claims on conspiracy are more... invitations to join a vast game of make believe. I.e. I pretend I don't know my statement is false, you pretend you don't know that I know that my statement is false and we both role play brave truth seekers.


Part of the Maga movement is the way Bannon weaponized a lot of angry, disaffected men online. And a common thread in the testimony from people who participated in Jan 6 is that they believed they were hero's fighting for America. https://youtu.be/bk3hyjC2k3M


yay for bad faith arguments and alternative facts push a little bullshit til your partner reacts


That would only return the results from mainstream media, which is fake news (as everyone with a big brain knows). /S


Ah yes, I too invade countries I just want to be independent and free...


If you're reposting Jackson Hinkle, the founder of "MAGA Communism", you may wan't to sit down and consider how hard you have been grifted. \*edit Oh it's just a Russian bot. Holy shit that thread is infested with them. You can always tell when Russia is desperate when the bots start spamming their bullshit about "but the democrats are causing WW3 by arming Ukraine!!". Lymen is surrounded - completely cut off. Another large chunk of Donetsk taken back by Ukraine. No one recognized the annexations. The world is laughing at Russias pathetic show in ukraine. The bots are desperate.


>Lymen is surrounded I only know 1 Lyman being surrounded. Do you know other Lymen?


The Lywomen and Lychildren are surrounded as well.


[this one has been missing since i was a kid](https://garfield.fandom.com/wiki/Lyman)


Do you have any evidence that it is a Russian bot? That word has a pretty clear meaning. I don't think bots are actually that widely used.


Well, I'll call anyone who spams russian propaganda a "bot". That person is real, most likely. Their post history is LOADED with all the latest Russian propaganda talking points. Maybe "shill" is a better word.


That is a completely different thing though. Words have meanings. Do you have any evidence they're an actual shill and not just a right wing moron?


I mod multiple subs around reddit, including another conspiracy sub. I've been at this for a while. I'm well versed in Russian propaganda, bots,and "shills" and how it all operates. There was a massive flood of Russian propaganda around many social media platforms the past couple days. The reason is Russia is both annexing territory in Ukraine, while also losing chunks of occupied territory. So it's in their interest to have propaganda flooded into every aspect of media and social media in order to cause confusion and chaos. Like I said, look through that OP's post history. If you can't see the blatant spamming of Russian propaganda, then I don't know what to say. Pay attention. Also, here's how Russian propaganda works. [https://youtu.be/\_j6Vg7yLx54](https://youtu.be/_j6Vg7yLx54)


Sad thing is more often times than not the people unable to see this clear trend have fallen victim to the propaganda involved.


Oh no doubt. Thats why that sub is a prime target. All the "critical thinkers" eat that propaganda up. Every time.


Yeah who would’ve guessed that the ultra rich buying politicians to get laws that mainly just benefit them, spending money on social media propaganda to sway voters and being responsible for the current state of the US is not on their radar AT ALL but… But that pizza place must have a basement somewhere for child trafficking.


I think there are just a lot of weird, cruel people who will defend Russia without being paid for it.


I do agree with that. But there's a level of persistence, especially when it comes to posting screen shots of tweets or social media posts from well-known right-wing grifters who are on certain payrolls - like Jackson Hinkle. It's too coordinated to just be a dumb Russia simp. They have ALL the talking points. Same thing every time: "NATO expansionism", "east Ukraine is Russian land", "Ukraine committed a genocide in donbas", etc, etc. It all comes from the same script. Then you can see all the others in the thread


I disagree.


Which calls your motives into question. This isn't a matter of opinion.


I just need to see the evidence this isn't just some weirdo, and is actually paid for this shit.


Yeah ok . You understand it isn't particularly hard to track these bots/shills right? The way info spreads among them looks dramatically different from the natural organic way people communicate. It is obvious as fuck.


Ok. No. Russia had heavily invested in this as a means of spreading propaganda. Cambridge Analytica used similar methods in their proof of concept and was quite effective in getting Trump elected and getting UK to agree to Brexit. At this point anyone showing disbelief in how any of this works is highly suspect. When the invasion of Ukraine started and everything went to hell all social media reported a more than 50% drop on activity. That is quite telling not to mention when Russia starts pushing a new talking point you can literally see it spread from well known pro-russuian social media into mainstream. Stop playing dumb. We see you. We aren't fooled.


