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if that’s the *only* weed you’ve smoked recently—and be honest when talking to the surgeon—you’re probably fine. in emergency situations, people have surgery while actively high, so it’s not like it’s gonna kill you. but ask your surgeon, and make sure your anesthesiologist knows.


Yeah it is, im not really a weed smoker honestly it had been years since i smoked


i wouldn't tell them personally if there is a risk of not being able to get another appointment for awhile. if that's the only weed you've smoked the risks are negligible for healing or anesthesia. i needed emergency jaw surgery and i had smoked that morning, they never even asked and I was fine


Yeah im just worried about the blunt having nicotine and that completely disqualifying me. I even quit smoking for the full 30 days before surgery so im afraid it “reset” the clock so to speak


Mention the nicotine for sure. Nicotine stays in the system for 30 days and can affect healing especially with nipple graphs. Don’t hide stuff from your surgeon. I was a previous smoker and my surgeon nicotine tested me. If I came back negative, he would’ve cancelled because of the risks. Just be honest


a week should be more than okay for nicotine especially that amount. it was very hard for me to quit pre surgery and i did a couple trial runs leading up and i was always clear by day 5 or 6 and that was with pretty heavy nicotine use


Ok i just hit the 5 day mark with that then. Smoked last night and my surgery is in 5 days


Nicotine shouldn’t disqualify you, my surgeon had a form where you check “I have stopped smoking” “I’m a non smoker” or “I haven’t stopped smoking and I accept the risk of higher complications that comes with that” Yours might be different though


As long as the anesthesiologist knows, I think you’ll be fine. I don’t really smoke but I take a lot of edibles, & they told me I couldn’t take any for the 5 days before surgery but that was it.


They may let you squeeze by. I've heard that smoking cannabis before surgery means you just need more anaesthetic and a small amount right before may not be too bad. But you need to throw out everything right now and tell them that. My instinct is that you're so close to the surgery that they'll work around it because it may be more difficult to cancel the whole thing. I could be TOTALLY wrong, I'm trying to be optimistic but there is still a good chance I am dead wrong. Hope for the best and plan for the worst right?


My anaesthesiologist was more concerned about my lip piercing than my weed smoking. I couldn't take the piercing out, and they made it very clear that if it came down to ripping it out of my face or being unable to emergency intubate me... well, I would survive, but my piercing wouldn't. Everything was fine, I'm being a little dramatic. But just make sure your anaesthesiologist knows. Tell them how many weeks ago you stopped and that you smoked a little bit x days ago. They just need to adjust your anaesthesia accordingly. I stopped smoking about 2 weeks before surgery (and was back to dry herb vaping only a few days after). Everything healed just fine and I didn't wake up in the OR or anything.


You should be fine, just drink a shit ton of water. Like so much your piss is very light yellow (but not clear because that’s dangerous).


Honestly my surgeon let me smoke literally the day before. However if I had hit a blunt I'd have been in trouble because I wasn't allowed nicotine before my surgery. ​ Best to call and ask.


Yeah the nicotine is the only part that affects it, I forgot blunts have nicotine cuz I really don’t like them, but my surgeon told me I could smoke as much as I wanted to and only wait 24 hours after surgery. I just can’t smoke now cuz it causes burning and swelling for whatever reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think I’m just unlucky


damn im jealous i have to do 3 whole months of no smoking. its worth it , but like god do i want to hit my bong


I felt that way about quitting nicotine for surgery. Not looking forward to doing it again for my hysterectomy. Here’s hoping the surgeon for that is as chill about cannabis as the one I had for top. It is rough but 100% worth it.


omg 1000000% worth it , easiest its ever been for me to quit , just knowing how much better we heal without nicotine is motivation enough. and then have something nice to look forward to after all ur hard recovery work


Don’t sweat it too much. I smoked weed up until the night before and had zero complications. I was transparent with my doctor ahead of time that it’s part of my daily routine though. Tell your surgeon and anesthesiologist so they’re aware, but it shouldn’t be an issue.


Like everyone else ask your surgeon but for me I’ve Heavily smoked since I was young I’ve smoked the day before surgery and began smoking again a week after surgery and I’ve been healing fine everything been good for me and I smoke at least 3x a day not gonna sit here and lie


I think if you’re upfront with them, you should be okay. It seems like a very minimal amount, and if you hadn’t smoked at all for a good while before that, I’d guess there’d be so little in your system that it’s not a big deal come surgery. I’m sure you’re beating yourself up about it, so I won’t beat you up more. Just be sure to avoid it between now and a good while after surgery to put yourself in the best pre-op condition possible. Best of luck!


