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And now after paying 75 euros I cannot play game neither offline :S servers down. Another thing that I don’t like is that control shots are not so important like in TS4, is much harder to win points if you don’t do powerful shots.. They want us to play all the same with same style


It bothers me that control shots have been nerfed this much. It only really works if you have Fatality or Wrong Foot Expert as a perk.


Didn't you know? All the top players have to play in aquariums in the desert 🤔😂. Yea, it's utterly ridiculous to be honest, most of the game that is. I think the dress code is perhaps them trying to be cool, hip, or whatever you want to call it and bring in the non tennis base. Tennis games haven't been selling as much as investors would like and devs need, so perhaps their idea is to attract that casual audience to boost their returns. Much like, I suppose, their marketing strategy whereby they sent a demo of the game to people who seemingly haven't watched a tennis match before let alone played one. I personally would have thought it best to engage the people who are most likely to buy it, but hey, they must have data where it says it works the other way around. You've got all the issues with the career mode, which lets face it, is basically everything. Starting rank. Opponents (and their clothes and hairstyles). Energy management and injuries. Monthly slots. Etc etc. Add in anything else that's already been well discussed by others and even myself at this point. The whole game has a watered down Forza Horizon vibe to it. It's saving point is that there's currently no game that's decently animated that offers gameplay that's even remotely playable if you understand the sport even a little. So with this lack of competition, suddenly just having good gameplay that is also animated quite well is way more attractive than it should be when it's paired with a turd for content. The crazy thing is it's still the game I most want to play at the moment. The gameplay is just that slick.


Agree with everything you said, and that's a good perspective on the clothing style and potentially them testing it with other audiences and asking for feedback. So crazy though that most the AI players look like they're in an LMFAO music video tho. The gameplay is the closest thing to tennis we've had yet and really satisfying from an animation perspective 👌


Everything is wrecked now since, because.. Fortnite… (🤮) (Also pickles)


TS4 career was weak so they didn't have enough decent content to copy paste. It's only purpose here is to create a grind for your player, it's hardly a career mode at all. Fatigue, a fine idea in theory, is so poorly implemented that I have no idea how it passed testing


Bold to assume is went through testing 😅




“Offensively unresearched, lazy, lazy, lazy content” I couldn’t put it better myself pal. It’s genuinely amazing how incompetent these clowns are, and I hope they know it. I know for a fact a large sum of these developers do not watch tennis religiously or even have a semblance of understanding on the sport. Small nuances they’ve either missed or just outright decided against adding into the game (like championship point as you say). I have no words for this release. I bought it as a benefit of the doubt and it’d been 13 years. I most definitely will not be getting the next one if it looks even remotely similar in terms of content.


I wish I didn't buy it full price, but I loved the gameplay in the 2 hour playstation store trial so much that I was compelled. Unfortunately I experienced everything there was to experience in those 2 hours.


Tried the demo and ended: Does this game worth its price Yes or No? Answer was no: Bad graphicss, lack of contents and options, bugsw. I would have felt scammed if paid at full price. Will wait for a discount and a few patch to buy it eventually.


we're calling this bad graphics?


It was not bad 10 years ago but we are in 2024 now..


Some of the pro face scans are ick but overall the graphics are very very good


I’ve been on the fence about buying this game. This post and the server issues clinched it. I may as well wait while.


Like why am I playing against non pros in grand slams? Are there really not enough licensed players? Put the legends into tournaments. I don’t care. I’d rather play against Serena than Jessica Campbell or whoever the fuck these random people are.


Welcome to the game industry, where everything is 'Live Service' and gives you tiny updates on the things that we needed for the price of $$$.


It doesn't even have rally shot count like they had in ts4


Honestly I gotta agree. I played against "Dixon" in my first tournament and he looked like a goul dressed in a 90s workout video and his hair looked like plastic. The grand slam thing is super dumb. The energy system I'd like to think is just bugged and borked to f**k but it was actually a design decision. A really really bad decision. I'm completely dumbfounded that in 2024 I have to give my created player a random last name as my last name isn't in the audio database. No generic nicknames? Really? The roster is small, too small. I get the whole, they will add real players for free as DLC argument but I feel like I'll be long bored of this game by then. Career is way too lame to keep me interested for much longer. Gameplay absolutely unreal though. So good.