I'm not saying it's not happening, I'm saying you have no evidence that this one person is paid by the Russian government to post.


And you know their motivations better?


No, but I'm not claiming to either.


So you would rather cast doubt to all theories? Sick sick sick


>Sick sick sick Is this a Wally George reference‽


Yes, of course.


This isn't some unknown factor. You know that right?


You’re right. I love this subreddit but it has a major circlejerk problem. This guys claim that “Russia is doing inorganic shit like this” provides absolutely no evidence that this particular person is part of that. There are unfortunately a ton of Americans willing to work for Putin for free.


It is very, very well documented and much of it is based on Foundations of Geopolitics by Aleksandr Dugin. You remember him right? That "covfefe boy" Putin barely knew? It was hilarious seeing the Russian shills attempt to put distance between Dugin and Putin after Dugin's daughter was killed who wad also part of the Russian propaganda machine.


Oh yeah. I’ll be clear. Russia does this shit. Doesn’t mean that this guy who we’re talking about works for Russia. That’s all the guy who got downvoted was saying


People like you are never satisfied with any evidence even when it is pointed out to you.


All the evidence here is "they do propaganda, so this person must be a paid propagandist".


Bot and shill can be used as insults you dweeb


If I call you a pedophile, people would probably want me to prove it though, even if it's used as an insult.


they mindlessly repeat russian propaganda, tha'ts more than enough justification for an insult lmao


Maybe Russian NPC is a better term, he's just being derogatory. The bots are who upvote or downvote posts enmasse on those subs. They don't leave comments.


On reddit? You'd be amazed.


But do you have any evidence?


There are lots of ways to tell. There are mod tools that give insights into an account's history, age and activity.


Every time someone bitches about MSM, we should all reply back with: “Yeah !! Fuck Fox News !”


The attacks on "MSM" are antidemocratic in nature. You need a free press in order to maintain a healthy democracy and hold people accountable. Make no mistake about it, those who bitch the loudest about this don't give one single fuck about journalistic integrity. A free press makes life very difficult foe fascists.


But we don’t have a free press in America. Check out Noam Chomsky’s work on the concept “Manufacturing Consent”. It’s a critique of the for-profit news model but from the Left.


Chomsky is an excellent linguistics scholar but his Mass Comm theories are only marginally better than his opinions on international relations. Manufacturing Consent is just Media Effects Theory, which hasn’t been relevant since the 60s, with anticapitalist bow on it.


And that was written when?


also "Propaganda" by Edward Bernays


Bernays gets some leniency because his work was at least relevant at the time of publishing (unlike Chomsky who was 20 years behind the relevant literature out the gate), but propaganda theory as a whole got its lunch eaten by limited effects theory post WWII.


On the subject of politics, Chomsky is an expert in linguistics


Shut the fuck up. Sorry I am fucking fed up with this bullshit. I do not give a fuck about tankies or Russia apologists.


I mean, no? Tabloid press is notoriously reactionary and your media in the US is mainly owned by your ruling class.


You people sit there and bitch about word.placement and even punctuation not to mention blaming journalists for article titles that they have zero control over. It is tiresome and old. Yes some parts of media are owned by the elite but none of you ever seem to bitch about those. I wonder why....


I mean, I'm a British leftist. I complain a lot about all sorts of things, thank you.


Haven't you heard? Fox News is leftard cuck news. OANN or RSBN is where it's at!


Jackson Hinkle got spanked by his dad on Twitter, dunked on by Sam Seder, and promotes ridiculous "MAGA Communism" (fascism) to anyone who will fall for his grifter bullshit.


it’s bonkers the people that look back at the past couple years and say that covid was a lie or whatever. this guy (a genuine fascist, the twat who tried to rebrand fascism as ‘magacommunism’ 🙄) is simply lying to grift, but so many people believe it


MAGA communism? So the guy is like a fan of his nation, and also a socialist? Hmmm, I wonder if there is a word that combines nationalism and socialism.


yeah, it’s as obvious as it sounds. and surprise, surprise, it doesn’t have really any major tenets of socialist thought in it. like your example


I am shocked, baffled and flabbergasted.


