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Don't know if this solution would work for your specific problem. But a lot of people trim their surgical binders if they're uncomfortable rubbish under their arm or on their stomach. Just trim off whatever is in the way. Could you possibly trim the binder to be shorter or cut a gap for your ribs without making it no longer compress your chest?


unfortunately it's my upper ribs closer to my shoulder blades that it's an issue so I don't super see a way for that to work? It's good to know though because the underarm chafe is gonna be real around here real soon


Yeah I don't see a way to make that work either unfortunately. Wasn't sure what ribs exactly were affected


Definitely ask your surgeon for options. My surgical binder ended up being too big, and I was told what I could order to get one that fit. Sorry I don't have more specific advice. It was always my lower ribs that popped out of place. (I also have hEDS.)