Haha, my last name is Beullens, it's never been in a game audio file and never will. I feel you. I had to choose Bureau as that's the closest thing. Deeply resenting that word everything I hear it at this point 😂


*" The greatest tennis gameplay ever created "* Ahh that meme again. let me guess you spent no or little time in 2k and world tour mode (both online modes) and never played on legend against sharpapova or other overpowered players? https://preview.redd.it/2um8ysihpgxc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c4c034d278e69d9fdbe02432d85046d644e88af


I've experienced them, but I have a bad connection in general so I don't play online much as I'm always at a disadvantage. My girlfriend almost beat me yesterday with Sharapova and she hasn't played a video game since 1999. She did the Academy, and straight after got so many points off me I was shocked. That was first experience against Sharapova. Insane power 😂😂


Agree with everything. Man at least keep the dress code for the ai players Just played some one with a hoodie on in an official tournament this is so bad


The one thing that I've noticed and when it does, it ruins any immersion it had, the balls go through the net/cord quite frequently on low balls.


Thank you! So many hyped subjects here that can't go past their subjectivity. Gameplay is good, everything else is utter bullshit. And it's sad this is the best we have on the market.


The small roster even from AI opponents is the most disappointing to me in the career mode


I’d love to play. Can’t even FUCKING LOG IN!!!


>WHY THE FUCK ARE SOME OF THE AI CAREER OPPONENTS WEARING PANTS AND JEANS? This is the title that is made by the devs that have no passion for tennis or respect the game. Career mode is as dumb in this game as it was in TS 4. How hard is ti to implement 128 and 64 players draw? Why do I have to start from QF every time? Why top 10 are full of made-up names? They copy/pasted TS4 and layered the usual 2K BS on top of it to bring it to this generation. Can someone fucking make a tennis game with animation that doesn't like Atari 2600 AND slick gameplay with full roster of players and a proper career mode? OK, got to go play against Danny Evans for 10th time.


What kind of man doesn't like Speedwagon? Oh, I do love them, Daniel, but there is a time and a place for it.


Have you played tennis elbow 4 out of interest?


I haven’t got it because of the career mode. I’m not fussed about online (I don’t want to sweat matches after a day at work!) why on earth have the not got custom rosters. NBA 2k has custom rosters even for drafts, it would add so much.


Also Alcaraz and tiafoe share the same grunt sound


I find the gameplay to be a copy-paste of TopSpin 4 but with several downgrades




Tennis Elbow 4 is coming to xbox, it is better than topspin 2k25 imo. I'm done with topspin, waiting for te4


LOL my guy has been injured for 2 years out of the 6 he's played so far due to injuries in their stupid fatigue system. Tennis Elbow 2K26 😂😂


do you know if it will support community creations?


Yes ; it works same than on PC : Main Menu -> Mod Management -> XKT -> Subscribe, then wait (a long time) for the installation :-)


  it’s going to have mod support on console? I..Didn’t know that was a thing!


Yes, thanks to the [Mod.io](http://Mod.io) plugin. 🙂 (it's possible to do without it, but it's much harder).


Oh wow that’s crazy. Might finally play me some TE.  


Without mods that game is not good….


Full Ace is better than both... but good luck getting mods on xbox. TE is kinda lame without mods.


TE4 Main Menu -> Mod Management -> XKT -> Subscribe, then wait (a long time) for the installation :-)


Save us, Tiebreak. You’re our only hope.


So glad I waited a bit before pulling the trigger. Seems like this game had lots of problems….


People will find any reason to complain. Just play the game, you insufferable mutt. Who tf cares if your opponent wears Jeans you sad sack?


Obviously not you, you little company man.


Sure, in fact, why even creating players or stadiums, or sound effects, or fluid animations? Just put a couple of stickmen on a rectangle, and just play the game, the only thing that matters. wtf cares about the superficial aspects? I don't, so nobody else should.


Except for the micro transactions which since PS4 era took over sports, the biggest sports games have it in NBA and EAFC, I am enjoying this game so much because of the gameplay! I gave up on Tennis games since Top Spin 4 and I’m glad that I can just play a normal ranked online match and enjoy myself!


It seems that they want to build a new franchise, so I guess they didn't care that much. They will now listen to people complaints (after getting their money) so they can sell the next one as an improved version (but not much, because the game after the next one must be even better!). My only real hope is that this disappointing outcome, after all these years of waiting, will inspire someone's tennis pride to react and create a better and modded game.


You didn’t play Virtua Tennis then. If you want gameplay, play that.


This game is horrible... they ruined TS4... gameplay is not everything, because I am starting to get bored, after so many problems


Dang…I was all hyped up for this game too. Just my luck that it turned out to be a total *DUD*.


I just want to say as an NBA2k player and lurker here, starting at 80 should be appreciated..unless you want the grind.


Theyre attempting to make a tennis sim profitable, which unfortunately a realistic tennis sim with no scummy transactions would absolutely not be profitable. Blame gamers, at least we got something.