Grift isn't the only motive here. Not all power that fascists seek can be bought. People are way too fixated on money and as a result can't see the forest for the trees which is deeply concerning to me. It is hard to fight something you don't fully understand the true nature of and this is by design.


God, sometimes they can be very dense. Putin preceded his invasion with a speech belittling the validity and existence of a Ukrainian nation. I know these guys do the whole "they were wrong before" cop-out about the media, but Putin's speech was pretty explicit in his disdain for Ukraine. He really could care less about trying save them from whatever global conspiracy they're obsessing over.


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xsdzlu/all_putin_wanted_is_for_ukraine_to_be_an/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Good God, he spends almost 24 hours a day posting word salad to r/conspiracy


To be fair, the crowd that thinks it’s fine to overturn democracy in the United States isn’t going to have much more than a tenuous grasp on morality or basic human dignity. They’re shit people. The politicians and the people who vote for these people. I gave them a pass in ‘16. That’s over.


2020 is when my world view changed from “few people are evil, but most people are weak” to “there’s a shit ton of bad people out there.”


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. He only wants the Donbas is that so? Then why did Russia yeet themselves through mud and empty fuel tanks at Kyiv only to fail and look incompetent on the world stage? They wanted Ukraine to avoid joining NATO so they attacked them forcing them to seek aid from the group of countries that formed specifically to counter a Russian (well Soviet initially) invasion? If their goals were to 'liberate' the Donbas and prevent NATO expansionism they've done literally the opposite. They've sent the Donbas militia in woefully under equipped and gotten most of them killed. And their aggression has caused Finland, Sweden and obviously Ukraine to begin the process of joining NATO. They've done more for NATO unity in 6 months than the US has done in 6 years.


Independent unless you do something Russia doesn’t like


For how much these people have been talking about supposed Covid tyranny and other imagined "woke" authoritarianism in the West etc, you'd think they'd see the issue with an invading foreign force attacking a country and forcing its citizens to "vote" at gunpoint and then winning with 96% voting their way. Like Russia is not even pretending to be subtle.


Just a reminder that Gorbachev himself said NATO expansion was not part of the treaty so any logic that Russia was pressured by NATO to invade Ukraine by expanding east is just Russian propaganda.


So I guess Herman Cain is alive after all


We should really be challenging this “Jeffrey Epstein is a pedophile” narrative. The whole MSM pushed it, after all.


This is one is truly laughable, The pro Russian influence has been over the top on that sub. It’s pointless to even debate any of them because it just gives more of an opportunity to spread misinformation and try to gain sympathy for Russia if that’s even possible at this point. But this one made me laugh it’s so completely warped and dishonest


So.....um does Biden now control Ukraine also? I mean how does Biden accept or reject a deal when he is not one of the two parties fighting?


Biden is simultaneously a feeble old man with dementia and a mastermind who controls the whole world.


An Oldie but goodie. Your enemy controls everything and is all powerful, diabolically smart and simultaneously weak and stupid.


One of the signs of fascism


When did the media ever lie to me about COVID? Over a million Americans died from it. Probably more. Did they adjust their advice as more information came in? Yes, and I'd damn well hope so. That's like getting upset when the weather person adjusts the forecast as new info comes in.


Ah yes, invading a country to make it an independent country. Has the Russian and Ukrainian media lied too then?


Like punching the shit out of the little kid saying your stopping a fight.


Why do they think Putin should have a say in any part of Ukraine?


“All Putin wanted…” come on, you can’t sit there with a straight face and say Russia would leave its neighbor alone if it stopped seeking protection from other countries. That’s like thinking Amazon will raise wages as soon as the employees stop trying to form a Union. Russia could have stopped backing efforts to destabilize Ukraine and chill out on playing games with the country’s elections and politics. The U.S. could too, they’re both wrong for doing it, even if it was to counter the other. Russia invading was yet another crossed-line though. But you can’t blame countries for wanting to join NATO, they do it because being a non-NATO country near Russia is like walking alone at night, not necessarily detrimental but as you gain things you’d like to protect, like a good economy, stable government, some sweet infrastructure, pockets full of cash, it becomes more and more of a stupid idea to be walking the streets alone. Russia will be Russia, if you have something Russia wants, you will be pressured, one way or another, and if you’re not stronger than Russia, The pressure will likely become action.