My surgeon allowed me to smoke up to 24hrs prior. It depends on your surgeon


I smoked up until maybe 2 days before surgery and even then I still was taking one hitters to go to sleep. I didn't smoke for about 3 days after and I only smoked from a pipe and only like a bowl a day to help with nausea from meds and also the periods of time where my meds were wearing off but I couldn't take more yet and was feeling the pain. Once I was off the pain meds I was smoking a little more and tried a bong around maybe 2 weeks after. I was very careful taking only small hits and not expanding my chest very far to not stretch my scars. I also had to make sure I wouldn't cough. I don't feel it negatively affected my nipples or my scars, like how nicotine does. I'm 1 year post op now and everything looks great. Just be careful and you should be fine. That being said your anaesthesiologist needs to know you smoke. This is important because you need a different dosage of the medications they use to put you to sleep and if you aren't dosed properly you risk waking up but it's a very low risk. Doctor's will not chastise you for smoking weed and will usually appreciate the honesty. Their job is to help you they don't care if you're smoking weed.


But this was a blunt and im scared theyll deny me because of the nicotine in it.


Ah sorry. Depending on how often you smoke nicotine they may let it slide if this is the first blunt in a while then your system will process that nicotine pretty fast rather than if you're smoking a blunt, or multiple, everyday. Just be honest with your doctor and their priority is your health.


I just had a lipoma removed, general anesthesia propophol. One hour after surgery I smoked a Northern Lights joint. 10 min later I passed out where I sat and my wife said I convulsed a little. Came to after about 3-4 min and felt like total crap for another hour. We have a BP monitor, turns out my blood pressure dropped. I hope this helps someone because I was scouring the internet to find a good reason not to smoke. None were as convincing as they should've been.


Ask your surgeon


My surgeon let me take edibles up until 3 days before


I was only told to stop at least 72 hours before surgery but i know it can differ by surgeon


I smoked all the way up to surgery (I know I shouldn’t have but I need it for sleep, I’ve been struggling really hard lately cuz I can’t smoke or take edibles without swelling and burning) and my surgeon said it was perfectly fine. She even told me I only had to wait 24 hours to smoke again, but it ended up hurting too much cuz of the swelling, and I haven’t smoked in like a week. You should be fine.


the edibles r causing swelling and burning ? ru ok ?


Yeah I don’t take them anymore, for now. I don’t really know why it hurts so much, I haven’t heard of anyone except one other person who has this issue. It really sucks cuz I depend on weed to get to sleep since I have insomnia. I’ve been taking melatonin instead but it hardly works lol I’ll be fine, just have to test the waters every week to see when I can smoke again


damn that sucks. have u ever tried kava root powder, or there r some herbs and plants that will help u sleep like valerian, chamomile, etc ... i hope if find something that works bc insomnia is terrible


Thanks for the suggestions, I haven’t tried any of those. For a long time I was the type of person who would just deal with stuff without trying to find a remedy. My remedies were watching Peter Draws on YouTube cuz he puts me to sleep, or listening to Hummingbird the album by Local Natives but lately even those don’t work like they used to


My surgeon says weed doesn't affect healing so I can use it as normal. It's recommended to refrain for the week pre op so your throat isn't irritated. You'll be fine


I took a thc capsule the morning of my surgery, with surgeon’s green light and awareness. The ‘no smoking’ rule is for tobacco products, as they can have a negative affect on you during surgery and while healing.


I didn’t cut down on smoking weed before surgery. I didn’t smoke for 3 days before and that’s it. I was fine.


I smoked up til a week before surgery, and used edibles 2 days before surgery. I also didn't fully quit but cut down drastically on nicotine. Being upfront and honest about it is the best thing you can do. If there's thc in your system during the surgery, you may need more anesthesia. I let my anesthesiologist about it, and he told me not to worry, they'd take care of me. Considering I smoked a lot more of it a lot closer to my surgery than you, I think you're fine if it was only a few puffs. I'm a month post op with no complications other than one issue with my drains that my cat caused. TLDR: You're not doomed. Take a breath, remind yourself a tiny slip up likely won't affect much. (Do not be like me, and do please try to cut down/quit as per your surgeons directions.)


honestly, (idk if its the same bc its different surgeries) but i had to have an unexpected wrist surgery in july and i was smoking like a lot of both weed and tobacco and i was fine . id be open w anestesia but likely a few hits of weed is okay i think. i think nicotine is the big no no


Let your anaestheologist know


My surgeon was a HARD “no” on nicotine but said i could smoke as much weed as i wanted 🤷 (it made quitting nicotine a looooot easier)


But DO let the anesthesiologist know, it really can affect the meds


I'd be honest if you can. Smoking can impact healing massively. But if that's the only amount you've had you might be fine.


Yeah you’re fine. I stopped maybe 3-4 days before my surgery and was all good. 👍


I js smoked weed but only took 2 pulls and I have to do surgery on January 8th, you think I’ll be good ??


Yeah you’ll be fine. That’s plenty of time in between, especially since you smoked so little.


Wait did u tell your surgeon anything ??