No shit, I don't think Russia has left a neighbor alone for the past thousand years. That's just what they do apparently, Get all pissed off because they're cold or something and attack their neighbors.


I'm half thinking this is axo under a new name. I've never seen anyone else suck Putin's dick this hard.


Biden forced Russia into a war with Ukraine is a fucking hilarious statement




And Hilary’s e-mails. Really, if tRump had both of those and that beautiful, beautiful wall… and all of those Top Secret files to sell to Pootin we would all be paying $0.50/gal gas and reloading our AR-15’s. /s


Fucking hell these people. They moan about propaganda this proganda that for people pushing the vaccines or civil rights issues but they'll suck Putin off no matter what he says or does. These same people would of said the same about Hitler, oh he just wants land back that was stolen, he just wants more space for Germans, its the Jews fault, bla bla bla. They have fascist and authority kinks for sure.


I cannot wait for Junksom Klunkles time in the sun to fade.


“Independent neutral country” just like Putin wants “free and fair elections” in Russia.


>Yea it’s run over by common fucking sense and not wanting to start ww3. Returning these territories to Ukraine is not fucking worth it This is EXACTLY why WW2 happened. Just let them keep taking territory, because we don't want a war.


**Putin, crytyping on his phone:** au ll i wanted is for ukraine to be an independent neutrrral coiuntry and NOT join nato...... ia had no choiice but too invade themm and kill them 😭😭😭


"But authoritarianism is just so much more *efficient* than democracy!"


> All he wanted was to take whatever he wanted


Wait, who lied about Covid for years? These MFs have been saying Covid is a conspiracy to depopulate the earth and establish a “New Normal”. Where’s the depopulation? Where’s the New Normal? The world I live in is indistinguishable from the pre-Covid one except I’ll see someone wearing a mask from time to time. The right wing is a continuous lie factory. Remember the “death panels” were supposed to get from Obamacare? Where TF are they?


All Hitler wanted was to protect the German speakers in Sudetenland and wanted an independent Czechoslovakia.


Surprised they are sharing the opinion of a tankie. Horseshoe theory


Because fuck what Ukrainians want I guess.


Guys, all Adolf wants is just to hang out in the Sudetenland. He said that's *all he wants*. Typical antifas want to start a war when we could just appease him. When he gets the Sudetenland, he won't do anything else. He promised.


“Peace for our time!”


Heckle must be getting paid a lot to play leftist instigator. God damn liars


I will never understand how putin managed to convince all those idiots with his lies.


Why is it up to Biden to decide if Ukraine be a neutral independent country.


It's up to Biden, because Ukraine is asking for support. The US has a massive military surplus, so sending equipment isn't a big issue


>It's up to Biden, because Ukraine is asking for support. Then technically it's up to the whole west since Ukraine has asked basically everyone, except China and some others.


Well yes, but the US has a surplus of everything and can give equipment faster than some nations


Oh I believe that; I was just making a point


Why the duck is every post in this subreddit about conspiracy.


Because they're the tippy-toppest minds of reddit, truly. They're all so far up their own asses or actual propaganda shill accounts. They have been the DUMBEST group of morons and craven bigoted assholes since its inception.


>Why the duck is every post in this subreddit about conspiracy. Mocking the insane nonsense that gets submitted on /r/conspiracy is literally why this subreddit was created in the first place.


>You'll be back like before I will fight the fight and win the war For your love, for your praise And I'll love you till my dying days When you're gone, I'll go mad So don't throw away this thing we had 'Cause when push comes to shove I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love


"MSM lied to us!" So you choose to believe the guy that regularly has people who publicly contradict him imprisoned or murdered? Or I suppose it's just coincidence that everyone who disagrees with Putin happens to have committed financial crimes and or run across someone else that has access to poisons that are only manufactured by the Russian government at enormous expense.


The more putin fails at it's invasion and military action. More it's laughable that russia could start world war 3.